Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #57

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Ok, I know that I am not that popular and that what I say is suspect...I can live with that. But there was a myspace that I found the first day I heard about this case that said that Caylee was last seen by her grandfather when Casey took her the grandparents house. That George was the lst one to see her and that Cindy was at work. The profile picture was a pretty dark haired woman standing with a sunset in the background. It also listed all the places that Zenaida had supposedly lived. It was not Caseys page or any of hte ones I have seen so far. I looked on the Myspace thread page and it isn't there. Can someone please help me try to find it? Or if it has been found let me know.

interesting-did you mention it in earlier posts? did anyone else mention they'd seen it or post link?
Ok, I know that I am not that popular and that what I say is suspect...I can live with that. But there was a myspace that I found the first day I heard about this case that said that Caylee was last seen by her grandfather when Casey took her the grandparents house. That George was the lst one to see her and that Cindy was at work. The profile picture was a pretty dark haired woman standing with a sunset in the background. It also listed all the places that Zenaida had supposedly lived. It was not Caseys page or any of hte ones I have seen so far. I looked on the Myspace thread page and it isn't there. Can someone please help me try to find it? Or if it has been found let me know.
Dont know about a myspace page but George said he saw them on the 9th originally.
Ah, Swag1959, no one will slap you!
I just know I heard it stated on tv today that all of the forensics were not back yet. LE can charge Casey with murder at any time. I stated the other day that it would be good to go ahead and charge Casey with what they have now, and wait for all of the forensics to come back.
I didn't realize that George had previously said that he was the last one to see Caylee on the 9th. How on earth can three different people get the date wrong.
If Caylee per Casey was in danger info should have been provided immediately. Instead Casey never reports her daughter missing? If the family was in danger per Casey the whole lot could have gone into protective custody then info provided to LE/FBI who could have traced Caylee then again we have an unknown offender who is known, who was also the invisable baby sitter. Handled responsibly instead of acting like their all stoned. We would not then have this made for tv grim reality show mutating as we speak.
You're right! IF they would have called sooner or IF they would have talked to LE in confidence - but it didn't go down that way. It got thrown to the media wolves before they (feds) could get a handle on it. By that time - they couldn't put the family into protective custody - can you imagine what we would be saying if they had all just disappeared? Especially after the headlines of Casey being arrested? I don't think it was the babysitter. I have my own theory of who and why and where they are. Everyday that goes by just seems to point more and more in the direction I think this has gone.
Cindy has already started the babysitter killed Caylee story. When asked tonight if she thought Caylee was still alive she said (paraphrased) "yes, I feel she is still alive or at least she was when the babysitter got her". I will try and find the interview...either LKL or Greta.

It was on LKL. My immediate thought on that statement is that Cindy is setting things up so that if and when Casey is charged with murder, Cindy will then claim that Caylee was alive and well when Casey handed her over to the babysitter. She will contend that the babysitter killed Caylee.
interesting-did you mention it in earlier posts? did anyone else mention they'd seen it or post link?

I thought I had seen someone else mention it and so I didn't. I'm pretty sure there was a link too. I only heard about this about a week ago. It was on that page that the name was listed as Hernandez-Gonzalez, because that's what I was thinking the name for the babysitter was.
That is not being cruel - if that is the case - I believe they have already told the GP's that they know where she is and so far she is safe. And then told them they have better keep their traps shut - or just keep on lying and making these stories up - keep the masses entertained while we work under the radar.
It does not work that way. Not sure what could be accomplished by that type of move. Just letting u know what I know. We would not have a made for TV special. LE/FBI do not play those types of games. They get to the bottom of things and would slam to get Caylee out minus all the circus in tow. LE is not especially fond of the media for the most part. They work together only as needed but not like this.
Ah, Swag1959, no one will slap you!
I just know I heard it stated on tv today that all of the forensics were not back yet. LE can charge Casey with murder at any time. I stated the other day that it would be good to go ahead and charge Casey with what they have now, and wait for all of the forensics to come back.
Yep - the charging today was expected. by charging her with what they did - they don't have to turn anything over to Baez - only things that deal with THESE specific charges. That's just lawyer posturing.
I didn't realize that George had previously said that he was the last one to see Caylee on the 9th. How on earth can three different people get the date wrong.

Because they are all natural born liars. They all probably agreed to say the
9th of June, then the pesky father's day tape that they put out there themselves changed the date to the 15th of June.
I didn't realize that George had previously said that he was the last one to see Caylee on the 9th. How on earth can three different people get the date wrong.

Including having an initial "sighting" they included by an outside person that now falls into the "wasn't missing yet" timeline not trigger an "oh wait, we have the wrong date"

But more than that, how can they have that CRITICAL DATE that the child first went missing off, but have other dates with precise TIMES down now accurately?

Plus, if Casey took her to the nanny that day and then she went missing, they DO know what she was last wearing, George saw her and specifically noted the backpack. And if they say it wasn't that day, it throws off Casey's, "it's been 31 days"
Is thee any way of listing profiles that you have visited on Myspace if the people weren't your friends? I am determined to find this page.
I thought I had seen someone else mention it and so I didn't. I'm pretty sure there was a link too. I only heard about this about a week ago. It was on that page that the name was listed as Hernandez-Gonzalez, because that's what I was thinking the name for the babysitter was.
If it was a posting it may have generated between blu and I. Not sure if its the same one though. Ours had to do with Ortiz death and was linked back to a blog of myspace comments regarding Casey's song, Every day is the same by Nine Inch Nails. It was about Ortiz and his grandmother. Name your mention Mom does not sound familiar to me.
Swag, I agree.. I think they know WAY more than we could even imagine. I think they filed the charges today (as I posted earlier) to hold her so she couldn't be released on the 30 day or whatever policy that is... I would almost be willing to bet whatever evidence they have gotten and are in process of getting, rather they find a body (sorry, don't even like posting those words :( ) they probably would be able to charge her based on circumstanc evident alone... So many telling signs not even counting Casey and her family.. Her friends given their young age are probably spilling everything they know about her and Caylee to LE if they weren't they would be like most other young people close to a case, ie: talking to the press, participating in public searches etc... They are WAY TO QUITE......Probably all scared if they talk the other one may say something, but I bet they are talking to LE.
Dont know about a myspace page but George said he saw them on the 9th originally.

So they all were mistaken about the date that they last saw Caylee? That was always a problem for me. GM, GP, and Casey were all mistaken about the last day they saw this little girl until LE discovered the tape from the retirement home. Is this possible? Or does it sound like they got their stories straight first. If they were not all involved in some way why do this?
It does not work that way. Not sure what could be accomplished by that type of move. Just letting u know what I know. We would not have a made for TV special. LE/FBI do not play those types of games. They get to the bottom of things and would slam to get Caylee out minus all the circus in tow. LE is not especially fond of the media for the most part. They work together only as needed but not like this.
Oh that is so true. Especially the feds - they loathe the media. But this thing took on an appearance of its own and it did it with lightning speed. Thankx to our new technology. But it was what it was and now they have to work with that. As for games, the FBI plays games all the time. I have seen it. You don't even know they are there until AFTER it goes down. Problem was they weren't here. The locals started this and before you knew it - it was a media circus. I also believe that Casey not wanting to talk with them (the locals) - well, there was a reason for that as well. But once they (the feds) got here - Casey didn't know what to do. We REALLY DON'T KNOW that Casey HASN'T talked to them. We have been told that. But I don't believe everything I'm told - especially when it comes in the form of "media".
Cindy has already started the babysitter killed Caylee story. When asked tonight if she thought Caylee was still alive she said (paraphrased) "yes, I feel she is still alive or at least she was when the babysitter got her". I will try and find the interview...either LKL or Greta.
Yeah, like who plans to say that on nat'l tv? Oh, and IMO all of these "interviews" are well rehearsed beforehand. They (GM and GP) know exactly what to say. They're creating this work of fiction to sell us...and I'm not buying it. I'll say it again...this farce is an insult to my intelligence and to the hearts and minds of all of us out here wishing for Caylee to be found. LE would be wise to step in and quiet these people the way they know how- "charge 'em" (with something for Pete's sake!)
Good night sweet, Caylee!
I thought I had seen someone else mention it and so I didn't. I'm pretty sure there was a link too. I only heard about this about a week ago. It was on that page that the name was listed as Hernandez-Gonzalez, because that's what I was thinking the name for the babysitter was.
I provided a link of a ZG in San Juan, woman with dark hair sitting on the sand?
I also think that Cindy is the key. I don't think they told Cindy what happened until later on. I think that Casey and George know exactly what happened. Think about it, now he has made it so him and Casey are now the last people to see Caylee alive. The house has to be the crime scene. Where else would whatever happened happen?
Everyone is diverting attention away from each other. It's totally nuts!
It was on LKL. My immediate thought on that statement is that Cindy is setting things up so that if and when Casey is charged with murder, Cindy will then claim that Caylee was alive and well when Casey handed her over to the babysitter. She will contend that the babysitter killed Caylee.
Or at the very least, do her best to create a shot at reasonable doubt?
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