Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #51

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it was the one that i posted regarding the person that uncovered that:

Zenaida Gonzales is an actual actress on the imdb and she played a detective working on a cold murder case. The series aired in 2007

Juliet Lewis NBK also on the Internet Movie Database

And finally Jeff Hamilton an actual actor on the Internet Movie Database

How is it possible that all three of these people are actual actors on the Internet Movie Data Base and also the only two that supposedly ever met or talked to Zanny?

i think it is so eerie and maybe means something. Otherwise, its a pretty big coincidence.

What do you think?
I like that idea
Did you guys here oh and gals, sorry usin slang again, the Anthony's are throwing a birthday party for Caylee. If it were me, I would be having a day of silence and reflection along with deep prayer telling Caylee we are waiting for her return so we can have the biggest happiest party to remember. Can't imagine a party for a sweet loved Grand daughter without her presence. Next the pic's will be sold to the media and later plastered on myspace. Just know any of my children, would ask. You had a party without me? :doh:
Thanks, WC.'s something I've been thinking about.

Casey has a body in the trunk. She thinks, "Safest place to bury her is at mom and dads."

She drives to her parents, who aren't home. Backs into the garage...doesn't want anyone to see her unloading the bundle from the trunk. So far so good. She can't get to the shovel in the shed, though.

She goes next door, borrows the neighbor's shovel, carries the body and the shovel to the spot in the back yard where she intends to bury Caylee.

But the ground is HARD...she can't get the depth she needs to adequately hide the body. She knows this plan isn't going to work.

But she's broke, and almost out of gas--she won't get far, and she doesn't want to take a chance of running out of gas with a body in the trunk. So she goes to the shed, where she knows dad keeps gas cans, and she breaks the lock off. She grabs the gas cans and fills up her car...still backed in the garage, so no one will see.

Then she puts Caylee back in the trunk, along with trace evidence--dirt from the yard.

And she drives to an undetermined place to dump the body. That part's over, but the smell in the car is intolerable, so she decides to dump the car, next...she leaves it at the strip mall.

Now there are no reminders of Caylee's death that she has to contend with. No body, no stinky her compartmentalized mind, if the reminders aren't there, then she doesn't have to deal with it. She "moves on" to party girl, rarely thinking about the monstrous things she's done.

What do y'all think?

I suppose that this is a possibility, but what did she do with the gas cans? Throw them out with the body? She didn't leave them in the shed, nor did she leave them in the trunk. I know that she could have just thrown them out somewhere, but it's strange to think that she would just leave the car where it could be found WITH her purse inside, yet throw the gas cans away.

My own thoughts keep running toward Caylee being in Puerto Rico with someone she knows. There is just a lot of references to PR and that keeps sticking with me as a possibility. Maybe it's just my desperate wish that she is still alive, safe and well.....
I believe that Casey knows exactly where Caylee is and I think that Caylee is alive. I also think that Casey was duped into handing her kid over to the wrong person and then because she was feeling awfully stupid for that, tried to dupe someone else. Unfortunatley, that someone was the police. I think that she is making up the "I'm scared" bit. She's not scared. She confused herself with all the lies that she did tell. ANd now she's stuck trying to defend them or she looks like a murderer as well as a liar. I believe that there probably was a dead body in the trunk, but I don't believe that it was necassarily Caylee. I believe that Casey had the car out of her possession for a while before it was recovered. ANd I think tht there is a lot of mental illness, drug abuse and other nefarious things going on behind the scenes that no one involved wants revealed.
I believe that Caylee is alive as well. I think it was another body in the trunk and it was a murder that Casey just somehow got caught up in. There could have been a party at the house (while the GP's were away) and whoever tried to bury the body back there - but realized they couldn't dig that deep so - in the trunk it went. Hence the immunity pleas and deals and what have you.

If the forensics come back as Caylee's DNA - well that's when I say I was wrong. But after all the re-positioning today - I kinda think the prelimns are in and it wasn't Caylee.

I also think if those prelimns came back definitely conclusive - that they would have charged her today. Slam dunk - but they're finding out this is going to be anything by a slam dunk.
Did you guys here oh and gals, sorry usin slang again, the Anthony's are throwing a birthday party for Caylee. If it were me, I would be having a day of silence and reflection along with deep prayer telling Caylee we are waiting for her return so we can have the biggest happiest party to remember. Can't imagine a party for a sweet loved Grand daughter without her presence. Next the pic's will be sold to the media and later plastered on myspace. Just know any of my children, would ask. You had a party without me? :doh:

Shades of Darly Routier :(
I think Casey used the gas cans for the gas. She didn't have much gas and needed gas to get the body to another location. I bet she left the gas cans in the car and dad got them back that way.

I suppose that this is a possibility, but what did she do with the gas cans? Throw them out with the body? She didn't leave them in the shed, nor did she leave them in the trunk. I know that she could have just thrown them out somewhere, but it's strange to think that she would just leave the car where it could be found WITH her purse inside, yet throw the gas cans away.

My own thoughts keep running toward Caylee being in Puerto Rico with someone she knows. There is just a lot of references to PR and that keeps sticking with me as a possibility. Maybe it's just my desperate wish that she is still alive, safe and well.....
Did you guys here oh and gals, sorry usin slang again, the Anthony's are throwing a birthday party for Caylee. If it were me, I would be having a day of silence and reflection along with deep prayer telling Caylee we are waiting for her return so we can have the biggest happiest party to remember. Can't imagine a party for a sweet loved Grand daughter without her presence. Next the pic's will be sold to the media and later plastered on myspace. Just know any of my children, would ask. You had a party without me? :doh:
Don't know if I was misunderstood...I said I liked someone's idea of sending pictures (of Caylee) to Casey daily to remind her of what she has done. I don't know if my post you quoted was misunderstood and related to the b-day party...
I believe that Casey knows exactly where Caylee is and I think that Caylee is alive. I also think that Casey was duped into handing her kid over to the wrong person and then because she was feeling awfully stupid for that, tried to dupe someone else. Unfortunatley, that someone was the police. I think that she is making up the "I'm scared" bit. She's not scared. She confused herself with all the lies that she did tell. ANd now she's stuck trying to defend them or she looks like a murderer as well as a liar. I believe that there probably was a dead body in the trunk, but I don't believe that it was necassarily Caylee. I believe that Casey had the car out of her possession for a while before it was recovered. ANd I think tht there is a lot of mental illness, drug abuse and other nefarious things going on behind the scenes that no one involved wants revealed.
I think those are all plausible views, heck we have a trillion others on here. I agree with some of what you have said but not all. Leave no stone UN-turned. :confused:
I suppose that this is a possibility, but what did she do with the gas cans? Throw them out with the body? She didn't leave them in the shed, nor did she leave them in the trunk. I know that she could have just thrown them out somewhere, but it's strange to think that she would just leave the car where it could be found WITH her purse inside, yet throw the gas cans away.

My own thoughts keep running toward Caylee being in Puerto Rico with someone she knows. There is just a lot of references to PR and that keeps sticking with me as a possibility. Maybe it's just my desperate wish that she is still alive, safe and well.....

CSI retreived the cans from the shed on this past Friday...or Saturday.
Did you guys here oh and gals, sorry usin slang again, the Anthony's are throwing a birthday party for Caylee. If it were me, I would be having a day of silence and reflection along with deep prayer telling Caylee we are waiting for her return so we can have the biggest happiest party to remember. Can't imagine a party for a sweet loved Grand daughter without her presence. Next the pic's will be sold to the media and later plastered on myspace. Just know any of my children, would ask. You had a party without me? :doh:
Don't know if I was misunderstood...I said I liked someone's idea of sending pictures (of Caylee) to Casey daily to remind her of what she has done. I don't know if my post you quoted was misunderstood and related to the b-day party...
Lets not bash law enforcement as we have zero idea of all that they know right. As i have said before: Our need to know is not a priority. the priority is finding out what happened to Caylee and they cannot state facts of the case until the appropriate time period.

The negative critiques should be saved for the liars as far as I am concerned and we all know who they are by now.
Hundreds of people go missing eevery year and are never reported or they are reported and found hundreds of miles apart.
No its possible, we don't have the DNA results. It would be hard for Casey to lift an adult dead weight body alone, she's wat less than a buck 10? Stranger things have happened, stranger indeed. Why is another body so far fetched? We have no proof otherwise.
Don't know if I was misunderstood...I said I liked someone's idea of sending pictures (of Caylee) to Casey daily to remind her of what she has done. I don't know if my post you quoted was misunderstood and related to the b-day party...

George is planning a block-party for Caylee's birthday this weekend.

Like I said before, the psycho apple didn't fall far from the crazy@$$ tree in this case.
Hundreds of people go missing eevery year and are never reported or they are reported and found hundreds of miles apart.
'specially overdosed druggies, wayward twenty somethings who have been "on the lam" (runaways) since an early age - hence no family, etc. etc.

oh - and can't forget those ghost-like, invisible nannies that no one has ever seen.
George is planning a block-party for Caylee's birthday this weekend.

Like I said before, the psycho apple didn't fall far from the crazy@$$ tree in this case.
Yeah, I hear ya- they're all liars for sure! I just wanted to clarify a post of mine that was taken out of context. I didn't say that a party for Caylee was a good idea (that's pretty whacked), and I think someone has taken it that way. I was referring to a completely different topic. As for the block party, I'll say it's sickening
Lets not bash law enforcement as we have zero idea of all that they know right. As i have said before: Our need to know is not a priority. the priority is finding out what happened to Caylee and they cannot state facts of the case until the appropriate time period.

The negative critiques should be saved for the liars as far as I am concerned and we all know who they are by now.
Alright those involved emotionally need to slow down. Its starting to read like an attack, which is not fair or right. This is about Caylee. Yes LE can stumble and that's not an attack, for I know it to be so. In saying that I too would prefer to see the info go straight to LE, call until one gets an open line. LE gets so many tips often people do not understand the heavy burden this brings on. I cannot tell another how to handle their leads, only suggest and leave it to the decision maker. Apparently some are becoming exhausted on this. Take a break away if needed and come back refreshed.
CSI retreived the cans from the shed on this past Friday...or Saturday.

Yes they did, but sometime back (and sorry, but I can't remember the date) George made a police report about someone stealing the cans w/gas. Later, he said that the perp brought the cans back to him and everything was good! That would mean that the cans weren't there for awhile, so if Casey actually stole them, then she took them with her (because George made the report that they were missing), so what I was asking is, what did Casey DO with the cans after she took them? If indeed she did have little Caylee in the trunk and took the gas at the same time, then did away with her body, she then left the car parked with her/a purse inside; so where were the gas cans? I guess that it is possible that they were in the trunk of the car when George drove it home and he replaced them in the shed....

Just a lot more strangeness from this already freakish family!!
I think once she can get mail - we all should send her pictures of Caylee at least once a week.

I'm in!
Except for St. Judes and HSUS, I can't think of a better thing to put a stamp on!

Can we write her now or do we have to wait?

Something has to crack this woman.
'specially overdosed druggies, wayward twenty somethings who have been "on the lam" (runaways) since an early age - hence no family, etc. etc.

oh - and can't forget those ghost-like, invisible nannies that no one has ever seen.
Yes they did, but sometime back (and sorry, but I can't remember the date) George made a police report about someone stealing the cans w/gas. Later, he said that the perp brought the cans back to him and everything was good! That would mean that the cans weren't there for awhile, so if Casey actually stole them, then she took them with her (because George made the report that they were missing), so what I was asking is, what did Casey DO with the cans after she took them? If indeed she did have little Caylee in the trunk and took the gas at the same time, then did away with her body, she then left the car parked with her/a purse inside; so where were the gas cans? I guess that it is possible that they were in the trunk of the car when George drove it home and he replaced them in the shed....

Just a lot more strangeness from this already freakish family!!

:eek: Good one, it was the 22-24th of June I do think that the culprit swiped them.
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