Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

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So am I understanding correctly, in the photos just released one of which was published in the Globe, KC is wearing this ring and a matching bracelet, photos evidently taken not too long before the murder, and while in jail in August CA asks KC where the ring is and KC hasnt seen it in ages?

so now I gotta go through the photos we know were taken after caylee was gone and see if she is wearing them?

Exactly! She's wearing the ring (the tiffany ring with the heart on it) that CA describes in the conversation that momtective provided for us (it's the second post on this thread). KC says she hasn't seen it in ages and that Jeff gave it to her. CA says that they are unable to locate a "Jeff"...and I think that this is the same "Jeff" that recommended "Zanny" as a sitter. They hadn't found Caylee's body when CA/KC had this conversation... so what made CA ask about the ring and about "Jeff"? Maybe she was starting to realize that "Jeff" and "Zanny" and other characters form KC's tales didn't exist at all? Could've just been CA trying to figure out which characters were imaginary and which ones were real people that could've been in contact with Caylee at some point before she "went missing"... because they (GA and CA, at least) didn't seem to know that Caylee was dead when they were having the conversation. They were still "searching" for Caylee, hoping for leads, and trying to get clues from KC during the jail visits... but the WAY that CA asked about Jeff is so strange. Why wouldn't she just come out and say "I need to know where to locate Jeff or how to contact him because we've been unable to find him..." instead of coming up with some detail about a ring he gave to KC... Why even mention the ring? I mean, seriously... who identifies their child's friend by what they've given them instead of by some other characteristic/bit of information? Weirdness....but then again, it is the A family we're talking about...
I know this may sound crazy, and maybe I drank a little too much of the koolaide here in the last several months...but..
I really don't think the situation with the ring means anything.
I personally think that Cindy just wanted to wear it myself, lol, for all her media appearances...:loser:
I think this ring is a definite clue to something. I just can't imagine, if my child were missing, my mom asking me about some ring. What's the importance? I don't know. Maybe it was CA's "if there is a ring, there is a Jeff" thing. I think that ring holds a clue, though.

Wasn't it CA that said something, like there is a dog so there is a Zanny?
It is possible that since she liked CSI, she saw the same episode I did where the perp had shot the victim and the blood drops were so microscopic one had become embedded in the links of the watch band. Impossible to clean very well... giving them positive DNA results.

Maybe when she moved and/or bagged Caylee, some leakage occurred (the paper towels) and she decided to just toss the ring.
I've witnessed my father angrily toss his wedding band out a moving car window after my parents divorce.

Wouldn't it be something if because it was a heart, she left it with Caylee and LE hasn't publicly released that information. :couch:
These are the lines I was thinking along. I also wonder if she did not put the ring and bracelet in the bag with the remains. All those heart pic's in her photo bucket...some with skeletons and hearts. Could Caylee have liked the heart bracelet and ring so much that Casey gave them to her in death? Then I think about how self centered and greedy she seems to be and I just don't now if she would part with the jewelry. Myself, I find the sudden disappearance of the jewelry in conjunction with Caylee's disappearance
very disturbing. I think that if Casey still had possession of the jewelry on the 4th of July she surely would have worn it to the party. IMO, she was too much of a material girl not to. I think if she did not wear the jewelry to the party because she knew the person she stole the jewelry from would be attending the party the jewelry theft victim would have already come forward and we would have heard about it. If she stole them from a store and got away with it there would be no reason not to wear them to the party. Barring any of that, IMO the items would have been found with her things at Tony's or at the Anthony home. I think the heart correlation and the jewelry disappearance may mean more than we know. JMO
I know this may sound crazy, and maybe I drank a little too much of the koolaide here in the last several months...but..
I really don't think the situation with the ring means anything.
I personally think that Cindy just wanted to wear it myself, lol, for all her media appearances...:loser:

ITA - I agree with the poster upthread that said that in the A world...if there was a ring, there must have been a Jeff.
Ca thought that KC was talking in code and giving her "clues". So when KC said Jeff gave her the ring, CA thought that if she could find out where the ring really came from, she would find out the real identity of Jeff. I think CA told LE that Jeff was really someone else.(RM, maybe?) Does any of this make sense? LOL
Could LE have found it around Caylee's remains and didn't tell anyone?
Not in a public report, but showed it to CA? and she asked KC about it???

CA asked about the ring long before the remains were found. I believe, as other posters do, that CA was trying to "prove" there was in fact a Jeff. At that time, LE was looking for the two people that KC claimed she told about Caylee missing. One was JH & the other was another girl from her "job" which also didn't exist (someone help me here?!?). I think this was a method that CA used often with KC, to try to trip her up in her lies, or to allow herself to believe KC. MOO
I do also agree that CA was on a fishing expedition. What clued her in that the jewelry was missing though? Was it just because it was not in with Casey belongings when Lee brought them home? Did she notice, like we did, that she did not have them on in the 4th of July pic's? Had CA seen the 4th of July pic's at this point? I don't remember.

ETA: It also appears to me that in the 4th of July pic's that none of her jewelry from prior pictures is the same. The rest of her rings are missing as well as her necklace. I believe she may have discarded them for fear of them being contaminated with decomposition evidence. I'm curious to know if any of her jewelry has been located that she wore on a regular basis before Caylee's death. JMO
Wasn't it CA that said something, like there is a dog so there is a Zanny?

Yes, in her depo, CA stated Caylee mentioned a little white dog and said "If there is a dog, there is a Zanny". Laughable, at best!

I think this ring means something. Whether it was found with the remains or if CA found it on one of kc's receipts. Remeber when CA questioned kc about a photo of Caylee - originally kc said it was taken at Zanny's. CA kept prodding her about it and told her "because I know where this was taken" (JG had already said the photo was taken at his house).

She questioned kc about it, knowing the truth and knowing kc would lie. I think this ring situation is along the same lines.
I do also agree that CA was on a fishing expedition. What clued her in that the jewelry was missing though? Was it just because it was not in with Casey belongings when Lee brought them home? Did she notice, like we did, that she did not have them on in the 4th of July pic's? Had CA seen the 4th of July pic's at this point? I don't remember.

Maybe she thought of the jewelry because LE kept pointing out to her that they could not locate JH. In one of her (CA) earlier interviews with LE she went on about KC getting ready to move in with him & his son & combine their families. In fact, KC led CA to believe that is who she was with during the time she was out of the house. How foolish she looks that she never met the person that her daughter and granddaughter were moving in with, or the supposed "Nanny" that spent so much time, and was so wonderful to her dd & granddaughter. I think the missing jewelry was CA's way of validating that JH did exist. ALL MOO.
Red addition and bolding by me.

These are the lines I was thinking along. I also wonder if she did not put the ring and bracelet in the bag with the remains. All those heart pic's in her photo bucket...some with skeletons and hearts. Could Caylee have liked the heart bracelet and ring so much that Casey gave them to her in death? Then I think about how self centered and greedy she seems to be and I just don't now if she would part with the jewelry. We also have to keep in mind Casey did not take good care of her belongings, she was not a tidy housekeeper. Also the fact that she did not reporting her babys disappearance/death as well as how she handled her daughters body. These are not behaviors of an average person, or a person who holds very much sacred. She drove around with trash and a decomposing body in her car, then tried to ditch the car! If in fact, she did steal the jewelry or if she paid for it with someone else's money having "bought it" herself, I can see her parting with them. Easy come, easy go. I can even imagine this scenario had they truly been gifted to her. Remember what became of the shamrock hat Jesse allegedly bought her that Annie Downing was photographed wearing? She is an ungrateful, spoiled, spiteful brat amongst other things... Myself, I find the sudden disappearance of the jewelry in conjunction with Caylee's disappearance
very disturbing. I think that if Casey still had possession of the jewelry on the 4th of July she surely would have worn it to the party. IMO, she was too much of a material girl not to. I think if she did not wear the jewelry to the party because she knew the person she stole the jewelry from would be attending the party the jewelry theft victim would have already come forward and we would have heard about it. If she stole them from a store and got away with it there would be no reason not to wear them to the party. Barring any of that, IMO the items would have been found with her things at Tony's or at the Anthony home. I think the heart correlation and the jewelry disappearance may mean more than we know. JMO
Very true too Eidetic. Thank you. I had not thought of it that way.
I think this ring is a definite clue to something. I just can't imagine, if my child were missing, my mom asking me about some ring. What's the importance? I don't know. Maybe it was CA's "if there is a ring, there is a Jeff" thing. I think that ring holds a clue, though.

So true! :)
Why would CA be asking about a ring when Caylee was "missing?"
Hmmm...maybe CA found the ring somewhere--like in the back yard where the cadaver dogs alerted?--and that's why she was trying to find out if KC knew where it was.

I always take my rings off when I do housework, yardwork, etc. because they tend to slip off. I wonder if this one slipped off when KC was trying to move/bag her poor daughter's body. I guarantee you CA would not consider it "evidence" and therefore would not mention it to LE if she had found it.
Maybe she thought of the jewelry because LE kept pointing out to her that they could not locate JH. In one of her (CA) earlier interviews with LE she went on about KC getting ready to move in with him & his son & combine their families. In fact, KC led CA to believe that is who she was with during the time she was out of the house. How foolish she looks that she never met the person that her daughter and granddaughter were moving in with, or the supposed "Nanny" that spent so much time, and was so wonderful to her dd & granddaughter. I think the missing jewelry was CA's way of validating that JH did exist. ALL MOO.
I agree. I just think she inadvertently brought it to the forefront that the jewelry was missing. The idea that it was lost during the same time frame just bugs me. I don't think it is coincidental. I have even thought about if Casey left her jewelry at AH's or another friends house what would happen. Would they keep it as a souvenir in hopes it would be worth more down the line due too a connection to the case? Would someone keep it just because Casey had stolen from them before and feel it was their due? I would rather think that anyone who may have found it would turn it in to LE for processing in hopes that it may reveal clues or evidence. Thinking along those lines if a friend found it at their home I believe they would have turned it in and we would have known it by now. However, perhaps the jewelry *has* been turned in to LE and we just don't know it yet???

Just brainstorming and thoughts, JMO.
i think the ring has duct tape residue on it... same type of residue that the "KILLER"used
I agree. I just think she inadvertently brought it to the forefront that the jewelry was missing. The idea that it was lost during the same time frame just bugs me. I don't think it is coincidental. I have even thought about if Casey left her jewelry at AH's or another friends house what would happen. Would they keep it as a souvenir in hopes it would be worth more down the line due too a connection to the case? Would someone keep it just because Casey had stolen from them before and feel it was their due? I would rather think that anyone who may have found it would turn it in to LE for processing in hopes that it may reveal clues or evidence. Thinking along those lines if a friend found it at their home I believe they would have turned it in and we would have known it by now. However, perhaps the jewelry *has* been turned in to LE and we just don't know it yet???

Just brainstorming and thoughts, JMO.
I was thinking that they were wondering if she stole it?
i think the ring has duct tape residue on it... same type of residue that the "KILLER"used
...and she stole it (LOL). Now wouldn't that be nice if that were to be the case...the residue that is.
When did Cindy call KC's friends to the housee for a brainstorming session. Perhaps one of her friends mentioned it being stolen or maybe someone brought it back to Cindy.
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