Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #51

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My very first thought when I first head about this was that Cindy and Casey were in it together, and were trying to cover for each other. When Casey called home and said "you don't know what my involvement is?" with so much amazement in her voice, it just seemed to me that she was kind of saying "Mom, you know all about this, and you're denying that you do". I still think that Cindy is involved in it up to her eyeballs! JMO

I think that is the only true statement Casey ever made during this entire ordeal. Everything else is a lie.
I think Casey took Caylee to places that were NOT childproofed .
looking at the "racey pics" I saw the bedroom she was in with the guy on the floor sleeping and the other one in bed with a woman[CASEY? ].

If you look at the background of those pics you see wires,candles,booze, all kinds of child dangers.
I say she found a door open?
A bottle of pills lying around?
Walked in front of a car in the lot?

Ate something that choked her?
Ate or drank something that hurt her?
Or was taken by somebody Casey did not know was a danger to children .

maybe somebody put something in her drink to make her sleep but over dosed her ?

Some people do stuff when drinking that is funny to them but harmful to a child.

Bottom line
those apartments/houses/buildings
were not childproofed.
end of story.
I still have no clue what area TONY lives in to GOOGLE.
I would like to see the area.
The area of Amy & Ricardo has trees and a busy road as do all the places she was with her I bet?

Indeed I agree fully. A mother may not know what her child is up to exactly but she has a fairly good idea. Cindy must have known Casey was putting Caylee in dodgy situations-she must have.
Who is paying the Lawyer?

I may have watched too many Lifetime movies but I had a thought this morning. What if the Anthony's moved to FL from OH because it came out that Casey was being molested? She would have been 3 - same age as Caylee. If Casey gave Caylee to an underground childrens network to protect her then she would have no idea where Caylee is. The Lawyer could be her contact if anything bad happens. I don't think she got his name from another inmate. The huge change in Casey could be because she did love Cayleee.

It was drummed into Casey that she was unfit (and she was) so she gave Caylee up. That would explain the excessive partying afterward. Also if Casey was a victim of abuse it would explain Cindy's reactions to her. Guilt is a powerful emotion. It would also explain GM and GP partipating in a cover-up.

Well, thats just my little theory this hour anyway - LOL!
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I didn't see it.

I thought it was interesting in yesterday's presser that LE's words seemed to be chosen carefully. LE spoke of Caylee in the present tense, said she turns 3 this week, and urged people to call the hotline.

Either they believe Caylee is alive OR they are playing an interesting game with suspects.

Unless proven Caylee is not alive, reporting Caylee in the present tense is very appropriate. If LE reported Caylee in the past tense yesterday, then we would start thinking LE knows she is not alive.
I think it's telling this DNA story breaks right before Cindy is going to meet with Casey.
I think it would be wrong for them to speak in the past tense, if they have not released the full findings. Speaking in the present tense would be considered the appropriate way, it means little at this point. Cannot interpret the meaning this way.
I think it's telling this DNA story breaks right before Cindy is going to meet with Casey.
It sure does but a heavy pressure on Cindy if she goes through her meet up with Casey. They will listen to Baez who will convince them, ahhh LE has nuttin.
I wish they would release some more jailhouse visits for the public to view. I am so curious to know if what the Anthony's are reporting is actually what Casey is saying.
Has anyone written questions in the thread for Klass on Wed?
I wish we could see todays visit if it goes down between mom and daughter.
Based on the lifestyle that Casey lived, I can't believe she didn't have friends with her in the car at some point that would've noticed the smell, if the smell was noticeable before she abandoned the car. I think someone she was hanging around during this time has to know something. Whenever I see one of my friends they ask where my children are. I can see giving excuses maybe the first couple times but wouldn't they begin to wonder after it had been so long. None of these friends thought that was odd? Especially when I have heard several people in interviews say that Casey had Caylee with her all the time!

I'm not sure what I think about this case anymore. I am holding out hope for Caylee being found alive but there are so many unexplainable things here. I think LE knows a WHOLE lot more than they are saying and it's only a matter of time.
I wish they would release some more jailhouse visits for the public to view. I am so curious to know if what the Anthony's are reporting is actually what Casey is saying.

Patty G I have noticed that we have only seen Patrick,and only (heard) phone conversations that have been with the person out side of the jail. None of the visits with immediate family.
I honestly have felt the same way as of late. Then I remember that we have a wildcard, Casey. She will come up with another story, I think this is far from over. Now as to if Caylee gets justice or not, I don't know.
ITA w/you about this. I almost believe if LE had proof they would have released it and charged her. Look at the other cases we have followed. I hope this is not the case but......ya never know. Said iy before..say it again..Big slap in faces of parents w/missing and or killed children. Her stories and NO concern about her baby..very sad.
What I don't understand about this whole situation..
I have seen no media reports of searching on the community or LE.
Either dead or alive, you would think this would be going on.
If Casey did bury Caylee, there is no way that she could have dug a deep enough hole to mask the smell right?
Without the proper embalming of the body, I would think that the body would still give a bad smell even if it was 3 ft under. That too, and wouldn't animals be attempting to dig the hole?
Unless, someone whom has knowledge of what to do told her what to do to mask the smell..
This case keeps me up at night, I feel as if this child is my own.. Something has to give and they either need to find this girl and get her into a safe enviorment away from these crazy people, or give her proper burial so she can rest in peace.
I found this while researching, left a feeler the best why I could, wait and see now.
The friend Yelena was also spelled Yekena and she allegedly made arragements to go to the beach with Casey on the weekend of 11-13th July if they wrote accurately. These would be comments between Casey and Yelena on the 8th of July. WS has some of Casey's comments from myspace, not sure we have response's for all our dates though.

<LI class=alt id=comment-19127>scotty said:
August 1st, 2008 at 10:25 am
yes. it is clear they erased those messages. I have spoken to few friends they all think she did it. The girl yelena who she planned th ebeach trip with on july 8th said she was acting very diferent almost to nice. Not like her at all she said

Does anyone know which beach Casey frequented?
What I don't understand about this whole situation..
I have seen no media reports of searching on the community or LE.
Either dead or alive, you would think this would be going on.
If Casey did bury Caylee, there is no way that she could have dug a deep enough hole to mask the smell right?
Without the proper embalming of the body, I would think that the body would still give a bad smell even if it was 3 ft under. That too, and wouldn't animals be attempting to dig the hole?
Unless, someone whom has knowledge of what to do told her what to do to mask the smell..
This case keeps me up at night, I feel as if this child is my own.. Something has to give and they either need to find this girl and get her into a safe enviorment away from these crazy people, or give her proper burial so she can rest in peace.

I dug (two) holes (two) weeks apart for (two) dogs that past away. One was 100 lbs the other was 125 lbs. The holes were about 31/2 to 4 feet deep. We have never smelled a thing. I am 52 Female 120 lbs it was not that hard.
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