Casey's Parents & Lawyers Bungle Public Relations

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December 12, 2008 [Caylee's remains found day before]

1:05 Cheney Mason says "And all that talking, and all the press interviews, and the parents going on this show and that show, and the lawyer going on different shows establishes they have no credibility whatsoever. ....

The most important thing is how did she die? It could have been an accidental death, we've talked before, and an improper disposal, it could have been an outright brutal homicide. We don't know, and until the medical examiner is finished and renders a report, noone is going to know.".....

2:18 - you can pretty well predict that there's going to be a life sentence, and either going to plea and get it over with, or have a circus trial, and then be convicted, and then get life."

How does he sleep at night?
The new lawyers for CA/GA must have special ordered a huge muzzle for CA. She hasn't bitten anyone or even made a peep since the shoe charity media disaster.
The new lawyers for CA/GA must have special ordered a huge muzzle for CA. She hasn't bitten anyone or even made a peep since the shoe charity media disaster.
Or either they are on a long, luxurious cruise paid for by their last media tour a few weeks ago.. you know, the one they "were not paid for"..
uh huh, right.
How does he sleep at night?
He probably doesn't sleep well. Too giddy about wrapping up his career with a mega high profile case to attach his name to, which will live in infamy in the annals of crime history. He probably never thought he'd have a snowballs chance in he77 of jumping on this ride when he made that statement. Now that the golden egg has landed on him...of course he never said that..nope, never said it. Defense attorneys fall into 2 groups imo, those that will sell their souls to win, and those that will not sell their souls to defend their client. I guess we know which group KC's 'team' falls into. JMO.
How does he sleep at night?

My guess? Just fine. Anyone who wants to walk out with ICA free and on his arm, doesn't have a clue. The clueless always seem to get plenty of beauty rest.

It is those with a conscious who would be having trouble!
He probably doesn't sleep well. Too giddy about wrapping up his career with a mega high profile case to attach his name to, which will live in infamy in the annals of crime history. He probably never thought he'd have a snowballs chance in he77 of jumping on this ride when he made that statement. Now that the golden egg has landed on him...of course he never said that..nope, never said it. Defense attorneys fall into 2 groups imo, those that will sell their souls to win, and those that will not sell their souls to defend their client. I guess we know which group KC's 'team' falls into. JMO.

BBM - caught a typo - this case falls into the anal(s) of crime history! :cow:
The new lawyers for CA/GA must have special ordered a huge muzzle for CA. She hasn't bitten anyone or even made a peep since the shoe charity media disaster.

I find comments like this hilarious. So many people are astonished when CA manages to keep her yap shut, even though it's only been a few weeks since the shoe fiasco. Funny how she can go away for mere weeks and people think it's some sort of miracle. I feel sorry for the people around her who have to endure her inane ramblings. God knows she's squirming not being able to have her He-Man mug on TV.

Don't worry, it wont last. She'll be the contagious disease that she is.
State agency questions Casey Anthony defense budget

By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel
2:14 p.m. EDT, October 18, 2010

The state agency funding Casey Anthony's criminal defense is challenging many of the recent requests the defense team has made for certain costs in the case.

Casey Anthony attorneys, Jose Baez and Ann E. Finnell, filed a motion to set a "reasonable budget" for the "penalty phase" of the case.

They've requested costs for: a private investigator not to exceed $5,000; a psychiatrist or psychologist at a "reasonable hourly rate" not to exceed $7,500; costs for copying medical and school records not to exceed $1,000 and an additional 100 hours for a mitigation specialist at a "previously approved rate."

They've also requested travel expenses and lodging for Finnell, not to exceed $4,000; travel expenses for an investigator or mitigation specialist to go to Ohio with lodging and expenses not to exceed $1,500; and travel expenses and lodging for Finnell from Jacksonville to Orlando at approved rates if the case goes to trial.

more at the link:,0,4182604.story

JAC is going over ICA's budget with a fine toothed thinks Baez is up that proverbial creek...JMHO

Justice for Caylee,0,4182604.story

Here's a breakdown of the JAC challenges for the requested costs:

•As for the $5,000 in investigative services, the JAC argues the defense "has the burden to show how the requested investigator is necessary to the defense of the case and how the failure to provide such service would prejudice the defense."

The JAC response also says the rates for investigators cannot exceed $40 per hour.

•As for the up to $7,500 for a psychiatrist or psychologist, the JAC response states "counsel needs to file a separate motion delineating the particularized need for the expert." The JAC objects to any out-of-state psychiatrist or psychologist and wants to be heard before the court authorizes any experts.

It also objects to any rate for experts outside established rates. For instance, psychological evaluations have a flat per-exam maximum rate of $350.

•The JAC does not object to paying "reasonable costs" for copying medical and school records, according to the response. But the defense will need to provide proof of payment of those costs before JAC will reimburse them.

•As for the additional 100 hours for the mitigation specialist, the JAC notes the court previously approved a "cap" of 384 hours for mitigation specialist Jeanene Barrett.

"It is unclear whether that cap has been reached at this time," states the response from JAC Assistant General Counsel Bradley Bischoff.

The rate for such work is $40 per hour and the response states the court "must determine that the additional hours sought are reasonable and necessary for the defense of the case."

•As for Finnell's travel expenses and lodging, the response says, "JAC objects to reimbursement of travel expenses for any attorney in this case inasmuch as lead counsel is privately retained. Such travel expenses are overhead expenses that should be paid for through counsel's fee."

It goes on to say "the state should not bear the responsibility to cover travel expenses for a privately retained attorney who chooses to use the services of yet another attorney"

The response adds that although Finnell may not be charging Casey Anthony for her services "this is not a pro bono case; it is an indigent for costs case, where lead counsel has received a fee of $89,454.3."

Under JAC policies and procedures, the JAC would pay for attorney travel if the defendant was represented by one "pro bono attorney," but JAC "objects to paying for attorney travel where the defendant has retained privately paid counsel."

Later in the response, the JAC attorney argues, "Here the lead counsel has received compensation from a source other than JAC. Those funds should be used to cover the overhead expenses, including any attorney travel."

If travel is reimbursable, the JAC argues the defense "has the burden to show that any travel is necessary for the defense of the case."

•As for the Ohio lodging and expenses for the investigator or mitigation specialist, the JAC argues the defense "has the burden to show how the requested travel is necessary to the defense of the case and how the failure to provide such travel would prejudice the defense."

The response cites the court's May 12 order, which says "out-of-state interviews and depositions shall be done through the use of video conferencing equipment available at the Orange County Courthouse."

It also objects to Finnell's travel and lodging expenses between Jacksonville and Orlando.

The response asks the court to set a hearing on the various expenses requested by the defense.

I guess Baez needs to dip into the $89,000 he was paid previous to ICA being declared indigent...He sure got himself into one big mess...:dance: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

It's interesting in this video that Cindy says she herself would sit and rot in jail to protect her daughter. She's truthful to a T.. 1. She has created her own living hell she is a globally despised woman for what she is doing.. 2. She is protecting her daughter.

At the beginning of the 48 Hours show, (I did not watch it when it aired)

I do believe Cindy when asked why she is crying and's been an difficult year and she misses her girls....

Brad Conway: "The A's brought me on this journey to find the truth. They want the truth but it's going to be difficult, very difficult when we get there"

Maggie R: "What if the answers lead to Casey?"

Cindy A: "Then I'll have my answers"
I'm not so sure that she will accept the answers
If you listen closely, the first thing mom tells Rozzie is that she does NOT want to talk about the detectives, because when she does it causes strife. Then she immediately, literally, next sentence, she goes into disparaging them, over and over again, without taking a breath.

Wow! In the tape above Cindy demands that channel nine reporters be reprimanded and hold on to your seat, "I want them fired!"

I had not heard this one before, Megan tells Rozzie that the shovel, according to Jose, was borrowed at an entirely earlier time period to Caylee going missing (3:51 Jose himself on tape saying that Casey borrowed the shovel before she ever moved out of the house on the 16th, before Caylee was missing. What in the world? I'll say the parents and lawyers bungle public relations, mom and Jose are giving utter and completely opposite stories about the shovel! In Tracey's interview, she details that Casey said she borrowed the shovel to dig the big pool ladder out of the pool, George and Cindy flipped out and were shaking their heads like shut the hell up Casey! So that is THREE different stories about the shovel.

This is my personal favorite, "Someone" told Cindy that the smell of decomp that the dogs were hitting on in the car and in areas around the Anthony backyard could be caused by sweat, or urine , leaked from a wet diaper of Caylee's, etc. She literally contradicts the expert and seems to reject his expert opinion, categorically. The look on his face is priceless when she says she wants to challenge him to go home tonight to do an experiment on pizza in a trunk. Good grief!!!!

Even Geraldo is shocked at the take on things grandmother has changed to.
Boy, they sure can pick 'em?


thanks to ThinkTank
December 12, 2008 [Caylee's remains found day before]

1:05 Cheney Mason says "And all that talking, and all the press interviews, and the parents going on this show and that show, and the lawyer going on different shows establishes they have no credibility whatsoever. ....

The most important thing is how did she die? It could have been an accidental death, we've talked before, and an improper disposal, it could have been an outright brutal homicide. We don't know, and until the medical examiner is finished and renders a report, noone is going to know.".....

2:18 - you can pretty well predict that there's going to be a life sentence, and either going to plea and get it over with, or have a circus trial, and then be convicted, and then get life."

George equates he and mom getting tattoos to the feeling one gets when they pledge allegiance with their hand over their heart.
Two minute mark watch how Cindy brushes under the rug the very serious charges Casey claimed in her jailhouse letters to Robyn that her brother and possibly father too molested her, repeatedly, for years. What in the world?

Casey's defense team has done their client more harm than good. Local and national lawyers agree on this matter, Perry is more apt than Judge Stan Strickland to impose the death penalty. As a prosecutor, Belvin Perry won a death penalty case, then he later went to witness the actual execution of that defendant.

This sure was a bungle, he got caught lying in the civil depo. His testimony directly contrasted his testimony to the federal agents.

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