Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #37

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But if you think about Cindy's behavior, it can kind of be explained. Remember Cindy's first 911 call. She is highly upset with Casey and also the smell in the car. Then think about the first jailhouse call. Apparently Casey had complained her family was supporting her or believing her. It is from that moment on that Cindy's behavior took an odd turn and she was suddenly supporting her daughter in every way possible. Only we didn't know what was going on because the call hadn't been made public yet. I honestly think she thought that if she didn't support Casey, they would never get any answers out of her and the mystery behind Caylee's disappearance would never get solved. Of course, Cindy didn't really going about showing her support in the best way, but I honestly think she did was she felt like she should do, even though it looked very odd to all of us watching.
Thoughts?? I have a lot of thoughts. My head is absolutely spinning. :crazy::crazy:

I started this new discussion thread, went to grab lunch, to the bank, come back and I have 8 pages to catch up on :)

Haven't heard back about any searches. Them not searching, is that the answer, there is no need and they know it?

I can't wrap my mind around what she could have done with Caylee.

I can't wrap my mind around all the news reports and the mom saying 'things are coming together', 'she is protecting us', 'she didn't harm Caylee'....then in the same articles I am reading LE is saying, 'if only Casey would talk to us and tell us where she is'.....ay yi yi. This is just the nutest case I believe I have ever witnessed!
IIRC...LE has said that they are involved in searches they do not want to divulge at this point in time.
I know this case invokes serious emotions and opinions but really all of this ridiculous arguing should stop. Its starting to resemble a teenage chat room in here. If you want to argue instead of opine with respect please take it elsewhere. People really don't want to hear it.....then again we can always put you on ignore.

Once Cindy believes what 99.9% of the people who know about this case believe, she has lost not just her grandchild, but her own child as well.

That makes me really, really sad.

I agree Eliza. Having to accept something this horrid is really very sad, and knowing there is no way to ease the pain doesn't help.

For everyone responding to Bobby62's comment's link which I have choosen not to click on, I would advise to move on. Only reason being is this is about Caylee in the end. Thanks :)

you got it! :) thanks I should bite my tongue until you can get a fingerprint off of it. I stole that from one of you.
I can completely understand Cindy wanting the media to go away right now. I think they received some horrid news. I have to say, Cindy wanted nothing more then to bring caylee home, she called 911 on her own daughter not once but 3 times, she has allowed LE to search her home with no search warrants, she has talked to media over and over again ( yes to get Caylees face out there) I agree that Cindy was harsh at times to the media but she is frustrated, scared, sad etc etc. I think Cindy is aware that her daughter is a little Sh**,liar,thief. However, what mother could/would actually think their own child could commit murder? That has to be the most unthinkable thing in the world no matter what and here she is dealing with loosing her daughter and granddaughter. My prayers are with the Anthony family. IMO
CSI took dirt samples this morning per FOX News.
I have a daughter that is 24. She is an adult and completely responsible for her life. I, as her mother will support her however the consequences are hers to face. Now should she have a child, you can bet that child would have 100% of what is in that child's best interest regardless as far as I'm concerned.
Saying they did some digging and took dirt - but what was inside those bags?
you know we all have a blind side when it comes to our children I know I have been down that road for years I wore blinders until it made me so sick and 20 years older than what I am today. I could say more but I still have my lovely little girl that has been fightening to stay alive for 30 plus years and the trauma she has gone thru is unreal, so you see mom's and dads believe and fight to keep what they have and just donot want to let go. And to me this is what Casey's mom and dad have been doing.
Even if they took dirt samples and they matched the yard what would that prove? She would just say she was digging up bamboo shoots....
just said dirt samples were in the bags...but there HAD to be something else...
I am sure LE is scrutinizing everything being said by the Anthonys in the media as well, during their meetings the last two days I am sure some questions were brought up to them about things they had said in various interviews etc that had discrepencies. So Cindy comes home after this and media is there, I can totally understand her lashing out and saying get off my property.
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