Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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Can anybody reconcile why KC seems to stick up for Cindy more than she does George? KC stated in a depo that her mother called her a *advertiser censored* and didn't take action when KC supposedly told her about situations that took place at home that would call for help. Who can make this stuff up? How would KC think to throw that comment into the story? I suppose it's possible but :waitasec:. Then, Cindy states in her depo that there were never any problems in the home prior to Caylee's birth. We know KC took checks from Lee and about the high school graduation confusion. Those are big issues to me. Examples abound of Cindy minimizing, passing blame, denying, excusing and sticking her head in the sand.

When the family was discussing finding the Pontiac in the towyard issue, Cindy asked, 'why didn't she pick up the car?' I don't know who 'she' is but I can't reconcile, that in order for her to ask that question, Cindy must have had prior insight to an overall plan that didn't go the way it was intended to play out. Therefore, at that point, Cindy must have been involved in some kind of a coverup and not thinking that KC and Caylee were out of town for KC's 'work'. I've been unable to forget the small details that keep me wondering who knew what when and why, etc.

The three of them are knee deep in coverups imo.
KC is a product of crazy and not simply a stand alone crazy imo.
The whole group of experts allowed them to remain above the law by not digging deeper into their confusing testimony and phony stories.

WOE! Long time no see! :seeya:
It is amazing to see how her story grows with each interview. Ultimately, George must have taken her from their bed (even though she was an "attentive" mother and would generally had noticed if she moved....but she was up all hours of the night texting so maybe that is why she was sleeping harder than usual!). Then George "did something to her" and then drowned her in the pool. Oh, and let's not forget that he first dug to the bottom of her "too small" clothes and dressed her in something weird that Cindy had never seen...clothes that were supposedly hidden in Casey's trunk.

It always bothered me that Caylee was found with clothes that were too small for her!! I have nightmares about her specifically choosing the outfit and changing her before she killed her.... :(

After reading these psych evaluations, I think Casey did give some insight into how she died. I think she planned all along to make it look like a kidnapping and that she specifically chose the "Big Trouble" tshirt and put the tape on her face to stage it. I'm starting to come around to the fact that she very well may have drowned her in the pool herself or the bathtub.

The depths of her lies is something I have never seen.
<Snipped from today's news:>

"The reports follow the unsealing of eye-opening depositions on Wednesday from two psychiatrists who evaluated Casey."

The "reports" being the 'resignations' of Baez and Sims.

Any correlation between the reports being released and the resignations?

ETA: Perhaps this belongs on the attorney's quitting thread?

There just isn't an answer. These people are all crazy. I am almost to the point where I would actually like to see a reality show with them all in a Therapy House with honest to goodness verified, qualified professionals. OMG. I am most sure the show would run for years..... I think this family is the mental health professional's dream...or nightmare.

I'm no fan of George (in my humble opinion, he is weak, stupid and spineless; more afraid of Cindy than he was interested in protecting Caylee), but out of the whole Anthony clan, I think he is the only one who would be open to help from a good therapist (well, maybe Lee, too...if you could get him away from Mom and Little Sis). Forget Casey. She's a help for her. Evil can't be fixed with therapy. And Cindy lives on Planet LaLa; I don't think she can be reached, either.

I rue the day this whole clan transplanted to Florida; like we don't have enough problems here without them!
Can anybody reconcile why KC seems to stick up for Cindy more than she does George? KC stated in a depo that her mother called her a *advertiser censored* and didn't take action when KC supposedly told her about situations that took place at home that would call for help. Who can make this stuff up? How would KC think to throw that comment into the story? I suppose it's possible but :waitasec:.


I wonder if it's because that, in fact, IS true. I do wonder if LA fiddled her boobies a few times. I do not think anything at all she said about GA was true, I dont believe LA did anything other than cop a feel, I think she did tell CA and CA might have said something like that.

now, this is where I freely admit I might be projecting my own life experiences onto OCA or something she claimed. I did have a situation that I did tell my mother about who did counter it with her synopsis that I was, in fact, a lying *advertiser censored*.

my point being I know it's quite possible that mothers do, indeed, say things like these. however a similar issue is outlined in a V. C. andrews book that OCA may well have pulled it from ...!!

but...between the "*advertiser censored*" tossed in there, with the fact that before caylee was murdered OCA was already telling people this about LA, and let's face it, LA's C!M!A! crap was EXCEEDINGLY bizarre....I do wonder if there were boobies fondled.
I agree

I have a family member very much like Casey. She is elderly now but has been doing the same thing for decades.

She lies and lies and makes up stories and lies some more......
It doesn't work on us because we confront her...but she will turn it around and blame someone else ..never apologizes and never takes responsibility for her words or actions...always blaming someone else...always.
Would you tell a little about how your family members life has played out.. I, too grew up with someone chillingly similar in many ways but the moment we graduated highschool she is one I truly couldn't leave behind quick enough. So I don't know how her adult life has played out..

Did your family member ever end up having any bonded, deep rooted relationships thru her adulthood, marriages, children??am just very curious to know how ppl such as this fare through their adult lives.. Work relationships, etc, etc..(that is if it's not too personal what I'm asking:))

IMO she wasn't calling for help for G or C. She was afraid for herself.*

I really wish Jose hadn't stopped the depo. I would have loved to read what the Anthony's had to say happened that day.
Above is BBM.. Me too!!! This really bothered me greatly and I was a bit shocked as I really thought that HHJP was going to allow them to go ahead and finish the remainder of the depo.. As Ashton said they were nearly complete as in the last 3 pages of notes from Dr. D were STRICTLY GEORGE AND CINDY'S DIRECT ACCTS OF "WHAT HAPPENED"!!! Did everyone read where Dr. D was very anxious to get to this part of his testimony in front of the prosecution(whereas in stark contrast the portion containing all of Casey's blasphemous filth about George he was literally sickened to death to even have to repeat the abhorrent lies)..

In fact Dr. D's exact words in describing this last portion of testimony that we were prohibited from hearing regarding George and Cindy's accts of "what happened".. Dr. D says its "truly unimaginable"!!!

I certainly would love to know what it was they said to the good doctor that had him so anxious to spill to the prosecution and even deemed it "truly unimaginable".. I guess it's likely we'll NEVER KNOW!?!?

Now she thinks she's Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander? LOL. I'm waiting for the bleached eyebrows and the razor-cut asymmetrical black hair. Not to mention a dragon tattoo. Oh felon Anthony, you are SO pathetic.

Re: The psych evals and depos; even if all of this bullcarpy has come out during the trial, with the Pinellas 12 it wouldn't have made any difference. They could have found her guilty of any number of lesser charges but they gave her a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card...except for the lying. Don't you think that would have been the tip off? She's a liar. They agreed she's a liar. She lies like a rug to save her own bacon...any fool can see it. Apparently, the Pinellas 12 came from a specially-bred variety of fool: deaf, DUMB and blind justice. As other posters have noted, they were way more interested in what movies they would get to watch and what was for dessert, than seeing that little Caylee received some measure of justice.

When the felon reoffends (and she will), I hope they are pleased that they let this monster loose on society.


And to go it even a step further regarding you're above Bolded sentence that even if the Pinellas 12 would have heard and had this knowledge and/or testimony that we now have from these psych evaluations NOT ONLY do I believe it would NOT have changed their verdict in the slightest, but IMO I full well believe that these people's state of mind it would have only bolstered their believing that George was the EVIL MONSTER in that household and that it was he that murdered and covered up Caylee's death.. The way it certainly appears that is their thought processes IMO would very likely have them only further cemented in their hatred and blame for George.. They would have bought Casey's entire boatload of bs straight outta the mouth of Weitz and I believe they'd even buy Casey's "speculation" that the reason for Caylee's death was that George had just sexually molested her and then killed her to silence her.. I'm dead serious!!!

And just as someone posted last night(couple pages back) it was stated that they agreed fully with the jury and felt that these newly released docs would make the jurors happy in further solidifying their verdict of Casey's not guilty..*

It's a fact that for some people(IMO undoubtedly the Pinellas 12 included) these docs further prove Casey's innocence(the ever poor victim) and further solidify their opinions of George and his involvement and total responsibility for Caylee's "intentional" death(NOT accidental but intentional if you believe Casey Anthony's acct of "what happened")

That I have no problem agreeing to TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DISAGREE on that opinion and viewpoint but I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME GRASP THAT THERE ARE ACTUALLY THOUGHTS THAT THESE ABHORRENT LIES ARE ACTUALLY TRUE!?!?!! And I never will understand it..*sigh*
I'm no fan of George (in my humble opinion, he is weak, stupid and spineless; more afraid of Cindy than he was interested in protecting Caylee), but out of the whole Anthony clan, I think he is the only one who would be open to help from a good therapist (well, maybe Lee, too...if you could get him away from Mom and Little Sis). Forget Casey. She's a help for her. Evil can't be fixed with therapy. And Cindy lives on Planet LaLa; I don't think she can be reached, either.

I rue the day this whole clan transplanted to Florida; like we don't have enough problems here without them!
I am mortified that this woman could have listened to this cr*p spewed at her husband and still be inclined to perjure herself so as to get her lying POC daughter off. There are no words to explain how she can idly sit by knowing that her husband has been called a murderer AND a molester by HER own child. And she drives around in a car touting "Caylee's Fund"? How dare she!! We have the As and the Pineallas 12 to thank for this bane being unleashed on society. Shame, shame, shame on them!!
Would you tell a little about how your family members life has played out.. I, too grew up with someone chillingly similar in many ways but the moment we graduated highschool she is one I truly couldn't leave behind quick enough. So I don't know how her adult life has played out..

Did your family member ever end up having any bonded, deep rooted relationships thru her adulthood, marriages, children??am just very curious to know how ppl such as this fare through their adult lives.. Work relationships, etc, etc..(that is if it's not too personal what I'm asking:))

Above is BBM.. Me too!!! This really bothered me greatly and I was a bit shocked as I really thought that HHJP was going to allow them to go ahead and finish the remainder of the depo.. As Ashton said they were nearly complete as in the last 3 pages of notes from Dr. D were STRICTLY GEORGE AND CINDY'S DIRECT ACCTS OF "WHAT HAPPENED"!!! Did everyone read where Dr. D was very anxious to get to this part of his testimony in front of the prosecution(whereas in stark contrast the portion containing all of Casey's blasphemous filth about George he was literally sickened to death to even have to repeat the abhorrent lies)..

In fact Dr. D's exact words in describing this last portion of testimony that we were prohibited from hearing regarding George and Cindy's accts of "what happened".. Dr. D says its "truly unimaginable"!!!

I certainly would love to know what it was they said to the good doctor that had him so anxious to spill to the prosecution and even deemed it "truly unimaginable".. I guess it's likely we'll NEVER KNOW!?!?

And to go it even a step further regarding you're above Bolded sentence that even if the Pinellas 12 would have heard and had this knowledge and/or testimony that we now have from these psych evaluations NOT ONLY do I believe it would NOT have changed their verdict in the slightest, but IMO I full well believe that these people's state of mind it would have only bolstered their believing that George was the EVIL MONSTER in that household and that it was he that murdered and covered up Caylee's death.. The way it certainly appears that is their thought processes IMO would very likely have them only further cemented in their hatred and blame for George.. They would have bought Casey's entire boatload of bs straight outta the mouth of Weitz and I believe they'd even buy Casey's "speculation" that the reason for Caylee's death was that George had just sexually molested her and then killed her to silence her.. I'm dead serious!!!

And just as someone posted last night(couple pages back) it was stated that they agreed fully with the jury and felt that these newly released docs would make the jurors happy in further solidifying their verdict of Casey's not guilty..*

It's a fact that for some people(IMO undoubtedly the Pinellas 12 included) these docs further prove Casey's innocence(the ever poor victim) and further solidify their opinions of George and his involvement and total responsibility for Caylee's "intentional" death(NOT accidental but intentional if you believe Casey Anthony's acct of "what happened")

That I have no problem agreeing to TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DISAGREE on that opinion and viewpoint but I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME GRASP THAT THERE ARE ACTUALLY THOUGHTS THAT THESE ABHORRENT LIES ARE ACTUALLY TRUE!?!?!! And I never will understand it..*sigh*
I have to respectfully can the jury NOT see the discrepencies in her "stories"?? Though I would love to hear them explain her lies, I think they're digging themselves even bigger holes now to hide in. IMHO, there's not a hole deep enough.
Oh *snort*

Dr. W first depo...p. 101

Dr. W: ,,, there is something about – I know that there is something about that she had two seizures. She indicated in 2008 that there was some evaluation by a neurologist. There were no physical signs. She had two outside of her time while incarcerated, I guess, in jail.
Something that she fell at the court – that she fell at the courthouse. So I’m checking out some medical information. I mean, we cover a lot of different things, but these were areas, the seizure issues and the fact that she fell at the courthouse and there were two seizure that she identified were of concern.....

I am feeling a little embarrassed for the Good Doctor. Doesn’t he realize she fell at the courthouse because SHE WAS SHACKLED. LOLOLOLOL.

I haven't read that part yet
OMG...OCA told Dr W she fell at the courthouse because she had a Seizure? for real? :floorlaugh:
She tripped over her shackles
Officials said in a news release that Anthony's fall appeared to be an accident. Moore said in a news release that Anthony tripped when she became tangled in her restraints.
I was just mentioning this thing in another thread. Is it ethical for a lawyer to knowingly do this?
Jeff explained this and I'm trying to remember what Baez could claim...something about what his client had told him??? But this is so blatant that I don't see how they can misinterpret the intent. It was George and ONLY George.
:floorlaugh: I love the term pathological blamer :great:

KC is not only a pathological liar, she is a pathological blamer, a pathological excuser as well as, a pathological victim.

She is so unluckly, everything has gone wrong for her and everyone else is to blame ... always, everytime, without fail.

There is always an excuse. KC has honed her life skills on making excuses to CA :banghead:

Yet despite all this, she comes out unfazed, unscathed and downright happy. :waitasec:
I haven't read that part yet
OMG...OCA told Dr W she fell at the courthouse because she had a Seizure? for real? :floorlaugh:
She tripped over her shackles
Officials said in a news release that Anthony's fall appeared to be an accident. Moore said in a news release that Anthony tripped when she became tangled in her restraints.

This doctor is not too clear on what Casey told him vs. what he gleaned from the news media.......Me thinks he spent a lot of time googling when he was hired on. Either Casey told him or implied that she had two seizures - one outside the jail (MEANING the one JG talked about where he took her to the hospital and which I believe was too much booze) and one while in jail. BUT he never saw any jail medical records to substantiate this revelation by FCA. That is one of my biggest problems with this clown. He makes all these assumptions and conclusions based on LIES told to him by someone he says ADMITTED to him that she lies. :nuts::hypno::hypno:
Would you tell a little about how your family members life has played out.. I, too grew up with someone chillingly similar in many ways but the moment we graduated highschool she is one I truly couldn't leave behind quick enough. So I don't know how her adult life has played out..

Did your family member ever end up having any bonded, deep rooted relationships thru her adulthood, marriages, children??am just very curious to know how ppl such as this fare through their adult lives.. Work relationships, etc, etc..(that is if it's not too personal what I'm asking:))

As I thought your request over.. I see that my family member is a lot like Cindy and Casey

Many in the family believe her to be self-centered, a liar, drama queen, she has to be the centre of attention, righteous indignation, she is right you are wrong...she must control..even when confronted about her stories she will not back down or reflect upon it

Yes she married...she has accused him of physical abuse to family and friends.
She bad mouthed her husband and made sure her kids always sided with her against him and they grew up having no respect for the father.

Interestingly, she was a Nanny many many years ago and then worked odd jobs while her kids were growing up

She sees herself as the best mother and grand-mother around no one compares to's all about how great she is..

During the time her kids were growing up most of the family friends tolerated her and ignored what she was saying..but now they have little to no association with her...they have grown tired of her stories and lies..

I have not seen this family member in a very long time because of a verbal confrontation with her...I was going thru some very upsetting issues and she turned it around to make it all about she was suffering over it....
What? See what happens when I have a morning meeting? :eek:
I know how you feel. I lost my internet connection tuesday night and have been dying to get on here to see everybody.

Ok, back to catching up.
I do not recall Lee refuting FCA's accusations ... :waitasec: ya would think he would ... a "normal" person would be "screaming from the rooftops" if it was a lie ... but Nothing ... Nada ... Zip from LA that I recall ...

:waitasec: IIRC -- sometime around the trial, Lee hired his own lawyer ? ? Anyone remember this ? Lee was not using Lippman ...

:waitasec: The A's have had so many attorneys ... it's hard to keep track of them ...

LA attorney was Thomas Luka.
In the Dr. W depo that I'm reading now, I'm reminded that GA was married prior to his marriage to Cindy.
Does anybody know if GA had a child/children with his first wife?

In the depo it states that KC found out about GA's first marriage when she was in Jr. High.
That may not in itself be a huge deal but did she also find out she had a half sibling/s at that time? Just wondering.
I have to respectfully can the jury NOT see the discrepencies in her "stories"?? Though I would love to hear them explain her lies, I think they're digging themselves even bigger holes now to hide in. IMHO, there's not a hole deep enough.

I absoltely understand and agree with you that how could they not see the glaring discrepancies that Casey states from her own mouth.. But it is clearly obvious that I didn't just come up with this belief on my own.. See for yourself here's the post I referred to in stating that there are people who believe her boatload and that their opinion is that he Pinellas 12 will be happy about these docs.. I know hard to believe.. It is for me too.. But it's true..<BBM the portion regarding the jury.. But it's all relevant to this discussion>
Originally Posted by bellaneph
I'm trying to keep my mouth shut and not "make waves," but the bias on this thread in particular is astounding. 2 different doctors who never met Casey before (and had more of a reason if anything to side with the prosecution) said the exact same thing and had the same trouble coming up with a "diagnosis" despite Ashton's attempt to force them to have one.

I don't like how Ashton continues to laugh at the defense; that is unprofessional.

And the fact that 2 people heard Ashton call the doctor an "as&*h*(e" is also way out of line.*

I don't understand why people have to be scared to post their views on this thread. Can't it be possible that George WAS involved? Can't it be possible Casey WAS molested? I, for one, think she was and she certainly does fit the profile and I've dealt with a lot of sexual abuse cases.

I have watched every single second of the trial, so you can't possibly tell me something was wrong with the jury. There just wasn't enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. I think the jury were probably very happy today after reading those 2 depositions by those 2 UNBIASED doctors.
* * **

Therefor this further leads me to believe its entirely POSSIBLE that the Pinellas 12 would have believed as well..
According to Casey she says that there were no half or step siblings as I believe is what she or he referred to them as.. But of course that's Casey talking.. Take it FWIW..(to my knowledge there are no other half siblings IMO)

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