Casey's Confinement, Mail; Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.

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My sister is in a detention center in Florida, has been for over 3 months, she gets soap and a clean towel to take a shower. She wrote a letter asking for money to be put in her commissary account for shampoo, deodorant, etc. These are considered to be luxury items. So I would assume Casey would have to buy these items as well. BTW we didn't send any money.

Sounds grim. No veggie option, hair conditioner, Pink Sugar perfume, eyeliner, liquid soap, almond face scrub....

Guess I'd better continue to obey the law! No Bonnie Parker.
I don't know about Florida but in Texas we opened personal mail and scanned it before delivering to the inmate except for Attorney or Legal mail as that is privilege.

I just wanted to throw this out there just because the family isn't visiting, there is no phone calls or if it is mentioned that KC receives no mail from them don't let that fool ya! I can almost bet that all correspondence is going out as "legal mail" addressed to her attorney and is being delivered to her family via JB office and vise versa. Therefore, no one inside the jail reads it and nothing gets leaked to the press.
You think a toilet 4" from the bed is the worst?? In jail you do not have your own undergarments. Yes that is right the panties are communal and you only get clean ones 2 or 3 times a week! But then again that is more than Caylee is getting.
Now that is gross and disgusting...certainly enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.:eek::eek:

Now, that's just nasty!

What about bras? They have to FIT.
Aside from all that has been said about KC's incarceration, I was thinking, why would the inmates get DESSERT 3 times a day if they want? QUOTE]

~ respectfully snipped ~

And on Friday? They get BROWNIES at lunch! :eek:

See my signature for her menu, it repeats monthly so it's good for the entire time she is in jail. LOL!
Someone started another thread like this the other day but it was moved to the jury room. Reading that thread and this one here brings back unpleasent memories for me as well. I'd choose going back to prison over jail or being held involuntary in psych wards any day!

You should be proud of yourself, you have obviously come a long way! :blowkiss:

Psych ICU is NO fun! I had to 51-50 two friends.
Maybe a dumb question: what is the difference between prison and jail?

NOT a dumb question. Whole separate set of laws and policies, IIRC.

Jail regs are tighter, IIRC.

I don't have much knowledge of this. But, I almost went into correctional nursing.
Thanks, OneLostGrl. I cannot imagine being kept in either place. The walls would close in on me in no time. Terrifying.

I get cabin fever, and am also claustrophobic. Also need a lot of exercise.:eek:

Well, SO much for the crime spree I was planning!

Almost seems like living in a box in the woods would be better.
I never liked the south until I had to leave...glad to be back now, at least for a little while. We definitely do things BETTER down here!!! :)

Good on you, growing up and getting your head on straight!:clap::clap:
:behindbar: Bertha:woohoo::cat::thumb::whipper::blowkiss::smoochiesmilie:
:behindbar KC:eek::shakehead::cold::bow::bow::bow::heart::
:blowkiss:I don't think is how KC saw the rest of her life. Oh how I wish someone, anyone would have drug her by her ear to a therapist years ago.

That, or busted her the FIRST time she committed a crime. Maybe if she had been allowed to eat the consequences of her actions a few times, none of this woulda happened.
oh gosh, I would never go back up north- ever :)!! I love SC!

I've often thought of moving to the Old South. Temperate climate, and SOOO beautiful!

San Diego has a perfect climate, and ocean breezes all year.

But, I miss chlorophyll. Woodlands, lakes, rivers! (sigh)
With great manners to boot!!:crazy:

ETA: normal......I just love that word!

When I was in grad school Psych, they taught us that "normal is a setting on a washing machine," to emphasize the broad range of what behaviors could be considered "normal."

Well, the range IS broad, but it's still there and well-recognized.

"Decent" is another good word.
Poops and periods.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

You don't realize how fastidious you are until.....

LOL aint that the truth. But KC is fortunate... she has her own space. I would prefer isolation then general population as poops and periods are not private. At least in Isolation although there is a window you are not having to take care of business in front of other inmates that you SHARE a toliet with! Believe me there are some nasty females out there...
Thanks, OneLostGrl. I cannot imagine being kept in either place. The walls would close in on me in no time. Terrifying.

Psych ICU-- like KC's cell except NOTHING in there. No books, nothing. Plus q. ten minute checks. :eek: Somebody peering in every few minutes. And, THAT's if you aren't in four-point restraints.
I knew that the unspoken subjects would arise. Really, how many people have a problem going to the bathroom in a unfamiliar place, as on vacation, much less in a jail cell exposed to a plexiglass window?

sorta gives: what's hidden, will be revealed a whole new meaning.
Here's my theory if it hasn't already been mentioned. The A family does not want their visits recorded or monitored. Even if all they say is "Hi honey, we put $50 in your commissary account... have a nice day."

In my opinion they would take every opportunity to resist their boundaries, even if they shoot themselves in the foot. They're stubborn, full of pride, arrogant and diseased with entitlement. How dare the State record their visits? Forget it. We stay home. Justathought.

On the other hand, I'm sure KC is terminally mad at her mother for calling 911 on a *effing whim* so there's that too. :)

Yeah, that briar will ALWAYS stick in her fur.

You folks realize that she hasn't the SLIGHTEST idea why everyone of so upset about Caylee.

Ted Bundy used to wonder about that, too. He said, "There are SO many people! Who would notice just a few missing?"
LOL aint that the truth. But KC is fortunate... she has her own space. I would prefer isolation then general population as poops and periods are not private. At least in Isolation although there is a window you are not having to take care of business in front of other inmates that you SHARE a toliet with! Believe me there are some nasty females out there...

I'd prefer a private cell, too. :eek:

I am also, however, one who is afflicted with speed-reading. Three books would not last me. Let alone the likely sorry selection the library cart might offer.

There is also a slight chocolate addiction.

You don't realize how many little things go into keeping you happy. To say nothing of CLEAN and GROOMED. Not even beautiful, just CLEAN and GROOMED.

You don't realize how many little things go into keeping you happy. To say nothing of CLEAN and GROOMED. Not even beautiful, just CLEAN and GROOMED.

I would need a second cell for storage of my anti-aging creams and moisturizers. :grandma: :Banane23:
They prob wouldn't let me have that...or I'd want at least a walk in closet. OOps wait, she lives in a walk in closet.

It is probably killin her that she cannot adequately beautify before "Public Appearances". It's probably viewed as a gig more than a Courtroom.....:crazy:
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