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Seeking Justice for Victims
Sep 19, 2008
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I hope that this is o.k. to post :confused: but some WS'ers volunteered to join the Caylee Alive Search at the tent.

I just wondered if they were ever contacted? Was there any news on how folks can assist? What is the game plan? Thank you.
I don't think there are any "alivers" left here. Not many at least.
I don't think there are any "alivers" left here. Not many at least.


I was just interested because some WS'ers were being fair and balanced, both searching for Caylee with TES as well as volunteering to assist in the Caylee Alive search at the tent.

They were told they would get back to them. I was intrigued if they ever did, i.e., goes to validity of this complementary parallel search.

What are they doing?, if anything? Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh we are here, we just won't be baited.
You have the right to believe anything you want without having to defend that right, just as we do.
Some of us have learned that it's just better to keep our mouths shut and avoid anything bad.
Oh we are here, we just won't be baited.
You have the right to believe anything you want without having to defend that right, just as we do.
Some of us have learned that it's just better to keep our mouths shut and avoid anything bad.

I'm a believer!! That's what I meant, that there are not any doing much posting here.
Oh we are here, we just won't be baited.
You have the right to believe anything you want without having to defend that right, just as we do.
Some of us have learned that it's just better to keep our mouths shut and avoid anything bad.

Wasn't trying to bait -- just keep an open mind on both tracks.

This track is sadly a secret.
I hope that this is o.k. to post :confused: but some WS'ers volunteered to join the Caylee Alive Search at the tent.

I just wondered if they were ever contacted? Was there any news on how folks can assist? What is the game plan? Thank you.

I would also like to know.....

I don't believe that Caylee is alive but it would be interesting to know if the Anthony's are actually following through with their search for a "Live" Caylee & how they're going about it.
I would also like to know.....

I don't believe that Caylee is alive but it would be interesting to know if the Anthony's are actually following through with their search for a "Live" Caylee & how they're going about it.

I have asked a "local" poster that responded to a post of mine that question 3 times in the last couple of days, because the poster says that the A's ARE searching and that they have witnessed it themselves. :rolleyes: They have not answered as of yet and I'm not holding my breath.
I have asked a "local" poster that responded to a post of mine that question 3 times in the last couple of days, because the poster says that the A's ARE searching and that they have witnessed it themselves. :rolleyes: They have not answered as of yet and I'm not holding my breath.

I have asked similar questions and there are never any answers to the REAL just more smoke and mirrors to deflect...
Here is what I don't understand. Why would someone, if they had Caylee, allow her to be seen? That makes no sense. I also hear Cindy say there is no proof that Caylee is dead. Why does she leave out the death band on the hair. If all of Casey's phone activity around March and April didn't show the patterns that they do in May, June, and July, then I would say that she spent a lot of time making it look like she was planting evident all around to confuse an investigation. She lies for power and an agenda. Looks like to me that the A's think she gave Caylee to someone she didn't know and made up the sitters name because she can't remember who it was and that person conned Casey ans she would never admit that she was conned, just as Cindy will not admit that she has been conned. Cindy can't give up control. The trial will be very interesting.
Why aren't there pictures and updates from this search???

While I don't believe, I would be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt if they would give out some information about where they are looking or what/who they are looking for.

I am in Atlanta very near where some of the original "sightings" were. I know that if I even thought I imagined seeing Caylee, regardless of what I believe, I would grab her and call 911 and make a huge scene. Nancy Grace is based in Atlanta as well, and I'll bet I could get her on location within the hour if it were even remotely credible. I would be the happiest person alive to go on national television and say I was wrong and apologize to all of the believers out there for doubting.

But it is frustrating to keep hearing about the "live Caylee" searches and then have it all wrapped up like a big secret. Maybe Kid Finders hasn't figured this out yet, but that's NOT HOW YOU FIND A MISSING PERSON!!!

See, the trick is to spread the word, not keep it hush hush. Between the PI and Kid Finders and the publicist and the lawyer and the minister and their friends, you'd think somebody would know that and tell them.
I would like to know if anyone was able to take the airtran logs and make them larger more readable? I am very interested in studying this information but the pics from the 500 doc dump are too small for me to make out without getting a headache. Thanks
Well, I think the posters who do hope/believe Caylee is alive have given up trying to post their opinions here at WS. It is a shame but it seems that any discussions no matter how civilized they start out, wind up getting closed because people let their emotions get the better of them and say things they shouldn't. At least that is what I seen when I read any thread that relates to Caylee possibly being alive. I do not believe she is alive, but I understand how some people want to believe and see the evidence differently. I have been thinking of theses posters lately and hope they are all doing ok - it has been a difficult weekend for all of us, hasn't it?
If you offered the A's a cool million to share the info they have on where Caylee's been the last 5 months, maybe they would!
Well, I think the posters who do hope/believe Caylee is alive have given up trying to post their opinions here at WS. It is a shame but it seems that any discussions no matter how civilized they start out, wind up getting closed because people let their emotions get the better of them and say things they shouldn't. At least that is what I seen when I read any thread that relates to Caylee possibly being alive. I do not believe she is alive, but I understand how some people want to believe and see the evidence differently. I have been thinking of theses posters lately and hope they are all doing ok - it has been a difficult weekend for all of us, hasn't it?

I also feel very badly for the people who have felt bullied because of their beliefs. Honestly, if we could pool together the locations that people have searched, whether it was for an "alive" or "dead" Caylee it would be so much more helpful. But, it seems that people have let their emotions get the best of them, and we are without the valuable resources that some people may bring to this investigations because of it.

I wish someone would respond to this thread, only because I would like to know what some of the current leads and search areas are for Caylee. Deep down we ALL want her to be alive.
I, for my opinion, do not understand why there are TWO search camps. It's like one group is looking for a deceased Caylee and another group for the alive Caylee. There is only ONE Caylee and the whole idea of a search for two different people just doesn't make sense. YM was the last person I heard say, in the CA interview, "I'm looking for CAYLEE". Period. She's only in one place.
I also feel very badly for the people who have felt bullied because of their beliefs. Honestly, if we could pool together the locations that people have searched, whether it was for an "alive" or "dead" Caylee it would be so much more helpful. But, it seems that people have let their emotions get the best of them, and we are without the valuable resources that some people may bring to this investigations because of it.

I wish someone would respond to this thread, only because I would like to know what some of the current leads and search areas are for Caylee. Deep down we ALL want her to be alive.

I have been waiting for solid ideas that support Caylee Alive theories but there have been none detailed on this forum. Lots of hope, which I believe we all have, that Caylee will be found alive & well, but none of the scientific evidence we have been privy to support an Alive Caylee, but a decomposing body in the trunk of Casey's car. If it wasn't Caylee back there, who was it? Who else is "missing" in Casey's life?

We have so much information regarding TES & LPs searches, what about the Anthony's searches?
Good Lord. This thread is NOT about whether anyone believes that Caylee is dead or alive!

There were several posters on this site that went to the Anthony's tent to offer help with searching for "a live Caylee". Their names and contacts were taken and they were told someone would contact them.

Cyberborg is just trying to ask if any of those people were contacted, nothing more, nothing less.

No one is trying to "bait" anyone.
Is there a fence-sitter topic on WS?
I searched for one the other day but didn't find anything.

Anyone know?

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