Casey's Confinement, Mail; Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.

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I agree, she is used to the constant communication via phone and internet, and the constant attention. If she had a phone and a computer in there, she probably wouldn't care much.

I also agree that she will sex the guards or whoever to get what she wants....
Right now KC is in a secured confinement. She is separated from the rest of the inmates for her safety. I have a question, what happens if she goes to trial on the check fraud charges (which I am guessing should happen before the murder trial) and gets a sentence of 3 or more years. Will she go to prison with the general population after that? I'm so tired of her special treatment and protection.

Try and look at it this way.... keep her confined and safe until the trial, and then we'll hopefully get more information out of her about what happened to Caylee (a stretch, I know, but I'm hoping!), then after the GUILTY verdict....throw her to the wolves -Gen Pop all the way!
This is a far different scenario than when she was first arrested back in July. She cried at her bond hearing because she wasn't being released, and now there is no bond at all. I think she'll go stir crazy.
Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure....this is an excellent article written about her:

"As a sociopath, Casey wants to control her own destiny and create her own reality, abhorring any form of criticism or denigration. At some point, she might experience feelings of depression. These feelings would not be because her daughter is missing or dead, but because she lacks the freedom she craves. Having been arrested and accused, she is no longer in charge of her own fate, and for a sociopath, who values freedom more than anything else, that is devastating."

Thanks for that link, Janis. I liked the mantra:
A sociopath's motto is: Competition is king, survival the agenda, and no one is ever, ever, ever to be trusted. A sociopath's mantra: “Do unto others before they do unto you.”
Right now KC is in a secured confinement. She is separated from the rest of the inmates for her safety. I have a question, what happens if she goes to trial on the check fraud charges (which I am guessing should happen before the murder trial) and gets a sentence of 3 or more years. Will she go to prison with the general population after that? I'm so tired of her special treatment and protection.

In the past, KC knew there was a CHANCE she would be released if someone could come up with her bond--which they did. Her subsequent arrests confined her only overnight. Right now, she sits in protective custody and is not threatened by other inmates. I am certain that once she is in with the general population, she will learn how unpleasant confinement can be. I don't suggest for one moment that she will confess, but may be willing to coooperate more than she has up to this point if and when she realizes that this may be her life for a very long time.
Yes, I tend to agree. Jail and prison is a society in and of itself. There are rules, codes and diciplines on the "inside" that differ to the "outside" but a society just the same. IMHO KC will mold herself into this society just fine, probably make some new friends.

Yes, prison is a society unto itself, and people have a way of adjusting to any situation. Yep, Anthony will fit in just fine...but that's because once you know the right people, drugs and sex are freely available. After a while, she will be just as used to prison life as she was to outside life. Ever wonder why some people don't WANT to leave prison after being there for a certain amount of years?

Granted, she way have a harder time because of what she did, but there is always someone in prison that will "look the other way" if you can give them what they want.

@Vegas pretty much covered what I did except for more details. I didn't see your post before I made mine.
Thanks for that link, Janis. I liked the mantra:
A sociopath's motto is: Competition is king, survival the agenda, and no one is ever, ever, ever to be trusted. A sociopath's mantra: “Do unto others before they do unto you.”

Good insight on all of the posts. I suppose it could go for KC either way. At this point, she has no choice. She has created turmoil in the lives of so many, and obviously, she could care less. My feelings are the same, I could care less what happens to KC, the only thing I want from her is the location of her child. I want justice for Caylee, so I want KC in solitary confinement to stand trial for the misery she has dished out. Once that has been taken care of I just don't give a rats azz what happens to her her, good life in prison or general population whatever, I doubt that I give her a second thought after her trial, her daughter on the other hand, will be in my memory forever.
Not sure, but I'm pretty sure she will get that and anything else that she wants.

She'll end up owning the place.

Why do you think that? I know SHE thinks she is special but I don't think the guards see her as special.
I would personally go nuts in jail without my own personal hygeine products. I noticed Casey looked good going in, her hair all shiny & bouncy. The next morning her hair looks drab and dirty.

You can usually buy some items through the jail commisary, things like toothpaste, hair gel etc. They wont have all brands however.
I know the females at the jail I work at become very creative in fixing themselves up, they can have crayons and use them to use as make-up.

Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure....this is an excellent article written about her:

"As a sociopath, Casey wants to control her own destiny and create her own reality, abhorring any form of criticism or denigration. At some point, she might experience feelings of depression. These feelings would not be because her daughter is missing or dead, but because she lacks the freedom she craves. Having been arrested and accused, she is no longer in charge of her own fate, and for a sociopath, who values freedom more than anything else, that is devastating."

:clap::clap: Excellent article that describes her to a T. Thank you:)
I don't think she'll break down anytime soon however I do think IF she gets Life in Prison without parole it will eventually get to her.
It may be interesting to start a thread that will be concerned with how her confinement, jail cell, etc. is, may or will affect Casey.

Will she break down?

What about the lack of privacy?

No, Casey will adjust to jail like all sociopaths do.

The lack of privacy is not that bad. She will adjust. I do think however, she needs to be in gen pop. She will not get away with lies with other prisoners. They will shun her and she will wind up with the same isolation but without the bars.
:behindbar This time may be different for Casey because she knows, at this point, she can't get out. I do think she sees herself as a victim, everyone is unfair & " I don't deserve this." I think for now she still think she will beat the charges and get out. This is a partial wake up call but the full extent will not hit her until she is found guilty. That might be when we finally see her fall apart. It won't be for Caylee, it will be only for herself.
I would personally go nuts in jail without my own personal hygeine products. I noticed Casey looked good going in, her hair all shiny & bouncy. The next morning her hair looks drab and dirty.

I think she will definately miss those items us in the free world are able to choose from. She will have very limited items on hand to use. I hope she doesnt develope a serious itch. Nothing worse than watching a defendant itch & scratch during court proceedings.

When you are in county jail you're handed a little dinky cup of toothpaste, a toothbrush, a really small bar of nasty soap, and maybe a half ounce of shampoo daily. No makeup at all allowed.

You get a thin little matress with one sheet, a nasty small pillow, and a paper thin blanket like they have on airplanes. If you're cold.....too bad. When you get moved out of county jail to a prison you can have care packages mailed to you with snacks, cheap sneakers with no name brand on them, socks, and a few other things, but not much.

Casey is wayyyyyyy to preppy for prison. Right about now she probably wishes she is dead. She will never tell anybody anything because this was NOT an accident. If it was an accident she would have spilled the beans in the first 24 hours when she was first taken in three months ago.:bang:
No, Casey will adjust to jail like all sociopaths do.

The lack of privacy is not that bad. She will adjust. I do think however, she needs to be in gen pop. She will not get away with lies with other prisoners. They will shun her and she will wind up with the same isolation but without the bars.

While most prisoners accused of killing a child, esp their child, would find themselves in danger if put into General, Casey is very good at the game.
She will do what ever it takes to survive. She would attach herself to the badest bi!ch & become her bi!ch for protection. While I don't give a rats behind if someone beats the snot out of her, I think isolation would be much harder on her. There would be no one to see how "special" she is, no one to try and impress with her "smarts" & most important, no one to impress with her wiggle wiggle walk. :behindbar
KC has this air of superiority (that she cannot hide) about herself that will interfere with her ability to fit in. She really thinks she's better than most of the people she interacts with and that is why she tries to take advantage of their weaknesses. I definitely see her fellow prisoners picking up on her haughty attitude and hating her for it.
I think the only possibile way that might break her, is if Caylee's remains are found, the homicide detectives show Casey all of the pictures taken of what is left of her child! Make her view them!
Then maybe, just maybe, she would completely break down.
I think the only possibile way that might break her, is if Caylee's remains are found, the homicide detectives show Casey all of the pictures taken of what is left of her child! Make her view them!
Then maybe, just maybe, she would completely break down.

And I so hope that happens. I hope the images of Caylee, dead, haunt her forever & ever.
Casey will never tell the truth. I guarantee it Just like Scott Peterson. Hes denying even with his wife and sons bodies washed up. Its all about themselves, and always will be.
Casey may never "talk", but I'm at least a little bit comforted in the belief that she'll be friggin' miserable. She enjoys manipulating people. She is devious and underhanded. But I think she uses words and "intellect" in her insideous endeavors. In contrast, I imagine that in prison the pecking order is established much more "directly", i.e., the gal at the top gets there by overt and physical bullying, not by being coy and certainly not through "charm". The "ladies" in her "community" will see straight through her BS. They'll loathe her even more for it, and will treat her accordingly. Regardless of her sexual orientation, she will likely acquire a "girlfriend", but I'm confident it won't be someone of HER choosing.
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