Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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Thank you Ladybass - great find and very important.

Can someone tell me why Lee isn't the spokesperson for this family???

Also, I got the feeling that Lee has been lurking here.


I think Lee and George are becoming more vocal. I bet Cindy is worn out both mentally and physically.
I am probably stretching but I wonder if some of Caseys lies to her friends about her having a job etc was because she was afraid Cindy would try and take custody of Caylee if she wasnt working? I realize this could be verified if Cindy every went for custody but Casey probably was not thinking that.

I think Cindy pulled the you do what I say or I am taking your daughter away from you a bunch of times. I know everyone wants to say Casey was on drugs, she was out partying all the time etc. I am just not ready to buy that yet. I have a 22 yr old son in college, if you look at his facebook account you will see about 50 pictures of him at the nightclub, pictures at bbqs and there are beer bottles, and just pictures of plain being silly. Those 50 pictures comprise 3 events. He is not irresponsible, he is not on drugs, maintains a 3.8 gpa, but if you didnt know him and just looked at the pictures you would say well that kids a party animal. Nothing at all I have seen in any of the pictures on any of the myspace, facebook of Casey or her friends even mentions drugs. I just do not think this crowd was into the drug scene.

Yes there is something not right about Casey, but in all the pictures I have seen of her and Caylee she looks happy and looks like she adores that little girl. She made comments frequently on the various websites about Caylee. The pictures of Caylee alone she looks like a very happy and healthy kid. In my opinion there was a major struggle going on with Cindy and Casey and it involved Caylee, and I think there is some mental illness going on for more than one party in that family.
The media is pushing for the family to dump Jose Baez and after today, that may be the next thing that happens if she doesn't meet with LE.

I thought they were today at 4:30pm.

LE, Baez, Casey?
So what would happen if the parents were able to bail Casey out -- and then she skipped town? Would the parents loose their house? Or just the money? How does all that work??

Everyone who put up the 450,000.00 plus collateral would lose their property. The parents didn't have it. I wonder who's putting it up? Talk about risky.
Here is some irony if they really are only a couple of thousand from the bail deal, they are only short because Casey stole from them.

Your posts are on fire today Absolut !
Now I'm thinking that GPA was so happy because Casey was going to talk. I hope it works out for them.

I'm gonna be honest here (regardless of how I may be judged) as I always am when I speak of my "former" self.

In Casey's call home from jail I heard me in her tone as SOON as her mother picked up that phone. This is my take on Casey..

She knew exactly how to speak to her mother, just the right words and just the right tone to get her to soften. By what, the 3rd sentence, her mom was calling her sweetie. She knows the more she lashes out while still appearing hurt, her mother will cave.

The dismissiveness and lashing out with her friend, yup! She called for a reason (Tony's phone #) and her friend was getting in the way of that, who cares what the friend has to say. But then she catches herself, realizing she may need something from the friend sometime soon (bail money, another persons #, to pick her up when she gets out of jail, etc..) and thanks the friend while calling the girl sweetie or honey and telling her she loves her.

The brother? She has no control over him, none and she knows it!

The dad is a bit harder for me to figure because I didn't grow up with a dad and I don't know how "normal" fathers and daughters interact but it appears he has simply gotten used to his wife allowing Casey's behavior and cleaning up after her all these years so he stays out of it. I don't think she has any control over him, she didn't even ask to talk to him when she called from jail. I also suspect Casey (and Cindy's enabling) may be the reason he and Cindy had split up in the past. IMO Cindy would side with and even choose Casey over her own husband

Casey is manipulative and lonely and angry and empty inside. She lies and steals and parties and has sex with whoever makes her feel good about herself in attempt to fill that hole in her being.

She will (has, I'm certain) suck people dry, use them up of everything good they have to offer and leave them, less than.

Addict? Bipolar? Borderline personality? or just some who killed her kid? I think we can all find little things about Casey (and other mothers who murder their children) that remind us of people we have known or text book examples or hell, of ourselves.. regardless, no excuse is good enough.
Actually considering how Casey reacted to Cindy's tv interviews, it now makes sense that in all the other interviews Cindy would avoid any discussion of Casey. This calls being released kind of sheds light on why Cindy (GM) was being so evasive. Seems like she's trying to not set Casey off considering Casey is the only one who holds the answers.
I thought they were today at 4:30pm.

LE, Baez, Casey?

We'll see, they may have all been in the same building. Maybe even the same room. She is still Jose's client and probably the only person she will actually take advice from. His advice "say nothing that will incriminate you"
I am probably stretching but I wonder if some of Caseys lies to her friends about her having a job etc was because she was afraid Cindy would try and take custody of Caylee if she wasnt working? I realize this could be verified if Cindy every went for custody but Casey probably was not thinking that.

I think Cindy pulled the you do what I say or I am taking your daughter away from you a bunch of times. I know everyone wants to say Casey was on drugs, she was out partying all the time etc. I am just not ready to buy that yet. I have a 22 yr old son in college, if you look at his facebook account you will see about 50 pictures of him at the nightclub, pictures at bbqs and there are beer bottles, and just pictures of plain being silly. Those 50 pictures comprise 3 events. He is not irresponsible, he is not on drugs, maintains a 3.8 gpa, but if you didnt know him and just looked at the pictures you would say well that kids a party animal. Nothing at all I have seen in any of the pictures on any of the myspace, facebook of Casey or her friends even mentions drugs. I just do not think this crowd was into the drug scene.

Yes there is something not right about Casey, but in all the pictures I have seen of her and Caylee she looks happy and looks like she adores that little girl. She made comments frequently on the various websites about Caylee. The pictures of Caylee alone she looks like a very happy and healthy kid. In my opinion there was a major struggle going on with Cindy and Casey and it involved Caylee, and I think there is some mental illness going on for more than one party in that family.

I agree. I think the days with digital camera, cameras on cell phones makes it so easy to snap pics and post. I think it is just normal young adult stuff. I can't really see drugs. But I could be wrong.

The pics I posted here of them (Casey and Caylee) look like she really cared for Caylee and Caylee loved her mommy.
this guy on NG just confirmed what i have said several times (he must read here too) ;P

that the initial testing on the trunk of the car would have been done in just a couple of days max, why they cant yet say whether or not it is in fact the results of human decomposition is very odd.

there is no excuse for them to still not know, so do they know and they just arent saying?

i think they already know & are waiting for the other test results to come back (DNA)....getting all their ducks in a row to charge Casey with murder...jmo
I thought this might be happening, and I think that is why there is this big meeting going on. Someone has to be guiding her besides this lawyer. She's been stewing in there and everyone has been saying the same thing to her.
My guess is that while her and Lee were chatting and she had some sort of ephinany. She supposedly gave him names, etc. I find it highly ironic that this meeting that Baez and the family has been talking about is finally taking place today, after the meeting with Lee.

So the audio/video of the jailhouse visit with Lee must also be available through open records? I have not seen or heard it, and I would very much like to. Sorry if I missed it. That's the fly-on-the wall conversation we all need to hear. If anyone has a link, please post!
I don't know what's going on here, but I am not getting a good feel about this family again.

Has it ever been established exactly why Casey left the house with Caylee in June?
If this has already been addressed, forgive me, but if Casey has been seeing Tony since May and staying with him off and on for the past 5 or 6 weeks, why wouldn't she have his phone number?
Here is some irony if they really are only a couple of thousand from the bail deal, they are only short because Casey stole from them.

Lol, I loved your post the other day about all the flyers with the wrong date.
i think they already know & are waiting for the other test results to come back (DNA)....getting all their ducks in a row to charge Casey with murder...jmo

agree 100% there is no hurry she is in custody. They may even have other charges before murder if they need to hold her longer. Amy's bank is but one example.
Lol, I loved your post the other day about all the flyers with the wrong date.

It's still the case, June 9th on the website, myspaces and the pdf's for the flyers. Might even be on the t-shirts but i couldn't read it.
I'm gonna be honest here (regardless of how I may be judged) as I always am when I speak of my "former" self.

In Casey's call home from jail I heard me in her tone as SOON as her mother picked up that phone. This is my take on Casey..

She knew exactly how to speak to her mother, just the right words and just the right tone to get her to soften. By what, the 3rd sentence, her mom was calling her sweetie. She knows the more she lashes out while still appearing hurt, her mother will cave.

The dismissiveness and lashing out with her friend, yup! She called for a reason (Tony's phone #) and her friend was getting in the way of that, who cares what the friend has to say. But then she catches herself, realizing she may need something from the friend sometime soon (bail money, another persons #, to pick her up when she gets out of jail, etc..) and thanks the friend while calling the girl sweetie or honey and telling her she loves her.

The brother? She has no control over him, none and she knows it!

The dad is a bit harder for me to figure because I didn't grow up with a dad and I don't know how "normal" fathers and daughters interact but it appears he has simply gotten used to his wife allowing Casey's behavior and cleaning up after her all these years so he stays out of it. I don't think she has any control over him, she didn't even ask to talk to him when she called from jail. I also suspect Casey (and Cindy's enabling) may be the reason he and Cindy had split up in the past. IMO Cindy would side with and even choose Casey over her own husband

Casey is manipulative and lonely and angry and empty inside. She lies and steals and parties and has sex with whoever makes her feel good about herself in attempt to fill that hole in her being.

She will (has, I'm certain) suck people dry, use them up of everything good they have to offer and leave them, less than.

Addict? Bipolar? Borderline personality? or just some who killed her kid? I think we can all find little things about Casey (and other mothers who murder their children) that remind us of people we have known or text book examples or hell, of ourselves.. regardless, no excuse is good enough.

:clap::clap: I totally agree! :clap::clap:
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