Casey's Defense Team. What Now? #2

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Responding to HP: The neighbors said they heard "people" in the pool on the day CA said the ladder was in it, and should not have been. The 16th, I believe. Also, the box where the pool supplies, and Caylee's swim jacket were kept had been moved. Evidence of being in the pool. A lot of parents make the mistake of thinking those swim vests 'drown proof' the child, but they DON'T! children are top heavy, and it's way too easy for them to flip over wearing the vests, then be unable to right themselves.

The laying her down and picking her back up are evidenced by the dogs hitting mutliple spots. Just spin the reason for it diff. She wasn't hunting a hiding place, she was distraught and trying to revive her.

Decomp, and the chlorine from the pool, could account for a lot of the cholorform markers, and they can throw in cleaning supplies for the others.

KC's emotional instablity, and tendency to live in la la land are already out there, everywhere.

It's more plausible than most of what's out there anyways. JMO

Oh, mean any evidence that JB is going to go that way? Not yet, that I've heard anyways.

Bold above added by me:

Just curious.

Would cadaver dogs hit on the scent of a body that recently deceased? How much time is needed for enough decomp. for the dogs to pick up?
I think they can. The standards for aggravated child abuse are very low. In this case they may be higher, but the lack of a job, lack of providing a place to live, the having her at parties and other places where there were drinking and drugs, her sleeping in the bed with her lovers, etc.

Oh Turbo I agree with you that the public would say KC's actions contributed to Caylee's passing.

Legally, they simply make her a bad parent. At least in my state they do.

Like I said, I hope LE and the SA have solid evidence that KC had sole possession of the car, KC was responsible with evidence that solely links her to the homicide and the evidence obtained with Caylee's remains and whatever evidence removed from the A's house. If any other evidence happens to bring about charges against any of the other A's, then so be it.
Yes Wudge, Scott Peterson sits on death row where he belongs and they had no idea how his wife was killed or where she was killed. No circumstances of why she was killed, manner or death or anything else. Look where he sits? KC will sit there soon. Much much more evidence against her than Peterson.

Did the state have any of above to convict Scott Peterson and give him the death penalty?
Aggravated child abuse resulting in a death, is premeditated murder under Florida statutes. I am sure you know that.

Prosecutors have not claimed that Calyee died as a result of aggravated child abuse. Instead, they have claimed that Caylee died from a premeditated murder.

I believe they were too, but that one went down the drain when our WS, Michelle and others found the house and put the media on it.

Dang I didn't know that ...the fine sluethers at ws busted em good job..
I don't want to discuss it - you brought it up here and it has no application at all to this case.

No, I brought it up here only because Wudge said without a confession, witness and direct evidence they could not prove that Casey did it.(Despite all the evidence they DO have).

It got me to thinking that none of those was present in the Scott Peterson trial yet he was convicted and got the death penalty. Being not of a legal mind, I just wanted to clarify with Wudge what s/he said.
Prosecutors have not claimed that Calyee died as a result of aggravated child abuse. Instead, they have claimed that Caylee died from a premeditated murder.


Can you provide a link to the prosecutor's office stating that? I seem to have missed that announcement. The indictment indicates differently.
Prosecutors have not claimed that Calyee died as a result of aggravated child abuse. Instead, they have claimed that Caylee died from a premeditated murder.


Have you read the indictment? Maybe go back and read it again if this is your belief.
Have you read the indictment? Maybe go back and read it again if this is your belief.

I do not have an official link to the original indictment. If you have that link, please post it.

The link I have references a summary of the original charges (prior to the death penalty being dropped).

I know too that I have never read or heard, at any time, of a reporter or court analyst, anywhere, claiming that Casey was charged with felony murder.

I think were all splitting hairs here far more then a jury is going to when presented with the chronology of this case and yes the circumstantial evidence as well.
Its not going to take them long to return with the only logical and correct verdict which is guilty.
Finally I have an appropriate thread for this! I saw the funniest comic the other day called Non-Sequitur. A defense attorney is sitting at his desk. He has a bulletin board next to him titled: My Client. On it are 8 different slips of paper: was misquoted, is a victim of society, had a bad childhood, is willing to cut a deal, promises never to do it again, has "Found God", needs a hug, not jail time, and knows where you live. The attoney has his hand over his eyes while he blindly throws a dart at the board. You have to see it, it's hysterical!
Would you please quote the alleged felony murder charge in the alleged indictment.

You said the prosecutor's office has stated they are seeking a premediated murder charge. I asked for support to that claim. If you really need a link to the indictment it is in the sticky threads, but note I did not state that it says they are going after felony murder. As stated I have not seen any statement from the prosecutor's office and their intent.
Aggravated child abuse resulting in a death, is premeditated murder under Florida statutes. I am sure you know that.

Seriously? Could you link for me? I would be interested in reading up on that. Thank you!
Casey was charged with murder 1. Murder 1 is felony murder.... Its a felony!

I do not have an official link to the original indictment. If you have that link, please post it.

The link I have references a summary of the original charges (prior to the death penalty being dropped).

I know too that I have never read or heard, at any time, of a reporter or court analyst, anywhere, claiming that Casey was charged with felony murder.

I do not have an official link to the original indictment. If you have that link, please post it.

The link I have references a summary of the original charges (prior to the death penalty being dropped).

I know too that I have never read or heard, at any time, of a reporter or court analyst, anywhere, claiming that Casey was charged with felony murder.


Here's the indictment:

Premediated murder one is felony murder.
Here's some more. It seems that murdering in the course of agrravated child abuse is chargeable as 1st degree murder but premeditated murder is a different kind of first degree murder. Although casey is charged with aggravated child abuse as well as first degree murder, she was charged with first degree murder under subsection 1 (a) 1, which is by premeditation, NOT by aggravated child abuse:

"782.04 Murder.--
(1)(a) The unlawful killing of a human being:
1. When perpetrated from a premeditated design to effect the death of the person killed or any human being;
2. When committed by a person engaged in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate, any:
a. Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),
b. Arson,
c. Sexual battery,
d. Robbery,
e. Burglary,
f. Kidnapping,
g. Escape,
h. Aggravated child abuse,
i. Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult,
j. Aircraft piracy,
k. Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb,
l. Carjacking,
m. Home-invasion robbery,
n. Aggravated stalking,
o. Murder of another human being,
p. Resisting an officer with violence to his or her person,
q. Felony that is an act of terrorism or is in furtherance of an act of terrorism; or
3. Which resulted from the unlawful distribution of any substance controlled under s. 893.03(1), cocaine as described in s. 893.03(2)(a)4., or opium or any synthetic or natural salt, compound, derivative, or preparation of opium by a person 18 years of age or older, when such drug is proven to be the proximate cause of the death of the user,

is murder in the first degree and constitutes a capital felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082."
Interesting question but the laying down of Caylee's body, and considering hiding place etc could have happened 16th, 17th, 18th. The answer might help narrow that down.
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