Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #16

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i know this has been commented on, but i just re-watched the video where patrick visited her in jail. and it was super weird.

he says: "you've got a friend outside....i feel sorry for you...he just wanted me to tell you that if there is anything you want to talk about, let it go..."

she just sort of nodded her head and said uh huh, okay, sure.

why is he telling her to "let it go?" is this to remind her to keep her mouth shut, everything is being taken care of? he is sorry this happened to her, as in she is taking the fall alone? i dont know, but there is something completely off about that video. why didn't mike, or whoever patrick is referring to when he keeps saying "we," come to see her himself?

patrick came to see her on the 24th. she says in the earlier phone conversation with her family (where she demanded tony's number) "I wanted to actually try and call Mike." are there ties between mike and patrick, by any chance? if so, her whole "i dont know you," 'oh, i am a friend from middle school" conversation makes no sense. there had to be a deeper message there...

I've read about this video and Patrick's words to Casey quite a few times now, but your post suddenly jarred something in me. I have goose bumps all over my body.......... my imagination is taking me to strange places here.

"you've got a friend outside....i feel sorry for you...he just wanted me to tell you that if there is anything you want to talk about, let it go..."

I could see this line being in one of John Grisham's famous books.... and it's easy to imagine that it means "you better keep your mouth shut and don't you dare speak".
I just finished watching the segment NBC did on the case, this morning. Cindy said something that has me curious: she said that she is not allowed to talk to Casey's bf (or something of that nature). My question: why? did LE tell her she couldn't, for investigative reasons, or someone connected with Casey outside of the house told her she couldn't?

NBC had a former FBI profiler giving commentary, and his stance falls in line with a lot of what some of our board members think: Casey AND Cindy keep talking about their selves, but not really talking about Caylee being missing. His implication is that they come across as thinking that this is all about them, when in reality they need to realize that Caylee is the center of the universe (in regards of the case).

so was this on the Today show? I have it on right now.
I think the news media being quiet on it is strange - anyone else?

Yeah, I have actually not seen anything on CNN or FOX so far this morning, not even a recap. It's very odd. Unless I'm just missing it while switching back and forth between the two! :waitasec: Also this forum is awfully quiet this morning too....everyone must be sleeping in!!
Yeah, I have actually not seen anything on CNN or FOX so far this morning, not even a recap. It's very odd. Unless I'm just missing it while switching back and forth between the two! :waitasec: Also this forum is awfully quiet this morning too....everyone must be sleeping in!!

yea I guess they are sleeping LOL.

I have been up all night. (as usual)

I have not saw anything on FOX or CNN either.
yea I guess they are sleeping LOL.

I have been up all night. (as usual)

I have not saw anything on FOX or CNN either.

Ahhh a fellow night owl huh? I been up all night too LOL! Good to know I'll have someone to chat to about the case in the middle of the night!! Send me a PM anytime!! :)
Ahhh a fellow night owl huh? I been up all night too LOL! Good to know I'll have someone to chat to about the case in the middle of the night!! Send me a PM anytime!! :)

cool hun. Will Do. ;)

Yep I never hardly sleep and am online almost 24/7 (since I am hurt I can't do much else) So yep I am online all my life :crazy:
I've read about this video and Patrick's words to Casey quite a few times now, but your post suddenly jarred something in me. I have goose bumps all over my body.......... my imagination is taking me to strange places here.

"you've got a friend outside....i feel sorry for you...he just wanted me to tell you that if there is anything you want to talk about, let it go..."

I could see this line being in one of John Grisham's famous books.... and it's easy to imagine that it means "you better keep your mouth shut and don't you dare speak".

I think you may be onto something there. Why didn't he say "if you want to talk about it, I'm here" or "if you want to talk about it, let it out"....."let it go" just seems an odd choice of words to me. Let it go sounds like it impies "drop it" from my perspective. But the guy seems odd too (IMO) - if someone I knew back in high school was in jail in similar circumstances I wouldn't dream of visiting them unless a) they were a very good friend or b) I wanted attention of some sort. I hope the media tracks this guy down to find out why he was there.
I've read about this video and Patrick's words to Casey quite a few times now, but your post suddenly jarred something in me. I have goose bumps all over my body.......... my imagination is taking me to strange places here.

"you've got a friend outside....i feel sorry for you...he just wanted me to tell you that if there is anything you want to talk about, let it go..."

I could see this line being in one of John Grisham's famous books.... and it's easy to imagine that it means "you better keep your mouth shut and don't you dare speak".

I agree it might be some sort of "code" esp since it was said the other day Casey talks in casey codes? or something to that affect.
I agree it might be some sort of "code" esp since it was said the other day Casey talks in casey codes? or something to that affect.

This case makes me feel like I'm watching LOST. lol Alll the codes, hidden meanings, it's so strange. I am really surprised with how little media attention the whole case gets. It just seems like in previous cases the news crews were constantly updating information, talking to a friend, talking to a relative, interviewing a detective, leaking information. Yet compared to other high profile cases, I have seen very very little of this going on.
I think you may be onto something there. Why didn't he say "if you want to talk about it, I'm here" or "if you want to talk about it, let it out"....."let it go" just seems an odd choice of words to me. Let it go sounds like it impies "drop it" from my perspective. But the guy seems odd too (IMO) - if someone I knew back in high school was in jail in similar circumstances I wouldn't dream of visiting them unless a) they were a very good friend or b) I wanted attention of some sort. I hope the media tracks this guy down to find out why he was there.

I agree that even his being there is odd. I would not dream of visiting even a good acquaintance in jail, specially not at a moment like this! What would the purpose be other than

- sharing the limelight and getting attention
- sick curiosity
- delivering a coded message
- giving comfort (why would a stranger be able to comfort her??)

Obviously Casey didn't know who he was (that's how REMOTE this acquaintance is) and although she remembered him later, knowing her MOUTH I am surprised she didn't tell him to go to hell. I wonder how he managed to get permission to see her. Didn't she have to agree to that visit? Why would she agree to the visit of someone she doesn't know?
Ahhh so many questions.....
Not yet at least for me, would like to see it. At the jail visit this was said.

While helping with new leads, Lee said his sister is sticking to her original story, she is still saying yes, Caylee is alive. Caylee is okay.

Lee said Casey cleared up a couple of things that detectives thought were lies from the beginning, where Casey worked and the connection to a mystery babysitter named Zanaida. He said Casey worked at Universal Studios, but was a contract employee with Kodak, and later Colorvision, so no Universal records would show she worked there.

Casey told investigators she met Zanaida through two co-workers. She said one friend used Zanaida as a nanny for his son. Todays date????

I thought those leads were already checked and they were dead end, the one about fellow co-workers? Is this old news, confused.

Um, okay. Well, Casey is the one who said that she had an office at Universal. Walked LE through looking for said office and all. Waited until she couldnt find it cause it didnt exist before she told LE that in fact, no, she didn't work there.

And now she's wondering why LE doesn't believe her?

IF in fact she does work for Kodak or the other photo company, why didn't she just SAY SO. Instead of walking around Universal.

UGH!!! Now it seems as though she has convinced her Brother of this job and he now thinks that LE isn't listening to her.

NEWS FLASH - For as much as Casey has been on TV, don't you think that if she does in fact have an employer, said employer would have called LE already and produced her work forms?

Why would LE continue to waste time looking for Casey's job after she lied to them? A job's a job's. Why lie about one?
I agree that even his being there is odd. I would not dream of visiting even a good acquaintance in jail, specially not at a moment like this! What would the purpose be other than

- sharing the limelight and getting attention
- sick curiosity
- delivering a coded message
- giving comfort (why would a stranger be able to comfort her??)

Obviously Casey didn't know who he was (that's how REMOTE this acquaintance is) and although she remembered him later, knowing her MOUTH I am surprised she didn't tell him to go to hell. I wonder how he managed to get permission to see her. Didn't she have to agree to that visit? Why would she agree to the visit of someone she doesn't know?
Ahhh so many questions.....
I think it's about getting attention...even Casey acted like "who the (heck) is this guy and what's he doing here?" You'll notice she didn't really engage him, responded to him as little as possible. I don't think there was any "code" involved - I think he's just another whackjob among many in this case!
I agree that even his being there is odd. I would not dream of visiting even a good acquaintance in jail, specially not at a moment like this! What would the purpose be other than

- sharing the limelight and getting attention
- sick curiosity
- delivering a coded message
- giving comfort (why would a stranger be able to comfort her??)

Obviously Casey didn't know who he was (that's how REMOTE this acquaintance is) and although she remembered him later, knowing her MOUTH I am surprised she didn't tell him to go to hell. I wonder how he managed to get permission to see her. Didn't she have to agree to that visit? Why would she agree to the visit of someone she doesn't know?
Ahhh so many questions.....

Agree 100%. Giving comfort we can probably rule out since she didn't even recognize the guy. Also it seems like ALOT of her myspace friends were high school friends/acquaintances yet Patrick isn't even on her myspace (that I was able to find). Sharing the limelight I think we can probably rule out too because he had no way of knowing the tape would be released at all. This is not "normal procedure" when someone is arrested. So how would he possibly have known that he would be in the limelight? Okay so either he's got a sick curiosity OR he's delivering a message/code of some sort. I think she genuinely did not recognize this guy, BUT as soon as he uttered Mike Walker, she said "yeah, ok" which again, seemed like a strange response IMO. Listen to the conversation, you'll see what I mean about how she says it. One other thing I noticed....the guy seems like he's in disguise! He is wearing a cap and what appeared to be sunglasses (could be wrong about that).
Good Morning everyone! Guess Caylee hasn't been found yet... :(

Good Morning! Nope, it seems like the media is taking a vaca from all this - I have not seen ANYthing on the news yet, not even so much as a recap. What is the deal? Anyone else seen anything?
While she was talking to Kristina she mentioned a "Mike" as well. So this guy who visited her mentioned Mike Walker and then when she was trying to get Tonys # she said she wanted to talk to Tony to see if Mike and then she was cut off. Just curious if it is the same Mike?
Just what you mentioned already on the Today Show.
Good Morning! Nope, it seems like the media is taking a vaca from all this - I have not seen ANYthing on the news yet, not even so much as a recap. What is the deal? Anyone else seen anything?

I'm not exactly local but my Tampa media has been reporting on the case and I woke this morning to the same old talk about the 911 calls.
Um, okay. Well, Casey is the one who said that she had an office at Universal. Walked LE through looking for said office and all. Waited until she couldnt find it cause it didnt exist before she told LE that in fact, no, she didn't work there.

And now she's wondering why LE doesn't believe her?

IF in fact she does work for Kodak or the other photo company, why didn't she just SAY SO. Instead of walking around Universal.

UGH!!! Now it seems as though she has convinced her Brother of this job and he now thinks that LE isn't listening to her.
Something odd about this. If Lee is saying that Universal would have no record of her employment because she worked for a park contractor, Colorvision, why was Uni able to tell LE that she was fired in April 2006?
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