Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #57

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FYI, I take Xanax occasionally to help me sleep. All I need is half of a .25 pill, and I can sleep soundly for 5-6 hours. If I take the whole .25, I sleep soundly for 7-8 hours.

I'm a grown woman, slightly overweight ... so if it keeps me sleeping soundly, for that long, on that little bit of a dose, I'm SURE it could put a child into a deep sleep.
I recall that she complained that she did get it back and the passwords were changed on some things which totally annoyed her. I recall that very specifically. Lets see if we can find it:blowkiss:

Yes, I remember that too... it was early on I think. She was complaining that she couldn't get on the computer to see Caylee's pictures that were on it.
Yes, and easily kill them.

Somehow I don't think Casey would part with Xanax. I wonder though if LE checked to see if she had a prescription for it? I think if anything Casey would have given her kid Benadryl or someother OTC stuff. But I do know in Florida we have to go to the counter now to get certain cold meds and show our license. Cause of the Meth thing.
Well and another question I have is this.... (and this is theorizing Caylee being deceased and in the trunk on the 26th-27th)

If she stole gas on the 22-23rd, got caught for that on the 24th and had no more gas.

If the car was deserted on the 27th - towed on the 30th could the reason the purse was left behind be because when the car ran out of gas there were other things in her hands and she was not able to take all items from the car. Yet knowing she had been carting around a body she was too darn scared to return for the car.

Are we sure it was Tony who picked her up from where the car was recovered? And do we have a time on the 26-27th that the car was noticed?

K in Texas
So if something went down on the 22nd with Caylee, the shovel, the lock being broken etc, and the trashy pics we've all seen were taken a day or two prior, can it be established who was watching Caylee, if she was alive? I mean, who was watching her all these other times (for real ok, not fake nannies). Were the Grandparents? Someone had to be watching her, no?
But if you are going to break a lock...why ask for a shovel...y not ask for a hammer or something?

The lock on the shed seen last eve on Greta, is a Masterlock- does anyone else remember the old commercials? I believe they were shooting it with a 22 and it would not break- imo, there is ZERO chance this 100 lb. girl broke that lock with a shovel, not to mention the neighbor was outside, they would have heard her hacking at that shed, and the shovel would show indentations, imo..
As I reviewed the police report from the "burlary" File by George-
it occurred to me the officer did not include vandalism or destruction of property- I say the shed was either NOT locked or Casey had a key they did not know about, and the lock went on the shed AFTER the 6/24 theft.

To me, that puts her borrowing the shovel when she came back, that man took those gas cans out of the car on 7/15 when he picked up the car, he is FOS..
as Casey would say: Absolutely....

Her first phone call from jail chilled me to the bone. And at that time her family was trying to get information out of her. They knew something was very very wrong with her lack of emotion. Lee, the friend, and Cindy were trying to hold her accountable and she reacted like a spoiled little brat. They were walking on eggshells with her even then. Sadly, Casey Anthony has no emotions.

She is a sociopath.
Amen and pass the chicken. She is a sociopath. Like you I was seeing her true character with that first phone call..the way they all chose their words eevr so carefully as not to make her really is and has been for years and years ALL ABOUT CASEY. She," works," her family. She actually has them trained to automatically go into," Protect Casey Mode" when you know what is hitting the fan and the parents after years of experience are professionals at it.
It is sad that the parents have zeroed in on protecting Casey and Caylee has been forced to the back burner.
Im telling you guys Internet Movie Data Base.....Zaneida Gonzales is a real actress on there that played a cold case homicide detective in a 2007 series. There is something to that.

How so? That's a pretty far reach, IMO.
On the Morning Show with Mike & Juliet this morning, they asked Cindy why she would have to steal gas from her parents, and Cindy stated that Casey frequently took gas because "she had a problem with the gas sensor in her car." Cindy also stated "She had called me earlier in the day and told me she had the gas cans, I just hadn't had the chance to tell George that she had them."

I DVR'd it, but don't have time to go back thru the whole thing right now.

Last night on Greta, Cindy stated she had told CA about the shed being broken into and the gas cans stolen. So which is it? Did CA call and tell Cindy she had the gas cans, did George have to use a ruse to check CA's trunk to see if the gas cans were there or did Cindy tell CA the shed had been broken into and the gas cans stolen? :confused:
This has to do with the stolen gas.

Maybe it was taken not to rid of evidence but to go far enough away from home that when you need to put gas in the tank, you don't have to stop at a gas station and leave a trail behind. This way nobody could say she was in the area.

Or leave a trail for anything the gas could be used for. Alot of perps have been caught on gas station cameras buying gas later used to burn a body. It was only about 3 gallons. I guess that could have gotten her about 45 miles to and from somewhere.

Does anyone know if George has ever stated how much gas was in the cans when he got them back?
Well and another question I have is this.... (and this is theorizing Caylee being deceased and in the trunk on the 26th-27th)

If she stole gas on the 22-23rd, got caught for that on the 24th and had no more gas.

If the car was deserted on the 27th - towed on the 30th could the reason the purse was left behind be because when the car ran out of gas there were other things in her hands and she was not able to take all items from the car. Yet knowing she had been carting around a body she was too darn scared to return for the car.

Are we sure it was Tony who picked her up from where the car was recovered? And do we have a time on the 26-27th that the car was noticed?

K in Texas

What I think is so interesting about leaving her purse is that most people would need it for money, cc's, etc. Not Casey, she'll just steal some more!!!

And fwiw, I think Caylee went missing on the 16th. And was in the trunk prior to the stealing of the gas cans. That's why she didn't want daddy rummaging around in her trunk.

Yes, Tony supposedly picked her up. No idea for sure if it was left on the 26th or the 27th.
Because then you couldn't say you were digging up bamboo...

Or dual purpose-I am typing too quickly, so let me try this again. She borrowed the shovel because she couldn't get into the shed, right. We all know (at least we think we know) why she needed the shovel. When she realized that she wasn't going to be leaving Caylee in her grandparents yard, what were her next steps?

What you all seem to be pointing out to me is that somewhere between say 6/16 and 6/22 Casey borrowed the shovel. And then, sometime between 6/22 and 6/24 George claimed the locks on his shed were broken and the gas cans stolen. 4 hours later on the same day Casey was at the house and George found the gas cans in the trunk of the Pontiac?
Trying to poke more holes into the "nanny kidnapper" story...

IF Zenaida really existed, wouldn't Casey have been able to give a physical description? And wouldn't said physical description be released to the media, along with pictures of Caylee for people to be on the lookout?

Also, IF she is keeping mum in order to "protect" Caylee... well, then why would she so quickly give the name of the alleged kidnapper? It seems contradictory. Either you are keeping quiet on all fronts, or you are giving all the information you can give in order to catch the person she is allegedly with....?

Believe09, excellent deduction in the shovel theory....of course, what else would she break a lock with?

the baby sitter doesnt exist

the phone records would show the numbers she dialed

even if the phone was lost :)
Fox News also had a clip asking Cindy what the motive is for Caylee's kidnapping and Cindy said "I can't tip our hand answering that." Are you kidding me? Then they want to know what the strategy is since Cindy was the one who was making the calls as to how we can find Caylee as fast as possible. Cindy says: The strategy is to let people know to not believe is not with us." And more how there's no proof that Caylee was in the back of the trunk. Right.
Or leave a trail for anything the gas could be used for. Alot of perps have been caught on gas station cameras buying gas later used to burn a body. It was only about 3 gallons. I guess that could have gotten her about 45 miles to and from somewhere.

Does anyone know if George has ever stated how much gas was in the cans when he got them back?

Based on someone's statement ( I did not catch it on Greta) I believe someone said she actually pushed the car into Amscot, I took that to be a ploy to say it was abandonded for being out of gas. He never admitted he got them back until yesterday and I do not recall that in the Greta interview.
The lock on the shed seen last eve on Greta, is a Masterlock- does anyone else remember the old commercials? I believe they were shooting it with a 22 and it would not break- imo, there is ZERO chance this 100 lb. girl broke that lock with a shovel, not to mention the neighbor was outside, they would have heard her hacking at that shed, and the shovel would show indentations, imo..
As I reviewed the police report from the "burlary" File by George-
it occurred to me the officer did not include vandalism or destruction of property- I say the shed was either NOT locked or Casey had a key they did not know about, and the lock went on the shed AFTER the 6/24 theft.

To me, that puts her borrowing the shovel when she came back, that man took those gas cans out of the car on 7/15 when he picked up the car, he is FOS..

Maybe it was a new lock? The old one was broken, right? And why did she make the comment "sorry about the shed."?
So this is where the dogs alerted?


Could it be she was killed inhere and then moved and that's why the cadaver smell in her car?
My DIL has a nanny who comes into her home & pays $500.00 per wk. That is in Wis.....

Has there been anybody at all come forward to say that they ever were a paid babysetter for Caylee? I remember 1 woman said she at times watched Caylee but it was for free, she also had a young child and it sounded like they at times would take turns watching the others child.

If Casey had to break into her parents shed to steal gas, she sure as heck did not have the money it would take to pay a nanny. How is she explaining how she was going to be paying for this service?

How much does a nanny go for there in Orlando? My niece was a nanny in Chicago for many years and made very good money, she drove to the parents home to take care of the children, they never would have been dropped off at her place. I think the whole "nanny story" sounded ritzy to Casey, she was putting on a front to her friends when she told them Caylee was with a nanny, so much with her is all about appearance, I can't wait to get a look at her in a few years of lock-up behind her when she no longer is getting her hair done and teeth bleached.


The lock on the shed seen last eve on Greta, is a Masterlock- does anyone else remember the old commercials? I believe they were shooting it with a 22 and it would not break- imo, there is ZERO chance this 100 lb. girl broke that lock with a shovel, not to mention the neighbor was outside, they would have heard her hacking at that shed, and the shovel would show indentations, imo..
As I reviewed the police report from the "burlary" File by George-
it occurred to me the officer did not include vandalism or destruction of property- I say the shed was either NOT locked or Casey had a key they did not know about, and the lock went on the shed AFTER the 6/24 theft.

To me, that puts her borrowing the shovel when she came back, that man took those gas cans out of the car on 7/15 when he picked up the car, he is FOS..

"Breaking the lock" may not necessarily mean the lock itself. She could have broken the hasp away from the shed door. This is how my mind perceived it anyway.
Somehow I don't think Casey would part with Xanax. I wonder though if LE checked to see if she had a prescription for it? I think if anything Casey would have given her kid Benadryl or someother OTC stuff. But I do know in Florida we have to go to the counter now to get certain cold meds and show our license. Cause of the Meth thing.
Someone else could have given her a xanax, someone who did have a prescription. The possibility exists that Casey or someone else gave Caylee some other form of medication, narcotic or other drug and I'm not talking the prescription kind.
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