Casey "really did" expect her mom to stand by her, Here's why:

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This reminds me of a surreal Brady Bunch episode ("Marsha, Marsha, Marsha"). ICA eliminated her one source of competition (Caylee) for attention, now she thought she'd alienate GA & LA in her mother's eyes with the accusations, then she'd have mom all to herself. IMHO, this has been a struggle between CA and ICA from the get go.

What ICA didn't stop to realize is that Caylee was her leverage with CA, w/o that baby ICA has no tool to use to keep her mother jumping thru hoops. The day CA accepted that Caylee died, was when ICA lost control of mom.

Great point. I think that you are probably right. Maybe it has only been recently that CA was truly able to accept Caylee's death. As crazy as she sounded to the rest of us, perhaps there was some truth when CA said that she was 'still looking for a live Caylee' long after her remains had been positively identified. And maybe she really was looking for the 'real' Zanny the Nanny because her heart couldn't accept the reality.

I have admittedly maligned this whole family since this started, for their irrational support of ICA, and have even gotten a little confrontational with those that held to the belief that none of us know how we would react if placed in this horrific situation. So to see what happened in court with them this week, well...let's just say that I never would have seen this coming from them. I pray that finally seeing that Caylee gets the justice she deserves will bring them some peace back into their lives. :twocents:
I imagine ICA expected CA to lie about the pool ladder also, or at least be more wishy-washy about whether she had taken it off or not.

When did CA find the ladder left on the pool ? She definitely told GA. Did she tell coworkers also ? Can't remember.
Everyone has had some great thoughts on this! I agree that KC definately thought her mother would go right along with her story. Why wouldn't she? CA has lied and covered for her this whole time. I can certainly see why KC thought she would continue right along believing all of her lies. However, I think that for the past 3 years the A's have known something happened to Caylee under KC's watch, but simply could not believe that they "had raised someone who could do something like that" to her own child. I understand that. After learning of the plan to crucify everyone but KC, and talking to the SA, I believe they now know that what happened to Caylee was cruel, purposeful, and done by KC and KC alone. They are now once again circling their wagons, only this time it is against KC instead of for her. Moo.
When did CA find the ladder left on the pool ? She definitely told GA. Did she tell coworkers also ? Can't remember.

That's true, but she must have noticed that later on.....later than the 16th.
So very true! What's puzzling to me is that it appears much harder to pretend to have a job (in how far she took it) than it is to actually have a job! HAHA.
That's one thing I'll never understand about her. It had to be an awful lot of work and worry to be trying to hide your stealing and lies. She could have put that effort toward an actual job - sure, it's work, but at least you don't have to worry that the police are suddenly going to show up and arrest you. I don't understand! How could she do all that relaxed shopping at Target, having done what I believe she had done and knowing that someone was going to catch up to her eventually?

They must do right by Caylee and for the rest of the population imo. They may have their shortcomings, but society needs not be threatened by the dangerous ICA. She will be safe, assuming she doesn't get the DP. I doubt she would get the DP. They can visit her. They can write her. They will be safe. Lee will be safe. Society will be safe if she is incarcerated for a long time if not the rest of her life. If Lee and Mallory have a child, and she is acquitted by their doings, will they have a child Casey will also be jealous of?? Lee and Mallory, CA and GA ought think long and hard about that.

I never even thought of that, but you're right. If Lee and Mallory ever have a child, IMO there will be a mushroom cloud over the jail caused by Casey's head exploding from jealousy.
I think she thought that Cindy would stand by her because she could lose her life if she didn't. All CA had to do was be unsure, hesitant when answering the pool ladder question and GA could have taken the fifth. Since they didn't do this I feel they really believe/know now that KC murdered Caylee. They want her to pay the price for what she took from them.
I think she thought that Cindy would stand by her because she could lose her life if she didn't. All CA had to do was be unsure, hesitant when answering the pool ladder question and GA could have taken the fifth. Since they didn't do this I feel they really believe/know now that KC murdered Caylee. They want her to pay the price for what she took from them.

It was a nice piece of the puzzle, but in all the context we will see for the next few months, a small one.
Following Casey's tirade on Saturday, DS told her to "Give her (Cindy) a chance" when ICA said that her mother would support her. Clearly, Casey's got the DT wrapped around her little finger, and shame on them for convincing ICA that her parents, especially Cindy would continue to defend Casey regardless of the extent of her deceit. DS probably reassured ICA that JB would "rehabilitate" Cindy on cross-examination and all would be well again in Casey's world.

Sadly, this is what happens when a sociopath or borderline is continually enabled because it's usually easier than dealing with their wrath on a continual basis. I know this because my family, especially my late mother, walked on eggshells with my borderline sister, and it's not pretty. Sometimes, it's just simpler for everyone to placate the individual in order to keep the peace. I have a feeling that this is the way that the Anthonys chose to handle Casey, and they've finally had enough. jmo

Great post Bette. But as I wrote in another post in another thread, I think the defense kept from Casey the information that her parents, especially her mother, would not support her in their testimony.

No doubt, besides being angry, I think ICA's first reaction was shock that her mother Cindy behaved so cooly on the stand and leaving the court room.

I believe Baez and Company kept from ICA what was coming from Cindy's testimony because they were sure that if ICA knew in advance that her mother would not support her on the stand, ICA might have refused to be in the court room. Or ICA would make an even bigger display of anger before and during her mom's testimony in view of the jury.

ICA is like a Roman Candle - with a very short fuse. And, the defense knows this and has to protect her from herself. But, I am sure we have not seen the last of Miss Anthony's antics, nor has the jury. jmo
I always wondered if the family relationship went like this:

Cindy would "soften" the truth for ICA because George would have none of it.
So If ICA was failing a class; Cindy would say that she was falling behind.
If ICA was skipping school;Cindy would say that she was having problems and missing classes because she was so depressed or frustrated. I think she would kind of cover for ICA. I think that she said she was more leiniant (mis spell I know) with Lee because ICA now had a child and Cindy was trying to undo what she had done to ICA. (In cindys eyes)

While I know George had his challenges and mess ups, I don't think he would have not gone for it one bit if he knew ICA was a huge mess while growing up.I really believe Cindy colored ICA s actions growing up. Cindy was (imo) the one in the family who would try to make all look perfect. Because in her eyes she would look like a failure if they had problems. I think Cindy was the mom , okay we all know, that she was the mom who blamed other kids if a group of them which involved her daughter got into any trouble. " If casey wasn't hanging round with those kids, she wouldn't be this way."

So , yes I think you all are right, ICA saw this all as her mother covering her rear and expected her to do so again. I think Cindy doing this helped to paint George as the bad guy in ICAs eyes. He was the one who didn't want her to have any fun, he was the heavy. All of this of course is my opinion.
I don't understand. Cindy testified about the pool ladder AFTER KC's melt down in court. Her testimony right before that was light and not really significant. I think it was Cindy's walk away without looking at her and hugging George that sent her over the edge.

I have to wait for CA's entire testimony before I know for sure she has decided to tell truth. I want to hear her say the car smelled ofndeath NOT pizza.
Time will tell if CA will continue to tell the truth and not cover for ICA. I hope so! Also, I can't help thinking what CA wanted to talk to ICA about on that visit ICA refused on mother's day weekend and why she wanted to see her (?). She was going to meet her alone and for what purpose I wonder?:waitasec:
Time will tell if CA will continue to tell the truth and not cover for ICA. I hope so! Also, I can't help thinking what CA wanted to talk to ICA about on that visit ICA refused on mother's day weekend and why she wanted to see her (?). She was going to meet her alone and for what purpose I wonder?:waitasec:

Maybe CA wanted to know what her claim would be and then try to talk her out of it.
ICA would have had a better chance keeping Cindy on her side if she had allowed her jailhouse visits from the beginning and whined and sniveled. she may have even been able to convince Cindy she was abused by George. I suppose JB told her not to allow the visits, but it was a big mistake for ICA if this is where they were going.
I don't understand. Cindy testified about the pool ladder AFTER KC's melt down in court. Her testimony right before that was light and not really significant. I think it was Cindy's walk away without looking at her and hugging George that sent her over the edge.

I have to wait for CA's entire testimony before I know for sure she has decided to tell truth. I want to hear her say the car smelled ofndeath NOT pizza.

I refuse to be a bandwagon jumper on good news on short term. I have witnessed three years of her behavior, and I am not her fan. I hate to say it, because I sound cold to a grandmother's grieving. I truly believe, from what I have read, seen, and in the heart of hearts know - that CA ought be thinking about Lee and Mallory's potential offspring down the road. I think ICA still hates Caylee as evidenced by her head shaking when CA talked of Caylee's things. ICA still thinks she is the privileged only child, and Caylee was her competition. She was mad thinking CA had anything for Caylee. JMO. Will LA, CA, GA, and Mallory for that matter think of the future - only time will tell. We are so far away from the end of this. If anything, I could see CA just trying to keep up with her GJ testimony, and her interviews, but yet not ready to unleash the erratic thoughts on the jury. LA is still a huge wildcard. No passes for me. Never. Not until the verdict is read.
Okay, I have no idea where to put this, but it's about CA's testimony. I'm thinking I heard it right.

She said at one point that, when ICA was 16 she had a Winnie The Pooh themed bedroom. She went on to say they used many of the items to furnish Caylee's nursery. Okay, I've seen kids when they are in their early twenties collect things from shows they watched when they were young (my daughter found a Care Bear teeshirt and still likes Hello Kitty although her own daughter is not that interested in the Sanrio stuff). I knew lots of them at college age who were into all the Disney Princess characters and had them in dorm rooms. At that age, they are newly grown up but have the room to feel nostalgic about their favorite childhood characters. But at 16 or even at tweenage, most of them are trying desperately to have grown-up rooms. And Pooh characters are so juvenile they are found on items in the infant sections of JC Penney and Target.

I don't get it. I cannot imagine CA forcing her 16-year old to have a Pooh room and why on earth would a high-school junior want Winnie the Pooh all over? However, if it's true, and they did use many of the items to furnish Caylee's nursery, that's a whole other reason Miss Center of the Universe would hold a grudge against her mother, for taking "her" possessions and giving them to the baby. Yikes!
When did CA find the ladder left on the pool ? She definitely told GA. Did she tell coworkers also ? Can't remember.

I'm thinking maybe ICA put the ladder there later in case she ended up having to go with the drowning fable. Thoughts?
Okay, I have no idea where to put this, but it's about CA's testimony. I'm thinking I heard it right.

She said at one point that, when ICA was 16 she had a Winnie The Pooh themed bedroom. She went on to say they used many of the items to furnish Caylee's nursery. Okay, I've seen kids when they are in their early twenties collect things from shows they watched when they were young (my daughter found a Care Bear teeshirt and still likes Hello Kitty although her own daughter is not that interested in the Sanrio stuff). I knew lots of them at college age who were into all the Disney Princess characters and had them in dorm rooms. At that age, they are newly grown up but have the room to feel nostalgic about their favorite childhood characters. But at 16 or even at tweenage, most of them are trying desperately to have grown-up rooms. And Pooh characters are so juvenile they are found on items in the infant sections of JC Penney and Target.

I don't get it. I cannot imagine CA forcing her 16-year old to have a Pooh room and why on earth would a high-school junior want Winnie the Pooh all over? However, if it's true, and they did use many of the items to furnish Caylee's nursery, that's a whole other reason Miss Center of the Universe would hold a grudge against her mother, for taking "her" possessions and giving them to the baby. Yikes!

I think it totally fits on why she hates Caylee still. She was the baby, and always was treated as such. Caylee took much of that away, and her childish perks were transferred to Caylee. to ICA, perhaps that was devastating to her sickness.
Time will tell if CA will continue to tell the truth and not cover for ICA. I hope so! Also, I can't help thinking what CA wanted to talk to ICA about on that visit ICA refused on mother's day weekend and why she wanted to see her (?). She was going to meet her alone and for what purpose I wonder?:waitasec:

I have the same concerns and questions. I hope she will actually do the right thing now. It's been a long time coming.
I'm thinking maybe ICA put the ladder there later in case she ended up having to go with the drowning fable. Thoughts?

Totally agree..

I just have to say I was so proud of CA on Saturday. That was Justice for Caylee! Hopefully she will keep it up. It made me feel really bad about all the bad things I had said about CA in the past.

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