Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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Couple of questions....

- does anyone know what date the "diary of days" blog was written on Casey's myspace?

- can someone link me to the video or transcripts of the jailhouse VISIT between Casey and this Patrick or Frank? I have listened to all the 911 calls as well as the jailhouse call between Casey, Cindy, Lee and Christina but haven't seen this jailhouse video (other than on nancy grace but it didn't have audio)

Thanks in advance!
the only thing I think she is missing is the Friday night partying.
Isn't Caylee's birthday coming up, If she is going to crack that may be the day. She may be over whelmed and cave to what she may have done.

August 9th.
It's absolutely something the attorney should have told them. However, with Casey for a client and knowing that all the calls are recorded, he may have not told them on purpose. Would you want a client like her babbling on the phone?

I'm not sure that Lee has the entire story on the calls. My youngest son has been in jail and each jail handles phone calls their own way. Different jails that are in the same county can handle calls differently. My son was in 3 different jails and a detention center. He could make collect calls from all of them. I don't understand why Casey can't make collect calls. Something is not right about that.

**respectfully snipped to save space**

I hope this sheds some light on calls.

Thanks for that long post! I hadn't read it before I made my last post about some jails using calling cards now. I've not had personal experience with that part, the part I heard about the calling cards was here locally, I'm sure it's different everywhere. I do seem to recall hearing about the phone part being a racket at some point.....
2. Casey's words are so much like Melinda Duckett's in a interview in which she said the reason she did not seem upset over the abduction of her son was because she had to keep strong to search. But, her "search", like Casey's and Cindy's, revolved around not tellling exactly where she had been nor giving all the info she had to LE, and instead being on websites and tv interviews. Scary similarity.

ITA with this. On thread 13 (I think it was) I posted maybe she won't be bonded out coz she might kill the 1 person who knows where Caylee is... herself.

This case is giving me the very same kinda chills & stomach turning.

I love that the sheriff's office has Caylee on the front web page!
Such a beautiful little girl!

Or at least Casey's father since he was a police detective. Something very odd about all of that....he says it was a different time then and everything's done differently now on his long TV interview.
I think there might be a story up in Ohio.

LOL- UM, ya think?
Seriously, I believe there must be, like how his wife called him a former homicide detective. I can't think of homicide det. that quit their 20 year career and then are unemployed for no reason.
I totally understand and respect the pain you are in due to your daughters illness and the damage it has caused your family. But with all due respect, Bipolar isn't a "baby killer" disease.
i understand what u are saying but I am guessing that u have never walked in our your daughter if u have one yelling and screaming at a 2 month old child and shaking him and u have to take the child away, and your daughter is still screaming at u and trowing things and then comes to u days later being sweet and nice and not even remembering what she has done. or sit in on couseling and hear her talk about the voices that tell to do things and tell her the lies that she told are the truth.
I am not defending Casey, but If my daughter had done something to my grandchildren I would be the one in Jail not her, Because I would have made sure she would never hurt another sole.

So with all due respect I understand your point.
My point is Casey is a very sick person if she harmed her child, because a sane person could not take the life of such an innocent sweet child
Mike Walker

yeah, that's the name that the patrick guy said they both knew or had in common right? but who is "mike" that she is talking about on the jail call to home that she wants to try to call after asking for tony's number...

could they be the same person?

i mean just odd some random guy shows up @ the jail, casey acts like who the eff are you, and then he says something about someone named "mike (walker)" and @ the end she comments and says "now i kno who he is" or whatever...

and then there was a mike that she talked about wanting to call during her first evening in jail.

anyone kno who the mike's are? have they been mentioned before?
Alot of the jails are demanding that the inmates have money to purchase calling cards now. At any rate, her brother made the statement in his interview that they didn't realize she wasn't calling because she needed money too. So that's where that bit came from, whether she just needs cash for the call or a calling card wasn't mentioned.
Didn't GM early on say something about having a video phone conversation with her daughter? Can outsiders initiate that?
By the way my daughter can only see her children supervised per her doctor and DSS, no over nights at all
Couple of questions....

- does anyone know what date the "diary of days" blog was written on Casey's myspace?
July 7th
- can someone link me to the video or transcripts of the jailhouse VISIT between Casey and this Patrick or Frank? I have listened to all the 911 calls as well as the jailhouse call between Casey, Cindy, Lee and Christina but haven't seen this jailhouse video (other than on nancy grace but it didn't have audio)
I want to see transcripts too.
Thanks in advance!

I put my responses in red.
I totally understand and respect the pain you are in due to your daughters illness and the damage it has caused your family. But with all due respect, Bipolar isn't a "baby killer" disease.

Studies have shown that people with Bipolar disorder are not any more prone to violence than other people, however, many times people with bipolar also have other issues that can lead to extreme situations. My youngest son is ADHD and bipolar (rapid-cycling). He stopped taking his medicine and self-medicated with crack and marijuana. Stupid! That lead to stealing and jail. He was guilty as sin and deserved to be punished.

I can relate to what raine1212 had gone through. It's hard to deal with and at some point, you have to draw a line. If they aren't willing to get help, you can't let yourself be used, abused and dragged down with them.
When she said,

I have no clue where my daughter is....

she sounded sincere... which makes me think she dumped the body and Caylee isn't buried.....

Or, someone else disposed of the little angel for her.

But to me... it sounded like she chose those words carefully and meant them...

I guess I mean it's more what she didn't say.
LOL- UM, ya think?
Seriously, I believe there must be, like how his wife called him a former homicide detective. I can't think of homicide det. that quit their 20 year career and then are unemployed for no reason.

Easy there, they call it retirement maybe he had a good pension and maybe just maybe 10 yrs on the force left him burned out.
yeah, that's the name that the patrick guy said they both knew or had in common right? but who is "mike" that she is talking about on the jail call to home that she wants to try to call after asking for tony's number...

could they be the same person?

i mean just odd some random guy shows up @ the jail, casey acts like who the eff are you, and then he says something about someone named "mike (walker)" and @ the end she comments and says "now i kno who he is" or whatever...

and then there was a mike that she talked about wanting to call during her first evening in jail.

anyone kno who the mike's are? have they been mentioned before?

Today is the first I am hearing of Mike at all in the case. :waitasec:
That's been my nauseating hunch for a couple of days now. Nothing at all makes logical sense. So many things seem.....scripted. All of the professional missing persons organizations have kept their distance. There is nothing but a huge convoluded jumble of lies which change daily. I wondered aloud a few times whether this is just some hip new 'reality' production. None of the characters are believable. None seem to have actual lives and jobs and histories in the real world. They sure have an audience, tho. Oh, and they all seem to have a live mini-feed web presence.

I just want to say that I had better be wrong about that. I can think of nothing more odious than to capture the attention just to waste the time of good and caring people. I have only been reading WS for a short time, but every single other case I have seen has been so heartbreakingly real. There is something (well, everything) about this case that just feels false and staged to me. As I said, I sincerely hope that I am 100% wrong, and I continue to hope and pray for this little girl we all have grown to love named Caylee.

this was a thought i had too but if it were true what caused the cadaver dogs to hit upon the trunk?
Didn't GM early on say something about having a video phone conversation with her daughter? Can outsiders initiate that?

Something about video is ringing a faint bell in my head, but I can't recall what it is....:waitasec:
In fairness most missing persons organization like equesearch have to be asked by the family.
They also need to have LE's cooperation to be involved. Plus where would they start to search? A grid search involves a particular area that is mapped out. There isn't a definative place to search.

ETA The family can get help through other organizations . They just have to pick up the phone and they will get it.
LI Mom, it is hard, I believe Casey was out of control, it happens so fast. With my daughter, one min. she was fine, the next oh my, screaming, cussing, throwing things, lies, voices, stealing, jail, men, drugs. You name it, she has done it. It is hard to explain the illness, but itis harder to live with. I just pray she has no more kids, because you can ask anyone in my family and they will tell u that they think she is capable of harming them.

And with children like this, it's SO easy to hold onto the good times & hope that the bad behavior is a thing of the past.

It's SO hard to give up on children but I certainly can understand when it gets to the point that you have to save your own 'sanity.'

Hopefully, your daughter will find the right drug combination that can help her live a happier life.
ITA with this. On thread 13 (I think it was) I posted maybe she won't be bonded out coz she might kill the 1 person who knows where Caylee is... herself.

This case is giving me the very same kinda chills & stomach turning.

I love that the sheriff's office has Caylee on the front web page!
Such a beautiful little girl!

Just curious, have there been any recent updates about their search for this child?
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