Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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I have absolutely no problem with that at all. The really sad part, at least here in FLORIDA, is that the stiffer penalties don't kick in till the SECOND dui, and there are still way too many that get away with that.

As I have stated, I admit I was guilty, accepted my state mandated punishment, but that punishment was no where near severe enough. It (and knowing what would happen if it ever happened again) was enough of a pain in the butt for me to make sure it never happened again. But I certainly wasn't going to say "You honor, please make the sentance harsher".

What exactly are you arguing here?
fyi FCA, you are no more special than any of the other Felons that have to report to a parole officer!

(to any other felons reading here, I just used the term "Felons" to make a point)

Which brings up another point; other felons may face angry victims,relatives of victims, fellow criminals,gang members. Are any of them getting special protections?
How about those who feel threatened,either by a stranger or someone they've had a relationship with? A restraining order is a piece of paper that will not stop a knife or a bullet . Does Casey deserve more protection than they do?

If Ms. Anthony requires body guards,she should pay for the them. If she can't afford them,she'll have to make do,just like most Americans. It's called natural consequences .If you do A ,B happens.
Probation.Probation officer,No booze. No weed. No hanging with those who do. Drop out job hunt=flipping burgers and/or cleaning restrooms. Reporting in. Surprise visits. Now that's the Bella Vita.

The young blonde woman down here (too pretty for prison) who was caught having sex with her student....cant remember her name. She was put on probation and it sounded NOT fun but as far as I know, she did it. It was a few yrs back. I know one of her terms of probation was: she could NOT work around kids. She got a job as a waitress.
I think she is also today banned from teaching.
I dont see why casey should be treated any differently than others who have broken laws.....this young woman at the time was not very well liked either. But, if she went thru therapy I think she should have a 2nd chance.
The young blonde woman...think her last name was LeFave?
I have absolutely no problem with that at all. The really sad part, at least here in FLORIDA, is that the stiffer penalties don't kick in till the SECOND dui, and there are still way too many that get away with that.

As I have stated, I admit I was guilty, accepted my state mandated punishment, but that punishment was no where near severe enough. It (and knowing what would happen if it ever happened again) was enough of a pain in the butt for me to make sure it never happened again. But I certainly wasn't going to say "You honor, please make the sentance harsher".

I find it interesting that it being "a pain in the butt" is a deterrence for you. How about the possibility of killing yourself or others?
Fantastic!!! I need to go to a ear nose and chimp doctor...
That would be hilarious. I was half expecting HHJBP to do something similar before he had the clerk publish the verdict.
OK, you get your mistrial!
Well, thank you. That was dampening my spirits, just a bit.

LOL - now you have me questioning my own hearing - but he was having a hard time with his phone while he was on the show - I couldn't tell if it was cutting out or what was going on.
Which brings up another point; other felons may face angry victims,relatives of victims, fellow criminals,gang members. Are any of them getting special protections?
How about those who feel threatened,either by a stranger or someone they've had a relationship with? A restraining order is a piece of paper that will not stop a knife or a bullet . Does Casey deserve more protection than they do?

If Ms. Anthony requires body guards,she should pay for the them. If she can't afford them,she'll have to make do,just like most Americans. It's called natural consequences .If you do A ,B happens.

yes, I think its called: for every action, there is a reaction.
You'd have to ask my PO about that one. It was listed in my rules, but never enforced as I was able to support myself with out working. Now I imagine if Casey Anthony does sign a large contract for an interview, it will also be waived in her case.

..i mentioned that felon was required to -probation rule #7--GET A JOB. stated "I was never denied a travel permit. I did not work, nor did I have any verifiable income in the state of Florida." does that make your probation the 'exact same' as hers is ? doesn't sound as if you were required to be gainfully employed?
The quirky lil' thing is, that the DOC doesn't have the last word nor the most Lawful word.

Judge Strickland & Judge Perry have that honor. ;)

The DT arguing this nonsense based on "principle" is lame & ludicrous. The "principle" they're arguing is a clerical error and nobody, but nobody circumvents the Law based on clerical error. Not even Casey Anthony.

Ain't life grand? :seeya:

That is just one of the issues, I think. After reading HHJP order , I thought he also referred that the type of probation served in jail, could not comply with all the requirements as stated in Judge HHJS written order. That was simply impossible regardless of clerical error.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used. FICA can not go to the bars and be in Hot Body contests or the Shot Girl Mgr.
KEYWORD: unlawfully. There is nothing that prohibits her from going to bars.

This may be easy to do, if she has transportation and that pesky drivers license. I didn't have my license, and I managed.

FICA has to find a place to live and a job...good luck. Doesn't (or at least shouldn't) she do that anyhow?

I didn't think Felons could possess a firearm with or with out the PO's permission. That is correct, so as far as her probation, it's a non issue.

I hope FICA is not following your lead on how to work the probation in Florida because in this article it states your probation can be revoked for simply setting foot in a bar.
While I will not go into details about it, that was not a possibility in my case.

I find it interesting that it being "a pain in the butt" is a deterrence for you. How about the possibility of killing yourself or others?
..i mentioned that felon was required to -probation rule #7--GET A JOB. stated "I was never denied a travel permit. I did not work, nor did I have any verifiable income in the state of Florida." does that make your probation the 'exact same' as hers is ? doesn't sound as if you were required to be gainfully employed?

I'm thinking a person's age and type of conviction would also have something to do with how carefully a PO watches their charge.

Maybe someone who has 13 cheque fraud felony convictions and four lying to LE convictions and is 25 years old may be watched more closely and made to live up to a higher standard perhaps than a more mature person with one DUI conviction?
Do you really think she can get into MIT? Really? :floorlaugh: Most colleges, the accredited, reputable ones will require evidence of a HS diploma or GED at some point.

Or Yale/Harvard. Thought I read somewhere she would like to be an attorney. Guess , after watching Baez , right up her alley. Plenty of lying and getting away with it
Right, people in hell would like ice water too.
You'd have to ask my PO about that one. It was listed in my rules, but never enforced as I was able to support myself with out working. Now I imagine if Casey Anthony does sign a large contract for an interview, it will also be waived in her case.

How the heck did you do this? I think we all want to know!!
The young blonde woman down here (too pretty for prison) who was caught having sex with her student....cant remember her name. She was put on probation and it sounded NOT fun but as far as I know, she did it. It was a few yrs back. I know one of her terms of probation was: she could NOT work around kids. She got a job as a waitress.
I think she is also today banned from teaching.
I dont see why casey should be treated any differently than others who have broken laws.....this young woman at the time was not very well liked either. But, if she went thru therapy I think she should have a 2nd chance.
The young blonde woman...think her last name was LeFave?

Still burns me up ... Debra Lafave was too pretty to go to jail!!! :banghead:

You'd have to ask my PO about that one. It was listed in my rules, but never enforced as I was able to support myself with out working. Now I imagine if Casey Anthony does sign a large contract for an interview, it will also be waived in her case.

Well we know FCA has supported herself without working also, but that's what got her to this point in the first maybe not the same as your situation?
While I will not go into details about it, that was not a possibility in my case.

What I meant, is the possibility of harming an innocent person while driving under the influence a factor to yourself? Or is it just because it would be a "pain in the butt" if you were caught again?
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