Casey's Parents & Lawyers Bungle Public Relations

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I personally believe that GA and CA are doing everything in their power to make sure that KC gets convicted.

If that means going on national television and making utter fools of themselves, well then so be.

They know who killed their granddaughter, and they are gonna make sure she pays, and pays and pays.

KC knows it to, that's why she won't even look at them in the courtroom.

The A's want KC to pay for what she did.

JMO, MHO, MOO...etc...

You're kidding...right?
Well, when they are silent, everybody thinks that means that they think Kc is guilty.
When they go to the National Media (only safe place) , everybody thinks they are messing everything up. So, its darned if they do and darned if they don't. It doesn't matter what they do, it won't matter. They are disliked in Orlando, they are not respected. As a matter of fact, anyone whom is attached to Kc that is on her side is generally disrespected. Their choices in protecting their daughter could not possibly be respected. Moo

I think the exception to that is ShirleyP....she is pretty well respected, and she is on her grand daughter's side....However, being on KC's side does not mean she has to tolerate lies and stories.
All the A's have to do is say "we love her no matter what." That tells me they are on KC's side, even if KC has to be punished for her actions-They will see it through with her.
But that's not what's going on with the A's-They have frankly acted weird. Just weird by any standards.
Not because they proclaim her innocense, but because they proclaimed her innocense promptly after letting us know that they did not think her to be innocent of anything.
I believe that CA was confident her many media appearances were going to garner a lot of public support and sympathy for KC. All along, she (and lap-dog George) trying to get everyone to buy into their conspiracy theory about bad police and evidence processing work. She so desperately wants people to think that KC has been "railroaded" and that LE hasn't done their job. How wrong she was (and still is)!!
The more she prattles on about "poor KC--missing her child" the more desperate she appears. The world is behind justice for Caylee and there's nothing she can do about it. IMO, I think this really pisses her off!!!

It all boils down to one big thing about her personality that will never change---her need to control the situation. Sorry, isn't going to happen.
I applaud the amazing work of the searchers, LE, FBI, Detectives, techs and the prosecution team.


BBM-I agree with you. I don't think CA could stand the idea that someone else was going to discipline KC. She would not even let GA get stern with KC.
It doesn't mean she (CA) did not discipline/get pizzed at KC, she just couldn't watch anyone else do it.
But she would have moments where she would relent control, maybe out of sheer frustration, not being able to find Caylee or her body-Case in point:

At 3:57 mark...

Cindy's phone message for John Allen January 23, 2009
The world is behind justice for Caylee and there's nothing she can do about it. IMO, I think this really pisses her off!!!

It all boils down to one big thing about her personality that will never change---her need to control the situation.

I agree. I have always thought that Cindy didn't really expect anything to be wrong with Caylee. Yes she was worried and suspicious but when push came to shove she really thought Casey would fold and produce a live Caylee. If she had found out that Caylee was dead before LE was involved, I am convinced that it would have been handled as a family matter, with Cindy in control of punishing Casey. In fact I have often thought that the reason Cindy wants Casey to be free is so SHE can be the one to punish Casey, not the state of Florida. To her, it's a family matter.
That was a little OT.

I think if the Anthony's had just said from the beginning, we love our daughter and no comment, no one would have criticized them at all.
Let's stay on topic regarding the public relations issues rather than their loyalties. Thanks!

For example, in listening to Levi's show last night, it was mentioned that Andrea Lyon's comment about "KC didn't kill 'her kid'" didn't help KC's public relations image at all.
I think, imo...that KC's family has added very much to the prosecution's argument for murder/death penalty. I have never figured out why they have not understood this or why their legal counsel has not advised them on this?!?! In fact...this has been one of my biggest questions/mysteries surrounding this whole case...imo
I think, imo...that KC's family has added very much to the prosecution's argument for murder/death penalty. I have never figured out why they have not understood this or why their legal counsel has not advised them on this?!?! In fact...this has been one of my biggest questions/mysteries surrounding this whole case...imo

I suppose it depends on the motive, the Defense (JB) may be happy for the A's to stir the pot since it raises the stock price in terms of their future hourly rate and book/movie deals after the trial --- and the A's just cannot help themselves.

If there ever was a case that needed firm counsel of the client and a plea deal .... this is it. So is everyone playing the media for their own financial gains while allowing KC to suffer the consequences? Seems so.
I'm another who believes that Cindy does want Casey convicted and everything she's said in her defense is hogwash and she knows how ridiculous it all sounds. Maybe she's going along with George somewhat because he can't face it, and just doesn't want Casey in general population. They could actually want her to get the death penalty so that she'll be more protected in prison if found guilty. Those two have never said one thing that could help Casey with public relations. The characters who inserted themselves into the case claiming to want to help Caylee actually did more to help Casey public relations wise than her parents ever have. LP saying that Caylee was born of incest and JG and RG blaming Cindy for being controlling did more to help her image than anything and most of it and probably all of it isn't even true.
I don't think Casey's story would have remained front page for so long without her parents. The constant lies, attempts to get media appearances and the lame excuses they have given for their daughter's (but mostly their) defense, has kept them in the spotlight. There have been quite a few Grandparents, in this exact situation, who were able to act with dignity and grace, while continuing to love their child.

The Anthony's have disregarded any show of support for their murdered Granddaughter and that was a choice (they made) so that they could protect the killer (and themselves). Supporting and loving your child is one thing, supporting and repeating her lies, for the whole world to hear, is another. It is a slap in the face to Caylee's memory.

They would not have been vilified in the media had they quietly supported their daughter while seeking justice for Caylee's murder. The sad part is, I believe they are trying to revive their own reputation and this has nothing to do with their daughter (and certainly not their Granddaughter).
I must admit that the A's media appearances do not bother me. I do not think anything about them when they are quiet. I don't care about them.

To me it is all about Justice for Caylee.

The A's are really just a sideshow now, they are just making noise. Justice for Caylee is basically in the hands of the Prosecution and I have confidence that they have a good case that is getting stronger by the day.

The A's are having the impact of keeping the story alive nationally, if not internationally which only hurts KC -- since more and more people become aware of the case and learn more about its history and true facts. They render a COV moot.

The Defense on the media also seems to do more harm than good. They are severely handicapped in that they can go to town on their bits of propaganda but they stall once the key questions are asked, like the 31 days and trunk. When they defer to that will be addressed at trial then it impacts the message they had. The facts of the case, in totality are insurmountable.

Given that the Defense enjoy such soft ball questions to date yet have not made much of a change to the perception of the general public in this case --- they'd need years to shift that perception. So it isn't helping the case, only helping them in their personal publicity.

The bottom-line is, so many people are so outraged about this particular crime -- which was really hyped to the max in those early months by the A's actions --- you simply cannot put the genie back in the bottle despite those crimes against children that have occurred since. It does not take the focus away.

The family AND Defense did a LOT of damage in those early weeks/months and no one was there for little Caylee. The nation adopted Caylee and she enjoys fierce support and love. Of course the A's cannot win either way now, they made a big mistake and it cannot be fixed.

While it was appropriate for the A's to love and support KC they did the opposite extreme and got involved in shenanigans to not just defend her but derail investigation. They did so at the price of turning away from Caylee.

It is all about Justice for Caylee and always will be.

somebody get Cyberborg a cigar, this post could not be more spot-on
Hi MissJames, happy to see you. Plus CA's a nurse and I'm not but I know, for sure, that chlorophyl acts as a deodorants for dogs. People use chlorophyl tablets for their breath and CA's is old enough to remember "Chlorettes" (sp??) gum. So, are we to believe that she did not know that? I think not, no more than she was home at that time while her timecard recorded her at work.

I used to work for a large pet supply company and there are a lot of products available for dog-breath neutralizing that do indeed contain chlorophyl, all of them state it as a selling point on the wrapping or packaging for the average person to understand
I wonder what the defense thought of the cameraman?

That is a good question! I'm glad that it wasn't just me who found that interview very suspicious for having been recorded at a media outlet! The camera work and zooming appear to have been done by someone who does not know how to work a video camera. Do we know for sure that this video was recorded by the tv outlet or was the final product just handed to them.

I believe George had to say what he had to say, but was the interviewer fed the questions so that he would not have to answer unexpected questions? Why do we not see who the interviewer is in the video (again, this seems not quite like a legitimate interview.) Surely journalists with a "scoop" would want their audience to see them in the interview too.

Why was it filmed in that office setting? Did he get paid for that appearance? What I am wondering is if the big media outlets are now feeling the pressure by the public to refuse the Anthonys' vies for attention and they now have to resort to recording their own statements and interviews because no one want to deal with them.

As Valhall would say, that last "microscope" appearance by George got my Hinky Meter going!!!

Oh, and BTW, where was Cindy? Are they getting the point that the public doesn't want to see her? Which makes me think that they might just now have a media consultant that is advising them on how to "work it." (Do you think that Tiger's consultant are pro bonoing a bit of "image rescuing" advice :crazy:).
Scroll down to page 308. The line of questioning begins further down the page and continues for a few more pages:

From page 316:

MR. CONWAY: I think she's asking whether there was a contract for a book right now.

THE WITNESS: No. There's nothing for a contract for a book right now. No.

MS. DRANE BURDICK: Is there one in the works?

A. There could be down the road somewhere. Could be a year. Could - who knows? I don't know. I don't really know yet. Nothing has been placed in front of me and say, we want to write this particular book.

MR. CONWAY: Does that answer your question?


HAAAAAAAAA. You go girl !!!
There is a value in the old saying out of sight out of mind. No one will ever forget the 911 excited utterance "It smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car!". That is certain. However; since the defense has yet to depose even the LE officers or have their experts examine any evidence, I feel that the trial is quite some time away. If, IF, the Anthonys and the defense lawyers could decide to remain private from here on out, perhaps some of this mess they have created could fade in folks memory by the time the trial arrives. I am not a lawyer, so this advice wont come across the lightserve, I am however the average American; and God blessed us with common sense. If I were advising the defense and the Anthonys I would give them a few, simple rules that make common sense.They quote from here, so Anthonys and defense team if you are reading here today......

1.) The only comment , ever, to be made by the defense attorney or any expert is to be: I do not comment on pending cases. Never opine publicly about this case at all, until the trial has a resolution.

2.) The Anthonys should be instructed to:

a) disband the Caylee M. A. foundation at once and seek out no camera time on any other missing persons case, unless and until their daughter is acquitted.

b) refrain from any public comments, whatsoever until the case is resolved.

"We love our daughter, that is unconditional. We loved our grand-daughter.That is perpetual. We appreciate all of the support we have had. Our family is eternally grateful for those who searched, Texas Equisearch and all of the volunteers that came from all over the nation. We are also so very thankful for the kind donors who quietly that donated money for Caylee's funeral, from all over the world! We want to thank those who prayed for Caylee, and ask that you continue to pray for our family. There will be no further public remarks until after the trial. We ask that you respect our privacy at this very difficult time."

That is the statement, the very, very last statement Brad should announce on their behalf.Caylee looking up..jpg

They should let Lee be their guide and remain private.
Would that they could follow through with such a message, TWA.
Casey Anthony: Her parents, lawyers bungle public relations
Caylee and Casey Anthony, George and Cindy Anthony, NBC, Today, WOFL — posted by halboedeker on January, 10 2010 5:02 PM
How different might the Casey Anthony coverage be if George and Cindy Anthony stayed out of the limelight?

That is something they simply can&#8217;t &#8212; or won&#8217;t &#8212; do. He and Cindy have kept putting themselves out there, under the microscope.

Odd choice of words since the only thing under the microscope, not by choice, is poor sweet little Caylee's tiny bones. What do you think about the media tours by the lawyers, experts and mom and pop? The defense has been advised against it, with comments perhaps welcome and some unwelcome. Like the thorn-bird, still... they do it. The trial is likely a year away, do you think they could decide to stop now and do no more harm to the case, or is it too late? What would you advise them to do from here on out? Andrea said she blames the media for the public outcry against her client.
This was discussed on Levi by our very own Tricia, former Florida prosecutors and others.

I kept wondering "what letter GA read?" So here is a link for those of you, who like me, haven't been checking in every day. TY to "TWA" for starting this thread.

There is a value in the old saying out of sight out of mind. No one will ever forget the 911 excited utterance "It smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car!". That is certain. However; since the defense has yet to depose even the LE officers or have their experts examine any evidence, I feel that the trial is quite some time away. If, IF, the Anthonys and the defense lawyers could decide to remain private from here on out, perhaps some of this mess they have created could fade in folks memory by the time the trial arrives. I am not a lawyer, so this advice wont come across the lightserve, I am however the average American; and God blessed us with common sense. If I were advising the defense and the Anthonys I would give them a few, simple rules that make common sense.They quote from here, so Anthonys and defense team if you are reading here today......

1.) The only comment , ever, to be made by the defense attorney or any expert is to be: I do not comment on pending cases. Never opine publicly about this case at all, until the trial has a resolution.

2.) The Anthonys should be instructed to:

a) disband the Caylee M. A. foundation at once and seek out no camera time on any other missing persons case, unless and until their daughter is acquitted.

b) refrain from any public comments, whatsoever until the case is resolved.

"We love our daughter, that is unconditional. We loved our grand-daughter.That is perpetual. We appreciate all of the support we have had. Our family is eternally grateful for those who searched, Texas Equisearch and all of the volunteers that came from all over the nation. We are also so very thankful for the kind donors who quietly that donated money for Caylee's funeral, from all over the world! We want to thank those who prayed for Caylee, and ask that you continue to pray for our family. There will be no further public remarks until after the trial. We ask that you respect our privacy at this very difficult time."

That is the statement, the very, very last statement Brad should announce on their behalf.View attachment 7059

They should let Lee be their guide and remain private.


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