Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #38

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LE doesn't seem to be doing much of anything, but hopefully there's ALOT going on that they are keeping from the public, for whatever reason. Maybe there's a "method to their madness".
I'll ignore the hysterical screaming....DVD was taken from a known address. A starting point. Nobody buy Casey knows where Caylee was last seen. Perhaps LE is working on figuring that out with phone logs and credit card receipts?

I haven't seen any tearful appeals from Cindy or George or Lee or Casey. They're insisting that Caylee is with some babysitter, somewhere. Lee claimed tonight that Casey is just being a good mom. Doesn't appear that the family wants a grid search of woods, etc. Good mom Casey gave Caylee to a babysitter who loves her. Right?
I have personally offered to help the family and introduce them to my personal contacts with TES as did another on this thread, the offer was ignored, fyi..

My post was about calling the NG show.
I have personally offered to help the family and introduce them to my personal contacts with TES as did another on this thread, the offer was ignored, fyi..

Who wouldn't appreciate all the help they could get? :confused:
Thank you for offering to help, Blink....and Christine too. It's sad that both of your efforts went ignored :(
Amster, I explained this same thing several times yesterday until I was blue in the face. I gave a very detailed post on what searches would require and why they would not be effective in this case. The procedure for searching and getting organizations involved have been posted by so many posters here over and over again. So it really surprises me that posters who have been here everyday continue to make posts as if they haven't read any of this information.'re correct. I'm done explaining it. When "LE is bad, incompetent, evil" agenda takes over.....all reason flies out the window!
Take a look at just some of the searches San Diego did for Danielle.

TES is not LE.

By the time Cindy and Casey got around to reporting Caylee missing.....there was no telling where to begin a search. LE says they are searching for Caylee. I have no reason to think they're lying. Unlike, Casey, who knows where Caylee is.

Why haven't the Anthonys asked for help from the different organizations that deal with these situations??

Amster, I explained this same thing several times yesterday until I was blue in the face. I gave a very detailed post on what searches would require and why they would not be effective in this case. The procedure for searching and getting organizations involved have been posted by so many posters here over and over again. So it really surprises me that posters who have been here everyday continue to make posts as if they haven't read any of this information.
Imo...if they have certain test results back showing Caylee is no longer with us....why would they search?
I am with you !!! I find this to be so fricken sickening. It seems like the Twilight Zone. What has this country come to? A 3 year old American is missing...wake up ORLANDO!!! WAKE UP FLORIDA!!! Come together and find this little child.....Dead or Alive......PLZ!! I don't see or hear any urgency coming out of anyones mouth, including LE, regarding this situation.......

IMO >>>>>>Where are the federal charges for Kidnapping ?????IMO someone needs to Put some pressure on this Family. It is obvious that the GMA has obstructed this investigation many many times!!! Take some action !!!Put her and Casey in the same cell for awhile and see what takes place!!! Someone would talk sooner or later!!

LE seems to be rather passive in the interaction with the Anthony's which I find odd. Maybe my frustration is clouding my vision here....I don't remember if LE ever sealed off the residence and property as a crime scene ???? When was the Crime scene cleared by LE??? Where was the actual crime scene??? Is the car still being processed or has it been released??

Bless you Caylee

Did you see the interview with Dr. Baden on Fox today?

He is sure LE has some forensics back by now and knows much more than they are saying. He said that since Casey will be in jail for two more weeks and LE has no need to show what they have.

He said the FBI's dirt labratory is awesome in the information they can gather.

LE is more experienced at conducting investigations than Casey is at doing whatever she did. There may be method behind how things look to observers.
I challenge all Floridians to get out and search for Caylee. If San Diego could come up with 300 searchers, then Florida can. We even had some come from far away places one weekend. If I were anywhere near florida and not disabled I would come. Someone needs to start calling for a search. I tried to call Nancy Grace and ask about this but can never get thru. I think its a travesty.
to recover the body.

Yes what I meant was the searchmight not be the most imporatant thing at the moment. Proving she died, then the charges, then hoping someone will tell where she is. I should have posted it better. Of couse they need to find the body.
They didn't know if Danielle was dead or alive but they still searched for her within 100s of miles of deserts, hills, canyons and back roads.

to recover the body.
As the daughter of a former LEO, I can't find it in my heart to blame LE. But as an Orlando resident I can't help but feel an ache deep in my heart for this community that has perpetual question marks after the names Jennifer Kesse, Trenton Duckett, and now Caylee Anthony. I worry if myself or someone I love goes missing in this community the answers might never come. We all want a happy healthy Caylee - first and foremost. But if we can't get that can we please get closure?
It is the job of LE to find missing persons. It is not totally the responsibility of the family. That is what LE get paid to do. Ya think they only get paid to give parking tickets or speeding tickets.

It is there job to command a search for all missing persons in there district. If they were doing so it would be a know. They can not do a secret search as Orlando has too many people for them to not be seen.

Time for the press to put pressure on local LE to get off their behinds and look for this little girl. JMHO

Why is LE being attacked? Can you provide a starting point where the search can then branch out? Casey waited five weeks and the only reason Caylee was reported missing was because her parents car happened to get towed. We have seen on this board, on the news, under oath, numerous conflicting dates and sightings. Reality is hard to swallow this is not the only case LE is investigating. I doubt very much they work in a complete blind sided vacuum. They cannot command citizens to orchestrate a search either. Blame needs to be placed on Casey. If LE had what Casey knows step by step, we would all know where Caylee was, with whom, when and what happened. This makes no sense and resolves nothing. :confused:
Yes what I meant was the searchmight not be the most imporatant thing at the moment. Proving she died, then the charges, then hoping someone will tell where she is. I should have posted it better. Of couse they need to find the body.

But the longer the body is out there, the less likely they will be able to determine the cause-of-death once it is recovered. So, IMO, it should be of primary importance. But, as we've said, there's probably a lot that LE knows and we don't. There may be a good reason they aren't devoting more effort to searching.
You don't have to know where to search. You plan out grids from one end of the county to the other and you send in groups. There are experienced people that know how to do this. They found the Van Dam girl way out in the sticks no where where Westerfield was known to go. You can find people if you search.

Danielle was apparently taken out of the safety of her bed from her home by, at the time, an unknown suspect. The following morning a frantic search of the neighborhood was made but to no avail. In the following days a massive search effort was organized by the Laura Recovery Center in addition to the efforts of all branches of San Diego Law enforcement. Over 3,000 people volunteered to search for Danielle. Damon and Brenda van Dam made numerous tearful appeals for the return of their kidnapped daughter.
You know this is very true. Some have posted that the family may not want to search because they don't want to admit their grandaughter is no longer with them (and I can perfectly understand that!), but there's nothing to say that this child isn't still alive (and I do understand likelihoods). SEARCH and hope for that! For all we know, if Caylee was abducted who's to say after the case broke a couple of weeks ago this person didn't abandoned her somewhere. The thing is...WE DON'T KNOW!
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