Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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Truly, what a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing that.
Now that I'm *finally* caught up again, I have to agree with most of the other posters. I have a different opinion on the grandmother's involvement after hearing the 911 tape. I think she is truly in a state of denial, holding on to any piece of hope she can. I even find myself doing the same thing. It doesn't help that all these "sightings" are giving her false hope over and over again.
hey Blink!...are you over here?....

i saw where you questioned the same thing i did...about the GM saying the name "zanny" so casually, as if she knew the person.....or knew the name at least.....could this be a name that Casey had been using for along time, as far as with her mother, as a "babysitter"?......the friend named Tara, said on NG that her along with some other friends would occasionally babysit Caylee.....maybe Casey used that name with the mother over a period of time, rather than tell her who was really babysitting.......:confused:

Perhaps all babysitters, whether they were Tara or other friends of Casey, were always referred to as Zanny?
In defense of us here (and I know that none is needed), if Rev. Grund did his research, it has often been stated that this forum may not be the right place for family and loved ones to come. There are threads for those who need support in the case of their missing loved ones, IIRC. Now I personally take offense at someone throwing scripture out. There is no place for that here IMO. He can use it in his sermons if he so likes. I am fine with my G-d, thank you very much. I do not take lightly to the reference that there are some of us here who may be victims ourselves. There are...and they have come here to find solace and to help those who find themselves in similar situations. They should be able to come here freely to express themselves without the fear of G-d striking them down. JMHO
As an aside, I feared going to that man's website after others reported here what they found. I'm glad I didn't.
ETA: this is of course in reference to his posting his "letter" here.

Where did he post his letter...I missed it.
This sounds plausible to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't take media with him. Actually, a pretty good diversion, isn't it? Maybe DP should have tried that one in Thailand.
what he NEEDS to do is man the dammed donated command center space to set up another TIP LINE! :banghead:
Perhaps all babysitters, whether they were Tara or other friends of Casey, were always referred to as Zanny?

Perhaps, Leila, but I keep thinking that not one of her friends have come forward to say, "I know Zanny."
Perhaps all babysitters, whether they were Tara or other friends of Casey, were always referred to as Zanny?

That's a good point. It could be that it was easier for Casey to make up a "nanny" to tell her mom about rather than explain to her that Caylee was being toted from party to party and staying with random friends. GM might not have been too happy about that.
I don't know SS. I have asked myself that many times during this case. It also appears that Cindy can turn it on and off when needed. I noticed on GVS tonight she seemed extremely calm in the clip we saw of her explaining the phone calls.:confused:
I thought the same...that she finally made sense.
I have a question and if it's already been asked and answered please forgive me. How can Cindy and George, Caseys mother be posting a $250,000.00 reward if they don't have $50,000.00 to pay a bondsman to bail Casey out of jail. IMO I believe the reason she can post that award amount is because she know's Caylee is dead and that she and her daughter and most likely her husband know's where Caylee is. Am I crazy for thinking this thought?
Was there a spotting supposedly in Georgia? I hate to say it but guess where Jesse is moving to per his book stuff that was posted last night I think. Would be wonderful if she was alive and Casey had plans for them to run away to Georgia.
:doh:DOH! good thoughts busylady, as usual! What is the 'book stuff'?
I have a question and if it's already been asked and answered please forgive me. How can Cindy and George, Caseys mother be posting a $250,000.00 reward if they don't have $50,000.00 to pay a bondsman to bail Casey out of jail. IMO I believe the reason she can post that award amount is because she know's Caylee is dead and that she and her daughter and most likely her husband know's where Caylee is. Am I crazy for thinking this thought?
The reward is being offered by others, not by Casey's family.
I have a question and if it's already been asked and answered please forgive me. How can Cindy and George, Caseys mother be posting a $250,000.00 reward if they don't have $50,000.00 to pay a bondsman to bail Casey out of jail. IMO I believe the reason she can post that award amount is because she know's Caylee is dead and that she and her daughter and most likely her husband know's where Caylee is. Am I crazy for thinking this thought?

No, not at all. But the reward money is being offered by local businesspeople, not the family.
Truly, thank god that girl had you!! You should be commended.

LOL! No...I'm lucky I have them! I'm a Mom~Ish, and a Grandma~ish! They are so awesome! Love to all. This is a great and loving place just filled with good and caring people. :blowkiss:
Originally Posted by Sword'sMan View Post
No, the mother stated that Jesse Grund was believed to be the father at the time of babysitting. She's not bright enough when she speaks to get things clear. The authorities seem to be believe that the father is dead and this is a "dead" issue. Sorry for the pun but it seems much to do about nothing in regards to finding Caylee. As mercenary and coniving as Casey is she would have put the screws to whoever was the father and that would be discovered in some sort of financial records.

Was this Jesse's dad? If so he has some telling statements about Cindy and Casey. Could he be cluing us in that there is some sort of financial records?

yep I thougtht that last night.
I have a question and if it's already been asked and answered please forgive me. How can Cindy and George, Caseys mother be posting a $250,000.00 reward if they don't have $50,000.00 to pay a bondsman to bail Casey out of jail. IMO I believe the reason she can post that award amount is because she know's Caylee is dead and that she and her daughter and most likely her husband know's where Caylee is. Am I crazy for thinking this thought?
The reward money wasn't put up by the family. The bulk of it was donated by a wealthy local car dealer, and I think a missing children's organization is also participating.

The family has set up a trust fund for Caylee that was under discussion earlier today - no one seems quite sure what that is for.
On NG, Baez did NOT meet with LE 30 minutes after the show as he said he would do.

Mike Brooks: "Baez is too busy running his piehole"

Now THAT's a great signature line for someone.

LOL, I volunteer!!!
We saw the same thing in Scott Peterson. He seemed to believe that people would simply accept the disappearance of Laci and Conner, and that in January, a month later, he would be able to romance Amber Frey publicly. He also partied while others were sick with worry about Laci. There's something in their heads that just isn't right.
Yes, it's called sociopathy.
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