Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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Was her hair dyed? Any solid info coming in from the airports? Guess not thus far.
totally o/t don't even tell me that...i'm adopted, all my adopted family is gone now except for my kids. i would love to find my birth mom but all i know is her name.
Send me a PM. I will have to know your real name, and mom's name and birthdate. Any other information you have. Can't promise anything. But would love to help.
Thank you for the welcome, this could become addicting.
I really didn't think Casey would speak to Greta, had just thought I heard that.

I truely can not believe Cindy would want to put her house and all she has up for colateral, when she even noticed the smell of death in her car. This is horrible!!!!
Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it? I am all for supporting our children, but to go to such extremes as to sign your life away when there is every reason to suspect your child killed your me that means LE needs to keep investigating. They have a long way to go.
To Rev. Grund, I would respond with this:

When men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct, that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas, that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out. That at any rate is the theory of our Constitution. It is an experiment, as all life is an experiment.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

(Sorry you look like an extra on CSI: Miami, Rev.) I allowed to say you made me laugh with that last comment?!
In defense of us here (and I know that none is needed), if Rev. Grund did his research, it has often been stated that this forum may not be the right place for family and loved ones to come. There are threads for those who need support in the case of their missing loved ones, IIRC. Now I personally take offense at someone throwing scripture out. There is no place for that here IMO. He can use it in his sermons if he so likes. I am fine with my G-d, thank you very much. I do not take lightly to the reference that there are some of us here who may be victims ourselves. There are...and they have come here to find solace and to help those who find themselves in similar situations. They should be able to come here freely to express themselves without the fear of G-d striking them down. JMHO
As an aside, I feared going to that man's website after others reported here what they found. I'm glad I didn't.
ETA: this is of course in reference to his posting his "letter" here.
Very, very true. Some old timers here know my story. I don't want to post it again. I was a victim that was able to overcome and go on to help other victims.
In my mind Caylee is the victim. It's one thing when you are a victim outside of your home, a senseless crime. It's another thing when a poor child, woman, ect. has to be afraid of the very ones she is suppose to trust to love and care for her.
So........I will keep on questioning abusers of children, women, ect. I guess that's why I admire Nancy Grace. She questions them also.
If we don't question their behavior they will soon take over a reasonable society.
I agree. I have held out that I have felt that Casey was somehow mentally incompetent or otherwise detached for reasons we don't know...but to hear that call was very disturbing. She is void of almost any emotion except I did hear her voice crack a bit a time or two. This, coupled with her myspace and facebook posts, is so bizarre.

Is she really so cold and calculating that she could party her @ss off if she did in fact kill Caylee? We see she can put on a front of smiles and this carefree persona.

Is she so empty that it doesn't register with her that other people love Caylee and would miss her? How does a person get to this point?!

Is it possible that she was not ready to have a baby when she became pregnant, but was bullied into it? Then, when the engagement broke off, all of the people who had promised they would help her raise the baby just told her she was on her own? Maybe she really did give the baby to someone else to raise, but she did not want Caylee to be raised by either set of grandparents?

I took in a 16 year old mother and her three week old baby who were homeless because her father had kicked her out for being a 'sinner'. They lived me for almost two years, and I drove her halfway across the country to her parents house on the baby's first Christmas. I completely expected the grandparents to melt when they saw the sweet little boy. Her father slammed the door in her face, would not even look at his own grandson, and I thought: Young girl. Newborn Son. Middle of winter. Open your book.

They're doing fine now. She is happily married with a beautiful family of her own. She dubbed me 'Grandma Ish', because I had told her that all he needed was one grandma~ish person to help her out. I don't know if her father ever once thought how difficult he had made life for that innocent little baby due to his own sheer stubbornness. He almost died of pneumonia from being exposed to the cold and not having steady warm formula. I love them all so much. How could anyone not help a little baby?

Sorry for the OT part of my post.:blowkiss:

ETA: I was also brutally assaulted when I was a child. I have never been ably to give birth to my own babies as a consequence of the assault, so to me this little newborn and his Mom were blessings from God. I find Websleuths to be a very kind and welcoming and supportive place for victims. (That is the main point of the site, as far as I've seen, in the small amount of time I've been here.)
Wow.. Bill O'Reilly and Meghan are talking about the case.
In defense of us here (and I know that none is needed), if Rev. Grund did his research, it has often been stated that this forum may not be the right place for family and loved ones to come. There are threads for those who need support in the case of their missing loved ones, IIRC. Now I personally take offense at someone throwing scripture out. There is no place for that here IMO. He can use it in his sermons if he so likes. I am fine with my G-d, thank you very much. I do not take lightly to the reference that there are some of us here who may be victims ourselves. There are...and they have come here to find solace and to help those who find themselves in similar situations. They should be able to come here freely to express themselves without the fear of G-d striking them down. JMHO
As an aside, I feared going to that man's website after others reported here what they found. I'm glad I didn't.
ETA: this is of course in reference to his posting his "letter" here.

Is it possible that she was not ready to have a baby when she became pregnant, but was bullied into it? Then, when the engagement broke off, all of the people who had promised they would help her raise the baby just told her she was on her own? Maybe she really did give the baby to someone else to raise, but she did not want Caylee to be raised by either set of grandparents?

I took in a 16 year old mother and her three week old baby who were homeless because her father had kicked her out for being a 'sinner'. They lived me for almost two years, and I drove her halfway across the country to her parents house on the baby's first Christmas. I completely expected the grandparents to melt when they saw the sweet little boy. Her father slammed the door in her face, would not even look at his own grandson, and I thought: Young girl. Newborn Son. Middle of winter. Open your book.

They're doing fine now. She is happily married with a beautiful family of her own. She dubbed me 'Grandma Ish', because I had told her that all he needed was one grandma~ish person to help her out. I don't know if her father ever once thought how difficult he had made life for that innocent little baby due to his own sheer stubbornness. He almost died of pneumonia from being exposed to the cold and not having steady warm formula. I love them all so much. How could anyone not help a little baby?

Sorry for the OT part of my post.:blowkiss:

:blowkiss: That's awesome!
Is it possible that she was not ready to have a baby when she became pregnant, but was bullied into it? Then, when the engagement broke off, all of the people who had promised they would help her raise the baby just told her she was on her own? Maybe she really did give the baby to someone else to raise, but she did not want Caylee to be raised by either set of grandparents?

I took in a 16 year old mother and her three week old baby who were homeless because her father had kicked her out for being a 'sinner'. They lived me for almost two years, and I drove her halfway across the country to her parents house on the baby's first Christmas. I completely expected the grandparents to melt when they saw the sweet little boy. Her father slammed the door in her face, would not even look at his own grandson, and I thought: Young girl. Newborn Son. Middle of winter. Open your book.

They're doing fine now. She is happily married with a beautiful family of her own. She dubbed me 'Grandma Ish', because I had told her that all he needed was one grandma~ish person to help her out. I don't know if her father ever once thought how difficult he had made life for that innocent little baby due to his own sheer stubbornness. He almost died of pneumonia from being exposed to the cold and not having steady warm formula. I love them all so much. How could anyone not help a little baby?

Sorry for the OT part of my post.:blowkiss:

Bless your heart. We need more people like you in the world.
I understand and respect all of you who feel the need to respond to the Rev. Gund. I want to remind you that this side show is just more white noise, imo. Time to let him will not bring us closer to Caylee-it just brings us deeper into the drama.

None of us know for sure what Jesse did or not do, heard or didn't hear...We know that there is decomp in the car and hair, and that Zanny is the Nanny, right???

:treadmill:dudes...I respectfully just caught up! WHEW! Anyhow, believe, good points, good points!

As for Jesse, time will tell (and LE is working it) what he has to offer of value. He IS directly connected to this case, however... He is within one of the closer circles surrounding Casey/poi and cops work from the closest out. This is why, frankly, they have not started an amber alert or organized police searches that we are used to in cases like these...because they, MORE THAN LIKELY, have found many, many credible leads toward another end on the inner most circles.


I also take the time to remember, per myself, that all in Casey's inner circle...included the Rev and his son, Jesse, could well be victims of the voracious lying as well...

Truly, thank god that girl had you!! You should be commended.
It's people like you, Truly, that make the world go around. One person can make a difference.
Here is his blog (Jesse's dad's)
Thursday, July 24, 2008

4 All My New "FRIENDS" at - Casting Stones
Current mood: determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy

(for all of my My Space friends there will be a copy of all the posts at the web site regarding my family and I that I have found so far in regards to the Caylee Marie Anthony situation. I invite all of you to visit them there.)

Wow! I just finished reading all of this! I cannot believe this guy! I feel that since he mentioned my nic in his tirade, it gives me the right to comment.
My Dad was a minister. He attended Seminary when he got out of the Marines. I have sat in church all of my life and have never heard anything like this! Not in this way.
I am sorry, but this is just way too far out!!!!

Well I don't know what kind of church you attended but I for one have heard what he posted ALL my life.

So Mr. Grund, I will say, point taken you are correct. JMHO

Edited to add I don't know why I quoted the wrong person it must be the board.
omgosh no kidding.....there was a story on the news about a new website ( ) where you can look up someones record, right down to traffic tickets!! It's worth noting that it doesn't list EVERYthing I have searched for people I know have records and found nothing on them. But its still a great site for us websleuthers to make use of! That being said, it's kinda scary though that all your info is there for everyone to see what you've done in your life. For example, long ago when I was 19 years old, I wrote 2 bad checks. It was stupid, but I ended up paying the checks off and wasn't convicted. However it is still on my record and if you knew my first and last could find that. BTW....the site is free and you don't even have to register! :eek: Anyway, sorry to get a bit off topic lol.

Good sight records may be a few yrs old but you can find weapons violations as well and status.
We saw the same thing in Scott Peterson. He seemed to believe that people would simply accept the disappearance of Laci and Conner, and that in January, a month later, he would be able to romance Amber Frey publicly. He also partied while others were sick with worry about Laci. There's something in their heads that just isn't right.
image that sticks in my head is Casey in the American Flag toga (me being in a military family is one one reason I have issue with it lol)
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