Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #55

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This grandmother has got to know that they charged her with what they did today becase they wanted to hold her longer, right? They must know that additional charges can be brought at any time.
I really think the press should ease up on the interviews of Cindy and George, they're really doing more harm than good as far as finding Caylee, all it is, is a forum for their lies and half-truths to protect Casey, someone who doesn't deserve their protection.

Think he'll take me up on it?


curiositycat..., I read your post about what if she is telling the truth. I don't know. I think its been established that Casey is a liar so it is hard for me to believe anything that is reported about these peole. Also, I don't discount the 2 cadaver dogs.
The reporter says they don't have enough to charge Casey with anything else and thats why her family is relieved. IF there was any evidence Casey did anything they would have charged her with more. Anthony's happy there LE has nothing further to charge her with anything. Sickening they can't get more on her.

They said from the beginning that there wouldn't be anything. Maybe Casey hit an animal with the car. You probably can't get inside a tail light that quick and clean it all out, but there was nothing on the inside except pizza. Gag
This grandmother has got to know that they charged her with what they did today becase they wanted to hold her longer, right? They must know that additional charges can be brought at any time.

Murder charges have no expiration date..................
These others did.
You are any time!!!
The fact that they are not asking for the return of there grandchild is very telling.

Lets just say we did think they were telling the truth. What is stopping them from going on national tv and begging the kidnapper (s) to return the child?

Excellent point. I think this is probably the first high profile kidnapping I've ever seen where the family DIDN'T go on tv to plea with the kidnapper for the safe return of the missing child.
And I'm afraid it's going to happen on live TV at some point!

OMG, so true, actually, Im thinking that's why she seems to be getting the soft shoe everywhere- Nobody wants the ground zero on their watch..
i'm wondering how Cindy can say Casey knows where Caylee is.. Caylee herself said she does NOT know. She said on the phone to her friend (the night she was looking for TonE's number) that if she knew where Caylee was this wouldn't be happening..

Now that I think about it -- that's probably the only statement so far that Cindy has said that I agree with. :clap:

Yes, Casey does know where Caylee is... because she put her there! Now we just have to figure out where that is because she's not telling! :mad:
Holly is saying that they aren't releasing a phone call between Casey and George, and Casey was crying. Well, she probably was crying for her darn self, not because her baby is missing. Holly is fighting about how the public has already convicted Casey. And Geragos chimes in its because no one likes how she is acting. Typical, typical, typical Geragos crap! I am now removing myself to the rant page.

Murder charges have no expiration date..................
These others did.
You are any time!!!

Reach through the TV and Yell...

Why havent you called TES?
What do you think the holds on her bail condition that are undisclosed are for?
Something came to me just a minute ago.

WHAT IF FBI really does know where Caylee is. Maybe this whole thing is to make the kidnapper(s) think that Casey is afraid to tell them where Caylee is SO THAT THE FBI CAN BRING HER HOME??? With the kidnappers thinking all along Casey hasn't told them anything.:eek:
I'm with ya cat. Now if y'all want to slap me around go ahead. I went to the store at 6, stopped for 1/2 hour to look at a house, came home and was 20 some pages behind. Just caught up with it all.

If you want to toss around why I'm with this idea - ok. If not - just ignore me. You can't hurt my feelings.


BTW, Holly is on Larry King right now. She really has nothing to add IMO.

Geragos & Holly are whining because people are assuming Casey murdered her child just because of the pictures & the behavior? :rolleyes:

Yeah.... nobody even NOTICED that Casey has lied from the beginning & done everything to keep LE from having any way to find Caylee.

Poor Casey... just a misunderstood victim. :rolleyes::furious:
Holly is saying that they aren't releasing a phone call between Casey and George, and Casey was crying. Well, she probably was crying for her darn self, not because her baby is missing. Holly is fighting about how the public has already convicted Casey. And Geragos chimes in its because no one likes how she is acting. Typical, typical, typical Geragos crap! I am now removing myself to the rant page.


Um, yeah, just remember Old Blinky saying dont be surprised if Geragos picks up the case, or Barry Sheck comes out of the non profit sector..
I think it's too hot for Alred though
Well, why would anyone keep saying that "We know where she is but we are not saying anything out of fear" Sometimes I think they do know who took Caylee and they paid her to do so. Maybe this is all a way to write a book, have a movie, ect. They were having financial problems???
Can any one name even one time when any of them have broken down crying uncontrollably, like most families would do. At least one of them should have broken down by now! Nothing.
Holly is saying that they aren't releasing a phone call between Casey and George, and Casey was crying. Well, she probably was crying for her darn self, not because her baby is missing. Holly is fighting about how the public has already convicted Casey. And Geragos chimes in its because no one likes how she is acting. Typical, typical, typical Geragos crap! I am now removing myself to the rant page.


Maybe george told her how it was gonna be, no calls , no visits.
im lost .. too many threads about this case . which one is the first second ect .. btw i have hung flyers up with her pics at where i work i work in a truckstop in cadott wisconsin home of the country and rock fests .. you never know someone may see her may know something .. we get thousands of people in there daily that travel and lots of truckers that go all over the usa .. never lose hope
I think this slip of the tongue was more like an admission that Casey did lock Caylee in the car and often. :mad:

I know that when my husband's help dog was with us and we were out of the car, I use to carry an extra key to open the car door because I would leave the engine running for the air conditioner for the dog.
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