Caylee Anthony 2 years old #11-General Discussion

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Suzi, thanks for the picture links. Something just occurred to me...

LE is digging in that specific area which the dogs hit on. I wonder if that is just where she could have laid Caylee, like trying to hide her in the weeds while she attempted to dig a hole. If she took her from the trunk of the car, no way would she leave her body in the open for anyone to walk up and see.

It did appear that the detectives were spending a lot
of time looking at that corner of the yard.
Wildly speculating: What if the whole family killed the birth father, something was about to blow, and Caylee being missing is part of their elaborate cover up?
However unlikely, if Caylee IS still alive and they DID see her on a plane to Atlanta, and they DID color her hair, this is what she might look like now.

Thanks for posting this pic, great work on the photoshop job, Mohabi!
This doesn't make any sense. If the Grandparent's were in on this and buried Caylee in the yard and then poured some concrete they would have had a better story about Caylee's disappearance. They wouldn't have allowed casey to go gallavanting around town and then abandon the car and then tell this story about not knowing when or where they saw her last.

They would have staged things to deflect suspicion from Casey and themselves. I don't know, this is all just too strange to me.:confused:
lisalei321 posted this on the speculations time line: (mine is in bold)

July 12: After they had not seen Caylee for some time, the girl's grandparents got concerned and confronted Casey, convincing her to go to the sheriff's office.

July 15: The Sheriff's Office is notified that Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 9.
WHY did it take three days to contact police?

July 16[/B]: The car found abandoned is picked up by the Anthony family from the wrecker company.

They picked it up after they reported Caylee missing??

July 16: Police talk to Zenaida Gonzalez who says she does not know Casey Anthony. Police also take Casey to Universal Studios where she said she worked. After leading them to a building, she admitted she was no longer employed there.

July 16: Casey Anthony is arrested.

July 17: The Sheriff's Office takes possession of the car and finds evidence of possible human decomposition. The car is sent to the forensics bank.
*more at link*
THEY had a whole day to smell that car before they gave it to police??? (and also get rid of evidence!)
The grandmother of an Orlando toddler missing for more than a month said there have been two reported sightings of Caylee Marie Anthony in Georgia and she believes the child is with someone heading to Charlotte, N.C.
"We know where she's at," Cindy Anthony told FOX News Thursday before pleading with the person she believes has the child to turn back. "Please don't take her further into the mountains. It looks like she's headed northeast in Georgia close to the North Carolina border. ... This is all very encouraging right now.",2933,390054,00.html

Well who the heck does she think has her and is taking her to North Carolina? This is so bizarre.
Good morning, I have been trying to catch up(lol) do not see it happening. I wanted to share with u all about my daughter who is 22 bi-polar manic depressive, has 2 kids one 3 and one 17 months. the 3yr old daddy has custody, the 17 month old i have custody. Casey is so much like my daughter that it is scary. she has stolen money from me, my car, shop lifted, credit card fraud, moved in and out of my house, does not work name it she does it, and to hear her tell it, she did not do it, and she has been arrested and charged for this stuff. when she is on what they call a high everything is peachy, but when she is on a downward spiral look out she can be satan (sorry to be harsh but its the truth). When she was down I would not leave her alone with the kids. She would do stuff and swear she didn't. the reason I got custody of the 17 month old son, when she left my house in Nov. 07 and left Ga. I immediately called I DSS in NC. Because she likes to party and she would leave the baby with so called friends, drug addicts that she may have only known for 5 mins. but to her it was her friends. DSS watched her and kept up with her, she got beat up pretty bad 2 weeks after she left here, DSS really watching her after that because my grandson was in the bath tub with her when it happened. She moves from one friends house to the next, we never know where she is living. DSS was having trouble locating her and I was on the phone daily with them worried about my grandson. She knew I called DSS, I told her that I would call them before I would let her hurt my grandson I would see her dead in hell! So in Jan. I got my Grandson, I have custody she is still in NC doing god only knows, But I have him, he is safe and my granddaughter is with her dad. Oh yea as far as a dad for my grandson we really do not know who it is the one she claimed DNA said no, The one she says now no DNA has been done, I don't want it. He is a drug head and thief and stays in jail, he is the one that beat my daughter really bad. He is out of the picture. before I forget she would try and give my Grandson stuff to make him sleep and I threw everything out and took the tyneol with me. With my daughter partying and her friends is life to this day

JMO Casey may have well done something to this child, but in her mind she has convinced herself she has not, and based on experience with my daughter you can't convince them to tell the truth because their mind is totaly different when they are in a downward spiral. as far as the GM goes, if she had not seen her granddaughter for that lenght of time she should have contacted DSS, Like I did, my daughter left on a friday eveing I called DSS on monday morning.

JMO Mods if u need to delete i understand I don't want to break any rules here, I love this place
sorry about the spelling

Rainne Thanks for sharing that. I do think your situation could be very similar, only Cindy just didn't want anyone to help her.

The grandmother of an Orlando toddler missing for more than a month said there have been two reported sightings of Caylee Marie Anthony in Georgia and she believes the child is with someone heading to Charlotte, N.C.
"We know where she's at," Cindy Anthony told FOX News Thursday before pleading with the person she believes has the child to turn back. "Please don't take her further into the mountains. It looks like she's headed northeast in Georgia close to the North Carolina border. ... This is all very encouraging right now.",2933,390054,00.html
If she honestly believes Caylee is still alive, no one could fault her for pleading for the little girl's return.

Once the forensics on the trunk evidence are complete, this will either stop or continue indefinitely. How long does it take to get the results in a high-priority case like this one?
Wildly speculating: What if the whole family killed the birth father, something was about to blow, and Caylee being missing is part of their elaborate cover up?

Plausible, but why on earth would they want to bury the dude in their own back yard?
FOX news now has the new slab story!
Why do the news stories continue to say Caylee has been missing since June 9th when we all know she was with her family on June 15th at the retirement home? There is video evidence of that.
Thanks for posting this pic, great work on the photoshop job, Mohabi!

The photoshop job was easy, what was hard was to figure out how to upload it so it would show in the post. I learned a LOT today but wish it would show up bigger.
Wildly speculating: What if the whole family killed the birth father, something was about to blow, and Caylee being missing is part of their elaborate cover up?

:waitasec: Ummm, I doubt that, but hey, anything's possible.
In one of the pics of Caylee, I noticed she had something that looked like a tatoo on her hand (below the knuckle line)...I wasn't sure if it was something just drawn in pen like kids sometimes draw stuff on themselves or a real tatoo. Cindy said her only distinguishing mark was a slight birthmark on her upper arm.

Did anybody else notice wasn't one of the more posed "formal" pictures.

I don't see it on any of the other pictures but it kind of stuck with me.
Why do the news stories continue to say Caylee has been missing since June 9th when we all know she was with her family on June 15th at the retirement home? There is video evidence of that.

Because all the faxes and fliers and the families website and myspaces all still say June 9th. The online pdf's haven't been changed either.,2933,390054,00.html

"We know where she's at," Cindy Anthony told FOX News Thursday before pleading with the person she believes has the child to turn back. "Please don't take her further into the mountains."

If she really believe's this than she should get on a plane and GO get her.

What sort of nonsense is this?
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