Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

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Yep your right. She did it for a living. It's how Casey got by. She has no education she is a liar,manipulator,con artist and on top of it all the biggest COWARD I have seen since Scott Peterson.
yes I agree...this is much akin to our fav. fertilizer salesman!

SS, My BIL didn't know it was the susan smith car until after the sale and he was FREAKED OUT so much that he called me...knowing how I was into true crime (Steve Huff and Scared Monkeys at that time.....). He didn't even know how to approach my sister about it (who has no clue on things like this and is never on the computer) and so confided in me. He is an upper eschelon figure now in that corporation...much higher now than he was during the susan smith case. At that time he was hands on with the techs who refabbed the cars they received...and so he had hands on insight into the sturctural nature and possible dammage to that car into the refurbishment that allowed its' resale at the huge, weekly, dealer's auction.
I already said I would be waterboarding her if it were my daughter and I would gladly go to jail for assault and battery AFTER I was finished!

O/T: Night terrors? Poor lil fella. Some kids just can't sleep. :(

was the night terrors to me? if so, no.. he's just a hyper little boy. and he went swimming all morning and afternoon so he kinda had a late nap. that's never good.

and what is waterboarding?

i wonder if she's in general population. think if another inmate tried to beat some answers out of her, that anyone would stop it right away?

am i allowed to say, i mean, ask that? :eek:
Okay, I have got to go to bed...these benadryl knock me out:( but they kill the poison ivy itch...

night guys:) Hopefully tomorrow we'll hear something new.
It is sad they would resell it, imo. That car should have gone for scrap. It was a coffin. I would be freaked out badly if I had purchased a car used to bury children. I feel for your BIL tho. Some people only think of the $$$$.
And I really want to hear from Cindy Anthony's mouth that she thought Casey was going to work every day. And I want to hear Cindy justify lying to all of her friends, etc, about still having been employed at Universal. I mean, I'm not rooting for the woman to turn on her daughter or anything, just to tell the truth for a second...and to think of finding Casey, whatever it means...if , god forbid, she IS gone, she deserves to be put to rest:( I want Cindy to want that for Caylee, too...even if it does mean prison for Casey. Caylee was innocent, and was strictly reliant on the adults in her life to care for's so unfair:(

I couldn't agree more!

I'm going to bed also. I feel like I pulled a double today on WS!


Sleep sweet little Caylee.

Tomorrow is a new day. There should be interesting news to come our way.
was the night terrors to me? if so, no.. he's just a hyper little boy. and he went swimming all morning and afternoon so he kinda had a late nap. that's never good.

and what is waterboarding?

i wonder if she's in general population. think if another inmate tried to beat some answers out of her, that anyone would stop it right away?

am i allowed to say, i mean, ask that? :eek:
Yes, it was to you. Ah, that explains it. (My grand has night terrors is why I mentioned them.)

Waterboarding is a form of torture which is Okayed by our Government to use on terrorists. It is when water is continuously poured at an angle into their nose and mouth to simulate the effect of drowning to get them to talk. Hey..if it is good enough for the goverment to use...good enough to use on this to find a child, imo.

Yes, you are allowed to say that! By law, they would have to stop them from beating her...but with her I doubt it would work anyway. She is one stone cold B!
Yes, it was to you. Ah, that explains it. (My grand has night terrors is why I mentioned them.)

Waterboarding is a form of torture which is Okayed by our Government to use on terrorists. It is when water is continuously poured at an angle into their nose and mouth to simulate the effect of drowning to get them to talk. Hey..if it is good enough for the goverment...good enough for this , imo.

Yes, you are allowed to say that! By law, they would have to stop them from beating her...but with her I doubt it would work anyway. She is one stone cold B!

yikes, waterboarding sounds unfun!! i'd talk.

anyway, the kid is asleep and my headache is starting to fade. i better catch some sleep while i can.

goodnight all. here's hoping something new will come about tomorrow.
Someone needs to be asking her about the shovel, the gasoline, and the more pertinent questions here. Come on, LEE! Get with the program!

Ya know the way their getting around her is by placating her in bits and pieces. Has to be very awkward for the brother. Thank God he has a head on his shoulder.

There will be no pushing Casey with those obvious questions, you can't trick her. She has to back herself in that corner. She is a master manipulator and is a step ahead because of her way of thinking/lack of emotions, she is very distorted. Sick in the head. These type of peanuts don't crack up. They have to tell on themselves, it's the only way. Very unfortunate. Hard to keep up with their own lies, that's the gold for LE if they can keep her talking.
***gory alert***

It's very hard to cremate a body. My understanding is they tend to go out, so you have to relight, use alot of fuel etc. And it takes a very long time. Casey got the amount of fuel right. But I can't figure out where she would have had the place or the time to do this? A campground firepit? As someone asked, is there one in the Gpa's backyard? We saw in the pregnant marine case that it's hard to do unnoticed.
suziQ did you read on the place with firepits and tent camping places earlier? turkey lake park. It was just an idea but for the isolation factor it would have most likely fit the bill.
I thought she said she did initially. But it doesn't matter...they have her phone records!! They know every single call in or out plus the text messages (which she said is how she mostly communicated with the sitter). Also, they can triangulate her whereabouts on the days in question and know where she went according to the phones' cell towers.

I think we are wasting a lot of time about the SIM card myself since it really doesn't matter. Why?
to me it doesn't matter was like putting a magnet inside of random put the magnet in and it sticks. leave it out and it falls....
Investigators told Channel 9 it would take them three months to contact all of the Florida women named Zenaida Gonzalez, but they're not even trying anymore since Caylee's mom can't give them a picture, a phone number or even the address where she dropped her daughter off with the babysitter she used for two and half years.

BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- Missing toddler Caylee Anthony's mother continues to say that a nanny named Zenaida Gonzalez took her child. So far, investigators haven't been able to find that woman.

But one woman in Brevard County with the same name says people have already found her. The name isn't uncommon, in fact Eyewitness News found nearly a dozen in Central Florida alone, enough to fill several sheets of paper.

Plenty of local women named Zenaida Gonzalez are having to defend their names as the search for Caylee continues. Casey Anthony says it's been six weeks since she saw her daughter. She continues to tell investigators she left the little girl with a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez
I'm hoping that Casey does not get out of jail and that the dna is what finally trips her up and somehow proves what happened. At least enough to charge her with murder if that's what happened. Her family might buy her story, but good dna and facts should convince a jury that she's guilty.
Yes...I know. I was kidding with you. :eek: I glanced and saw my intials...thinking, "What did I do now?!" until I read what you wrote.
I figured that out and I suck. sorry ss! YOU ARE THE BEST! SEE YOU TOMORROW...I need my four we all do...keep on keepin on night shift an post anything substantial to tohe daily update page. danke!
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