Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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I totally agree. I am a survivor, and have known many from a support group I have been in. Many have PTSD and suffered from bad reactions. Some of us acted out in bad ways. Promiscuity, or drug/alcohol abuse is sometimes rampant while a survivor works through their issues. And yet none of the survivors I have known have ever driven around with their dead child in their car trunk. None of them would ever go out and party after watching their abuser rape and murder their child.

I am sorry to hear that Katy but so glad to see you have fought your demons and won.

I am so blessed that I never turned to drugs/alcohol. Maybe that was because my abuser was an alcoholic.

I am now 65 years old and live a great life and have for many decades now but there are things that still haunt me from my childhood. I still experience things from my past. I cant stand for our home to be dark with the drapes drawn. I have to have a lot of light and all the room doors must be open in our home.

I still can be frightened easily and will go all to pieces when someone is just joking around and tries to sneak up on me when I dont know they are there. But for the most part I can confront what happened to me and deal with it very well. I know it is not the past that makes a person who they become. It is the journey they have traveled since then.

I'm trying to keep my mouth shut and not "make waves," but the bias on this thread in particular is astounding. 2 different doctors who never met Casey before (and had more of a reason if anything to side with the prosecution) said the exact same thing and had the same trouble coming up with a "diagnosis" despite Ashton's attempt to force them to have one.

I don't like how Ashton continues to laugh at the defense; that is unprofessional.

And the fact that 2 people heard Ashton call the doctor an "as&*h*(e" is also way out of line.

I don't understand why people have to be scared to post their views on this thread. Can't it be possible that George WAS involved? Can't it be possible Casey WAS molested? I, for one, think she was and she certainly does fit the profile and I've dealt with a lot of sexual abuse cases.

I have watched every single second of the trial, so you can't possibly tell me something was wrong with the jury. There just wasn't enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. I think the jury were probably very happy today after reading those 2 depositions by those 2 UNBIASED doctors.

I agree with you that Jeff Ashton's laughing was very unprofessional.

I disagree about the competence of the doctors - at least Dr. W. I also generally think that a Dr will have bias towards which ever side hired them. It's human nature. So I don't find the Dr's to be unbiased at all.
Gonzalez's attorneys seek doctors in Anthony mental evaluations
John Morgan files motion to use doctors as witnesses

Maybe we will be able to get "the rest of the story" :rocker: :websleuther:

And this, too: "During the trial, Anthony’s team said she made up the story about Gonzalez, but sixth months earlier, Anthony told psychiatrists that she used Gonzalez as a nanny, but Gonzalez just didn’t kidnap Caylee."
I thought it was creepy that the doctor had such a problem or issue with this.

Dr. W. seemed so focused on George being a molester that he seemed to totally forget any other part of the evaluation he was supposed to be doing on Casey.

He even said in the depo that he wasn't as interested in finding out or getting answers about things such as the 31 days once he heard about the molestation. The Dr admits that he found the molestation more interesting and therefore zeroed in on it.

That right there is enough to tell me what level of competence he has. Zero.
I've been so busy reading the depos (and fuming) that I haven't posted anything else yet, but how funny is Dr W's Freudian slip? OMG!!! I just about wet my pants!! :giggle:

The award for helplessness goes to.........Casey Anthony!

It's so classic I think I'm going to have to add it to my sig.

I know! One of many unintentionally hilarious quotes the good Dr W has provided!
He even said in the depo that he wasn't as interested in finding out or getting answers about things such as the 31 days once he heard about the molestation. The Dr admits that he found the molestation more interesting and therefore zeroed in on it.

That right there is enough to tell me what level of competence he has. Zero.

So did the jury. :floorlaugh:
I posted the message below in 2 threads last night after spending over an hour deep cleaning this forum and still haven't gotten it all. It is an impossible task. The only option is pulling the threads because I'm not going to spend hours & hours cleaning them up. I just removed a post linking a non MSM twitter account so here is the ONE warning for this thread.

Sorry guys but this is completely out of control. Think about what is being promoted here.... you guys are SMART! These anonymous folks can go to any other forum they want to promote their blogs and increase their twitter followers but they are NOT going to use Websleuths as a vehicle for it. Some of it may end up being factual but I promise you, if it is, MSM will figure it out and report it. I refuse to allow anymore of these rumors (and that is exactly what they are until we have factual proof) to infect this forum.

So here it is. Bump it for your friends who might have overlooked it because I am completely out. of. patience. with this issue.


If anyone posts any anonymous tweets, including promoting discussion by paraphrasing anonymous tweets - the poster will get a TIME OUT. If that happens, don't quote and perpetuate the discussion unless you want a WS vacation too.
Hiya, Beach!
Stupid question...what constitutes an "anonymous" tweet? Where the person's name is "anonymous"? (Ok...stop laughing!) The only reason I ask is that some time, not that long ago a mod (sorry, can't remember who) said we could paraphrase. I just want to be sure I understand. No more summarizing unless it's a tweet from MSM? I've given myself a headache.
He even said in the depo that he wasn't as interested in finding out or getting answers about things such as the 31 days once he heard about the molestation. The Dr admits that he found the molestation more interesting and therefore zeroed in on it.

That right there is enough to tell me what level of competence he has. Zero.
In all fairness to the good doc, I imagine the DT begged him to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING...and for that they were willing to pay.
I agree with you that Jeff Ashton's laughing was very unprofessional.

I disagree about the competence of the doctors - at least Dr. W. I also generally think that a Dr will have bias towards which ever side hired them. It's human nature. So I don't find the Dr's to be unbiased at all.

I completely agree.

Whichever side hires you is going to bias your focus and report. I am also confident that the DT instructed them that the goal was more to debrief KC and take her testimony so they can testify on her behalf than any analysis.

The DT did NOT want KC analyzed that's why they freaked and pulled their experts when the SA wanted to analyze KC. They did not want anyone challenging KC's story, debunking it or, digging into it.

All JA was looking for was the psychoanalysis he was expecting from their work not just a retelling of KC's latest story. Obviously JA knew it was biased so wanted an independent and objective analysis from an SA expert.

The DT knew that'd be bad for the case and so passed on it. Speaks volumes.
Interesting. Well, it definitely can change your brain and the way you interact with other people - that's for sure. I was a victim of molestation and the last thing on this earth I could ever do was harm someone else, let alone murder someone! And I don't live my life lying to every Tom, Dick, Harry or Sue! If every one on this earth who was molested as a child turned into liars and murders in their adult lives - this world would really be a horrible place! I can not relate to Casey at all, and don't believe for a second - even if she was molested - that that gives her a pass on the lying or the other horrendous things she did.

Agreed. I am also a survivor of molestation (by my grandfather) and while it certainly made me overly cautious, it did not make me a liar or a murderer.
I would love to hear from a qualified psychiatrist regarding why survivors are affected differently.

Quite honestly, I don't believe KC was molested.
Agreed. I am also a survivor of molestation (by my grandfather) and while it certainly made me overly cautious, it did not make me a liar or a murderer.
I would love to hear from a qualified psychiatrist regarding why survivors are affected differently.

Quite honestly, I don't believe KC was molested.

BBM. I agree.

I am completely naive on this topic but what strikes me is how this developed ... it did not come from an emotional disclosure with sincerity but more from an evil intent with spite.

What does/did it take for KC to crack and tell the truth, if her latest story is/was the truth?

KC was arrested and placed in jail, she was charged with Murder and then the DP ... throughout all of this she remained defiant and resolute ... she stuck to the ZFG story.

She never asked to see CA or LA to confide anything she asked to see GA. She told GA on video what a wonderful father and grandfather he is/was. There is nothing consistent with someone who was abused as well as her daughter IMO.

How far was she going to walk down the corridor facing the DP before cracking and admitting the truth, if this ever was the truth?

IMO she could have blown the case wide open at any time if she had made accusations of abuse and GA's involvement with Caylee or the story of the accident at any time. The DT could have taken that to LE and/or SA and it would be investigated and, if any truth, could have freed her after days/weeks/months not years.

You have to question why was this hidden and only revealed weeks before trial and really saved as a bombshell at trial nearly 3 years later? It wasn't because there was truth to it, it wasn't because this was the story from Day 31 --- it was because it was a DT tactic to free a killer.

The DT did not want to openly disclose to the SA the psych reports and enable them to investigate and bring the abuser and real killer to justice. The DT knew that this accusation had only a short life span so had an effect during the trial but would not stand the scrutiny of the light of day over time.

To me you have to look to the motives of the accusations in this case and how it was played out.

It says everything and this new claim that Caylee was conceived by -maybe- a date rape only serves to show how far KC would/will go. As JVM posted on a HLN blog, this just further victimizes Caylee and defiles her.

KC will do everything to victimize herself at the expense of anyone and everyone and ... there is no bounds to her spite. She doesn't just insert the knife in someone's heart but twists it and twists it. The more you feel sorry for others, not her, the more she will lash out against them.

As KC said to Tracy, "I am still here" it is all about KC so while my mind is open to dysfunction in the family pre murder these motives speaks volumes.
Behind on this thread today...but I am now reading Dr. D's depo. If people would read this, really, really read this and see what he is saying - it will blow your mind. Example:
when he talks about his 3rd interview with Casey, how she starts off with a narrative of how she compartmentalized her feelings....JA asks "would somebody who REALLY suffered trauma such as molestation be able to explain why they did what they did without extensive therapy?" In other words, how would she have come to this conclusion...the doctor more or less says can't do that UNLESS you are told that or YOU HAVE READ BOOKS OF TRUE INCEST SURVIVORS who write about the other side .....
when FCA is telling him about how she has been blamed all her life for anything that went wrong....even when GA was leaving CA and they were separating....CA found emails from women on a dating site to GA. GA blamed Casey....
I FIRMLY believe this sociopath was doing things like this to GA all along. She is one sick, sick, SICKO. She wanted GA out of her life because he was the only person who ever tried to hold her accountable. She HATES him....that is why he was the scapegoat in trial. She revells in the fact that she has destroyed GA's life.
I am fully convinced that she will kill again. She is just another Joran. Dr. D was not snowed by this piece of work one bit. Unlike the other quack.
OMG.....these depos are so revealing.
OH....and she also told Dr. D that "yes" Zanny was real, had kept Caylee a few times, they had gone for walks etc.
OMG please let even ONE of the Pinellas 12 read these.
This, I believe, is FCA telling what really happened to Caylee.

Dr D: ....I asked her, why later did you tell your mother the child was with the sitter? Why didn't you tell this to the police? And I probably used the words whyu did you tell lies to the police. Why did you say she was with the sitter, and why didn't you call the police?and then he talks about being in Florida and kids drowning (unfortunately) often and 911 being called.
JA: Obvious question.
Dr. D.: An obvious question, yeah. She said she didn't think it was possible it was an accident. She said the ladder wasn't attached to the pool when I last saw it. It was too heavy. I couldn't move it. A child couldn't move it. ... She said, I THINK HE HELD HER UNDERWATER, maybe he was doing somethign to her and he tried to cover it up.

If she is not talking about herself and what she did to Caylee....I will eat my shoes, hat, pants, desk, you name it. She drowned that child as sure as I am sitting here. That is why she didn't call 911. I do believe Caylee drowned now, but it was no accident.
This, I believe, is FCA telling what really happened to Caylee.

Dr D: ....I asked her, why later did you tell your mother the child was with the sitter? Why didn't you tell this to the police? And I probably used the words whyu did you tell lies to the police. Why did you say she was with the sitter, and why didn't you call the police?and then he talks about being in Florida and kids drowning (unfortunately) often and 911 being called.
JA: Obvious question.
Dr. D.: An obvious question, yeah. She said she didn't think it was possible it was an accident. She said the ladder wasn't attached to the pool when I last saw it. It was too heavy. I couldn't move it. A child couldn't move it. ... She said, I THINK HE HELD HER UNDERWATER, maybe he was doing somethign to her and he tried to cover it up.

If she is not talking about herself and what she did to Caylee....I will eat my shoes, hat, pants, desk, you name it. She drowned that child as sure as I am sitting here. That is why she didn't call 911. I do believe Caylee drowned now, but it was no accident.

I agree. And I think Casey was the one who snuck back into the yard the next day and left the ladder up at the pool for Cindy to find.
Hiya, Beach!
Stupid question...what constitutes an "anonymous" tweet? Where the person's name is "anonymous"? (Ok...stop laughing!) The only reason I ask is that some time, not that long ago a mod (sorry, can't remember who) said we could paraphrase. I just want to be sure I understand. No more summarizing unless it's a tweet from MSM? I've given myself a headache.

Hi RR :)

Simply put - the only tweets permitted to be discussed here must come from an MSM source (usually a reporter). Most all of them tweet now so it shouldn't be cramping anybody's style.

The anonymous ones are those who are not MSM reporters and we have no proof who they are and/or whether the info they are spreading is factual or rumor. It is my opinion that they have an agenda: self-promotion. They tell you they have an inside source and post all kinds of juicy tidbits. However, unlike professional journalists, they have no ethical obligation to be posting truthfully or factually. Some of them may have a good source and there might be kernels of truth sprinkled throughout, however all that is still rumor. Not to mention there is LOTS of cyberfighting between those types. We are not bringing the drama over here, nor are we going to used as a vehicle for them to promote their blog sites or increase their Twitter following. In case I've never mentioned it, I absolutely loathe drama like that. Absolutely cannot stand it.

Regarding the paraphrasing, the policy is that you can paraphrase any MSM tweet, but if you opt to copy & paste or post their exact words, you need to provide a link to comply with copyright laws.


Dr. D: talking about FCA bringing up GA's suicide attempt....
Her comment on that was he's [George] going to let me take responsibilty for something I HAVE DONE. I'll be damned if I take responsibility for that. I'm still trying to protect me.
and JA says: He's going to let me take responsibility for something I have done? [Something SHE's done?] For something I've done? [meaning FCA]
again...JA: Something SHE's DONE?
Jeff can't believe his ears at this point.
then the doctor tries to explain it away.
Behind on this thread today...but I am now reading Dr. D's depo. If people would read this, really, really read this and see what he is saying - it will blow your mind. Example:
when he talks about his 3rd interview with Casey, how she starts off with a narrative of how she compartmentalized her feelings....JA asks "would somebody who REALLY suffered trauma such as molestation be able to explain why they did what they did without extensive therapy?" In other words, how would she have come to this conclusion...the doctor more or less says can't do that UNLESS you are told that or YOU HAVE READ BOOKS OF TRUE INCEST SURVIVORS who write about the other side .....
when FCA is telling him about how she has been blamed all her life for anything that went wrong....even when GA was leaving CA and they were separating....CA found emails from women on a dating site to GA. GA blamed Casey....
I FIRMLY believe this sociopath was doing things like this to GA all along. She is one sick, sick, SICKO. She wanted GA out of her life because he was the only person who ever tried to hold her accountable. She HATES him....that is why he was the scapegoat in trial. She revells in the fact that she has destroyed GA's life.I am fully convinced that she will kill again. She is just another Joran. Dr. D was not snowed by this piece of work one bit. Unlike the other quack.
OMG.....these depos are so revealing.
OH....and she also told Dr. D that "yes" Zanny was real, had kept Caylee a few times, they had gone for walks etc.
OMG please let even ONE of the Pinellas 12 read these.


I agree with every single word of your post. Especially the portion of I bolded. It literally gave me chills to think how long she has been targeting George. She HATES him and this is all his fault. Everything.
While I have no links for these, except for memory, I find them to be very telling:

Supposedly when KC was younger, she was walking her Yorkie and it pooped, then her neighbor asked her to pick up her dogs poop and she told him it WASN'T her dog!!!

The other was a story told by a family member about when the whole family was at the maternal grandparents house, and KC wanted something different for breakfast than what was already made. The grandmother told her that was all she as getting, and CA told her mother that if she didn't make what KC wanted, the whole family was leaving!
If these stories are true, it really convinces me that there were no consequences and KC learned, with help, to lie or have fits when she didn't get her way.
So sad, because discipline is so important for kids.
WEitz wishes someone in an official capacity had investigated some of these ramifications around dad...a lot of things weren't followed up on. How could that have happened when this was the first anyone from the DT had heard anything about it? It's not like she said GA molested her and killed Caylee from the get go. The closest was a vague reference in the Cookie letters. Sheesh

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