Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #38

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Even if Caylee is found alive,.. can they still press charges on Casey for obstruction and child neglect? I heard that if they charged her on that alone that it is 6 years in jail.

Thanks for bringing this up because this is something I don't understand. There have been several countdowns of Casey having to be released in so many days unless new charges are filed. Why would she be released? I thought if you were arrested and charged with a crime, you sat in jail either until you made bail or went to trial. Can anyone explain to me how this works?

I am in GA..I was just trying to get searches organized...nothing is being done through me/our group. We wrote LE, no response.

Awwwwww Christine that is sweet of you to offer......:blowkiss:
You know, as I read all the speculation about what has happened, I see a lot of posters are not being unbiased and somehow this leads to hysteria on this board. Todays PC was evidence of that. Even on the daily recap some of the wording is not unbiased and based on the evidence. I want to caution everyone. Sometimes when hysteria is unleashed we lose sight of the truth. . . Just sayin
This is confusing to me...can you please explain? Do you mean everyone has biased opinions?
She probably does hope that there's some small chance that Casey sold, gave away or just deserted Caylee somewhere and that she is alive. I know I wouldn't totally give up that hope unless I had absolute proof otherwise, even if I logically knew it weren't likely. I'd pander day and night to Casey if I thought she held the one and only key to finding my grandbaby (or her remains), no matter what anyone else thought of me or who/how many I alienated. If this is the case with Cindy -- that she just wants answers about who has Caylee or where her body can be found -- then I don't blame her a bit for doing the only thing she feels she can do to get those answers.

I just can't be too hard on her right now. However, should Caylee be found and Casey charged with murder and Cindy is still insisting Casey is innocent and her story is true, I will revise my opinion completely.

This is how I am seeing it also. Glad I'm not the only one.
Thanks for bringing this up because this is something I don't understand. There have been several countdowns of Casey having to be released in so many days unless new charges are filed. Why would she be released? I thought if you were arrested and charged with a crime, you sat in jail either until you made bail or went to trial. Can anyone explain to me how this works?


In Florida, it's called the 33-day rule. It's meant to prevent defendants who simply can't post bail from being held behind bars indefinitely. In the case of Casey Anthony, it means if the state attorney doesn't file child neglect and interfering with an investigation charges in the next 17 days, she'll be released on her own recognizance. She can still be charged for anything and everything, but they cannot detain her (pre-indictment) for longer than 33 days...
You know I tend to agree with you. The actions of this family are bizarre. While I don't think that the GP's are involved in what happened to Caylee, I don't understand their point of view.

Let's say for the sake of arguement we believe Casey's general story. She dropped Caylee of with the babysitter/nanny (that she couldn't afford) and now she hasn't seen or heard from this person since. Why on earth is she keeping quiet? Because she is worried that someone will hurt Caylee? Caylee is MISSING!!! She has been missing for over a month, what do they think that the kidnappers are just going to change their minds and drop Caylee off? Noone, including her mother has heard from Caylee in weeks and Casey is not worried? That is very contradictory, Casey thinks that these people will hurt her child if she tells what she knows but she is seen out partying when she is supposed to be conducting her own investigation. The GP's can't see anything wrong with their daughter's theories. Again Caylee is missing, she is already in danger!!!!! Maybe instead of being upset with LE they should be putting their daughters feet to the fire about what she knows. Why are they not pleading with this girl to tell the truth. The mother, the brother, any of them. This is so bizarre. If they believe her story then fine, but why not pressure her to talk about what she knows in order to help LE.

Also, Cindy seems to be so upset that LE is not doing everything in their power to find Caylee, but the one person who can help them is saying ANYTHING!!!!! Or what she is saying is full of lies. She orginally sent the police on a wild goose chase. Going with them to Universal Studios and leading them around to her office and telling the security guards that she lost her work badge and waiting until she gets down the hallway and then admitting that she hasn't worked there in 2 years. What is wrong with this girl? She is insane. Then you hear the brother on the tapes asking her about her cell phone and she says it was at Universal Studios when she last had it and then he asked her if she was there for work? SHE HASN"T WORKED THERE IN 2 YEARS!!! What the hell is he talking about? All the talking in code to her. Is this how Cindy raised this child? To lie to her and authorities. What kind of people are these? My mother would be trying to choke me to find out all the information she could to find my child. Even if she was as delusional as Cindy and believed my story.

I'm seriously frustrated with this whole family. Their behavior is just odd. The whole thing is just making me sick. And I know I am just rambling.

Sorry about the rant, but I also have a question, after looking at the timeline, I was wondering if anybody has narrowed it down to when she was supposedly dropped of with this nanny. Casey orginally said June 9th, we know because of the video she was last with the family on Father's Day. Has Casey or her mom ever revised when she was exactly dropped off?
Exactly, probably not. We can assume the last day was the 16th...or count backwards from July 15th 31 days. You know that has always REALLY bothered me. How do you mix up the dates...and not eventually remember yourself? You have a missing child...that is ONE VERY IMPORTANT VITAL PIECE OF INFORMATION!! JMO
I just don't think the Caylee forum is being well managed - I don't think the values of websleuths are being upheld. Because of that even though I am interested in the case I have mostly declined to participate.
Although, had you continued to post your alternate view, there would be more representation of a different perspective.

People may disagree with the theories and conclusions of others, but I don't see anyone here disagreeing with factual information.
I’m excited, I just got registered, this is my first post. I’ve been reading here for a while and am kind of obsessed with this case. With all the comments about Cindy being made, I just wanted to say I don’t feel I can judge her, at least not yet. I remember early on, she made the statement that in the past, when Casey would lie, Cindy has always been able to get the truth out of her. I think Cindy may believe that if she could just get Casey home and away from everyone else, she could find out the truth. She knows Casey hears everything Cindy says in the media, and may feel she has to be publicly supportive of Casey in order to keep the lines of communication open. The best way for her to get the truth from Casey would be to continue being supportive of Casey, I think. I just can’t help but feel a lot of sympathy for Cindy, I can’t imagine what she is going through, it must be absolute hell. She may just be in deep denial, but she also may be trying to find Caley the best way she knows how. I could be wrong, and I can’t blame anyone else for being angry and fed-up with both Cindy and Casey, it’s just so difficult to watch this case unfold, knowing that Casey has the answers and won’t talk. Just mo.

:clap: These are my thoughts exactly!! I personally do not believe that Cindy is covering for Casey at all. I think that she needs to keep Casey's trust and the only way to do that is to support her in the media. I am sure that Cindy is used to Casey's lies and knows that her daughter is not being truthful. A lot of her theories to the media do not make sense like the pizza in the trunk, but really I don't think her saying that would hurt the investigation any LE has the car and would be able to tell if that were true vs a body being in the trunk. I really think that she says these things so that Casey trusts her.
I'm fairly new here, so forgive me if I am O/T with this.

Something bothers me about the shed. It was stated by Cindy (and she dragged this explanation out) saying that it was ALWAYS locked and Casey did NOT have a key. If this is the case, how could she have had a history of stealing the gas?

That said, WHY, if George knew she had stolen gas before, did he call and report it this time??? Could it be that he found something in that shed and wanted to make a report so that it would not fall back on him? Could it be that Cindy obviously wears the pants in that family, and maybe that was his way of cluing LE in early on that something was wrong? It seems that if he tried to talk to Cindy about it, she would have gone bonkers and likely created a huge rift in the house.

Maybe I misunderstood, but today didn't they get a soil sample and it was stated that the search was on the outside of the house today?

Welcome. I am new myself.

VERY good questions, btw. I wondered some of the same. I think it's possible that the shed is NOW locked because of Casey stealing gas in the past. I think why it was reported this time is because they were having issues with Casey since she had moved out with Caylee for a while. He most certainly could have found something, as well. Great point.

From what I understand, the search today was on the outside, as far as we know. Again, not sure what was in that big bag - the one that looks heavy. Could have been an item in the garage or just inside the house or from the shed? Soil samples were said to have been taken, as well.

Maybe someone else can shed some light as well!
It just seemed like a huge waste of time (first they made everyone wait, then he kept calling someone, give him (?) a couple of minutes)...I wish the media would start really investigating.
I was waiting for the poor guy to break into a soft-shoe, sans cane and boater.

Definitely got the impression that perhaps at the last moment, information that was going to be imparted was withheld.
I bet that is what the PD does stand for. Its throwing me though because I do not remember a public defender being on there when this first started. So why add one then withdrawal? Maybe at some point there was discussion of letting Baez go, a PD was appointed and then Baez worked it out?

She was assigned one automatically and the assignment is in the docket, thus why I think its just a matter of housekeeping as he is off the case.
I personally don't think that could judge Cindy or Casey in this case. Two things are obvious to me:

1) Cindy is doing what she thinks is best for finding Caylee even though we might prefer her to do something differently.

2) Casey has mental issues which cause her to think differently.. not to excuse it, but frankly no one in their right mind would behave as she has no matter the reason for the missing child.

welcome I am new here also.

Thanks for the welcome, I agree with both your points, I do think in Cindy's mind, what she is doing is the best way to find Caley, and certainly think Casey has mental issues. And Cindy may be doing the right thing, she knows Casey better than anyone, I expect, and she may have the best chance of getting Casey to tell the truth about what happened. Yes, if it were my child, I might try to force them to tell the truth, but maybe Cindy knows that won't work with Casey. None of us really know. I just have the feeling Cindy doesn't really buy into Casey's stories, but I could be wrong.
I was waiting for the poor guy to break into a soft-shoe, sans cane and boater.

Definitely got the impression that perhaps at the last moment, information that was going to be imparted was withheld.

I absolutely agree, and thought about posting it, but felt I would not be able to duck fast enough...
This Pressconf was supposed to be about something else and then pulled for the last minute absolutely..
For all we know, they started to lock the shed because she had this history.

This is true. However, it just strikes me as strange. It seems that he may have found something there, then put a lock on it for whatever reason. It just bothers there was evidence that HE was aware of but he couldn't speak about it because his wife is a raving loony. JMO.

He seems to be going to extremes to help now. Cindy is still running around talking about her optimism that her grandkid will be found and how all the pieces are falling into place. It's just weird to me.

If I was sitting in jail, my parents would definitely support me by saying "She is my daughter, I love her unconditionally". My dad would have gotten me alone and shaken the truth out of me. But never do I believe a "normal" family would go so far as to ruin their credibility by running around blurting out random, mismatched stories in front of a national tv crew. I think Cindy's actions are digging a hole big enough for her and Casey.

The statement about the shed, the police report, and the search of the shed today really bother me.
Trying to get caught up here again but ... uhhhhhhhhh..

BLUE?!?!?!?! You should come over here with a towel and wipe the diet coke off my computer screen!!!

(and i am totally still smirking at DOGS DO LIE. i mean, my dog has always been open and honest with me. so maybe you guys should talk it out or something...)

:laughitup: :laughitup: :laughitup:
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