Casey's Parents & Lawyers Bungle Public Relations

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George equates he and mom getting tattoos to the feeling one gets when they pledge allegiance with their hand over their heart.
Two minute mark watch how Cindy brushes under the rug the very serious charges Casey claimed in her jailhouse letters to Robyn that her brother and possibly father too molested her, repeatedly, for years. What in the world?

IMO Cindy did not seem bothered by Casey's accusations, not even for her son Lee
Cindy looks over to George and says "It was very hurtful to George" then George replied "I still is"

According to River, George told her that Caylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control.

Do you recall the first court appearance and the COLD, COLD shoulder Cindy gave George after the affair was exposed publicly. Wow, I needed a parka and I am in Texas. I believe the affair , at least an emotional one, did transpire and I do believe pop offered up the accident story. The question of whether to believe that he believed the story he was selling is up in the air. Of course he was not going to say, yeah...I spawned a murderess and now I am committing the crime of accessory after the fact to cover for the little b--ch. Right?

The interesting thing, as with all things in the case, is that this news cycle indeed began and ended.


Here Bill Sheaffer tells Nancy that River took a polygraph and passed it, and that after wards the police continued to work to get her phone records, the records of the guarded gated entrance at River Cruiz's home, etc.


One of the worst PR debacles of mom and pop, imo, was these civil depositions. I recall sitting at my desk in literal shock watching them!



Mom and pop contradicted their own statements, over and over again with their various and sundry public statements
"I am proud of my daughter", George Anthony tells Maggie.
Organizers, after getting hate and protestation mail over the Anthony's scheduled appearance to speak at a conference, un invite the Anthonys to the event as speakers.

Later, as we know, even a local charity publicly distances itself from the Anthonys over the announcement of grandmother donating Caylee's shoes and the public outrage that ensued. You just can't make this stuff up!!

PS: Regarding any and all of these videos and the captions across them, how they are titled, and certainly any crude comments on the page that accompany them are not mine. Please don't read them if you are looking for tasteful, proper language content. I have no idea who these folks are that comment on public videos. I am no saint, but some of them could make a sailor blush! I simply find the videos to go along with our topics at hand. It is constructive to me, to review the actual hearings and interviews straight from the horses mouths, so in that respect they are a valuable tool. The rest on the sides.....ignore. That is what I do.

After all of the interviews, all of the shenanigans...there is no getting around this to sober one up!

I wonder if by the time the trial gets here next year pop will have come full circle. I sure hope so. According to Mr. Miller pop was letting Casey have it at first.

Can you guys help me? Pop had the alleged suicide attempt after he learned of the duct tape on little Caylee's mouth. Does anyone know the spot in his depo with the State where he is being asked over and over again about duct tape and where he is insisting HE did not place that duct tape on the gas cans, as it was in disarray? Did his testimony directly contradict Cindy's on this particular point?


NO wonder they don't want their visits taped, good grief! Clearly this stuff is not good PR.

Cindy doesn't say ...we don't believe Caylee is in a dumpster,
in a pond,
in a lake,
in a suitcase,
in a storage unit....
What she did say is we don't believe Caylee is in the woods. There are no coincidences in criminal law.

Why do the Anthonys not understand they can look up their neighborhood Deed restrictions, and why does the simple concept of an easement or city strip elude them? It is odd.


I wonder if by the time the trial gets here next year pop will have come full circle. I sure hope so. According to Mr. Miller pop was letting Casey have it at first.

Can you guys help me? Pop had the alleged suicide attempt after he learned of the duct tape on little Caylee's mouth. Does anyone know the spot in his depo with the State where he is being asked over and over again about duct tape and where he is insisting HE did not place that duct tape on the gas cans, as it was in disarray? Did his testimony directly contradict Cindy's on this particular point?

NO wonder they don't want their visits taped, good grief! Clearly this stuff is not good PR.
Cindy doesn't say ...we don't believe Caylee is in a dumpster,
in a pond,
in a lake,
in a suitcase,
in a storage unit....
What she did say is we don't believe Caylee is in the woods. There are no coincidences in criminal law.
Why do the Anthonys not understand they can look up their neighborhood Deed restrictions, and why does the simple concept of an easement or city strip elude them? It is odd.

Because they think they are special and the normal rules and regulations just do not apply to them???? Actions speak louder than words... jmo
Apparently the Anthonys were portraying a vastly different life to the Sheriff's department than the neighbors opined.

This couple just cracks me up, doesn't everyone know a couple like this modern day Fred and Eythl? I mean that in a silly way, not to be disrespectful, just noting the way they finish one another's sentences, often.


The Cindy, George and Casey these neighbors saw is likely much closer to the truth than the folks Larry and Maggie met in interviews.

Casey came out screaming at her mother, f u and shut up mom, calling her names. Casey just drove away.
Another time Casey came out screaming and screaming at her mom.She went for a jog.
In both incidents Cindy did not raise her voice back.
It was a weekend.
Caylee remained in the house.
Always Casey could be the one heard raising her voice.
This was in May, possibly ( three months prior to interview)

George is a very good neighbor, he is a super neighbor, helpful, always. Cindy was always very nice to her daughter. Casey liked to go for jogs.
Lives right across from the Anthonys
in reply to World According:
"Can you guys help me? Pop had the alleged suicide attempt after he learned of the duct tape on little Caylee's mouth. Does anyone know the spot in his depo with the State where he is being asked over and over again about duct tape and where he is insisting HE did not place that duct tape on the gas cans, as it was in disarray? Did his testimony directly contradict Cindy's on this particular point?"

Here are the transcript spots in both George and Cindy's depositions.
George says he put "a" piece of duct tape on that gas can, but not sloppy like that one in the Exhibit photo.
George says when KC brought the gas can back, there was NO duct tape on it. Then there was a sloppy piece of duct tape on it, that George did NOT put on the gas can.

Cindy did contradict George's testimony, by saying that she knows George put a piece of duct tape on the gas can when they got it back in August (from KC). George says he did NOT put "that" specific, "sloppy" piece of duct tape on the gas can. Cindy tried to imply that LE took the gas can in August and gave it back, and then took it again on Dec. 11th (when Caylee found) ... implying that LE did something with the piece of duct tape on the gas can (not KC).

Cindy - 7/29/09 Part 2 ..pages 1-476

Exhibit 24 - gas can with duct tape, orange cone “3” - page 329 of 476 of PDF - [pg 511 of transcript]
Cindy shown Exhibit # 24, and is asked if they have duct tape in their home
Cindy - "Oh, man It's not something I would use every day. But I know George had used it on several occasions. I know he used a piece when we got the gas can back in July or August. I think it was August we got the gas can back and the cap that was on the gas can was missing, so he put a piece on the gas can to keep the vent from having it evaporate.

Cindy says that George put the duct tape on the gas can after he got it back from the sheriff's office. Cindy says they got it back once, and they took it again. They took it on December the 11th (Caylee's remains found). But they had taken it early on and they had given it back to us in August.
Cindy does not accept the time stamp of August 1, 2008 as reliable, because LE has made mistakes before.

page 331 of 476 of PDF - Cindy says they used the roll of duct tape at command center in July and August to hold up missing child posters. Cindy said they left any duct tape with KidFinders because it was their tent and their storage unit.

George depo - 8/5/09 ..pages 1-377

George depo Exhibits
Exhibit 1 - up close photo of gas can with duct tape, pg 162 of depo
Exhibit 2 - up close photo of Henkel logo labelling on duct tape on gas can with ruler, pg 162
Exhibit 3 - photo of gas can on tile floor with duct tape and metal brackets laying beside, pg 159
10 - photo of gas can with duct tape, orange cone “3”, pg 334, pg 209

page 159 of 377 of PDF - Exhibit # 3
George is shown photo of gas can with duct tape - says can is 20 years old - it is one taken from his shed

page 160 of 377 - George says he did not put that specific piece of duct tape on the can - he wouldn't do a sloppy job like that

page 162 of 377 - George is shown Exhibit # 1 - closer view of gas can in photo

page 163 of 377 - George says he put duct tape on the gas can, but not sloppy like that, and the gas can did not have duct tape on it when Casey brought it back

page 171 of 377 - George still saying he did not do a sloppy job with duct tape on gas can


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Thank you, thank you , thank you my good friend. I am working on something about that. I sure appreciate you!!!

regarding this section
page 331 of 476 of PDF - Cindy says they used the roll of duct tape at command center in July and August to hold up missing child posters. Cindy said they left any duct tape with KidFinders because it was their tent and their storage unit.

George depo - 8/5/09 ..pages 1-377

Do we have any knowledge of LE ever getting a search warrant for the storage unit? Do we know if those Kidfinders folks were interviewed by LE, outside of the matter about the taking down of the crosses at the remains site?
Here Kathi says that Baez was mad that her station opted NOT to go live with his press conference, yet the presser was specifically about news coverage!! You just can't make this stuff up!
Kathi Belich deserves a raise!!!
Jose giving yet another interview about his client.
I found it wonderful that the judge, often, asked Baez to confer with Andrea, all too aware that indeed SHE was the dp qualified, lead counsel on the case.


Remember when immediately following the Judge's ruling that specified Casey is to have NO CONTACT with the victim, Amy....
Jose walks out on the courthouse steps and publicly invites Amy to contact Casey, saying that Casey wants to continue to be her friend?

Jeff Ashton, "Caylee was almost three when she died with duct tape over her nose and her mouth. A juror may conclude that, she must have been restrained, chemically or physically.

How will the jurors apply those facts to the law the court will give them?
As the killer looked into her face maybe her killer even saw her eyes as the tape was applied
first one piece
then two
then three
so that no breath was possible.
Could Caylee have understood what was happening to her?
Did she try to resist?
Could her killer see the fear in her eyes as the tape was applied?
These are questions only the jury will be able to answer in this case.
The one thing we do know is this ,
if we have gotten to this stage,
those same jurors,have already decided,
that the face Caylee Anthony saw in those final moments of her life was her mother's face.
Anyone who contends that no jury could find that these conclusions call for a sentence of death is only fooling themselves.



Not Joy, but the other lady with the brunette hair, is that the ABC producer who was with the Anthonys at the Ritz Carlton?

Jose giving yet another interview about his client.
I found it wonderful that the judge, often, asked Baez to confer with Andrea, all too aware that indeed SHE was the dp qualified, lead counsel on the case.

Remember when immediately following the Judge's ruling that specified Casey is to have NO CONTACT with the victim, Amy....
Jose walks out on the courthouse steps and publicly invites Amy to contact Casey, saying that Casey wants to continue to be her friend


I did not see that video.
But of course JB would extend a "be friends with Casey again" because when Amy says "No I don't want to be friends with her" or just plain ignores them..then the Defense will turn it around and treat Amy like the bad one...Oh wait I think they are treating her her Depo.

Speaking as a parent...A person who has been betrayed by a "friend" the way Casey betrayed Amy is not deserving of a renewed friendship.
Thanks for all the recent video're the best

A local charity was getting death threats over Cindy Anthony wanting to donate Caylee's things to them. Yes, this was a PR debacle, alright!
Mike Brooks, FBI agent,
In recent hearing Cindy Anthony said she believes Caylee is still alive, why then is she giving away her clothes and shoes?

Judge Perry lets the lawyers know they will work Saturdays and evenings if necessary! This was after Baez told him there is a 50/50 chance the defense will meet the deadlines.
Wow! I don't know who has been coaching the defense or the Anthonys but they have all been very quiet lately... I have a feeling that they aren't going to be able to hold that silence too much longer. Cindy looked like she was ready to expode at the hearing
I bet there's a whole lot of personal mail in tomorrows document dump for the issue to have been slipped in so slyly last Friday. Haha :)
I bet there's a whole lot of personal mail in tomorrows document dump for the issue to have been slipped in so slyly last Friday. Haha :)

Very observant...I hadn't even made that connection.

You are absolutely right! There is no such thing as a coinkydink!!!
I bet there's a whole lot of personal mail in tomorrows document dump for the issue to have been slipped in so slyly last Friday. Haha :)

I was just thinking the very same thing...there is something there the defense sure didn't want released and I'm guessing from the look on CA's face at last weeks hearing that it has something to do with her. Here's hoping tomorrows doc dump is everything we want it to be. :toast:
I was just thinking the very same thing...there is something there the defense sure didn't want released and I'm guessing from the look on CA's face at last weeks hearing that it has something to do with her. Here's hoping tomorrows doc dump is everything we want it to be. :toast:

ITA. That motion was WAAAAAY too important to the defense team in light of what SHOULD be important. It ties KC's hands from manipulating people since the public can view her correspondence. I think ICA is feeling more and more isolated now and losing this motion guarantees her no privacy whatsoever. The fishbowl that once was her friend is now...........well not so much.

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