Casey "really did" expect her mom to stand by her, Here's why:

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well i say someone get trish on the horn and have her hire marlee matlin as our very own personal lip reader! kidding but still a good idea.
Casey really did expect her mom to stand by her and believe her monstrous accusations about GA, Here's why IMO:

After watching ICA's angry crying jag when her mother left the stand Saturday and did not acknowledge her, I realized that ICA "really did" expect her mother to stand by her and not GA. She honestly did not expect CA to walk past her and not even look, and then to go back and hug GA.
These have probably been ICA's thoughts since she decided to put all the blame on GA:

****I've lied so much before and she always believed "me".....she'll believe me now

****Dad has been in so much trouble with mom before....the gambling/money !! problems he created during their marriage
and mom was always madder than hell at him.....she'll believe "me" cause I've never created any problems like that

****Mom's not ever really happy with dad......she loves "me" more than dad

****Dad and mom have separated before and mom wasn't happy with him then and she and "I" stuck together....she'll stick by me

****When I lied about working at Sports Authority and other stuff, and dad found out, she stuck up for ""me, against dad......she'll stick by me"][/URL]

JM:twocents: Any other thoughts please weigh in.

Great points!

Regarding what I bolded in your quote above, isn't it interesting that KC was so jealous of Caylee and how much her parents loved Caylee, NOW she has come a full 360 and realized that Cindy's bond with George is way more than KC thought.

I'm sure she thought with Caylee out of the way, not only would KC get to live Bella Vita, but she would be Cindy's pet once again. "Surprise surprise KC".
Everybody really IS concerned about Caylee and what happened to her.
That crying fit sure gave us a good opportunity to see the difference between when ICA is REALLY crying (out of anger and frustration, yes, but there were some real tears and her face and eyes were red) versus the FAKE crying (dab tissue near eyes, examine tissue, dab again, poke eyes with finger, dab again, examine tissue) that you see when Caylee is discussed or shown.

I do think she expected Cindy to support her story. But this one apparently has gone too far.

Perhaps the three years without ICA living with them have helped CA and GA rediscover the world of reality.


(above BBM and changed text color)
That is hilarious! :lol: :lol: Such an apt description.
You're entitled to your theory, but the state charged murder, and with the DP. If your theory were true, or possible, I should think the state would have charged her differently. After all, they have the evidence.

I know it's hard to believe, but women do sometimes murder their children. It IS possible, no matter how much we can't comprehend it.

Just one of two theories I toss back and forth. The prosecution may be correct.
Try this post by Smolea.

Thank you soooo much. :tyou:

(Obviously, I couldn't read along last week.)
Awesome we have some lip readers at work.

Now I have to think about that translation. wowza!

:crazy: what a world swirling in her head! :crazy:

My apologies ahead of time, but there's no other way to explain it than to be graphic:

The chloroform/duct tape "accidental" theory (something bad happened): KC needs sitter. Chloroforms Caylee. Places duct tape on mouth to keep her quiet in case she wakes up, and leaves her in the trunk of her car. Caylee semi-wakes-up and she is nauseous, vomits and aspirates. Jimmy Hendrix died that way. So did Janis Joplin.... even though they DIDN'T have their mouths covered with duct tape. Yes, they weren't "chloroformed", but they overdosed and overdoses make you vomit. Maybe Casey used a bit too much chloroform - this time.

Under this scenario with the duct tape she could have aspirated simply by crying, as well. This was always my theory but now I come to view it not just as aggravated manslaughter, but murder.
I was sooooo glad to hear CA to tell the truth about the ladder. I think it's going to be one of the key facts that get ICA convicted.

It wouldve surprised me if Cindy would've said she forgot the ladder. She seems like a conscientious type as far as little children/ If Caylee had a Mother, it was more Cindy I think. Such as when she said to Caylee no you have to eat first, because she didnt eat much at her Mothers. She was VERY conscientious in her care of Caylee. Its really a shame she couldnt have gotten custody of Caylee:( She would have her in a nice pre school,etc right now. I also dont think GA forgot the ladder either. It seems like he was very picky about the back garden area. I dont think he would leave a ladder up against a pool. It sounds like it was easy to remove it. yes, there goes ICA's alibi.
Very true, and I hope ICA realizes that while she is in jail this weekend, feeling royally screwed, that everyone else is bbqing and having get togethers, that she will never see again. Enjoy your weekend ICA, thanks for standing up for Caylee GA and CA, and thanks for being the incompetent attorney that you always have been Baez.

What the heck is CM there for???? Havent quite figured that one out, other than playing the old card.

CM is there because Baez is not DP qualified. In order to try a Death Penalty case on your own, you must have experience. JB is not allowed to try this case without a death penalty qualified Attorney- That's where CM comes in. CM is basically an adviser and you will not see much from him other than to whisper in JB's ear to advise the next move.

When JB finish this case, he can then add it to him resume and try other cases (god help those clients). :loser:
If you look at the video of Casey's can see at the beginning that Baez keeps pointing his finger into the table & then turns and walks out ..I think that he took her word for the abuse..he says it didn't work...I think he thought that both Tony & Cindy would turn on George...Too bad he is such a bad lawyer..the "Secrets" duh I never said sexual abuse...Casey told me her dad physically abused way sexually Her lies will crumble before her...I think C&G attorney motion tomorrow at 8:30 is to get Baez to stop asking George about the sexual abuse...or to proffer the witnesses that will verify her claims..including Casey herself...I hope they make this so called Juanie Cochran stop his lies.
Jeff Hopkins did exist but he does not have a son named Zach.


And wasn't he a friend/acquaintance of Lee's in High school? He knew Casey, but barely. He did work at Universal but quit in 2001-
I think I'm remembering that correctly.
Yes. He needs to zip it.

Agreed, just to be on the safe side....don't want to give JB anything to use for a mistrial or for an appeal....wish they'd all realize this! This case is way too important for something like that to happen!
Following Casey's tirade on Saturday, DS told her to "Give her (Cindy) a chance" when ICA said that her mother would support her. Clearly, Casey's got the DT wrapped around her little finger, and shame on them for convincing ICA that her parents, especially Cindy would continue to defend Casey regardless of the extent of her deceit. DS probably reassured ICA that JB would "rehabilitate" Cindy on cross-examination and all would be well again in Casey's world.

Sadly, this is what happens when a sociopath or borderline is continually enabled because it's usually easier than dealing with their wrath on a continual basis. I know this because my family, especially my late mother, walked on eggshells with my borderline sister, and it's not pretty. Sometimes, it's just simpler for everyone to placate the individual in order to keep the peace. I have a feeling that this is the way that the Anthonys chose to handle Casey, and they've finally had enough. jmo


:wave: I just got done making a post in the Anthony Psychological thread and it is all about "egg shells" and family walking on them. I had this thread open and a few others. I had not gotten to your post yet, I just did and here you have written about the same thing. You did it first, though and then I wrote about the same thing. Well, anyway I can relate.

It is precisely this reason: walking on egg shells, that I guess Casey thought her mother would do just as she wished. I asked about it in the psych thread, to understand the dynamic better.

I am not a Cindy fan now or anything even close to that, it is just I have seen Casey do a switch up in front of my eyes: no Nanny. Wha? George abused her...accidental drowning...diabolical...isn't that what Jesse said? Well, did or not I will say it again: diabolical.

Casey needs to be blameless, her downfall is she cannot be seen as anything less than perfect. She is not even responsible for not knowing Caylee had gotten outside and into the pool-somehow that is George's fault because he was there also and grandpa trumps

Anyway...egg shells. :therethere:
I thought CA testified really well Saturday and I'm looking forward to Tuesday court. I have noticed that the times Casey cries it's usually someone talking about her.....not Caylee.....funny kind of mother

:wave: I just got done making a post in the Anthony Psychological thread and it is all about "egg shells" and family walking on them. I had this thread open and a few others. I had not gotten to your post yet, I just did and here you have written about the same thing. You did it first, though and then I wrote about the same thing. Well, anyway I can relate.

It is precisely this reason: walking on egg shells, that I guess Casey thought her mother would do just as she wished. I asked about it in the psych thread, to understand the dynamic better.

I am not a Cindy fan now or anything even close to that, it is just I have seen Casey do a switch up in front of my eyes: no Nanny. Wha? George abused her...accidental drowning...diabolical...isn't that what Jesse said? Well, did or not I will say it again: diabolical.

Casey needs to be blameless, her downfall is she cannot be seen as anything less than perfect. She is not even responsible for not knowing Caylee had gotten outside and into the pool-somehow that is George's fault because he was there also and grandpa trumps

Anyway...egg shells. :therethere:

I don't have time to read all of the threads and proably haven't looked at the psychological thread in a very long time. I use the term "walking on eggshells" from the book about people with Borderline Personality Disorder:

Stop Walking on Eggshells : Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder by: Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger

I read this book when it was first published but wish that it had been available when my youngest sister was first diagnosed with this extremely difficult personality disorder that impacted anyone and everyone with whom she came in contact for many years. I highly recommend the book.

While we don't know if Casey has been identified as Borderline, she certainly displays many of the characteristics that are prevalent in this severe personality disorder. Her behaviors have had a deleterious effect on others for a very long time. jmo
If the state is moving forward in chronological order, will they have Cindy come back to the witness stand again as they did with George? I don't know how either of them are going to make it through the trial without breaking down completely.
I don't have time to read all of the threads and proably haven't looked at the psychological thread in a very long time. I use the term "walking on eggshells" from the book about people with Borderline Personality Disorder:

Stop Walking on Eggshells : Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder by: Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger

I read this book when it was first published but wish that it had been available when my youngest sister was first diagnosed with this extremely difficult personality disorder that impacted anyone and everyone with whom she came in contact for many years. I highly recommend the book.

While we don't know if Casey has been identified as Borderline, she certainly displays many of the characteristics that are prevalent in this severe personality disorder. Her behaviors have had a deleterious effect on others for a very long time. jmo

I second your recommendation. Fine book, answers lots of questions and helps with survival.
Following Casey's tirade on Saturday, DS told her to "Give her (Cindy) a chance" when ICA said that her mother would support her. Clearly, Casey's got the DT wrapped around her little finger, and shame on them for convincing ICA that her parents, especially Cindy would continue to defend Casey regardless of the extent of her deceit. DS probably reassured ICA that JB would "rehabilitate" Cindy on cross-examination and all would be well again in Casey's world.

Sadly, this is what happens when a sociopath or borderline is continually enabled because it's usually easier than dealing with their wrath on a continual basis. I know this because my family, especially my late mother, walked on eggshells with my borderline sister, and it's not pretty. Sometimes, it's just simpler for everyone to placate the individual in order to keep the peace. I have a feeling that this is the way that the Anthonys chose to handle Casey, and they've finally had enough. jmo

I feel that the team at her table are enabling her now is that ok to do?
Kinda makes me mad. Ica even in the court of law has enablers, something is not right about that. Do you think the defense is fed up too? I sure hope they are.
I feel that the team at her table are enabling her now is that ok to do?
Kinda makes me mad. Ica even in the court of law has enablers, something is not right about that. Do you think the defense is fed up too? I sure hope they are.

I agree. I read the thread where someone read her lips when she had that melt down and the lawyer who was comforting her. Apparently this lawyer said "you are right, I was wrong" a couple times. More placating and walking on egg shells. What a nightmare KC must be.

Thanks for the book recommendation, Bette. I will read it.
OK... something's bothering me.

After ICA declined this last visitation request with her parents near Mother's Day, Cindy deposited $200 into her commissary account. This was one of the larger deposits made by her family to my knowledge. Obviously, this was well after the revelation from the SA that seems to have resulted in them having a change of heart toward ICA.

I'm not even going to try to speculate what the visit would have entailed. But why would they want to deposit money into her account after knowing what she was about to do to them? Seems to me that sending her money would be an indication of support. Or maybe it was the last they intend to donate. I dunno... it just seems an odd thing to do right after finding out ICA would be gunning for them in the most vile way.

Any thoughts or am I making somethin' outta nothin'?
... But why would they want to deposit money into her account after knowing what she was about to do to them? Seems to me that sending her money would be an indication of support. Or maybe it was the last they intend to donate. I dunno... it just seems an odd thing to do right after finding out ICA would be gunning for them in the most vile way.

Any thoughts or am I making somethin' outta nothin'?

Respectfully snipped... I think there is some merit to your thoughts.

I believe Cindy wanted to meet with ICA in hopes of getting her DT to change their impending strategy, which as we all now know, ICA denied. So she deposited that money based on the fact she would not deposit any more.

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