Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #57

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I saw that interview last week (M&J) was she on it again today? or am I mistaken?
Well, I guess it had to be between 6/22 and 6/24. Otherwise, how did she get into the shed? I suppose it could be two unrelated incidents, but I doubt it.

Combine with someone claiming to be a ZG looking at an empty apartment on 6/17 and I would say we have a much more accurate timeline of events....Caylee last seen on 6/15 by video and 6/16 by claim of her grandfather. 6/17 mystery ZG goes to the empty apartment to look at it. 6/22-6/24 Casey breaks into the shed for gas cans that she does not use to fill up the tank on the spot, but takes all makes much much more sense.

I thought she used the shovel to remove bamboo? At least according to Cindy. Do you remember who said she used the shovel to break into the shed? I know I've seen that somewhere, just don't know where it came from. On the timeline on this site, it says the shovel was borrowed "mid-June", I haven't seen a more specific date, has anyone else?
Yes I have said that they are "preparing" themselves for the denial. Caylee will be found and Casey will be prosecuted and this family will forever claim her innocence and blame a the babysitter that does not exist.

I just love how this story first began with a stolen car and a mother misplacing her child with a babysitter who might have taken her because she wanted her for herself and now has shifted to kidnappers who are threatening to hurt the family and or Caylee if information about where she is is released.

These characters make up the next line of the story as they go along. The next chapter will be about how Caylee was murdered because the media was leaking information and the kidnappers got mad.:rolleyes:

Mendara, I think you have it all figured out! This is exactly what will happen and the way it will all play out!

Blame blame blame! Blame everyone , LE, the imaginary babysitter, the public, the media! This family is seriously in severe denial!

Wise up Anthony family!!!
Is there not one family member with old fashion common sense?
It sounds like Casey has been a self centered, mean spirited and "an it's all about me" type of daughter, for a long long time, and now they are all making her out to be a saint that the whole country is working against!! ??

This is the most frustrating case I've ever followed! Sickening!:mad:

I do agree with your every thought here Mendara. I'm not a gambling person, but I would bet that you are spot on here!!!

I saw that interview last week (M&J) was she on it again today? or am I mistaken?

I'm not sure. Another poster was asking about the M&J interview and that's all I found. But it was very interesting to see nonetheless.
Trying to poke more holes into the "nanny kidnapper" story...

IF Zenaida really existed, wouldn't Casey have been able to give a physical description? And wouldn't said physical description be released to the media, along with pictures of Caylee for people to be on the lookout?

Also, IF she is keeping mum in order to "protect" Caylee... well, then why would she so quickly give the name of the alleged kidnapper? It seems contradictory. Either you are keeping quiet on all fronts, or you are giving all the information you can give in order to catch the person she is allegedly with....?

Believe09, excellent deduction in the shovel theory....of course, what else would she break a lock with?
Maybe the phone number that ZG gave at the apartments was actually the black jack that Casey was using?! If Casey was posing as ZG

If that was it, she probably wouldn't have denied knowing anything about it. if she was going to go to that length, I think she would have said something like "yes, I have her blah blah blah..."
I personally don't think bamboo has anything to do with the borrowing of the shovel..Else, why would Cindy ALLOW the media to speculate about what the shovel was used for all this time..She had fought tooth and nail over her own words of the "dead body in the damn car", but didn't defend her daughter when people started to speculate on what the shovel was used for..Seems she is only trying to cover her own rear.
Mendara, I think you have it all figured out! This is exactly what will happen and the way it will all play out!

Blame blame blame! Blame everyone , LE, the imaginary babysitter, the public, the media! This family is seriously in severe denial!

Wise up Anthony family!!!
Is there not one family member with old fashion common sense?
It sounds like Casey has been a self centered, mean spirited and "an it's all about me" type of daughter, for a long long time, and now they are all making her out to be a saint that the whole country is working against!! ??

This is the most frustrating case I've ever followed! Sickening!:mad:

I do agree with your every thought here Mendara. I'm not a gambling person, but I would bet that you are spot on here!!!

They should take note of the Mark Hawking family, When Mark's wife went missing and he was under suspicion, instead of making excuses for him, his family basically called him out on it, showed him the support and love of a family, but urged him to tell the truth, because it was the right thing to do. He did and he plead guilty.

Too bad the Anthony's are blind.
I'm not sure. Another poster was asking about the M&J interview and that's all I found. But it was very interesting to see nonetheless.

It was awesome. They asked her the hard questions which no one does and I loved it.
You have to see the M & J interview--Cindy is digging deep. She is seriously acting squirrely. M & J are asking her some pretty good questions.

OK .. now I'm confused! That video on the M & J show, seems like it was awhile back, not this morning ... when I caught the tail end of it, Cindy was wearing a different outfit and was asking the person who has Caylee to drop her off ... and she didn't say that in this video.

Maybe they haven't got the video of this morning yet?
Because even THEY cannot keep up with how many times they have backtracked and lied for her after this case broke. All that they are doing is impeding the safety of Caylee. They are crazy and I am sick and tired of them. To this day with a beautiful INNOCENT three year old missing whom they loved and cared for they are not holding Casey accountable for damn thing. The girl has not been held accountable by her parents in her entire life. Hence her behavior now. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Its repugnant...
Shannon718, I could not agree with you more. Her parents have never made her suffer any consequences for her actions. That is easily determined by everything that is going on now. They lie for her, cover for her, defend her, and are what I call, "enablers." Their actions and lack of actions enable Casey to do what she wants when she wants to. A Severe lack of discipline by these parents have helped to mold Casey into what she is now...a narcissist(I don't say this lightly either) and it's WIRED(and has been for many years) in Casey's brain that she can do anything she wants and her parents will make everything ok.
Trying to poke more holes into the "nanny kidnapper" story...

IF Zenaida really existed, wouldn't Casey have been able to give a physical description? And wouldn't said physical description be released to the media, along with pictures of Caylee for people to be on the lookout?

Also, IF she is keeping mum in order to "protect" Caylee... well, then why would she so quickly give the name of the alleged kidnapper? It seems contradictory. Either you are keeping quiet on all fronts, or you are giving all the information you can give in order to catch the person she is allegedly with....?

Believe09, excellent deduction in the shovel theory....of course, what else would she break a lock with?

Also, she could tell the FBI what she knows and there is no way the kidnapper would even know.
Does anyone else think that it was weird that Casey said that there are Zenaidas in Brooklyn, New Jersey, and Miami. Shows me that she did the research herself and not in a "good" way.
LE met with ZG though and took a statement. You would think LE would ask for identification to verify the person they were taking the statement from was who they said they were?

Maybe the phone number that ZG gave at the apartments was actually the black jack that Casey was using?! If Casey was posing as ZG
Does anyone else think that it was weird that Casey said that there are Zenaidas in Brooklyn, New Jersey, and Miami. Shows me that she did the research herself and not in a "good" way.

She and Cindy did spend quite a bit of time online after Casey telling her that Caylee had been kidnapped.
I totally agree.........this has been going on way too long for them not to have figured something out by now,,,,that poor baby girl

when are they supposed to have the results from the stain and hair?

Anyone hear about Casey's mental evaluation that the judge ordered?

I think I heard after the press conference the other day a reporter ask about the mental evaluation. The Sheriff (or police) said that even if they had it they were not going to release it. This was asked after the PC ended but the mikes and cameras were still live.

I would imagine the DNA results might be a card they keep to their chests until they have a very solid case and bring formal charges.
Does anyone else think that it was weird that Casey said that there are Zenaidas in Brooklyn, New Jersey, and Miami. Shows me that she did the research herself and not in a "good" way.

Aren't those the places that stereotypical fictitious immigrants come from?

She claims this girl was only 26 years old. So ZG has no friends or family and has had no contact with other people who would see a spanish woman with a white little girl running around>??? and those people can't put it all together.

But the story has shifted to kidnappers threatening to kill casey - so maybe the ZG name is a code word for something else - right Cindy?
Does anyone else think that it was weird that Casey said that there are Zenaidas in Brooklyn, New Jersey, and Miami. Shows me that she did the research herself and not in a "good" way.

This is exactly why they need the information from Myspace/facebook.
They can retrieve the ip addresses of each login that Casey did. Through IP, they can track down every computer she used and take into evidence to find all this out.
This can help with a timeline, and I hope they do this soon if they are not already.
Shannon718, I could not agree with you more. Her parents have never made her suffer any consequences for her actions. That is easily determined by everything that is going on now. They lie for her, cover for her, defend her, and are what I call, "enablers." Their actions and lack of actions enable Casey to do what she wants when she wants to. A Severe lack of discipline by these parents have helped to mold Casey into what she is now...a narcissist(I don't say this lightly either) and it's WIRED(and has been for many years) in Casey's brain that she can do anything she wants and her parents will make everything ok.

as Casey would say: Absolutely....

Her first phone call from jail chilled me to the bone. And at that time her family was trying to get information out of her. They knew something was very very wrong with her lack of emotion. Lee, the friend, and Cindy were trying to hold her accountable and she reacted like a spoiled little brat. They were walking on eggshells with her even then. Sadly, Casey Anthony has no emotions.

She is a sociopath.
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