Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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I am concerned about FCA's dog. Heck, I had the same feelings about Tinker and Tillie. What ever happened to them? I heard they went to heaven about a year or two into FCA's incarceration.

Whoever buys that property will be living in a pet cemetery. What is wrong with these people? I was informed that you should never bury your pet in the the decomp particles can seep into the water supply. People do it anyways.
I am concerned about FCA's dog. Heck, I had the same feelings about Tinker and Tillie. What ever happened to them? I heard they went to heaven about a year or two into FCA's incarceration.

Whoever buys that property will be living in a pet cemetery. What is wrong with these people? I was informed that you should never bury your pet in the the decomp particles can seep into the water supply. People do it anyways.

Did you see the SNL clip?
What really strikes me as I read Danziger's depo is how shocked he was at OCA's demeanor and cheerfulness in July 2008. Just like I was shocked when I first say her bounce into her visit with mom and pop for the first time. And I remember wondering why mom and dad didn't think it was strange that she was so cheerful. Were they used to it or just blind? They certainly weren't cheerful and were obviously not sleeping/eating.
I think Danziger really won JA over with his extreme distress about being a vector. He made it clear that he did not want to be in the situation he was in. So far he's pretty reasonable too unlike that other guy.
Poor guy: "Given that and given that I probably won't sleep for the next week, I will tell you what she told me."
Thanks Eidetic! I saw it..was wondering if WHisperer did! :floorlaugh: It's worth seeing again though! Can't get enough of it...Joran's Chow Chow. LOL

"I checked Casey's internet history. This is from two days ago. 'How to kill your dog', followed by; 'How to kill my dog'; followed by 'How to train your Dragon'; followed by 'How to train your dragon to kill your dog'."

"Dragon is her new boyfriend, they met at a Booty Shakin' contest."
u a

I see that you are taking note to my generalized statement. I should have qualified it.

Sure is 2012 and many males feeling concerning helpless females haven't passed the 19th century. Emotions interfere with logic in both sexes.

I sat there and watched it myself. When a male was attempting to take the bike, the men called 911 to report a theft. With the pretty female, not only didn't they call, they helped her remove the chain so she could take it.

I do remember reading in the past that it is usually a male mental health professional that is most often fooled by a female psychopath.

Remember awhile back CNN had a segment on liars and they did a survey and females are much better liars than males and lie more often too? lol CA should be moved to the top of the list.

"I checked Casey's internet history. This is from two days ago. 'How to kill your dog', followed by; 'How to kill my dog'; followed by 'How to train your Dragon'; followed by 'How to train your dragon to kill your dog'."

"Dragon is her new boyfriend, they met at a Booty Shakin' contest."

Hee hee and the audience got every.single.joke.
Reading all about OCA's school records...A/B student, track athlete, popular, helpful, I think how devastating it would be to a parent for that child to start stealing..and then not graduate. Can you imagine being a parent of such a good student athlete and then she just doesn't graduate? I mean my DD was honor roll until 7th grade and then drama with her father caused her grades to slip..not much..but some Cs creeped in. And THAT was alarming. I can't imagine your "good kid" suddenly stealing and not graduating. I would have her in therapy so fast her head would spin. Actually mine is in therapy to deal with her jerk of her dad. I don't get it.
Reading all about OCA's school records...A/B student, track athlete, popular, helpful, I think how devastating it would be to a parent for that child to start stealing..and then not graduate. Can you imagine being a parent of such a good student athlete and then she just doesn't graduate? I mean my DD was honor roll until 7th grade and then drama with her father caused her grades to slip..not much..but some Cs creeped in. And THAT was alarming. I can't imagine your "good kid" suddenly stealing and not graduating. I would have her in therapy so fast her head would spin. Actually mine is in therapy to deal with her jerk of her dad. I don't get it.

I dont think any amount of therapy would have worked for Casey.....not then and not now.

She is what she is and always will be.

I dont think any amount of therapy would have worked for Casey.....not then and not now.

She is what she is and always will be.


I know, but as a parent I would have been freaking out! Grounding her, getting her help whatever it took! At least trying!
It's amazing how much OCA is lying still as of 11/2010. Saying again she was stealing to save up to move out, that she was looking for work, that her mother was home during the day to watch Caylee. This woman is such a menace.

ETA: And still insisting there was a ZG who babysat! I seem to be talking to myself here. That's what I get for taking so long to get to reading this
I know, but as a parent I would have been freaking out! Grounding her, getting her help whatever it took! At least trying!

Ahh, but you're not in denial, and you're willing to recogonize there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. Good for you!

Dr. D: talking about FCA bringing up GA's suicide attempt....
Her comment on that was he's [George] going to let me take responsibilty for something I HAVE DONE. I'll be damned if I take responsibility for that. I'm still trying to protect me.
and JA says: He's going to let me take responsibility for something I have done? [Something SHE's done?] For something I've done? [meaning FCA]
again...JA: Something SHE's DONE?
Jeff can't believe his ears at this point.
then the doctor tries to explain it away.

ya know I thought that too for a minute but I think it was the dr mis-speaking, perhaps it shows HIS freudian slip, but not hers. after all he said she won awards for helplessness and while I agree she should have some, they were for helpfulness in a good little bad seed :D

ETA: although it could be that the doc slipped BECAUSE OCA slipped, and his unconscious wanted that out?

<Quoting original post for context>

BBM This classic Freudian slip also jumped out at me while reading Dr D's depo.

My take is it (the slip of tongue) originated with Casey. Reason I think this is Dr D was reading from his notes, deciphering his shorthand for JA while reading it aloud himself, and jogging his memory of the interview at the same time.

Could be he made the slip himself, but my initial reaction upon reading the depo was it was Casey's words the dr was quoting rather than his own slip.
Ahh, but you're not in denial, and you're willing to recogonize there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. Good for you!

Thank you. She's such a good kid and her father and stepmother are so toxic. I really would do anything to help her. I really appreciate that.
I know, but as a parent I would have been freaking out! Grounding her, getting her help whatever it took! At least trying!

I fully understand, strawberry. The big difference though is I didnt have to raise a fledgling psychopath and you didnt either. Discipline and rules work for children who are receptive. Those that know they are held accountable for their actions.

Those like Casey cannot be disciplined. They never think they are wrong. The more one tries the worse it becomes for everyone in the home. If they are chastized by someone and made to look imperfect or wrong they will come after that person with a vengence like no other.

Casey didn't just become the way she was when she killed Caylee without one ounce of remorse. She had no feelings for anyone and I feel she had been that way for many years. The only hurt they feel is when they believe they have been wronged and a psychopath always sees themselves as the victim when they are in truth the brutal victimizer.

I am sure at times George at least tried to approach Casey about her bad behavior but Cindy was her enabler and all that happened is both Cindy and Casey ganged up on George and told him to butt out of it. So this is the monster that Cindy created and George went along with it most of the time just to have peace in the home so he was an enablier of sorts too.

Imo, that is one reason Casey hates George so much. To a psychopath everyone is to see them as perfect without question and she knew George didn't. He was the thorn in her side and she knew it. Cindy may b*tch every now and then but Casey knew how to manipulate her and use her to her advantage. Imo, I think Cindy sees a lot of herself in Casey so she protects Casey to protect her own image which mirrors Casey's.

When someone is in a psychopath's pod they are only allowed to remain on good terms only as long as they make the psychopath feel good about themselves at all times. Once they cross them they will do anything to get even. Anything. There are no boundaries. Once they have no use for them they will bannish them from their lives forever. Although I dont think Casey has to worry about George ever wanting to see her again. I think he is glad she is no where around him.

So to survive while Casey was growing up both Cindy and George walked softly trying to appease the beast. Cindy did it willingly because she thought Casey was entitled to be a spoiled rotten brat and George, imo did it for survival because he is too weak to leave Cindy.

One of the most heartbreaking reads is to read some of the stories out on the net about family having to live and deal with a psychopath who is a family member.

I fully understand, strawberry. The big difference though is I didnt have to raise a fledgling psychopath and you didnt either. Discipline and rules work for children who are receptive. Those that know they are held accountable for their actions.

They cannot be disciplined. They never think they are wrong. The more one tries the worse it becomes for everyone in the home. If they are chastized by someone and made to look imperfect or wrong they will come after that person with a vengence like no other.

Casey didn't just become the way she was when she killed Caylee without one ounce of remorse. She had no feelings for anyone and I feel she had been that way for many years. The only hurt they feel is when they believe they have been wrong and a psychopath always sees themselves as the victim when they are in truth the brutal victimizer.

I am sure at times George at least tried to approach Casey about her bad behavior but Cindy was her enabler and all that happened is both Cindy and Casey ganged up on George and told him to butt out of it. So this is the monster that Cindy' created and George went along with it most of the time just to have peace in the home so he was an enablier of sorts too.

Imo, that is one reason Casey hates George so much. To a psychopath everyone is to see them as perfect without question and she knew George didn't. He was the thorn in her side and she knew it. Cindy may b*tch every now and then but Casey knew how to manipulate her and use her to her advantage. Imo, I think Cindy sees a lot of her in Casey so she protects Casey to protect her own image which mirrors Casey's.

When someone is in a psychopath's pod they are only allowed to remain on good terms only as long as they make the psychopath feel good about themselves at all times. Once they cross them they will do anything to get even. Anything. There are no boundaries. Once they have no use for them they will bannish them from their lives forever. Although I dont think Casey has to worry about George ever wanting to see her again. I think he is glad she is no where around him.

So to survive while Casey was growing up both Cindy and George walked softly trying to appease the beast. Cindy did it willingly because she thought Casey was entitled to be a spoiled rotten brat and George, imo did it for survival because he is too weak to leave Cindy.

One of the most heartbreaking reads is to read some of the stories out on the net about family having to live and deal with a psychopath who is a family member.


I completely agree...CA enabled, GA tried. A normal parent would have responded with limits and consequences. My DD has fought me on both..she displaces her anger toward her father onto me. But then she crawls into bed with me when she's feeling bad. She knows it's her father she's angry with but she's afraid of him...but I keep perservering. She is a sweet loving kid who is emotionally wrecked by her dad and sm. As easy as it is to just excuse her lashing out I let her know it's not OK. And it gets exhausting but by God I think of OCA and CA's enabling and that keeps me towing the line.

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