Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #56

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I posted this in the Greta thread after watching the show. I feel also that he would be obligated to disclose to LE what was taken from the car if they asked him. He gave up the bag of trash. Surely, if the cans were removed on the 15th as well, he knew he should have told them. Now he is covering for the fact that he didn't. IMO
And wouldn't that omission be considered "lying" to LE?!
Quote it if you can please.

I did? :confused:

Today, 10:03 PM
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Posts: 133

cbbski said:
Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just wanted to point out what I heard George say tonight to Greta. He mentioned Casey showing up on the 24th to "get a few things." He claimed her story was that Caylee was with Zanny and she (Casey) had to get back to work shortly. He said that he asked her if she had talked to her mom, even asking if she had spoken to her that day. I am almost certain that he claimed that she said she had spoken to Cindy on a daily basis, but not yet on that day, but that she was sorry to hear about the shed..............If that was the case, and he had just discovered it and called the police, then how could Casey know if she had not spoken to Cindy yet on the day he made the police report?

VERY interesting
Enough of this already, how many more lies are George and Cindy going to weave? Cindy, "Casey told me the shovel was to dig up the bamboo". That actual lie started with Cindy and it happened to have been said in another long interview with both George and Cindy seated in two chairs, in their living room. Cindy then surmised for the airways as to why Casey borrowed the shovel from the neighbor, to dig up bamboo. By surmised, she made the story up. Now, "its Casey who told her?" This was the same interview where Cindy started whirling on about, how "NO ONE" but her and George have the keys to the shed, no one else needs to go in there. She brought that issue up and long winded I will add without being prompted.

Now its George saw Casey on the 24th around 1:10 pm, immediately after Jesse backs away about 100% certainty he heard Caylee's voice on the exact same date? He now tells us he found the Gas cans in the car with Casey, after a report of burglary is filed.

I'm tired of these spun out of control mutation family lies. Cindy guards her words, looks toward George>Now, not only is Casey speaking in code Cindy is also the new interpretor who cant manage to translate. Bull, and more bull!!! :rolleyes:
I didn't notice that but if it is true I could see how it may not be evidence into Caylee's disapperence...

Or they already have them?

Or they're showing a whole lot of folks are lying? Wasn't George one of the couple who came out over the weekend saying that's what was taken? :waitasec:
Because if he DID get them back on the 24th, especially as a former LE, wouldn't he have just called them back and said oh, you had an officer out here like an HOUR ago and it was all a big misunderstanding...yada yada...?? :waitasec:
They knew Casey stole the cans IMO...and they were tired of her antics at that point IMO...hence, they called the police.
Well. I just watched again and Cindy said that she had told Casey about the George's story is just that...a story.

If I was Casey and I had just been told by my mother that they realized the gas was missing, I'd wait to go home after "dad" left for work. Why go home and deal with dad when he'll be leaving for work soon?? (cindy/he) said... he was watching his favorite TV before he went to work??

by the way... what the hell job was that?? Wasn't he unemployed?
I'm still holding out - especially with tonight's "interviews" that there is really something else going on all together. Notice all the LE that were talked to - they were all local. The feds don't talk to ANYONE. period. they don't. And, they don't care what the public opinion is. Like all that talk about the stuffed animals being wired. They don't have to do that anymore - they have vans that can park up to 5 - 6 block from your house and they can "zero" in our your living room and hear everything you say. Their technology is very sophisticated. With THIS MANY people saying all this crazy crap, they (the feds) know it will keep everyone out there - including us - totally bumfuzzled and speculating and po'd at the GP's. While they do what needs to be done - all under the radar.
I do remember early on hearing the grandfather seen them getting into the car to leave on the morning of the 16th but it seemed like the sort of thing where he just had a glimpse of them..I was surprised to hear him say tonight that it was actually a lot more..Hugs and kisses goodbye with backpacks...that was NEVER said before
How long was George unemployed? He said on Greta that he remembered the exact time Casey and Caylee & their backpacks left - it was 10 til 1, and he was watching his favorite Food Channel show before going to work, and he expected that they would be in bed by the time he got home.

My first thought was that George and Cindy must not spend much time together, if she's on the day shift and he works at night.

But then I remembered that George started a new job in July. When did he leave the old job?
I can't buy the idea of the police changing Casey's password. Assuming it's a Windows machine, it's easy enough to overcome (admittedly, I haven't messed with Vista, but I'm sure it's just as easy there as it is under prior releases). Why chance it? If they wanted to keep people from accessing that account, it seems they would have just kept the machine as evidence :confused:

Forgive me if any random letters/numbers show up at the end of this post. one of my firefox extensions is being wacky.

Also, this case makes me feel like I'm stuck in an interactive version of the Twilight Zone.
~~my bold, understatement of the year.

I agree, but that's what she said. It was several stories ago so who knows.

I admit I skipped a couple of pages trying to catch up but does anyone know what Lee's been up to?
They knew Casey stole the cans IMO...and they were tired of her antics at that point IMO...hence, they called the police.
If that is true...then why didn't George call LE out to arrest her instead of casually putting the cans back into the shed? Why didn't he take the car away from her at that point? Sorry, not buying it.
They knew Casey stole the cans IMO...and they were tired of her antics at that point IMO...hence, they called the police.

good point...maybe she did come by there on the 24th because they told her they had called the police and she better bring them back...

seems it was the logic her mom used in trying to get Caylee back too...

cindy once said something like " yes, casey does lie but we always get to the bottom of things..."

who knows :waitasec:
How long was George unemployed? He said on Greta that he remembered the exact time Casey and Caylee & their backpacks left - it was 10 til 1, and he was watching his favorite Food Channel show before going to work, and he expected that they would be in bed by the time he got home.

My first thought was that George and Cindy must not spend much time together, if she's on the day shift and he works at night.

But then I remembered that George started a new job in July. When did he leave the old job?
I have neither heard or read George admit to seeing either Casey or Caylee after the 9th of Jun, let alone speaking to them?
But then I remembered that George started a new job in July. When did he leave the old job?

I have no idea...I have yet to hear anything about his work here in Florida prior to this "new job"
good point...maybe she did come by there on the 24th because they told her they had called the police and she better bring them back...

seems it was the logic her mom used in trying to get Caylee back too...

cindy once said something like " yes, casey does lie but we always get to the bottom of things..."

who knows :waitasec:
Well we know where her lying comes from.
during the bond hearing george was only questioned by the defense right?

wish the other side had asked him a few questions...
I respectfully disagree - they both (Cindy and George) had smelled that car BEFORE calling 911. Well maybe not Cindy - not on the first 911. But George sure had. Maybe that's how the "jig" was up. Cindy told him about the first 911 and then he told her about the smell and she went to see for herself - thus the 3rd 911.
Wasn't it Cindy who found Amy's phone number in the car? She would have known about that smell long before any 911 calls. At that point, she'd have no way of knowing if the smell was because Casey was dead, so she must have been hugely relieved to have Amy tell her where Casey was.
Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just wanted to point out what I heard George say tonight to Greta. He mentioned Casey showing up on the 24th to "get a few things." He claimed her story was that Caylee was with Zanny and she (Casey) had to get back to work shortly. He said that he asked her if she had talked to her mom, even asking if she had spoken to her that day. I am almost certain that he claimed that she said she had spoken to Cindy on a daily basis, but not yet on that day, but that she was sorry to hear about the shed..............If that was the case, and he had just discovered it and called the police, then how could Casey know if she had not spoken to Cindy yet on the day he made the police report?

And this is why Cindy was staring so hard at him and grabbing his leg when he told his story. She knew he would slip up like this. Also, I thought Cindy was going to pet that poor dog to death while she was talking. They were both lying, imo, and their nervousness showed it.
If that is true...then why didn't George call LE out to arrest her instead of casually putting the cans back into the shed? Why didn't he take the car away from her at that point? Sorry, not buying it.
How true. And IF we are to believe him - would't you have like to know just WHAT HE SAID to her once he found them? I'm sure it wasn't "oh, there they are - I have been looking for those". yea right.
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