Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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If the entry was written in 2003, I'm wondering if Casey was pregnant at 17 and could have decided to have an abortion at that time, and that is why the police find it relevant to Caylee's case.

I can't see any other reason.

NOw there's a thought. That may be why it's relevant. My only problem with that, is IF she had been preg. once before Caylee, likely she would know the signs of preg. and not wait until month 7 to figure it out/consider an abortion/ start adoption paperwork. I dunno
I've been wondering that, too, but then again, she's also the one who finally called 911. Remember her telling Casey I've already given you 31 days?!?! :eek: Anyway, here's what Cindy wrote on July 3:

“She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?”

Cindy may very well have read that diary of Casey's before writing her myspace, and then again, maybe not. Speculation on my part here...for discussion...

This was written the day KC told Cindy to meet her at Universal, so she and George could take Caylee to the 4th of July fireworks the next nite.

She hadn't seen Calley since 6-15, she thought KC was just being mean and not letting them see each other. KC had been being evasive, constantly telling Cindy she could see Caylee "tomorrow" but tomorrow never came.

Cindy had even taken the week off from work, hoping to be home when KC came by. KC actually used the Universal ploy to get Cindy out of the house, so she could go home and get stuff.
Unfortunately, I tend to agree with you. LE routinely confiscates things like diaries in such a case. An investigator probably thought the entry looked interesting, so it was photographed. That does not mean it is usable evidence at this point. It is noteworthy to me that the media steadfastly releases the photo with the 03' hidden. That's for a reason. I hope I'm wrong but this just may be a case of hopeful thinking by us and a media wanting to stir things up.

I have to agree, also. As much as I would love for this to be a subtle 'confession', the ink appears to be the same shade for both pages. If it was the same pen used on both pages, there should be indications of the pen at least being initially dry after five years, but it seems to be writing just fine.
I just love how the media presented this picture with that "'03" in the top left hand corner conveniently cut off. :rolleyes:
Some thoughts/observations:

1) Enlargment of the spine area IMHO, DOES appear to indicate that several pages have been removed between the inside cover page and the June 21 entry.

2) LE could NOT remove these pages for the benefit of making the evidence more readily presentable - as that would be tampering with evidence

3) The image on the page on the lower right-hand corner appears to me to be a characature of a spotted cat w/ a striped tail, akin to a watermark.

4) Looking @ the logistics of when Casey would have secured the book:

June 21, 2008 was Saturday following the likely Monday, 6/16 date of Caylee's death. Per ADD information, depending on the exact time of death, the first bagging of the body occurred Thursday afternoon 6/19. Speculation that the second bagging occurred 6/20 afternoon on the last trip to G&C's prior to 6/21. Without getting into additional details here, 6/20 afternoon trip appears to me to be the most likely date of the disposal of the body on Suburban. This suggests the last opportunity to pick up the diary from G&C's would have been 6/20 also (if not before). However, even though per the cell pings, Casey appears to have spent the entire day 6/21 @ Tony's apartment. Pings begin @ 3:10AM and end @ 11:32PM do include six periods of inactivity (hence unable to determine her location) greater than 45mins with that being the minimum time required to drive round-trip from Tony's=>G&C's=>Tony's

6/21/08 SAT 3:10:09 AM 381 minutes to next locating activity
6/21/08 SAT 11:11:14 AM 54 "
6/21/08 SAT 1:26:47 PM 153 "
6/21/08 SAT 3:59:23 PM 53 "
6/21/08 SAT 6:40:38 PM 93 "
6/21/08 SAT 9:07:42 PM 53 "

With Cindy likely @ home on Saturday, Casey would have had to establish if the 'coast is clear' prior to making a trip that day to grab the book. The 11:11AM period is, in fact, initiated by a call to G&C's for 1 minute. The 'bookmark' pings beginning and ending this period, are, however, near Tony's apartment FWIW.

If the book was with Casey's belongings @ Tony's which were secured by Lee and brought back to G&C's, LE had the opportunity to secure it at that time. I have no way of knowing when this book came into LE's possession (i.e. 7/15-16 or the Dec '08 SW when we know items of this type were seized.)

5) IF the June 21 entry was photographed and released, it suggests to me that this type of evidence would fall in the same category as a June 22 entry, etc. I can not find any evidence of bleed through writing from the following page (either paper's too thick...or it doesn't exist) Perhaps this was the sole entry, which Casey subsequently forgot about, perhaps in favor of creating documents on the laptop. Note that the "Diary of Days" file was first created 7/2 per computer forensics. Perhaps the "Everyday Is A Brand New Begining(sic)" and "Carpe diem" scribbled on the inside cover page were from '03 and inspired the theme of Diary of Days and "Buena" Vida/Vista/Villi, etc. tattoo...or, perhaps these were scrawled in '08 in her present frame of mind.
I noticed that as well

Upon close inspection I do see that pages could have been torn out.
If the diary was started in 2003, she stopped writing entries in it and then started up again. Someone tore out the pages ahead of that entry, either Casey, LE or someone else.

LE must know/prove that this entry was written June 21, 2008 and not earlier.
I can't see it submitted into evidence by the State if they could not prove the actual date of that entry, it would be to easy for the defense to dismiss it...any thoughts?

Here's my thoughts. Why does almost everything in this case that at first appearance seems so damning end up with a loophole? This entry was perfect, fits the circumstances to a tee, then we get a better picture showing the '03 up in the corner. So now we have yet one more thing, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. GRRRRR!!!! I should probably be on the rant thread.
I just don't think this entry is from '08. I WISH it was from '08, but I doubt it. (MASSIVE CUSSING!!!!)
okay how about this in the evidence pics from the anthony's home on the back of the sticker page pic # 52 there is a phone number written in red pen with 9/8 beside it and some initials I think so I think the pen is one that she probably used often and if she has been using that same pen since o3 it would be long out of ink, right??
It makes no sense that she would mis-date the entry to conceal when it was written.....if she wanted to conceal something why write it at all? I also disagree that it seems too sophisticated or old for a 17 year old to write....I thought it sounded just like notes that my 15 year olds girl friends would write to each other. It actually sounds like it was written after she decided to not finish her last course for her diploma during the summer. As long as that '03 is there in the same ink as the rest of the would convince a jury that more than likely it was written on that fact, if I saw that as a juror and they tried to convince me it was newly written.....I would think they were grasping at straws and doubt their other "evidence". It's going to take a whole lot more than that page to prove anything, and if that proof was there....then why didn't they photograph it?
I can certainly see your point of view. Without any other knowledge, I could be easily convinced that this entry is quite innocent. Maybe it was written in 2003.

Perhaps KC "told off" her boyfriend Jerry, so she could begin dating Bobby. She trusts that Bobby would be better, but has some worries or doubts. Maybe it was worth dumping Jerry. (the end...the means)
She likes Bobby's friends. Bobby makes her so happy.. maybe he's the one she'll eventually marry and be so happy happy happy.

I can see a 17 year old writing this in a diary.
Don't want to though, would prefer to see it as proof of premeditation. Oh well, we'll soon find out. :rolleyes:
Makes me think she was trying to conceal her pregnancy the whole time and was planning on disposing of the fetus and nobody would have ever been the wiser!

Except 03 would have been before she got pregnant.
Oh God....before I say anything else...I want to send a prayer out to the Anthony's today. If they don't already know about it, this recent info has got to be very very disturbing for them. So, my prayers are with them.

I have tried to remain objective in this case. Despite all the info released, I still had hope that Casey was innocent. Logically, the evidence was strong...but emotionally, I just wasn't ready to accept that she had done something horrible to her child. I didn't want to be too quick to judge. I wanted more evidence...and now that I've got heart hurts...deeply, very deeply hurts. I was holding onto that 1% chance she was innocent...and after reading some of the new info, and seeing the crime scene photos...that 1% chance is hope is gone. I feel a hole in my heart, an emptiness in my stomach...I can't even imagine how the Anthony's feel.
Sorry for being so mushy and emotional....I had to get it out and I can't start sobbing at my desk. :(

This is so kind and I agree, how painful must it be for them to see the monster their daughter has become, in "black and white". I can't even begin to imagine the hurt they are feeling.

They can say anything they want to the press. They could even say this was written at another time. But in their heart they know the truth and this is a very cold truth at the end of the day.

They are in my prayers.
IMO, you can clearly see a difference in handwritting styles from the left side of the journal, ('03 entry) compared to the right ('08 IMO). The right side looks much more mature then the left which appears sloppy. Plus, it looks obvious to me that many pages were ripped out in between (maybe starting life over in a way). Also, the left looks to me like it was written on the bound of the journal.
Unfortunately, I tend to agree with you. LE routinely confiscates things like diaries in such a case. An investigator probably thought the entry looked interesting, so it was photographed. That does not mean it is usable evidence at this point. It is noteworthy to me that the media steadfastly releases the photo with the 03' hidden. That's for a reason. I hope I'm wrong but this just may be a case of hopeful thinking by us and a media wanting to stir things up.

HI (bold me)
If the diary entry is not relevant to this case then why would the State Attorney's office use it in the case against Casey and release it to the Defense as part of the Discovery process?

I am leaning that it is relevant and we haven't seen all the evidence from that book that proves when that entry was written

Wondering if LE/SA have held onto the previous entries from that book and there could be more entries after this one that have not been released yet...who knows
Has anyone seen any investigative synopsis regarding the diary in the doc dump? If not can you all keep your eye out for it and post it here? I know there is more info to be released at any time. Thanks!
Maybe that is really 08. I need to enlarge it and take a better look.

Uhhh, nevermind. I just read a post with an enlargement, it is definately a 3, darn it.
okay how about this in the evidence pics from the anthony's home on the back of the sticker page pic # 52 there is a phone number written in red pen with 9/8 beside it and some initials I think so I think the pen is one that she probably used often and if she has been using that same pen since o3 it would be long out of ink, right??

I carried the same Tweety Bird pen in my purse from 1992/93 until a couple years ago (07ish). It was the only pen I used back in the days of writing a check for everything (including bills). It was the very first gift my youngest dd ever picked out for me by herself. Tweety had long since lost 90% of his person and only the head remained, when it went completely dry a couple years ago.

So I guess they last as long as they last.
Except 03 would have been before she got pregnant.

unless caylee wasn't the first pregnancy...

not to mention, and i can be totally off about this, but this diary (no matter what year the entries were written) could have been meant for someone to find. i know it sounds ridiculous, but she very well could have written them for someone to get a message (not a secret message or code, but to get her point across without saying it) to avoid the confrontation, or as a cry for help for someone to confront her about something she wouldn't want to bring up on her own. she isn't specific about her issues in the entry, so it leaves room to be interpreted by anyone as anything. (or to say to someone 'don't worry about me, i'm fine no matter what, no one and nothing gets me down. that whole pride thing she has...)

so say, if she was having problems with lee, and he found it, he might get concerned and come to her about it instead of her having to initiate the conversation--if she wasn't ready to talk, she could deny whatever she wanted because she didn't write out the problem as proof of what she is talking about.

sort of like writing a blog on myspace; for example, a friend of mine will write about things on blogs, but not be specific. an ex who reads it might think it's about him, a friend may think it's about her, and one could be right or both be wrong. since it's not specific, it doesn't matter what she says because she still got people thinking, and if it is meant for them, they got the message, and she can say 'oh, it's nothing to do with you', but they could still wonder. if not, she can still say 'not about you'.

very passive-aggressive, but not entirely impossible.

also very complicated to explain in text, so i hope you get what i mean.

i just think the lack of specifics is interesting. it is a diary, and it's so vague. she may have wanted someone to find it, or she simply had no expectation of privacy and thought someone would find it by looking for it.
Some thoughts/observations:

1) Enlargment of the spine area IMHO, DOES appear to indicate that several pages have been removed between the inside cover page and the June 21 entry.

2) LE could NOT remove these pages for the benefit of making the evidence more readily presentable - as that would be tampering with evidence

3) The image on the page on the lower right-hand corner appears to me to be a characature of a spotted cat w/ a striped tail, akin to a watermark.

4) Looking @ the logistics of when Casey would have secured the book:

June 21, 2008 was Saturday following the likely Monday, 6/16 date of Caylee's death. Per ADD information, depending on the exact time of death, the first bagging of the body occurred Thursday afternoon 6/19. Speculation that the second bagging occurred 6/20 afternoon on the last trip to G&C's prior to 6/21. Without getting into additional details here, 6/20 afternoon trip appears to me to be the most likely date of the disposal of the body on Suburban. This suggests the last opportunity to pick up the diary from G&C's would have been 6/20 also (if not before). However, even though per the cell pings, Casey appears to have spent the entire day 6/21 @ Tony's apartment. Pings begin @ 3:10AM and end @ 11:32PM do include six periods of inactivity (hence unable to determine her location) greater than 45mins with that being the minimum time required to drive round-trip from Tony's=>G&C's=>Tony's

6/21/08 SAT 3:10:09 AM 381 minutes to next locating activity
6/21/08 SAT 11:11:14 AM 54 "
6/21/08 SAT 1:26:47 PM 153 "
6/21/08 SAT 3:59:23 PM 53 "
6/21/08 SAT 6:40:38 PM 93 "
6/21/08 SAT 9:07:42 PM 53 "

With Cindy likely @ home on Saturday, Casey would have had to establish if the 'coast is clear' prior to making a trip that day to grab the book. The 11:11AM period is, in fact, initiated by a call to G&C's for 1 minute. The 'bookmark' pings beginning and ending this period, are, however, near Tony's apartment FWIW.

If the book was with Casey's belongings @ Tony's which were secured by Lee and brought back to G&C's, LE had the opportunity to secure it at that time. I have no way of knowing when this book came into LE's possession (i.e. 7/15-16 or the Dec '08 SW when we know items of this type were seized.)

5) IF the June 21 entry was photographed and released, it suggests to me that this type of evidence would fall in the same category as a June 22 entry, etc. I can not find any evidence of bleed through writing from the following page (either paper's too thick...or it doesn't exist) Perhaps this was the sole entry, which Casey subsequently forgot about, perhaps in favor of creating documents on the laptop. Note that the "Diary of Days" file was first created 7/2 per computer forensics. Perhaps the "Everyday Is A Brand New Begining(sic)" and "Carpe diem" scribbled on the inside cover page were from '03 and inspired the theme of Diary of Days and "Buena" Vida/Vista/Villi, etc. tattoo...or, perhaps these were scrawled in '08 in her present frame of mind.
Great, great points Bond - as always. I just wish I didn't have to read through pages and pages of comments about how the diary is going to hang Casey to get to yours.

In the general document thread I responded to a poster who asked why LE would be interested in a 2003 diary. I responded saying that at the time LE took the photograph, they would have no immediate way of knowing when the passage was written.

I was curious to see how LE would go about authenticating the date of the diary passage and I found this:

The last paragraph is particularly interesting. I think we should be on the look out for the results of forensic testing of this page
Here's my thoughts. Why does almost everything in this case that at first appearance seems so damning end up with a loophole? This entry was perfect, fits the circumstances to a tee, then we get a better picture showing the '03 up in the corner. So now we have yet one more thing, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. GRRRRR!!!! I should probably be on the rant thread.
I just don't think this entry is from '08. I WISH it was from '08, but I doubt it. (MASSIVE CUSSING!!!!)

Cuss away Lanie, I've already said many cuss words in many different languages today LOL

I believe(maybe I should say I chose to believe) the entry was written in 2008

I am not sure but...Doesn't the State have to prove when that entry was written and/or it's relevance to this case?
Would the State submit evidence in Court that was useless to them..I don't think so..but then again I am not a lawyer.
okay how about this in the evidence pics from the anthony's home on the back of the sticker page pic # 52 there is a phone number written in red pen with 9/8 beside it and some initials I think so I think the pen is one that she probably used often and if she has been using that same pen since o3 it would be long out of ink, right??

Hey, I forgot about this. If this is a pen she uses on a semi-regular basis, it wouldn't be dried out. (I'm not talking about running out of ink. I work in an office, and a lot of times the pens in the supply closet take a while to write because they have just been sitting there and the beginning of the ink is dry.)
I'm undecided on whether pages have been torn out, but I'm leaning towards this being written in '08 again.
Does anyone know where this diary was found? I didn't see anything about it.
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