Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is hiding Caylee from Grandma.

One can only hope. The only thing that keeps my mind going the other way is the cadaver hits. The police have to know more by now regarding the tests. Whats up with not releasing this info.
I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is hiding Caylee from Grandma.
True. Except for the decomp smell and other things they found in the trunk of Casey's car. She obviously has her hidden tho...just not in the way you may be thinking.
I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is hiding Caylee from Grandma.
You know, I think that's how this all started out. But, I'm still trying to connect it to the reality of today. There's something very much missing here...and that's besides this beautiful child.
I've said this before as well, but anymore, I'm just not sure:waitasec:

I think she is also even with the hits on the yard and the decomp in the car. I still think she has Caylee hid.
One can only hope. The only thing that keeps my mind going the other way is the cadaver hits. The police have to know more by now regarding the tests. Whats up with not releasing this info.
I think the only reason they had to release they were testing those things was to get that bail set as high as they did. I don't expect them to release anything else unless they absolutely have to or until they put it on an arrest warrant for Casey.
It's funny that Casey tells her mom "Do me a favor and just tell me what Tony's number is." Her mom also used this term when she told the press "Do me a favor and put a little piece of pizza....."
O/T guys...

ok, gotta say this, last time I saw postings hitting a site this fast, I was at a Jimmy Buffet concert and we were all on the margaritaville website (on our phones), trying to be the first to post "I'm here!"

That's funny!
Lee said in the interview and Cindy said in the bond hearing that she had daily contact with Casey, yet on the 911 call Cindy says it took her a month to find Casey? So which is it?
It's still the case, June 9th on the website, myspaces and the pdf's for the flyers. Might even be on the t-shirts but i couldn't read it.
That's just insane. It's like they are sticking to the original timeline. Makes no sense.
but didn't they say in the Madeline McCain case they had decomposition and it turned out not to be????
sorry if thats wrong,. I didn't really follow the case, I just heard that.
Lee said in the interview and Cindy said in the bond hearing that she had daily contact with Casey, yet on the 911 call Cindy says it took her a month to find Casey? So which is it?

just because she talked with her on phone or texted with her doesn't mean that she knew where casey physically was.
Lee said in the interview and Cindy said in the bond hearing that she had daily contact with Casey, yet on the 911 call Cindy says it took her a month to find Casey? So which is it?

Its both, you can talk to someone on a phone without knowing where they are.
In Cindy's defense...having the 'problem' check in on a phone does not necessarily mean you know where they are. I have a family member who has pulled these same stunts while we were frantically looking for her. We've herad it all "ill be home in an hour, I'll be home tomorrow" And if I'm not mistaken Lee said the same thing about casey.
I have thought this too and have stated it several times on here. However there are a couple of things that really bother me. The decomposition smell, the hair in the trunk and that fact that I don't think Casey had any baby sitter that is hiding Caylee. I think if someone was keeping her due to Casey giving the girl that person would have come forward. I also think if the child was alive, Casey would find a way to produce her from somewhere.

Since all the info they gave the cops about Zanaida has been a lie, I don't believe she gave the child to her or anyone else.

I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is hiding Caylee from Grandma.
i still say JMO Casey is bipolar manic depressive like my daugnter, again JMO. it sounds like she is still in the downward spiral.

I wouldn't be surprised either if it comes out that Casey has Bipolar or BPD for that matter.
Lee said in the interview and Cindy said in the bond hearing that she had daily contact with Casey, yet on the 911 call Cindy says it took her a month to find Casey? So which is it?
I'm thinking that she may have had contact, but her mother never knew exactly where she was (?)...I'm beginning to think a lot of what the family has put out has been well rehearsed so it could very well be that the 911 call is closer to the truth.
I'm beginning to think a lot of what the family has put out has been well rehearsed so it could very well be that the 911 call is closer to the truth.

I am right with you on that. The famly's behavior all makes sense to me now. They are stuck between and rock and hard place and are trying to outsmart Casey.
But in the bond hearing she said because she talked to her daily she wasnt alarmed. Telling the police it took me a month to find her, to me is alot different than saying well I talked to her daily and everything was ok, except I didnt get to see Caylee. Also in the 911 call she mentions she has a bank affidavit. I know nothing about what it would take to get a bank affidavit, do you just walk in say someone stole money out of my account and they can produce some legal document right then and there?

just because she talked with her on phone or texted with her doesn't mean that she knew where casey physically was.
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