Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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What did Casey do with her things when her mother picked her up? She was staying at Tony's did she pick up her bag with every last thing and take it with her (knowing she wasn't coming back?) or did Cindy need to get these from Tony once they knew Casey was in jail for a time?
Full disclosure not yet know. Casey may have taken some things but other things left behind. Cindy possibly went back for some of the rest. Remember, Casey referenced TonE's as her central location. LE wanted phone Casey apparently left there, so LE may also have some other items as well.
Full disclosure not yet know. Casey may have taken some things but other things left behind. Cindy possibly went back for some of the rest. Remember, Casey referenced TonE's as her central location. LE wanted phone Casey apparently left there, so LE may also have some other items as well.

Ah ok thanks for that CheckDaFacts :crazy:
According to Child Seek Network a child is reported missing or abducted every 40 seconds. Now that I am terrified, I am going to check on my babies.
psh, I can't make heads or tails out of who got all the stuff from Tony's but seems to me from that Lee/Casey phone call "I don’t know if you guys have checked through like some of the bags and stuff that I have at the house with me, if it was in one of those purses but I know I kept everything that I had kind of centralized at Tony’s." Sounds like she brought her stuff from Tony's back with her when Cindy picked her up.

I can't imagine police would let any of the Anthony's go back to Tony's to collect things after Casey was arressted. Didn't the police talk to Tony pretty quick after everything went down? *shrug* I don't know...and that's ALL I know about this that I don't know. crazy, just crazy and we're just following from the sidelines! I can't imagine if I were in that family and had to do this from that position!
SWAG, Yeah, the Sawgrass date change confuses me too. The police talked to Zenaida when they arrested Casey, and she told them she looked ar the apt. in June. But now it's big news that Sawgrass now realizes it wasn't April, but June. I just don't understand any of this. And I REALLY hope that someday we find out where she came up w/ ZG's name!
i just saw the interview with zaneida .the reporter asked her WHO was with her when she went to sawgrass, she said only her son and her boyfriend. so i would gather that le is questioning her boyfriend. zaneida does not know casey but MAYBE zaneida's boyfriend does. this would make sense to me..all the secrecy,and casey not wanting to disclose information that might cause harm to caylee.also there is a possibility that the body odor in the trunk may not be caylee. could casey have been a witness to a murder? was her car used to transport a body? could caylee have been taken as a threat for casey to keep her mouth shut?..with the promise that she would get caylee back in due time? did zaneida's boyfriend ever mention zaneida to casey? could he have told casey on the 17th that he and zaneida were going to look at an apt at sawgrass? the boyfriend seems to be the only link that is IF CASEY KNOWS HIM.
He is also the drummer for Clayton Hall that Casey talks about, also appears to be friends with Lee based on myspace.

Kyle is in Jacksonville--isn't that where Casey supposedly went on her mini-vakay?
I am having a brain fart, I heard Peurto Rico mentioned a little while ago. Can someone give me the Cliff's Notes Version of what that was all about?
i just saw the interview with zaneida .the reporter asked her WHO was with her when she went to sawgrass, she said only her son and her boyfriend. so i would gather that le is questioning her boyfriend. zaneida does not know casey but MAYBE zaneida's boyfriend does. this would make sense to me..all the secrecy,and casey not wanting to disclose information that might cause harm to caylee.also there is a possibility that the body odor in the trunk may not be caylee. could casey have been a witness to a murder? was her car used to transport a body? could caylee have been taken as a threat for casey to keep her mouth shut?..with the promise that she would get caylee back in due time? did zaneida's boyfriend ever mention zaneida to casey? could he have told casey on the 17th that he and zaneida were going to look at an apt at sawgrass? the boyfriend seems to be the only link that is IF CASEY KNOWS HIM.
All good points, it is a crazy case. Casey could have obtained ZG's name other ways as well, so that's also still open. Now the boyfriend aspect is an interesting twist. Have to ponder that angle for a while before I comment further. At the early onset of this case I considered in the factor of someone besides Caylee in the veh. I must have missed the portion when ZG mentioned who she was with, was there more than one interview with ZG?
i just saw the interview with zaneida .the reporter asked her WHO was with her when she went to sawgrass, she said only her son and her boyfriend. so i would gather that le is questioning her boyfriend. zaneida does not know casey but MAYBE zaneida's boyfriend does. this would make sense to me..all the secrecy,and casey not wanting to disclose information that might cause harm to caylee.also there is a possibility that the body odor in the trunk may not be caylee. could casey have been a witness to a murder? was her car used to transport a body? could caylee have been taken as a threat for casey to keep her mouth shut?..with the promise that she would get caylee back in due time? did zaneida's boyfriend ever mention zaneida to casey? could he have told casey on the 17th that he and zaneida were going to look at an apt at sawgrass? the boyfriend seems to be the only link that is IF CASEY KNOWS HIM.

I sincerely hope that this is not the case. Otherwise, the GP's have already talked enough to get Caylee killed. If that is the case, the people that have Caylee would want the game played by their rules and while Casey is playing by the rules, her parents are not. They are talking way too much. JMO.
I know that's one part of this whole story I don't buy--- Casey can't tell information because she fears for Caylee's life.

Good golly miss molly! After all this time and all this press no *bad guys* would keep that baby alive, quiet Casey or mouthy Casey!

So let the police go kick the snot out of these bad guys and throw them in prison where they belong! Fearing the bad guy game is up, it's over.

I still have no grand ideas of what happened but the bad guy stuff is done for me. At least as far as Casey keeping mum...that it will "save" Caylee and her family.

I'm so sure with the press hanging from the rafters around the Anthony home that anything will happen to them from this boogeyman.

And trusting a bad guy over the police with your beautiful 3yr old daughter???...well, it's just foolishness!
I have been trying to figure out the Zenaida connection and how Casey may have come up with her name and known that she looked at an apartment at Sawgrass if she did not know her personally. This is one idea that I have come up with.

Many years ago I was a leasing agent at a couple of apartment complexes so I am really curious how Sawgrass has their leasing office laid out because that could actually solve the mystery of how Casey got ZFG's name.

When I was a leasing agent and had a potential renter come in we would have them list their basic info on a sign in sheet (name, phone#, ect.) before we would show them an apartment. We used the same sign in sheet until it was full and then we would replace it with a new one. On weekends we usually had two leasing agents and if we were both out showing apartments at the same time, we would just close the door and put a note on it saying we would be back in a few minutes so please wait. We rarely bothered with locking it up since we did not keep any cash in the office and there really wasn't anything in our office worth stealing anyway. If we were both out and someone came in they sometimes waited and other times they left before either one of us got back.

If only one of us was out showing an apartment then the other leasing agent obviously stayed behind. However, during that time if that leasing agent had to go to the bathroom or had to go downstairs in the clubhouse to get a drink out of the vending machines or something then they rarely even closed the door since they only planned on being gone a few minutes. If another potential renter had walked in while the agent was away from the office then again the sign in sheet would have been in plain site for them to see. They could have easily gotten the names of everyone that had viewed an apartment recently if they really wanted to. This was before the days of identify theft so no one thought anything about it.

During the week, when the manager and maybe one other employee (in seperate offices) were around we never locked up our office when we left to show an apartment since the different offices were all in the same general area. Even if someone else was working in another office, and saw someone in the leasing office they would have assumed that they were just filling out the requested sign in information while waiting for one of the leasing agents to return.

If the Sawgrass Apartment offices were run anything like ours were then if the leasing agent had left ZFG's card laying on their desk while they showed her an apartment or if they had it out at a later date to follow up on, then Casey could have walked in and seen ZFG's name on the card. If no one was in the office at the time, she could have come in, saw the card and noted the name, but then left before anyone saw her. It could account for how Casey got ZFG's name and knew she had looked at an apartment there but without being seen or remembered by anyone. Just an idea.
Melly 53, that is pure gold. I wouldn't have been able to figure that out. That's the most plausible idea I've heard yet.
Post number 67 in the WB section on voting (what you think happened to Caylee) someone mentions that ZG lost her ID a few months back...
Yes I think Casey looking for an apartment and ZG looking too may very well have something to do with how she found the name
I know that's one part of this whole story I don't buy--- Casey can't tell information because she fears for Caylee's life.

Good golly miss molly! After all this time and all this press no *bad guys* would keep that baby alive, quiet Casey or mouthy Casey!

So let the police go kick the snot out of these bad guys and throw them in prison where they belong! Fearing the bad guy game is up, it's over.

I still have no grand ideas of what happened but the bad guy stuff is done for me. At least as far as Casey keeping mum...that it will "save" Caylee and her family.

I'm so sure with the press hanging from the rafters around the Anthony home that anything will happen to them from this boogeyman.

And trusting a bad guy over the police with your beautiful 3yr old daughter???...well, it's just foolishness!
casey might be telling the truth for once. we are not aware of all the people that casey associated with. from what ive seen and heard of casey she seems like a risk taker.and being so involved in the nightlife and club scene,and being around so many people she is without a doubt putting herself in a vunerable position. she may have gotten involved with some shaded character and got in over her head. this is the real world . there are kidnappers, extortionists,blackmailers,con-artists and people that conspire. party girls are easy targets.
I have been trying to figure out the Zenaida connection and how Casey may have come up with her name and known that she looked at an apartment at Sawgrass if she did not know her personally. This is one idea that I have come up with.

Many years ago I was a leasing agent at a couple of apartment complexes so I am really curious how Sawgrass has their leasing office laid out because that could actually solve the mystery of how Casey got ZFG's name.

When I was a leasing agent and had a potential renter come in we would have them list their basic info on a sign in sheet (name, phone#, ect.) before we would show them an apartment. We used the same sign in sheet until it was full and then we would replace it with a new one. On weekends we usually had two leasing agents and if we were both out showing apartments at the same time, we would just close the door and put a note on it saying we would be back in a few minutes so please wait. We rarely bothered with locking it up since we did not keep any cash in the office and there really wasn't anything in our office worth stealing anyway. If we were both out and someone came in they sometimes waited and other times they left before either one of us got back.

If only one of us was out showing an apartment then the other leasing agent obviously stayed behind. However, during that time if that leasing agent had to go to the bathroom or had to go downstairs in the clubhouse to get a drink out of the vending machines or something then they rarely even closed the door since they only planned on being gone a few minutes. If another potential renter had walked in while the agent was away from the office then again the sign in sheet would have been in plain site for them to see. They could have easily gotten the names of everyone that had viewed an apartment recently if they really wanted to. This was before the days of identify theft so no one thought anything about it.

During the week, when the manager and maybe one other employee (in seperate offices) were around we never locked up our office when we left to show an apartment since the different offices were all in the same general area. Even if someone else was working in another office, and saw someone in the leasing office they would have assumed that they were just filling out the requested sign in information while waiting for one of the leasing agents to return.

If the Sawgrass Apartment offices were run anything like ours were then if the leasing agent had left ZFG's card laying on their desk while they showed her an apartment or if they had it out at a later date to follow up on, then Casey could have walked in and seen ZFG's name on the card. If no one was in the office at the time, she could have come in, saw the card and noted the name, but then left before anyone saw her. It could account for how Casey got ZFG's name and knew she had looked at an apartment there but without being seen or remembered by anyone. Just an idea.

Maybe Casey and/or Amy went to Sawgrass to possibly rent an apartment for themselves..remember it was across the street from where Ricardo lived.
Thought I would try and get in here before the posting goes crazy! I could not follow anything last night.

Good Morning!

Think simple :) I keep saying it but this case is making people crazy!

Casyee can not tell the truth.......this case will turn out that this child died by an accident while the mother was not watching a panic she came out with this entire story.....and is still making it up as she goes along.

The grandparents either tried to cover for her lies, or want to beleive it so bad they are in denile.

Trust me my friends, there is nothing more to this case than a simple accident that resulted in the death of a little girl. And a mother who COULD have explained it from day one, but her history of lies prevents her from telling the truth.

I hope to God that today is the day where this little girl is found.....she is already with God
Maybe Casey and/or Amy went to Sawgrass to possibly rent an apartment for themselves..remember it was across the street from where Ricardo lived.

Yes, cluesplease...that's GOT TO BE IT!

AND Amy and Casey were talking of moving in together on myspace.

That's GOT to be it. It's the most plausible answer. Occam's razor.

Melly, you've got a good brain. :)
Yes, cluesplease...that's GOT TO BE IT!

AND Amy and Casey were talking of moving in together on myspace.

That's GOT to be it. It's the most plausible answer. Occam's razor.

Melly, you've got a good brain.

yes...........Occam's razor..........!!!!!!!
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