Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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We are all praying for justice for Little Caylee and have always been doing so.

My question is why would the general public need to continue to encourage them when they have the proof in hand?

I always thought that the law was the Law and could not be swayed one way or the other by public opinion, especially dealing with the Federal Government.

It's pretty sad that the public has to pressure the government into following the law. Look how many times has the law been overlooked in this case. What happened why Cindy got on the stand and blatantly perjured herself? Nothing at all and that was on tv for all to see. Hopefully, this will be the begin of end for CA and those supporting her.
@2Hope4 - I hate to say it but of course CM forgot about Caylee. He forgot about her a long time ago when he promised FCA that she would be able to sell her "story" and make millions of blood $$. It makes my blood boil!
I can just imagine the day, when CM finally realizes it ain't happening, when their last sleazy scheme to make millions falls through and all other desperate maneuvers have been exhausted, and he's finally forced to come to terms with the fact that she's just not worth a dime. That will be the day she goes from his "granddaughter" to a worthless, no good freeloader who's overstayed her welcome (not that many bought their warm, friendly public persona anyway)...... Just visualize the horns popping out of fca's head when he unceremoniously hands her all her worldly belongings in a plastic Walmart shopping bag, snatches the cell phone - that he's been paying for - out of her hand, tells her they changed all their locks, and sends her packing with a few bucks to catch the corner bus..... That's one FU from CM I'd love to see.

All jmo.
Just a side note.... since i've been reading about why should we have to 'push' them to do their job... Alan Watkins was my attorney 20 years ago against State Farm/Allstate for medical bills from a Car accident. He was NOT proactive in any way and i was very very disappointed in his representation at court. I ended up doing most of my own research and document writing, dealing with medical records etc. He took the easy way out in every single situation he could instead of 'fighting' for my rights (pregnant at the time i was hit and did alternative (Accupunture/homeopathy/massage medicine instead of traditional til i delivered AND while breastfeeding,). As soon as i saw his name listed as a trustee attorney my first thought was, another 'easy moneymaker' job. Threaten his cushy job and maybe he'll work for justice, but look at his payout already.
from the book: IMO CM is big-time infatuated with her. he describes her: she's tiny. her tiny hands are smaller than his big ol' paws. she's demure. he likes her rack (his exact term)

can't read any more tonight, it's getting late/early. bummer ...

MOD ETA: link to book at Amazon:

BBM. I believe that. It seems to me he has some off fascination with her. I don't understand it at all. He seems snowed by her completely.
I am not getting this at all. No MSM reports. CNN did a story about Cheney's book and there were several thousand comments made under the story. Almost all against Casey and Cheney. So they have got to know this story will light up the message boards no matter what angle they come up with to sell it. I cannot help but think that if CNN or HLN don't touch it, it is because they don't want it out in the news for whatever reason. Makes me think they have a financial invest in her story and reporting this would break the deal. JMO
Just a side note.... since i've been reading about why should we have to 'push' them to do their job... Alan Watkins was my attorney 20 years ago against State Farm/Allstate for medical bills from a Car accident. He was NOT proactive in any way and i was very very disappointed in his representation at court. I ended up doing most of my own research and document writing, dealing with medical records etc. He took the easy way out in every single situation he could instead of 'fighting' for my rights (pregnant at the time i was hit and did alternative (Accupunture/homeopathy/massage medicine instead of traditional til i delivered AND while breastfeeding,). As soon as i saw his name listed as a trustee attorney my first thought was, another 'easy moneymaker' job. Threaten his cushy job and maybe he'll work for justice, but look at his payout already.

I'm not in the least surprised at that. It seems they just rubber stamp any bankruptcy application and get irked if the public tries to tell them about fraud. I am glad I'm not one of her creditors, I would be jumping up and down if I knew this was how
they approached their jobs. Many people felt it necessary to go over their heads and report the Rick Namey story to the regional Trustee, Cynthia Burnette, and that was the only way he finally got attention. Who in their right minds would believe Casey and Mason when they set a value of $25K on her life story? Only someone who didn't give a damn.
Or, they are having a hard time vetting the story ?

I am not getting this at all. No MSM reports. CNN did a story about Cheney's book and there were several thousand comments made under the story. Almost all against Casey and Cheney. So they have got to know this story will light up the message boards no matter what angle they come up with to sell it. I cannot help but think that if CNN or HLN don't touch it, it is because they don't want it out in the news for whatever reason. Makes me think they have a financial invest in her story and reporting this would break the deal. JMO
Sure would be nice if he came here to answer some questions.
It's been a while since there's been hopeful news like this for Caylee supporters. Lately it seems like anything new is about her cheating or getting away with gaining the system, with us helpless to do anything about it... And if nothing else comes of this, in regards to legal action against fca for her lies, continued fraud and abuse of the legal system, we still accomplished something. We let everyone know we're still here and ready to fight.... So, for anyone who might think that enough time has past, or that maybe the threat of public backlash has cooled, we just showed them they're dead wrong and they should think twice before making or accepting any offer to do business with casey anthony. You can guarantee that anyone who does consider it will, at the very least, hear about groups like us and will be advised that they will have to contend with them if they choose to move forward. And it doesn't necessarily mean it will stop all the opportunists, but there are plenty more who will, and do, consider how the public feels about certain topics/issues, and make their decisions accordingly... Every letter, email, phone call, etc, that we are making is reinforcing this, no matter what the trustees decide, or what's on those tapes.

All jmo.
the vetting process is crucial and cannot be properly done within a timeline of our choosing. there are complicated issues, not the least of which are CM's reputation/experience and the gravity of the allegations. there is much at stake, legally. I don't begrudge them (the BK attys and whichever network investigators) taking the time required to present it all wrapped up with a big red bow
It appears several of my posts of tues and wed have been deleted. Can a moderator or someone in the know tell me why? I'll often see posts snipped by mods yet my whole posts are gone with no pm to me or explanation or sometimes I'll see some kind of mod warning or something. thanks

The assigned mods are not available at this time. You'll hear from one of them when they return. :tyou:
Radar Online has the story up now. Sorry I don't know how to link from my tablet. I am hopeful more MSM will now pick up the story. Wonder if Cheney is still having fun.
the vetting process is crucial and cannot be properly done within a timeline of our choosing. there are complicated issues, not the least of which are CM's reputation/experience and the gravity of the allegations. there is much at stake, legally. I don't begrudge them (the BK attys and whichever network investigators) taking the time required to present it all wrapped up with a big red bow
:king::thinking:You have a very valid point. The silence is speaking volumes to me. I am so impatient.

Yes you are so right. This is not just another story on garage sales and sightings. I just need to be more patient.
I just read this thread, and I"m disgusted. WTH does Cheney still defend and coddle Casey? Why? What's his gain? Does he forget a BABY GIRL DIED??? Isn't THAT issue more important than saying Casey is innocent, blah blah blah?? I watched the trial, I actually cried with the prosecution closed. I felt that while they knew more, they didn't release more to the jury. For whatever reason. Maybe they felt the jury already knew? Maybe they felt that DID release all? Maybe the prosecution really believed that failing to report Caylee as missing for 30 days, then being found dead so close to the home was proof enough and that people would follow common sense and convict. However, as guilty as I do believe Casey to be, I felt the prosecution didn't present their A game. I cried, knowing that there was too much room for a jury to have to connect the dots, and feared they wouldn't. I cried because I truly felt a murderer would be getting away with murder. I watched the defense side then, and all the stuff thrown against the wall with hopes something would stick. I waited for them to follow up on what was presented in opening wasn't. Yet, I can't fault the jury. While it would have been an awful position to be in, and while your heart might believe one thing, you have to follow the law. Of course I didn't read what the jury instructions were at the time, and honestly can't remember if I've read them since. But I truly feel the prosecution just didn't present the evidence they DID have, and focused on stuff that confused the jury. Arguing over tiny things instead of looking at the elephant in the room.

As for any books written...if I see one at a thrift store or yard sale, I might buy it. MIGHT...but I wouldn't be spending big bucks to send to the author. Nothing any of them say at this point will change my mind on who killed dear Caylee. Nothing will change my mind about all the lying and coverup within that family. The only thing I really wonder about....why Casey hasn't faced the music? Why won't she have contact with her dearest brother, father and shall we ever forget her lying to cover anything, mommy dearest??? How's she supporting herself? She's NOT! Never has! No accountability. But she should stand in front of her father for those outrageous claims, and answer to him!! Doesn't have to be a public meeting. But anyone that accuses their father of such, knowing it didn't happen, should have the balls to stand up to his face, and repeat it. I do NOT believe Casey was abused in any fashion. She was the 'princess' Momma's darling little girl who could do no wrong! Momma's pride and joy! Momma's mini me!! And when the focus was on CAYLEE instead of Casey, well, Casey was jealous and couldn't handle it. She wanted the attention, the money, and the freedom. She didn't want the responsibility of child, spending money on a child when it she could be buying her a new outfit, or mixed drink. SPOILED BRAT! That's what she is...

Some of that might have been her genetic makeup, but I suppose much of it was her lack of raising!!

Well, JMO...and I shouldn't have jumped on this thread, because I realize I still have lots of anger about this case, and lots of hurt.

Caylee, I pray you're having the best of times in Heaven, and enjoying being a kid, and being loved. I can't explain why kids have different lives, different parents, and different showing of love. I can't explain why you were murdered, and other kids get to live. I don't have those answers. But you know love now, and always will. Enjoy your new friends.

Just found this thread last night and I just have to say, 2Hope4, the Thanks button will never be enough for this post!

I could not have said it any better! :tyou: for putting into words every emotion I've felt in reading the input from everyone here. It brings back so many of the memories and emotions of Caylee and her story - her disappearance, recovery :rose: , and the miscarriage of justice (IMO) we all witnessed together on a worldwide platform.

I haven't ever "gotten over" the verdict, the belief that fca, with the help of her team, managed to get away with murder. This "Ghost Book" is the first true glimmer of hope for any semblance of accountability :please: !

And I will admit, I am steeling myself for the possibility of another letdown, considering every negative contingency, because we've seen the worst can and does happen :stormingmad:

I am left with the pain and emptiness of the open, raw wounds that I told myself didn't hurt anymore. The truth is, they're there, they hurt, and they are justified. Maybe it's too soon for me too, but I will continue to follow here, with hope in my heart, just as your WS name represents....


We are less than 3 weeks away from what would have been Caylee's 9th birthday (August 9th, 2005). May there be more concrete news that we are closer to true :justice: for precious Our Forever Angel by then! I agree with a fellow WSer who stated that it feels like we care about her here a lot more than her own family (paraphrasing) and ITA! :grouphug:

:heartluv: Always in Our Hearts :heartluv:


Caylee Marie we :loveyou:

Image via http://3.bp.blogspot. com

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Chaney probably didn't care because Casey came in the form of $$$$ to him.

knowing/not knowing a defendant's guilt determines how the defense proceeds. saying that JB/CM did not know if CA was guilty was their sole justification for proffering the George-was-responsible story. if they knew she was guilty they could not ethically blame Caylee's death on someone else. as difficult as it is we need to recognize that defense attys live in a different universe than the rest of us; it's the nature of the beast and/or the backbone of our legal system. the issue we're struggling with here IMO is whether or not they were ignorant of her guilt. do I think JB/CM knew that she killed Caylee? gut feeling: yes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey/kindle location 401

In one of the first conversations I had with Cheney Mason regarding her guilt or innocence, I was amazed to hear him say that he didn't care.

kindle location 408

I was having troublesome doubts. I did not want to write a deceptive book to defend a murderer. I understood Cheney's position in the matter - the concept under our legal system that everyone - even the guilty - has a right to competent counsel - but I'm not an attorney. I'm a writer. Nobody has the right to a competent writer to help them sell lies to the public. I found that I was not convinced right away, although some of Casey's position made sense to me. It made sense that Casey would have been hiding from Florida's draconian parental responsibility laws. Still, I had many more questions. It occurred to me to ask Cheney how he first met Casey, as well as if and when he became convinced that Casey Anthony did not murder her daughter.

kindle location 425

Cheney: [snip] ... And so, within a matter of days thereafter, we went, I met Jose at the jail and talked to Casey and spent some time with her, talking just about her and the case.

Author: Did you ask her if she was guilty?

Cheney: No. (pause) To me, whether a defendant is guilty or not, is not particularly relevant.

This revelation came as a shock to me. The trial had been about life and death, both for the victim and potentially for his client. In his position, I would want to know the truth. I'm only the writer, and I absolutely wanted to know the truth. I could not write either book, neither Cheney's nor Casey's, if I didn't truly believe Casey was not guilty of the charges against her. Cheney seemed to sense this. I certainly tried my best to imply it in my skeptical tone.

Author: I see.

Cheney: It is somewhat revealing on those occasions when a defendant will acknowledge up front to the lawyer that he or she is guilty. It takes a lot of pressure off, but it means nothing because the issue is whether or not there's evidence to prove guilt, and if they're thinking they're guilty, then why? You know, there's the act and there's the intent, or in our parlance, we call it Mens Rea - the middle intent - which is critical in criminal cases. A person can accidentally recall something that happened and they did the act. It doesn't mean they have any criminal responsibility for it. So, no, I don't. I don't think in forty-one years, I have ever asked a defendant if they were guilty ... "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Should I Admit Guilt To My Criminal Defense Attorney?

... Some attorneys, however, do not want to talk to their clients about the case because they do not want to be limited in pursuing a defense. These attorneys will tell you that they do not want to know everything - they want to know only what the prosecution knows ...

However, attorneys cannot present evidence or arguments that they know to be false. (American Bar Association, ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 3.1, 3.3.) Does this mean that if a client admits guilt to his or her attorney, the attorney cannot enter a not guilty plea or zealously represent the client? No. In such cases, the attorney can focus on the holes in the prosecutor’s evidence, or on other legal issues (such as whether a search was appropriate under the Fourth Amendment, or whether scientific tests were performed according to the appropriate standards) that do not relate to whether the client committed the crime or not ...

When the Lawyer Knows the Client is Guilty: Legal Ethics, and Popular Culture
I have no problem if a defense lawyer does not want to know of his client’s guilt or innocence. I do hate the fact that CM is getting away with lying so he can make money on his stupid book. During an interview after the trial, he said with his own mouth, that he knew what happened but couldn’t say. What a crock. And now he is saying she is innocent. How would he know that if he has never asked a client if they were guilty? He is a lying, liar, mcliarson.
knowing/not knowing a defendant's guilt determines how the defense proceeds. saying that JB/CM did not know if CA was guilty was their sole justification for proffering the George-was-responsible story. if they knew she was guilty they could not ethically blame Caylee's death on someone else. as difficult as it is we need to recognize that defense attys live in a different universe than the rest of us; it's the nature of the beast and/or the backbone of our legal system. the issue we're struggling with here IMO is whether or not they were ignorant of her guilt. do I think JB/CM knew that she killed Caylee? gut feeling: yes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey/kindle location 401

In one of the first conversations I had with Cheney Mason regarding her guilt or innocence, I was amazed to hear him say that he didn't care.

kindle location 408

I was having troublesome doubts. I did not want to write a deceptive book to defend a murderer. I understood Cheney's position in the matter - the concept under our legal system that everyone - even the guilty - has a right to competent counsel - but I'm not an attorney. I'm a writer. Nobody has the right to a competent writer to help them sell lies to the public. I found that I was not convinced right away, although some of Casey's position made sense to me. It made sense that Casey would have been hiding from Florida's draconian parental responsibility laws. Still, I had many more questions. It occurred to me to ask Cheney how he first met Casey, as well as if and when he became convinced that Casey Anthony did not murder her daughter.

kindle location 425

Cheney: [snip] ... And so, within a matter of days thereafter, we went, I met Jose at the jail and talked to Casey and spent some time with her, talking just about her and the case.

Author: Did you ask her if she was guilty?

Cheney: No. (pause) To me, whether a defendant is guilty or not, is not particularly relevant.

This revelation came as a shock to me. The trial had been about life and death, both for the victim and potentially for his client. In his position, I would want to know the truth. I'm only the writer, and I absolutely wanted to know the truth. I could not write either book, neither Cheney's nor Casey's, if I didn't truly believe Casey was not guilty of the charges against her. Cheney seemed to sense this. I certainly tried my best to imply it in my skeptical tone.

Author: I see.

Cheney: It is somewhat revealing on those occasions when a defendant will acknowledge up front to the lawyer that he or she is guilty. It takes a lot of pressure off, but it means nothing because the issue is whether or not there's evidence to prove guilt, and if they're thinking they're guilty, then why? You know, there's the act and there's the intent, or in our parlance, we call it Mens Rea - the middle intent - which is critical in criminal cases. A person can accidentally recall something that happened and they did the act. It doesn't mean they have any criminal responsibility for it. So, no, I don't. I don't think in forty-one years, I have ever asked a defendant if they were guilty ... "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Should I Admit Guilt To My Criminal Defense Attorney?

... Some attorneys, however, do not want to talk to their clients about the case because they do not want to be limited in pursuing a defense. These attorneys will tell you that they do not want to know everything - they want to know only what the prosecution knows ...

However, attorneys cannot present evidence or arguments that they know to be false. (American Bar Association, ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 3.1, 3.3.) Does this mean that if a client admits guilt to his or her attorney, the attorney cannot enter a not guilty plea or zealously represent the client? No. In such cases, the attorney can focus on the holes in the prosecutor’s evidence, or on other legal issues (such as whether a search was appropriate under the Fourth Amendment, or whether scientific tests were performed according to the appropriate standards) that do not relate to whether the client committed the crime or not ...

When the Lawyer Knows the Client is Guilty: Legal Ethics, and Popular Culture

Thank you for digging that up gramcracker!... And just wow, this defense talks out of both sides... They give such a horrible name to the entire defense profession, IMO... Ethically, and otherwise... And the fact that they keep carrying on, post trial, about her innocence and how awesome she is, is just ridiculous. Writing books, continued representation while living with the client and providing financial support, one attorney bashing another attorney and claiming he lied about the entire theory of their client's capital murder defense - while he and the client just sat and watched helplessly. I could just go on and on about how dumb everything CM says... Not to mention, all the criminal activity...This whole case should be a case study of what not to do if you're a defense attorney.

All jmo.
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