Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #51

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I don't think this is an accident. Someone had coached her to keep her mouth shut.

I think Baez and Casey have been trying to hold out to see if any forensic or other evidence would surface sufficient for her to be charged. Trying to keep the upper hand so that only if/when the evidence looks really bad for her would she talk to LE...and only then to the extent that information-in-exchange-for-a-lesser-charge would apply.

I'm thinking LE have turned the tables, though, and are now putting the screws to Casey; that they're not giving her or Baez the luxury of knowing forensics results before the state's offer epxires. I hope LE is telling them that once results are in, there will be no negotiating, but if Casey's willing to talk right now, maybe something could be worked out. She knows better than anyone what that evidence might reveal. So perhaps she'll crack and give at least some information to LE.

As much as I wanna see someone who kills their own child punished as harshly as possible, I also can understand why it might be better in some cases for a deal to be brokered. With a child victim, I would think the emotional aspect of locating the body so that there is no longer any doubt what happened (and no continued hopes that somehow they're still alive) would be a very strong factor.

There's also closure for the community and LE (in terms of both emotional and financial investment in the investigation) to consider. And, of course, finding the victim could only bolster the state's case, regardless what the ultimate charges may be.

I didn't like the idea of the state offering a deal at first. But after some thought, I'm hoping Casey will be worried enough about the forensics (or the body being found) that she finally gives up the location of her daughter -- even if it's for her own sorry sake.

Little Caylee, precious angel, hopefully there will be answers soon. :rose:
Yes they did, but sometime back (and sorry, but I can't remember the date) George made a police report about someone stealing the cans w/gas. Later, he said that the perp brought the cans back to him and everything was good! That would mean that the cans weren't there for awhile, so if Casey actually stole them, then she took them with her (because George made the report that they were missing), so what I was asking is, what did Casey DO with the cans after she took them? If indeed she did have little Caylee in the trunk and took the gas at the same time, then did away with her body, she then left the car parked with her/a purse inside; so where were the gas cans? I guess that it is possible that they were in the trunk of the car when George drove it home and he replaced them in the shed....

Just a lot more strangeness from this already freakish family!!

That is possible, that she put them in the trunk. If she were in a hurry to get THOD, then maybe she threw the empty cans in the trunk with that George and Cindy wouldn't see them in the garage when they returned home, and to save her time from having to go back to the shed to replace them...

It is possible that George found the cans in the trunk of the car, when he and Cindy noted the stench of death in the trunk, and he replaced them in the shed.

I agree with you--who knows what to believe, when all that we have to piece together is lies from this freaky family. :eek:
I'm real curious about this "block party - birthday party". What happens when they have it all set up - will anyone come? And what will they say to the reporters - of course they will be there - when the guest of honor isn't there?

Aagin, another bunch of cr@p! NOT YOU!! This block party/b-day party.

If these people were loving grandparents waiting for their grand daughters return, the "party" would be private, family and friends only
Afterall, Caylee being gone so long and seeing her jojo and cici would want loving, comfort and her bed. well, maybe some cake and ice cream but I doubt she'd want a ton of strangers all over her.
A block party??? FGS! Anyone know where they have registered for gifts yet?:rolleyes::bang:
Aagin, another bunch of cr@p! NOT YOU!! This block party/b-day party.

If these people were loving grandparents waiting for their grand daughters return, the "party" would be private, family and friends only
Afterall, Caylee being gone so long and seeing her jojo and cici would want loving, comfort and her bed. well, maybe some cake and ice cream but I doubt she'd want a ton of strangers all over her.
A block party??? FGS! Anyone know where they have registered for gifts yet?:rolleyes::bang: wouldn't be a "party." It would be a vigil or something similar.

I swear, if I lived near Orlando, I'd go to the "block party" just to observe this lunacy.
I was wondering, what is the reason Casey would leave her purse in the car. And did it have anything in it?
It just makes me so nervous when people put up personal tiplines.
I always think they are trying to hide things.
Caylee is waiting out there somewhere to be found and her own family is acting like a 3-ring circus. :(

Maybe investigating is in their blood....Casey was "investigating" on her own and now, Lee, is. I wonder if he's looking for clues at Fusian/Fusion whatever like his liar sister was? And, yes, in the meantime....Caylee is waiting. I'm beginning to despise this Anthony family! :mad:
I was wondering, what is the reason Casey would leave her purse in the car. And did it have anything in it?

I've read where some theorize that she left it to lure someone into stealing the car and maybe giving her a story to tell other than the nanny lie!
I've read where some theorize that she left it to lure someone into stealing the car and maybe giving her a story to tell other than the nanny lie!

Couldn't this be construed as some sort of a set up?
Shoot I do that all the time. What "eery coincidence" were you talking about btw just a couple of posts ago?
I'm gettin dizzy from around and around. :crazy: It amazes me that the Anthony's carry on like it a dang festival though. St Jude Patron saint of desperate and lost causes.
It amazes me that the Anthony's carry on like it a dang festival though.

That's what I was thinking when I read that Cindy and George "rode go carts" at the fund raiser they had in Daytona Beach "to relieve some stress"!!
Aagin, another bunch of cr@p! NOT YOU!! This block party/b-day party.

If these people were loving grandparents waiting for their grand daughters return, the "party" would be private, family and friends only
Afterall, Caylee being gone so long and seeing her jojo and cici would want loving, comfort and her bed. well, maybe some cake and ice cream but I doubt she'd want a ton of strangers all over her.
A block party??? FGS! Anyone know where they have registered for gifts yet?:rolleyes::bang:

I wonder if there will be a keg of beer. There seemed to be plenty of booze at Caylee's last little girl birthday party according to online pics. I'm having hateful thoughts about silly string, but I won't say it.
That's what I was thinking when I read that Cindy and George "rode go carts" at the fund raiser they had in Daytona Beach "to relieve some stress"!!

For real? These people never cease to amaze me.
Wow again, this case is unbelievable! Ok, :) I don't get to log in much soo I miss alot but try at least keeping up with the daily re-cap!

My own opinion is the LE already has/knows the results of the test, I would Bet money it was "pushed up" in the line.. Cindy, hmmm, never heard of Jesus well maybe not but could you at least admit " I know who the father is not saying or I don't know who the father is" WOULDN'T YOU think that could possibly help, anything, any info, etc could help at this point!

I'm REALLY leaning towards JP being the father though, to me Caylee looks way to much like him, doesn't look like her mom...

Sooo, party? For a missing baby?? Wow again, who in their right mind would be thinking about celebrating a B'day? Wouldn't one wait until the precious child is found (hopefully alive) THEN have a celebration??

Oh well, driving me crazy along with many others, but I swear if that girl was my daughter, the LE would probably be arresting me as I would FORCE her to talk and wouldn't let up a minute til she did! This talking to her on the ph, visiting poor Casey, yeah, yeah, yeah.. Nope POOR Casey wouldnt be chit-chatting with me expect about ONE thing and ONE thing only.. Sorry had to vent alittle :(

Prayers always for this sweet baby girl wouldn't be a "party." It would be a vigil or something similar.

I swear, if I lived near Orlando, I'd go to the "block party" just to observe this lunacy.
Now there may be some of you who have grand kids who allow yourself to be called by your first names. This is a quirk of mine I guess but no way would I allow first name basis for small children. What gives with these nick names? I know it does not mean much but it seems somewhat twisted. Did they feel they were too young and trendy to be called gramps and granma.

The purse topic, not a smart chick in crime or she would have verified the car still sitting there days later. Or she wanted it to look like someone else had driven the car by stealing her purse 1st. Guess she was too high to think it through.
Shut up!! For real? These people never cease to amaze me.

YES! That's what was reported!! Made me wanna take a road trip and smack em a good one!! :mad:

Just when I think that they can't be any more bizarre, and that nothing they do could shock me anymore, they go and top themselves!
Regarding the smell of decomposition from the car, have we heard whether anyone with the tow company noticed an odd smell? I'm guessing they simply hooked up the wench thing to the underside of the car...not sure whether that smell would be noticed unless/until the car were actually opened. I would guess LE has questioned them, but if anything's been said about it, I've missed it entirely. Thanks.
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