Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #63

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Gosh, I feel so badly for the Ortiz family. Thinking about how they lost their son just over a year ago and now with even as much as a suggestion of the possibility that they are the grandparents of a now missing and possibly deceased grandchild. :( I imagine they are really pained by all of this!

Even though from what I've gathered, it doesn't seem like the Ortiz family feels Jesus is/was Casey's bio-father.

Allegedly Jesse (Grund) and his family considered Caylee as Jesse's child for about the first 10 months of her life (according to Rev Grund), and was allegedly proven not to be by DNA tests, I highly doubt that Casey knows who fathered Caylee. (The Grunds are also now feeling the pain of Caylee being missing.)

Casey's refusal to talk is causing a whole lot of people to suffer!

If it's ture that Jesse & his family thought Caylee was his daughter until DNS test proved otherwise....that maybe be the reason the engagement was broke off between Casey & Jesse....because according to her myspace they were engaged and she was making wedding plans.....I had speculated that maybe she lied or lead Jesse to beleive Caylee was his & then he foudn out otherwise which is what broke off the engagement.
just a couple of senarios

maybe she had this elaborate plan get rid of Caylee
1. move w/Amy
2. look for a new apt. (using Z's name)
3. steal all her friends $ and cks
4. runs her parents credit card somewhere in the $45,000 range (Where did all this cash go?)
5. gets rid of Caylee
6. breaks into her parents and steals gas cans (to destroy evidence?)
7. now she can live it up!
8. except her mom found her!
maybe someone did take Caylee
1. casey gets mixed up w/ "the wrong crowd"
2. casey thought her mother was controlling and wanted to move in w/amy
3. casey gets herself into some kind of trouble w/ the "new crowd"
(maybe she was keeping something had something buried in the back yard for them.....thus the shovel and dirt)
4. the "new crowd" gets a hold of Caylee as security till casey comes up with whatever
5. gas was stolen because she needed gas for her car
6. casey scrambles for cash, thus stealing her parents credit card and stealing $ and cks from amy
7. cindy tracks her down first
My eyes played tricks on me also. I had a sudden outburst of dyslexia. It does say "Cheer UP me lady"

June 17 Casey's Facebook comments to Amy
Casey Anthony wrote
at 3:15pm on June 17th, 2008
cheer up me lady! i love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in

I wonder if LE will be able to prove that Casey had already paid her part of the rent before Caylee went missing. If she had already stolen any money from Cindy this could point to some type of premeditation. Casey supposedly wasn't really working, but she was planning to move out with a roommate, Cindy wanted her to move out, and Casey had no money for childcare.
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.

miss ya, yo.

I feel she is referring to Caylee...

Alright... I don't want to get yelled at if this has already been discussed... and it is way off from what I believe happened but what if there WAS a Zenaida and that is who she is referring to??
I think it is a common practice of police to say that they are looking for children alive even though they have strong suspicions they are dead. Even then they will keep saying they believe the child is alive unless the evidence show them otherwise. Can you imagine if they said they think the child was dead in all those cases, and people stopped looking for the babies? They can't do that.

They always say that in similar doesn't mean this is what they think or where they are looking at, but this is what they have to tell the public.

Well, maybe ALL of the forensics are not in. I was in LE for 10 years and I never once knew of a misleading statement being put out.
They can just say that they are persuing all leads as they have in the past. I just do not think that the detective would mislead anything on national tv.

So, what I am saying - maybe the evidence they have at the moment is not conclusive. And I certainly am not saying that the detective should say that Caylee is dead.
I would still like to know what Amy and Casey's true plans were on moving in together and I would like to hear them from Amy.
I say this because when I was in my early 20's, I was going to school and partying, and coincidentally living in Orlando, I grew up there, I would not have considered moving in with a friend that had a toddler. I was busy with school, work, (a little unlike Casey) I actually lived at home, but I would not have considered it because I would have KNOWN that moving in with a party friend that had a toddler would have meant automatic sitter whenever my friend needed to go to the store or anything like that. Or even if she was doing something and the child was doing something she shouldn't that it would have meant added responsibility for ME that I would not have wanted. Even if I was at home and her boyfriend came over and they decided to go in the 'room' I would have known that I would have been expected to 'sit' and watch the child even if I got the urge to suddenly go out. There is no way that I would have moved in with a friend with a child when I was in my early 20's, so did Amy really know that Caylee was moving in with them or did she think Caylee was staying with the grandparents? Because in my early 20's I would have thought of ALL of the responsibilities that would have come with moving in with a party girl that had a toddler, I would have known that it was like adopting a child of my own.

It upsets me so much that Casey has 'misplaced' 'lost' or whatever she has claimed to have happened to this poor little, beautiful little girl. Now, the poor parents of Jesus Ortiz have to face the fact that perhaps she is/was their grandchild and they never knew her. It's just so upsetting. Casey should have been thinking of this baby first all along.
Casey said "cheer me up"

No, she said "cheer up me...". Cheer up, me lady -- she's not the sharpest tool in the box, but she seems to have a decent grasp on grammar.

The thing that really bothers me about that post is the part where she says
can't wait to get Amy moved in. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but to me, it's like Casey's pretending that *she* already has a place, or something.

Argh. I wish somebody from her circle would pop up and spill some of the beans.
Cheer up me (my) lady. As in "cheer up Amy".

Lol, Casey is asking Amy to cheer her up.

ETA. I'm wrong and you are right! Geeze, I really need stronger coffee today and alot of it!!!!
I think everyone in this forum needs to SLOW down and read, several question gets asked and answered over again because people aren't reading & the thread is moving so fast......dont yell at me just an observation....
Lol, Casey is asking Amy to cheer her up.

ETA. I'm wrong and you are right! Geeze, I really need stronger coffee today and alot of it!!!!

LOL.. Mainstream via IV. It werks fer me!
Does anyone have any idea how long it was between Jesse/Casey breaking off and her taking up with the new bf Tony? She was making wedding plans with Jesse and then with Tony? Seems like someone wanted to be married. The groom was interchangeable.
Apartment manager Amanda Macklin confirms only that a Zenaida Gonzalez visited the apartment complex on June 17, not April 17 like originally thought.

Macklin said a leasing agent filled out a guest card with a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez with the date of her visit. She also said that the woman would have been required to show the leasing agent her identification as a matter of policy and safety.

However, when the leasing agent made an attempt to follow up with Gonzalez as a potential resident, the phone number she gave was invalid.

Detectives from the Orange County Sheriff's Office returned to the apartment complex Wednesday and asked for the original copy of the guest card. Macklin said she did not think the card would contain any fingerprints since the leasing agent fills out the card, not the potential resident.

Employees from the leasing office were shown pictures of different Zenaida Gonzalez's and of Casey and her missing daughter, Caylee.

No Sawgrass Apartment employees recognized either Casey or Caylee but one of the photos of Gonzalez did look familiar as a possible match.

Still, police say they have not been able to confirm that the "so called" babysitter exists.

this is from an article, this cause gets stranger and stranger
"You'll find that $700 you misplaced in your sleep..."

Can you imagine someone being so manipulative and messing with Amy's mind like that? Poor Amy wondering what happened to her money, thinking Casey was her trusted friend, and then having her use some weakness to try and place doubt in her mind about her own sanity. This isn't really the way a distraught young woman would act who had just accidentally harmed her child.
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.

miss ya, yo.

I feel she is referring to Caylee...

Is it possible another "she" was moving into Cindy's house?
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