Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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I have been trying to figure out the Zenaida connection and how Casey may have come up with her name and known that she looked at an apartment at Sawgrass if she did not know her personally. This is one idea that I have come up with.

Many years ago I was a leasing agent at a couple of apartment complexes so I am really curious how Sawgrass has their leasing office laid out because that could actually solve the mystery of how Casey got ZFG's name.

When I was a leasing agent and had a potential renter come in we would have them list their basic info on a sign in sheet (name, phone#, ect.) before we would show them an apartment. We used the same sign in sheet until it was full and then we would replace it with a new one. On weekends we usually had two leasing agents and if we were both out showing apartments at the same time, we would just close the door and put a note on it saying we would be back in a few minutes so please wait. We rarely bothered with locking it up since we did not keep any cash in the office and there really wasn't anything in our office worth stealing anyway. If we were both out and someone came in they sometimes waited and other times they left before either one of us got back.

If only one of us was out showing an apartment then the other leasing agent obviously stayed behind. However, during that time if that leasing agent had to go to the bathroom or had to go downstairs in the clubhouse to get a drink out of the vending machines or something then they rarely even closed the door since they only planned on being gone a few minutes. If another potential renter had walked in while the agent was away from the office then again the sign in sheet would have been in plain site for them to see. They could have easily gotten the names of everyone that had viewed an apartment recently if they really wanted to. This was before the days of identify theft so no one thought anything about it.

During the week, when the manager and maybe one other employee (in seperate offices) were around we never locked up our office when we left to show an apartment since the different offices were all in the same general area. Even if someone else was working in another office, and saw someone in the leasing office they would have assumed that they were just filling out the requested sign in information while waiting for one of the leasing agents to return.

If the Sawgrass Apartment offices were run anything like ours were then if the leasing agent had left ZFG's card laying on their desk while they showed her an apartment or if they had it out at a later date to follow up on, then Casey could have walked in and seen ZFG's name on the card. If no one was in the office at the time, she could have come in, saw the card and noted the name, but then left before anyone saw her. It could account for how Casey got ZFG's name and knew she had looked at an apartment there but without being seen or remembered by anyone. Just an idea.

excellent! Very simple, and thought out........
Compulsive Lying: Overview
There are a number of reasons that people lie. The first is fear. This is the most common reason that people may lie, and they are taking shelter from a perceived punishment. It may be because they know they have done something wrong a single time, in which case it is not compulsive lying. But if they are always in fear of being punished, it may become a habit, which is a second reason for lying. In this case, it may become compulsive lying, which is lying by reflex. Even when confronted by the truth, they insist the lie is the truth in this case. A third case is learning to lie through modeling. When a people see others lie, especially when they get away with it, they may become more prone to lying. Finally, people lie because they feel if they tell the truth they won't get what they want. Thus, out of the main reasons for lying, only lying by habit can truly be called "compulsive lying."

Increased lying has been seen with a number of psychiatric diagnoses such as ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. With ADHD people will often say "I don't know why I did that", and when confronted about why they lied, their answer will be the same. ADHD children also display impulsivity, and they may lie implusively. Bipolar Disorder can be associated with low serotonin levels, which has been implicated in impulsivity, which, as indicated before, makes a person more prone to lie.

Pathological lying, though, can be thought of as being associated with a select few psychiatric diagnoses, which normally have their onset during adolescence. Namely, these are Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder. In conduct disorder, it is common to seelying, conning people and other forms of deceit. In Antisocial Personality Disorder, there is a pervasive pattern of disregard or the rights of others, and with this, the person with this disorder will often lie to get what they wish – usually money, sex or power.

© 2001-2007 Derek Wood. All Rights Reserved
To the two posters who gave some plausible theories as to the Casey/Zenaida connection, thanks. I had just posted my concerns over on the Greta thread. On Nancy Grace last night, the possible connection was not even mentioned. But on Greta, Mark Fuhrman came on and that was what he discussed - how did Casey get that name out of all names? He said it could be a coincidence (her stopping in and getting the name off a paper), could be a third party (Zenaida's boyfriend) or another story we don't know. Wonder if the police really know by now or not?
Thought I would try and get in here before the posting goes crazy! I could not follow anything last night.

Good Morning!

Think simple :) I keep saying it but this case is making people crazy!

Casyee can not tell the truth.......this case will turn out that this child died by an accident while the mother was not watching a panic she came out with this entire story.....and is still making it up as she goes along.

The grandparents either tried to cover for her lies, or want to beleive it so bad they are in denile.

Trust me my friends, there is nothing more to this case than a simple accident that resulted in the death of a little girl. And a mother who COULD have explained it from day one, but her history of lies prevents her from telling the truth.

I hope to God that today is the day where this little girl is found.....she is already with God


I agree with you. It's just not complicated at all.
I think the stats are that 76 percent of children that go missing are no longer alive within the first 3 hours, the odds are not good here.
Post number 67 in the WB section on voting (what you think happened to Caylee) someone mentions that ZG lost her ID a few months back...

But if I saw her name, I would not be sure how to pronounce it. Is that a common name in Florida? Did she pronounce it correctly when she gave the name to police? Because if she did, then she had either heard of Z before or knew her. If she did not pronounce it correctly, then maybe she had her id, or only saw her name on paper.
To the two posters who gave some plausible theories as to the Casey/Zenaida connection, thanks. I had just posted my concerns over on the Greta thread. On Nancy Grace last night, the possible connection was not even mentioned. But on Greta, Mark Fuhrman came on and that was what he discussed - how did Casey get that name out of all names? He said it could be a coincidence (her stopping in and getting the name off a paper), could be a third party (Zenaida's boyfriend) or another story we don't know. Wonder if the police really know by now or not?

Didn't I hear she had been using this name for a long time? It was just coincidence that a woman by that name looked at apartments at Sawgrass, it is not an uncommon name.
To the two posters who gave some plausible theories as to the Casey/Zenaida connection, thanks. I had just posted my concerns over on the Greta thread. On Nancy Grace last night, the possible connection was not even mentioned. But on Greta, Mark Fuhrman came on and that was what he discussed - how did Casey get that name out of all names? He said it could be a coincidence (her stopping in and getting the name off a paper), could be a third party (Zenaida's boyfriend) or another story we don't know. Wonder if the police really know by now or not?
thanx lookieloo!
Maybe Casey and/or Amy went to Sawgrass to possibly rent an apartment for themselves..remember it was across the street from where Ricardo lived.

Could be.....& if this proves to be true, then we KNOW that on June 17th Casey was looking for a name to *fit* the so-called nanny. (zanny)

Wonder if anyone has asked Amy where they might have been looking @ apts?

Wonder what time this ZG was @ the Sawgrass Apts. on the 17th ??

my next thought....wondering if ANYONE in this saga can get a 'date' straight?? even LE is 'date confused'.
Maybe Casey and/or Amy went to Sawgrass to possibly rent an apartment for themselves..remember it was across the street from where Ricardo lived.

According to the Arrest Affidavit, Ricardo lived across the street from 301 N. Hillside which was an address that Casey alleged was a previous place of residence for ZG. Sawgrass is on South Conway. Or am I confused again?
I know that's one part of this whole story I don't buy--- Casey can't tell information because she fears for Caylee's life.

Good golly miss molly! After all this time and all this press no *bad guys* would keep that baby alive, quiet Casey or mouthy Casey!

So let the police go kick the snot out of these bad guys and throw them in prison where they belong! Fearing the bad guy game is up, it's over.

I still have no grand ideas of what happened but the bad guy stuff is done for me. At least as far as Casey keeping mum...that it will "save" Caylee and her family.

I'm so sure with the press hanging from the rafters around the Anthony home that anything will happen to them from this boogeyman.

And trusting a bad guy over the police with your beautiful 3yr old daughter???...well, it's just foolishness!

One thing Lee asked Casey (at the jail) hit me as so off that it pretty much convinced me this story just isn't true -- not quoting here but it was along the lines of has anything changed about the people we shouldn't (or maybe should) trust with all of this.

Since Casey's only accepting visits from her parents and all phone calls are monitored (meaning a legit "bad" person isn't likely to call her while she's in jail) HOW in the world would Casey have any new or different information?? I mean I couldn't believe Lee would even ask her such a thing! Well unless he was thinking she might remember something different, and with all her stories I guess that's possible...

Also with her implying to her parents that Caylee would be home for her b-day -- just how would she suddenly have this information???

I guess I'm lost in a huge way when it comes to trying to make sense of this story...
But if I saw her name, I would not be sure how to pronounce it. Is that a common name in Florida? Did she pronounce it correctly when she gave the name to police? Because if she did, then she had either heard of Z before or knew her. If she did not pronounce it correctly, then maybe she had her id, or only saw her name on paper.
ok but even if casey found zanaidas id how did casy make the sawgrass connection?
One thing Lee asked Casey (at the jail) hit me as so off that it pretty much convinced me this story just isn't true -- not quoting here but it was along the lines of has anything changed about the people we shouldn't (or maybe should) trust with all of this.

Since Casey's only accepting visits from her parents and all phone calls are monitored (meaning a legit "bad" person isn't likely to call her while she's in jail) HOW in the world would Casey have any new or different information?? I mean I couldn't believe Lee would even ask her such a thing! Well unless he was thinking she might remember something different, and with all her stories I guess that's possible...

Also with her implying to her parents that Caylee would be home for her b-day -- just how would she suddenly have this information???

I guess I'm lost in a huge way when it comes to trying to make sense of this story...
join the club...i think we are all lost trying to make sense of this story.
I think you are right Ginny..thanks for the clarification on the address.

When it comes to this case, I get so confused between what is fabricated and what is an acutal fact.
Was it just Cindy who said that she had heard the name Zenaida Gonzalez two years ago from Casey? Could Cindy have said that because Casey said it was ZG just to back her daughter up? I could never figure out why the GP's would think the public would believe that Casey could afford a "nanny" with no job. Her parents paid everything for Caylee, and probably alot for Casey, but for a nanny when they babysat for free, come on. Did anyone else state they heard of this nanny other than Cindy?
Lawmen talk with Fuhrman

In a related development, Orange County authorities met for about 30 minutes at sheriff's headquarters Thursday with Mark Fuhrman, the former Los Angeles police detective made famous during the O.J. Simpson murder trial.

Fuhrman told Fox TV host Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday night that he had learned about a "flurry" of calls from Casey Anthony's cell phone to her parents and others June 16, when she was alone at the house with Caylee. Detectives have not publicly discussed such calls.

Capt. Angelo Nieves described the 30-minute session Thursday as a "meet and greet." He would not say what was discussed.

"We didn't discuss anything official with him," Nieves said.,0,7124606.story
I know that no one is discussing immunity issues right now with anyone involved, but did Casey actually ask for it or was that a rumor?
How do you send an email from a "fake" email account? In any event -- this seems to prove that Casey was involved in a pretty deep cover-up.
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