Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #59

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Maybe, But I think they're getting all there ducks in a row.:)

most definitely. they will need to have enough evidence if they want to charge her and go to trial. it sucks cuz we live in such a fast paced society, we want our answers ASAP lol.

makes me wonder where this case would be right now without all the media attention. would they be behind? further along? they must have alot of pressure to produce results eh?
Come back! I really have loved reading your posts and admire your dedication. I really don't have an opinion one way or another if writing a letter to Casey will be good or bad. Do what your heart tells you to do. Heck, write it and put it in a drawer and read it the next day before you send it.

I really must say, though - I think the others aren't trying to come down on you - just want to protect you.
Other than the dogs (which have been known to make mistakes although I know the odds are against that happening), the unknown lab results (to us anyway), and the smell in the car (which in my case I have been face to face with decomposition before but was in shock and therefore did NOT smell it while at the same time, everyone else around me was reacting to it), other than all of that, I also am still holding out for more proof that Caylee is not alive. I wish they would give us something, anything, to let us know whether we should be looking for a living Caylee or not.
In the affidavit though it says the card had the cell number on it and the detective made contact with her and she was responsive. She later met with a detective to make a statement. So the info had to be correct on the guest card.
What a consistency. I tried to find a link to where I heard it...but it was either CNN, CNN Headline, or FOXNews. But, they're now saying the date on the card is wrong too. Yikes!
This is from the article link below.

However, in a news conference Monday afternoon, the media was told they are not guaranteed immediate access to the results. The Sheriff's Office spokesman Carlos Padilla said they will release what they deem appropriate when they deem it appropriate to the investigation.

There is a possibility new charges on additional cases or additional counts can be filed against Casey if those results give investigators more evidence to convict her on new charges

What the he77 does THAT mean (in bold)?

thanks for the article....will post it on the media thread:)
I'm thinking along those lines...these gas cans were needed for portability of fuel, NOT to fill up her gas tank so that she could abandon it a day or two later.

I think so too. Casey didn't need the gas for her car, she needed the gas. But, she didn't have the equipment to siphon gas out of her gas tank, nor containers to put the gas in. She went out of her way to break into the locked shed to steal her parent's gas cans.
Wonder who is paying for this he doing it pro-bono?
Not sure why I feel the need to defend myself at the moment, but I will. I don't write letters of sympathy to anyone. Normally if anything has to do with sympathy I send them a card because someone has past.

I don't ever write a letter to accuse anyone of anything because this is wrong. My father use to say, what ever you write in a letter, it is there forever. This was over 50 years ago, because I would always write as a child.

I know about the visitor list and having to be approve. I am not new at this at all. I know about how many days they get, the only hours you can go and so on.

I should have listen to my gut and not post my thoughts.
You should absolutely express is who you are. ITA with everyone who said they're just trying to protect in one big group hug.
It was discussed on Fox Report earlier that the Zenaida that viewed the apt at Sawgrass Apts was probably not Casey. LE took a picture of Casey and the people there did not recognize ever seeing her.

I still find it odd that this Zenaida looked at an apt on 6-17-08 and Casey took LE to those apts where supposedly Zenaida G lived. How could Casey have known that a Zenaida Gonzales looked at a unit in the Sawgrass Apts?

Is this just a coincident?
This is nothing against you Patty G. I hope you know that. I can tell you as a licensed psychologist that nothing you can say would make a difference with this woman. Psychiatrists agree that sociopaths can be managed with drugs to keep them from being not quite so aggressive, but that's it! I urge you to read all you can about sociopaths and then realize that you are looking at this woman as if she is a normal person, she isn't. She doesn't think like you.

Don't do it.:blowkiss:

Curiositycat--If you're still here; May I ask a question? I've read about your thoughts about Sociopaths (thankyou BTW) and I feel that narcissism is a huge indicator. I think that Casey's behaviour demonstrates serious narcissism SO here is my question....
How threatened would Casey feel as Caylee grew older and more attention/gifts came her way and less and less attention was given to Casey? Would Casey just snap? Or would it be a slow burn until an opportunity presented itself? Would all contact/focus being taken off Casey cause her to do or say something because she cannot tolerate not being the center of attention?
Okay so that's more than one question! LOL--See in all the photos and I mean every single one of them Casey is posing to have the eyes drawn to her despite whomever is in the photo.
Brand new Newbie here. I've been reading your posts for days and just want to participate, if I may. I believe Casey and Caylee were at the GP's home while they were on vacation and something happened there...perhaps a drowning? Casey, being the wack job she is went to elaborate lengths to cover it up. Only a sociopath could possibly come up with the insane story she tried to give. The GP's are trying to believe all this and just get deeper and deeper into attempting to make Casey's lies believable.
Brand new Newbie here. I've been reading your posts for days and just want to participate, if I may. I believe Casey and Caylee were at the GP's home while they were on vacation and something happened there...perhaps a drowning? Casey, being the wack job she is went to elaborate lengths to cover it up. Only a sociopath could possibly come up with the insane story she tried to give. The GP's are trying to believe all this and just get deeper and deeper into attempting to make Casey's lies believable.

Hello, LindaK!
She might have planned on burning evidence...

I just can't stomach the idea of her burning little Caylee....

I can't see trying to burn a body as it just can't be done by a normal fire. But, certainly can see burning clothing or other items that would be considered evidence.
dive teams searching lakes near the Anthony home, tomorrow.... hmmmm

& Casey is now saying "Caylee's in danger".....did God send her this message:furious:
sure she WAS in danger...:rolleyes:
Curiositycat--If you're still here; May I ask a question? I've read about your thoughts about Sociopaths (thankyou BTW) and I feel that narcissism is a huge indicator. I think that Casey's behaviour demonstrates serious narcissism SO here is my question....
How threatened would Casey feel as Caylee grew older and more attention/gifts came her way and less and less attention was given to Casey? Would Casey just snap? Or would it be a slow burn until an opportunity presented itself? Would all contact/focus being taken off Casey cause her to do or say something because she cannot tolerate not being the center of attention?
Okay so that's more than one question! LOL--See in all the photos and I mean every single one of them Casey is posing to have the eyes drawn to her despite whomever is in the photo.

I noticed that also, I also noticed a few where Caylee smiled big as if she were posing.
It was discussed on Fox Report earlier that the Zenaida that viewed the apt at Sawgrass Apts was probably not Casey. LE took a picture of Casey and the people there did not recognize ever seeing her.

I still find it odd that this Zenaida looked at an apt on 6-17-08 and Casey took LE to those apts where supposedly Zenaida G lived. How could Casey have known that a Zenaida Gonzales looked at a unit in the Sawgrass Apts?

Is this just a coincident?
Someone wondered earlier if LE brought back a picture of Caylee to see if they remembered her now that they know it was not so long ago that ZG visited. Heck, bring ZG's picture. I'm not trusting anybody's memory involved in this case anymore. And I'm REALLY beginning to hate all of this irrelevant and erroneous press covergae (if you hadn't noticed)!!
[See in all the photos and I mean every single one of them Casey is posing to have the eyes drawn to her despite whomever is in the photo.[/QUOTE]

OH! I noticed that too. Caylee is sometimes looking at her mom, but (except infant pics), mom is mugging for the camera alone.
That actually bothered me a lot when I first started reading about the case.

In all of my baby pics, my mom or dad are looking right at me, never the lense!
dive teams searching lakes near the Anthony home, tomorrow.... hmmmm

& Casey is now saying "Caylee's in danger".....did God send her this message:furious:
sure she WAS in danger...:rolleyes:

Isn't it just amazing that it took this mother THIS LONG to figure out that Caylee was in danger? Hello!!:behindbar
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