Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #65

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Just to prove I'm not crazy I had to find this for myself ""This is not like any case we've had or you guys have reported on so...I don't think there is anything normal,” said Commander Matt Irwin, who runs the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Sex Crimes and Missing Persons unit. ";jsessionid=DEC95DE584A28630155D345728FB643F?contentId=7154969&version=13&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
i think she pretended to go to work and went to friends house, etc. Until she could come back home at a reasonable time. She worked "events" supposedly so maybe she worked more evenings and just went out partying instead of working. Where they thought her pretend paycheck was going, i'm not sure. Maybe she was supposed to pay the nanny - which i'm pretty sure she broke even on.

Cell phones are primarily used these days, especially with the younger crowd so them not calling her on a work number isn't strange to me at all. Plus, if she worked "events" these might not take place at the same location, thus just call her cell phone to get in touch with her.

She would not have to file a tax return unless she made over $8.000.00 - i believe. Or maybe she told them she filed on her own? Turbotax makes it very easy to do, especially without real estate or stocks involved.

Lastly, maybe they were suspicious. But, none of it came together until all of this happened?

good point the parents could have claimed them both if she made under 7000.00 (not sure if thats the exact amount) and casey still could have filled just would have marked someone else can claim her as a dependent
Could Casey be schizophrenic?

It would, sadly, explain so very much about this case.. (from my admittedly ill-educated remembrance of abnormal psych)

I don't believe there is anything mentally wrong with her at all.

I think it's a "cop out" to blame this crime on someone being mentally ill.

I believe she is a compulsive liar -- but that doesn't mean she is a psychopath. She is a manipulator, but she's come up against a group of people who aren't going to fold like her mother has for all of these years.
There's a difference between telling LE something (having info. uncovered via questioning) and being "forthcoming" with information (as in offering). IMO

PS- I'm glad now...3 weeks into this nightmare they're "telling" them things.
I do think they have been forthcoming. i think some things were not immediately important to them and some things were voluntarily corrected by the Anthony's.
I think their only wrongdoing is speaking without thinking. They failed to consider the scrutiny their statements would be under.
For example. if i said jeez I haven't talked to my son in a month! But upon further review I realized I did talk to him once during the month period. I don't think I am lying or trying to mislead but rather that was my recollection at that time. I should have said let me think about that instead of blurting out a blanket statement. So once it was discovered that I did talk to him during the one month period, it would construed here that I was lying from the get go. But the fact is I corrected it myself and was forthcoming with that correction.
i think the Anthony's are guilty of doing that and I wish they would get professional guidance.
Cindy, being a nurse is also a mandated reporter. She is required by law to report suspected child neglect or abandonment. It seems like she was very suspicious of something that whole month, but couldn't find Casey to do anything yet.

She is required by law to report it if it comes to her attention in a work environment. Mandated reporters, excluding LE, are not required to report anything that happens when they are not at work.
They could have discovered it when she told them. bec ause the reality the only way they could know is if she told them.

This video is about how she invited them to the house and offered up more things she thought would be important.

Remember that each one of the Anthony's were questioned and grilled for hours by investigators beginning that first night the 9-1-1 calls were placed. All were separated from each other for the most part, but for the entire night from Casey. Lies have a natural progression of unfolding, due to that. I'm sure none of the other Anthony family members wish to find themselves jailed, alongside Casey.

I was beginning to have some faith that Cindy was exhibiting good will and thought she was beginning to 'see the light' earlier today. But I'm back-peddling on that assessment, since reading the newly released warrant and seeing her interviewed by Greta again tonight.
Just to prove I'm not crazy I had to find this for myself ""This is not like any case we've had or you guys have reported on so...I don't think there is anything normal,” said Commander Matt Irwin, who runs the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Sex Crimes and Missing Persons unit. ";jsessionid=DEC95DE584A28630155D345728FB643F?contentId=7154969&version=13&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

That is the division that is investigating Caylee's case, so that makes perfect sense.
did anyone hear anything today about the dive teams? I need to go do some reading and get caught up on that angle... They said yesterday they were going to be out today (i thought).

iv'e seen no post on that and i have asked as well supposively there gonna do it tomorrow if i read that post correct
She is required by law to report it if it comes to her attention in a work environment. Mandated reporters, excluding LE, are not required to report anything that happens when they are not at work.

As a foster mom thru the state, I am a mandated reporter 24/7. I just assumed everyone else would be 24/7 too.
Here's my opinion on what is going to happen next:

Casey is finally going to admit this was an accident and will basically throw herself on the mercy of the courts.

I don't think she can risk having this go to trial. I believe there will be enough cirumstantial evidence to convict her.

The police would be put in a tough decision on what to charge her with at this point.

Just my thoughts . .
She is required by law to report it if it comes to her attention in a work environment. Mandated reporters, excluding LE, are not required to report anything that happens when they are not at work.

I didn't realize that. tks
HI blondietx. The search warrant says this information was discovered when they were talking to Cindy and reviewing what she did when she got the car. Goerge and Cindy told LE what she was wearing and when, what she took out of the car and washed and where they could find it.

Right and that was after the FBI talked with them, right? I think that was their kick in the butt, to be honest. I just don't see why it took 3 weeks to get that info to them. Why did they have to have a sit down for that? She called 911 to turn her daughter in for "stealing" her car but she doesn't scream from the rooftops when she realizes she may have tampered with evidence?
There were at least three family members there as well as Casey. Maybe it is fear that one of them is going to rat the other out or tell the fact about the clothing. Surely the detectives have or are asking about the clothes. Then of course there is now a search warrant and they don't want to go to jail.

At the beginning, when I thought all family members knew something, I always thought the weak link would be Casey. Now, I don't think so. She has an attorney telling her almost daily to not say a word.

If Casey never said another word (and didn't take any immunity or partial immunity deal) she could get off fairly light with the charges she has now. Especially if she acted alone. She would just have to deal with the fact that Caylee's body may turn up some day.

Like the Peterson guy who's 3rd (?) wife is missing. He says she ran off with a boyfriend. No proof of a crime committed so he can't be arrested. He'll rot in hell someday, but today he is a free man. :furious:
Has anyone thought she might of had a secret life of a call girl. Maybe that is how she had money from men? That is why it is really not mentioned about the job thing? Maybe she was a swinger with other couples??? On her myspace it mentions going downtown in a tank top and a bowtie with her friends, something about a lot more men picking downtown! Just a thought!
Involved in what...what do you think has happened? If you don't mind me asking.

I am not as positive as others that Caylee is deceased. I am still waiting for those pesky forensic tests to be announced.
And I quote "On August 4th, Corporal Eric Edwards and... While discussing the recovery of Casey's white car it was discovered that Cynthia removed items prior to law enforcement being contacted." (search warrant, pg 7)

This does NOT sound to me like they came forward with it AT ALL!

Thank you for that clarification. I missed that.
I am a social worker. I have a daughter who has "problems". I can tell you just because I am a social worker does not mean I keep that hat on while I'm with my daughter. In fact, it is so hard, I had to report my daughter so another social worker could take over, It is too hard to wear the hat of parent and the hat of social worker at the same time.
I guess I'm just saying in all the chaos, Cindy and George were wearing their parent hats and that clouds thinking sometimes.

I cannot imagine how painful of a choice that must have been to make as a mother. There are times when having so much knowledge and insight into problem areas is a curse rather than a blessing. I am so sorry you had to go through that but I applaud your Courage and Conviction as a Mom for doing the right thing.
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