Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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No, not in the classic sense, but definately possible for an OD or lifestyle fatality for sure

You know in reference to speculation on possible drug use, I would just like to point out that drugs are very much part of the club scene.
I agree, I think there wasnt contact and Cindy got very angry, then the car impound, and the bank situation so she went looking for her on the 15th and found her.

I'm thinking that she may have had contact, but her mother never knew exactly where she was (?)...I'm beginning to think a lot of what the family has put out has been well rehearsed so it could very well be that the 911 call is closer to the truth.
But in the bond hearing she said because she talked to her daily she wasnt alarmed. Telling the police it took me a month to find her, to me is alot different than saying well I talked to her daily and everything was ok, except I didnt get to see Caylee. Also in the 911 call she mentions she has a bank affidavit. I know nothing about what it would take to get a bank affidavit, do you just walk in say someone stole money out of my account and they can produce some legal document right then and there?
She was trying to get her daughter released and was obviously coached by the attorney on what to say. Could it be the furthest thing from the truth? Absolutely.
In Cindy's defense...having the 'problem' check in on a phone does not necessarily mean you know where they are. I have a family member who has pulled these same stunts while we were frantically looking for her. We've herad it all "ill be home in an hour, I'll be home tomorrow" And if I'm not mistaken Lee said the same thing about casey.

yep my middledaughter does this. It drives me nuts and they know it. But my middle one (loves drama and attention) and hurts me sometimes. Then other times will be 180* turn around and be so kind and nice.

It is today's young adults. :blowkiss:
I agree, I think there wasnt contact and Cindy got very angry, then the car impound, and the bank situation so she went looking for her on the 15th and found her.

I agree it sounds like when the car was found it scared the family. Because then they knew Casey was lying to them.
Wow, watching the video of Lee with the reporters -- what a composed and articulate guy. Someone needs to get Cindy to sit down and stop talking and hand it over to this guy.
If she was in contact with her daily she knew she had the car yet didnt report it stolen from June 27th (Casey may of had the car sooner) until July 13th when they received the impound notice. Something just isnt right with the stories being told.
maybe this has been addressed already, I've not caught up for the day yet. But in Lee's interview he states that they didn't realize that Casey couldn't call them if she didn't have money and she didn't have money. Doesn't that seem like something Baez should have pointed out to them?? :confused:
So attorney advised her to lie under oath? I would be finding me a new attorney real quick.

She was trying to get her daughter released and was obviously coached by the attorney on what to say. Could it be the furthest thing from the truth? Absolutely.
I'm confused....

Casey tells Christina she wants to talk to Tony because she "was arrested TODAY" & didn't get a chance to talk to him.

Doesn't that mean these are old videos??

Oh brother, I feel sorry for ANYONE who has any involvement with this Casey brat.

Yes.............the phone call was on the day Casey was arrested.......late that evening - July 15/16.
Ok...I can now put into words what I've been feeling...I think we're all being played!!

('s probably just me!)
But in the bond hearing she said because she talked to her daily she wasnt alarmed. Telling the police it took me a month to find her, to me is alot different than saying well I talked to her daily and everything was ok, except I didnt get to see Caylee. Also in the 911 call she mentions she has a bank affidavit. I know nothing about what it would take to get a bank affidavit, do you just walk in say someone stole money out of my account and they can produce some legal document right then and there?

When in the past I call 911 - I don't think what to say. It is a emergency to get the police there NOW. I can relate to the dates being messed up and what she has said about knowing where Casey was.

I was scared to death at the few times I called 911.
So this is my first post. I am supposed to be studying for the NY bar right now, but you guys have completely distracted me for three days! Seriously, I am beyond impressed with the work you all have done. And I'm now addicted.

I don't know if this has been mentioned previously, but I stumbled upon this link:

"On the weekend of June 9th...the same day that Caylee Anthony was last known to have been seen, there was a robbery in Brevard County, FL of a Zenaida Gonzalez"

I don't necessarily buy the other stuff in this post (i.e. that Casey committed the robbery); but I do find it highly suspect that this all of this happened on the same day. Maybe she just saw Zenaida's name on the news? Or a website? Or something? Or maybe she hoped to pin the car "theft" on the same criminal? I haven't found any articles about this robbery, but I am intrigued. One of the things that bothers me the most about all of Casey's ridiculous lying is that, in the police report, she drove the cops to her "nanny's" neighborhood (a nanny she had used for, what, 2 years?), couldn't remember what the address was "because she had been there so many times," and then the cops found an address in the car, that just happened to be across the street. This whole case is crazaaaazy.

Nevertheless, thank you all so much for the entertainment and insight!

Welcome bluedevil! :)
I agree with you totally. YOu have Casey pegged to the T. She is also the making of her mother. She knows how to manipulate mom to the nth degree.
I agree with you Kathyn2 that casey is the making of her mother, who has seemed very out there. But, I also did have the feeling, as some had posted long ago, that Cindy may have been humoring her daughter in order to get her to talk. The release of the jailhouse phone call sort of clinches that for me.
Other random thoughts:
1. In response to a question earlier, another reason given for Caylee and Casey leaving Cindy's house was, according to Cindy, to give Casey an opportunity to bond with Caylee, IIRC. Nonsense, IMO. The myspace post of grandma and the 911 call seem to show that grandma and casey had a rough relationship due to casey's jealousy of Caylee and Cindy's relationship with Caylee - maybe gma stepping in too much? She left out of spite, is what i think and gma is now covering that up.
2. Casey's words are so much like Melinda Duckett's in a interview in which she said the reason she did not seem upset over the abduction of her son was because she had to keep strong to search. But, her "search", like Casey's and Cindy's, revolved around not tellling exactly where she had been nor giving all the info she had to LE, and instead being on websites and tv interviews. Scary similarity.
3. I cannot wait to see what phone records of Casey's and Cindy's phones show as to how much contact they had during the relevant time, and who casey was calling.
4. I wish the family had ultimately given Casey Tony's number because I would love to hear how that call would have gone on the day she was arrested!
5. I'd be curious to see what Casey would do if released. Might be interesting. While I like knowing she is in jail, I don't believe she will crack there. IMO she is likely a sociopath or something similar and they do very well in jail, normally. They adapt quickly. What would she do if released? She has no clue what appropriate behavior is under the circumstances. She does not know how a loving mother would act if her child had been taken by a babysitter for over a month and dissapeared off the face of the earth. She would not act so nonchalant if this was true: "They need to just look her up in a New York data base with her full last name." As if they are looking for a missing document instead of a missing baby. Bizarre.
maybe this has been addressed already, I've not caught up for the day yet. But in Lee's interview he states that they didn't realize that Casey couldn't call them if she didn't have money and she didn't have money. Doesn't that seem like something Baez should have pointed out to them?? :confused:

Baez doen't represent the family, he represents Casey. And if both Casey & Baez think the family is trying to sabotage Casey, Baez is not going to readily give up how easy it would be to talk to Casey. He may have been isolating his client.
If she was in contact with her daily she knew she had the car yet didnt report it stolen from June 27th (Casey may of had the car sooner) until July 13th when they received the impound notice. Something just isnt right with the stories being told.
I think that was just a ploy to get her daughter to fess up. There are so many mind games being played here, I don't think I have one anymore!!
Yes he should of pointed that out.

maybe this has been addressed already, I've not caught up for the day yet. But in Lee's interview he states that they didn't realize that Casey couldn't call them if she didn't have money and she didn't have money. Doesn't that seem like something Baez should have pointed out to them?? :confused:
maybe this has been addressed already, I've not caught up for the day yet. But in Lee's interview he states that they didn't realize that Casey couldn't call them if she didn't have money and she didn't have money. Doesn't that seem like something Baez should have pointed out to them?? :confused:

My daughter called me collect from jail 1-800-collect or whatever it is called to bail her out
LOL so true. I get to the point I can finally go to sleep, crawl into bed and then bang I think wait a minute did they say this and then they said that lol. Mind is turning to mush.

I think that was just a ploy to get her daughter to fess up. There are so many mind games being played here, I don't think I have one anymore!!
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