Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14

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In my opinion as Casey's atty said their are other suspects. Don't care for this atty's style at all but he is in his clients corner.

Could it be possible Casey allowed someone else to also use the car? She would not be protective of personal property hers or others. Is it also possible that Casey's BF also knows the alleged sitter in some form? Casey had a big social circle and its typical of her personality type to make friends fast and furious. Its a vital prt to her life partner enabler, connections. I think instead of love addict its alright to say sex addict with multiple addiction over lays. Was Casey ever a victim of molestation as a child, another thought. Could explain disconnection. Would not surprise me to see this come up later as a defense. Casey shows signs of promiscuity.

I have been tryin to catch up on the brd but every time I get close two more pgs are present so I'm jumpin in now, then I will complete the catch up.

My thoughts Cindy is not all she appears she flips way too much. Agree with Brown.

Casey's comment to her mom (you don't know what I'm into?) Although my version may not be word for word, it says a lot. Cindy has covered for Casey. There are serious relationship issue's in the Anthony home but it was kept on the down low. Cindy and Casey are very troublesome in a combined way. As I have always said. I trust the dogs their partners and the hits. Did they say a 2nd hit was made on the yrd??? If its not Casey, who is it and if there is a who, we will know very shrtly. All in my opinion.
Why hadn't she slept for four days she had only been in fail for 1 day.
SO then they dont have the Oveida house in question?
AND don't be surprised if they were a plant from the family

Hmmmm, wonder if Casey spewed a bunch of lies relating to Patrick and this was LE's way to out that lie?
The problem is that this girl is not "normal". She won't have the normal reactions that most of us would have. She is abnormal.
I would like to know why the rest of the family has enabled her for years!! I heard her dad on an interview yesterday saying "We adore her"

Patrick & Peter (not Frand) Bourgeois visited Casey at the jail today. So did both of her parents.

<Film story of meeting on our local WFTV>

The men said they were classmates at the same junior high & high school with Casey and came to the jail to give her support. Casey said she did not know or remember either of them.

Wall to wall continuous TV coverage of this case down here locally ...

Rummy in the Orlando area ...

so the actual visitor log from the jail is incorrect? it says patrick and frank.

and where did you see that they are BOTH classmates? so far everything indicates it is a father and son.

just asking!
trying to catch up but I saw on I think it was that she saw the 11 news while she was getting processed the night she was arrested. There was a tv in the office, i guess. Then she called her parents.

patrick B is a myspace friend,.. so i bet Frank is his dad
What about Casey, in one of the phone calls, states that she has called all these different numbers to locate the nanny and they are all out of service? If that were the truth wouldn't those numbers be on her cell phone? And the cops could trace those numbers to see if she's telling the truth or just more lies?
What I find unusual is all this new stuff that has come out today, like the Visitation record, the phone calls from jail.

It took me a while to catch up, but wow. Weren't we saying about 24 hours ago that this case was gonna blow? I am ready for it.

IMO, didn't like the call from jail one single bit, especially the part where she responds to Cindy wondering why she isn't crying. She said she had to stay composed (paraphrasing) to talk to LE; yet they won't listen to her.

Who are Patrick and Frank? Franks my space page was toooooo graphically busy and toooo loud, but then again I am from another generation. I like the Oveida connection and believe this fills in some blanks.

Abra...good job emailing Reverand Grund. I like how you think and work.

As the group of people in this case expands, does it seem like we are running into a group with a lot of multiple personalities? I dont mean to diss anyone, and its just an opinion, but every time we take another step into this playground, it ends up being like quicksand.

Also, any links on a possible presser? Fox isn't reporting anything new.

Why hadn't she slept for four days she had only been in fail for 1 day.

My guesses --> too busy partying it up; felt the walls were coming down on her at some point with mom not buying her story; or drugs.
To be fair I have no personal experience with drug use, but 10 years ago my sister had a heroin addiction that nearly blew up my family.
Difference for us was that my parents did not enable her and she got clean, just finished her board cert with a nuclear med degree last month.

Not the norm I know, but I am mentioning that very personal tidbit for 2 reasons:
1. I HEARD Casey's desperation and lashing and it took me right back there, the compulsive lying and quick responses, answer for everything-
THAT was my sister then, it was explained to me that addicts very life hangs in the balance of withdrawl, they will do anything to anyone to stay high. I personally did not understand it, and still don't, but how's this for growth- I dont have to understand everything to believe in it.. I was the "Lee"
2. If anyone reading this sees themself in a situation with an addict and they are enabling them, be prepared to lose everything, possibly your loved ones, and be miserable the rest of your life if you don't let them get clean on their own they will fail.

I am very proud of my sis, and you can be proud again too if you dont help them.:blowkiss:

Thank you for sharing, you have every right to be proud of your sister! (((Hugs))))) :blowkiss:
The more I think about it, I think Patrick's visit was more about getting an ID of him more than anything. And as we saw, Casey couldn't ID him.
Good for your parent's Blink! They did the right thing. As long as Casey's family keeps enabling her nothing will change.
I feel bad that they are putting up their house for this girl! I fear that before it's all over they are going to lose it.
They will need money for defense too! That attorney will not do this out of the goodness of his heart!
Don't you just wish someone could do an intervention with these folks and wake them up!

THanks CC, at the time it was a nightmare, I was having my first baby and I had to disengage from it to function, I come from a tight family and she was our first and only "wasteproduct".. I say that lovingly because we laugh about it in comparison to where she is now. I guess I should also mention something my Mom said to me when my sister was out of her 5th rehab (last and final) and my Mom wanted me to invite her to my daughter's christening and hubs and I were adamant we weren't ready, she said:
"What is the point of someone trying to change their life if there is no-one there that loves them to change it for-?"

Point is, even if your in a cell, you can take the opportunity to do the right thing. Praying for Casey to do that.
"Kristina crying: If anything happened to Caylee, Casey, I'll die. You hear what I'm saying, I'll die... if anything happens to that baby.

Casey: Woah! Oh My God, Calling you guys, waste, huge waste."

I am so sick to my stomach I can't even tell you. Casey is the coldest & most selfish person.....

I give up giving this girl the benefit of the doubt. She is pure evil:furious:
What about Casey, in one of the phone calls, states that she has called all these different numbers to locate the nanny and they are all out of service? If that were the truth wouldn't those numbers be on her cell phone? And the cops could trace those numbers to see if she's telling the truth or just more lies?
EXACTLY!!! Glad you brought this up. I was thinking the same thing yesterday. EVEN IF the calls were placed using a phone card. If you do last call return and the card was a phone card it will say it is "out of service".
LE could still trace it to the company ect. It wouldn't happen overnight though.
At the end of the day I get mad at myself for even speculating about someone taking Caylee.
No one in their right mind can add up the facts in this case and believe that poor little angel is still alive.:furious:
What a trippy visit that was. Can anyone just go visit Casey? Scary! So he's a young guy Casey's age. Was that Patrick or Frank?

Well I guess that eliminates the Ovieda house rumor. Also the fisherman and the murderer from Ohio.

Edit: Reminds self not to read Topix
IMO, didn't like the call from jail one single bit, especially the part where she responds to Cindy wondering why she isn't crying. She said she had to stay composed (paraphrasing) to talk to LE; yet they won't listen to her.
Sounds to me like she is psyching herself up to stay strong so she won&#8217;t crack and tell all she knows. She is making herself believe = habitual liar
I agree 100% with this!
A drug addict will hurt ANYONE who gets in their way!

I feel for her mom Cindy... I have been there with my daughter...and my sister is there right now.
I think the only thing Cindy is guilty of in this mess is letting Casey
manipulate her. And she finally put a stop to it and that is why Caylee is missing!
Just my opinion...

I also wanted to add... I'm proud of my daughter!

I dont want to run the risk of going OT and it may be fault of course- just wanted to say thanks, Im tearing up over here, so I think we set the right message to all those with this issue, except of course the ANthony's.
Im proud of your DD and all of those who know someone like my sis.
The problem is that this girl is not "normal". She won't have the normal reactions that most of us would have. She is abnormal.
I would like to know why the rest of the family has enabled her for years!! I heard her dad on an interview yesterday saying "We adore her"

Going by the phone call to her parents house it's obvious she watches
tv... and she does not like some of the things her mom has said in the news.
If I was her parents I would say "we adore her" too!
I mean... they want Caylee back and it seems the ONLY key to finding her
is their daugther.
IMO they are not going to say anything else on camera to get
her pissed because they want her to tell where Caylee is.
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