Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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True, and most of the personal information we get comes from MySpace, Facebook, Blogs, and forums. When ever you use your real name on any public place on the web tomorrow they could be researching you.

Good Grief. I can see it now..."I told you that Curiosity Cat was crazy".........:crazy::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

:abnormal: Shrinker.....:angel:
I couldn't believe the difference between the grandmother's 911 call and her words on television.

She's completely accusatory of her daughter in the phone call, she says she smelled a dead body in the car, but on television says it was old pizza perhaps?

I've had old fast food left in odd spots in my car and nothing has come close to the smell of a decomposing human body. Not even when we accidentally spilled the glass of milk left in the car.

Right, her backpedalling is pathetic. No one believes her.
Thank you so very, very, very much for sharing...and thank you to all the rest of you as well for sharing similar things that underscore your passion here.

my classmate, Tina Marie Harmon, was kidnapped, tied, brutally raped, and murdered when I was in second grade. That is why I am here. I have never, ever, ever been able to get it out of my mind...he little black desk chair sitting there all empty....

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( :blowkiss: I'm sure that little girl is grateful for the work you do now for other victims.
I doubt anyone does it to intentionally be mean or hurtful.... I think it's people's frustration at Casey's behavior since this story broke. It's impossible to get your mind around the idea that a mother would mislead police, the FBI, her own family when it comes to producing her own baby. The more you try to understand this... the more your imagination takes over.

I think people post at boards such as this one because they deeply care about VICTIMS of crimes... for many different reasons.

In the old days, it would only be neighbors whispering on their phones or behind fences about what happened with that family down the street.

Suddenly, you have the entire world reduced to a neighborhood due to 24/7 news coverage AND the internet. People start to feel emotionally invested in stranger's lives.

That's a double-edged sword.... you have a world of support at your disposal BUT you can also unearth a lot of neighborhood gossips who LOVE a scandal.

The media doesn't help when they keep using stories as these mainly as 'teases' for their own ratings. They love to fuel a fire but don't offer any worthwhile 'news.'

Thank you LI, I couldn't agree more. That is EXACTLY why I am here. Although it is also some strange fascination I can't completely explain either. I think that sleuthing on here is also a way for us/me to somehow deal with the world we have come to live in. The media has this stuff in our faces and available to us 24/7. It is a blessing and a curse. We can either wallow in it or become immune to it, or we can try to do SOMETHING! Anything to help us not feel so useless with stuff like this happening all around us day after day. And while I pray every night for Caylee and others like her, many times the ones who were supposed to love them the most DIDN'T. While I am personally blessed with much more than I deserve, I am shocked and saddened at the pain that has touched so many people's lives. I want to help in any way I can.

On another note, while I was SURE I read somewhere that there was a positive Luminol test, I have been unable to find it. Too many posts, transcripts and videos to go through each one. So I stand corrected. While all the other evidence proves otherwise, this somehow gives me a small ray of hope for her safe return as to me the Luminol meant blood. Without confirmation of blood in the trunk...hope. I know there is still the dogs(and everything else) but I still NEED to have a little.
Is it just me, or are you sick and tired of hearing reward for safe return? AS much as I pray that is the case with every single missing person, you just wonder if the reward was for any information leading to Caylee's whereabouts, that maybe someone would come forward?

I dont want to discourage people from being vigilant about seeing MP and reporting them, but in reality, the rewards if they are to really work, should be denominational for both options, safe return- or other.
I dont like the connotation, I have been in that situation and the reward offer was for "whereabouts" non-specific to whether alive or dead.
totally o/t don't even tell me that...i'm adopted, all my adopted family is gone now except for my kids. i would love to find my birth mom but all i know is her name.

I'm adopted too, feel free to PM me anytime :)
I dont want to discourage people from being vigilant about seeing MP and reporting them, but in reality, the rewards if they are to really work, should be denominational for both options, safe return- or other.
I dont like the connotation, I have been in that situation and the reward offer was for "whereabouts" non-specific to whether alive or dead.

Perhaps they're offering the reward for information leading to the SAFE return of Caylee as a way to prevent whoever may have her from doing her harm.
Thank you LI, I couldn't agree more. That is EXACTLY why I am here. Although it is also some strange fascination I can't completely explain either. I think that sleuthing on here is also a way for us/me to somehow deal with the world we have come to live in. The media has this stuff in our faces and available to us 24/7. It is a blessing and a curse. We can either wallow in it or become immune to it, or we can try to do SOMETHING! Anything to help us not feel so useless with stuff like this happening all around us day after day. And while I pray every night for Caylee and others like her, many times the ones who were supposed to love them the most DIDN'T. While I am personally blessed with much more than I deserve, I am shocked and saddened at the pain that has touched so many people's lives. I want to help in any way I can.

On another note, while I was SURE I read somewhere that there was a positive Luminol test, I have been unable to find it. Too many posts, transcripts and videos to go through each one. So I stand corrected. While all the other evidence proves otherwise, this somehow gives me a small ray of hope for her safe return as to me the Luminol meant blood. Without confirmation of blood in the trunk...hope. I know there is still the dogs(and everything else) but I still NEED to have a little.

Two and a half years agao today, I didn't even know this forum existed, let alone actually read and post here.

Ever since UCF Alumnus Jennifer Kesse went missing that fateful January 24, 2006 morning from Orlando, FL, this site is a way to keep the awareness of her abduction alive. I suppose it's the fact that it could happen to anyone at anytime. Thats why I'm here.
I seriously hope that LE comes back with the testing in the trunk soon If they can say that hair was from a decomposing Caylee then maybe GM, GP, and Lee can get Casey to say where Caylee is.

Is it my understanding that if the stain in the trunk is indeed the decomposition fluid, that it can be tested like DNA to see if it matches Caylee?????

From what Dr. Baden said on Greta last night, also goes through a decomposition, so if DNA determines the hair is from Caylee, it can also determine if the hair came from Caylee while she was alive, or if it came from a deceased Caylee. The stain, if it's body fluid, can be used for DNA analysis.

It was stated in one report that the FBI crime lab in Virginia would do the testing. I'm hoping they might come back with the results soon. I believe it's been a week now since the car was processed.

If the results indicate that Caylee is deceased, perhaps she will then talk.
Perhaps they're offering the reward for information leading to the SAFE return of Caylee as a way to prevent whoever may have her from doing her harm.

I understand the reasoning, but it's frustrating none-the-less. In today's society, so many people just look the other way. Look at Denise Amber Lee... more then one person heard/saw her fighting for her life that fateful January day, but only one called 911 as it was happening. If people took the time to just pick up the phone and call the police, evenif the non emergency number whenever something odd was going on, then maybe some of the tragedies going on would cease.

I just believe that a reward should not have stipulations on safe return- I would want answers- plain and simple.
Perhaps they're offering the reward for information leading to the SAFE return of Caylee as a way to prevent whoever may have her from doing her harm.
? Are you saying that the person who "may" have her would come forward to be given the reward? Or if there were those who knew this mysterious person they would be motivated to tell this person not to hurt her? I don't think the "kidnapper" gets to keep the money...ever. Please explain. Thanks!
Two and a half years agao today, I didn't even know this forum existed, let alone actually read and post here.

Ever since UCF Alumnus Jennifer Kesse went missing that fateful January 24, 2006 morning from Orlando, FL, this site is a way to keep the awareness of her abduction alive. I suppose it's the fact that it could happen to anyone at anytime. Thats why I'm here.
I dont want to discourage people from being vigilant about seeing MP and reporting them, but in reality, the rewards if they are to really work, should be denominational for both options, safe return- or other.
I dont like the connotation, I have been in that situation and the reward offer was for "whereabouts" non-specific to whether alive or dead.
I agree! I don't like it when they are misleading or otherwise written by an Attorney as to "criteria" which first must be met to collect. This is not what rewards are about. It is to find answers not to nitpick! Give the money freely if you are in a position to do so and pay for the information you are given...not information you ONLY want to hear.
From what Dr. Baden said on Greta last night, also goes through a decomposition, so if DNA determines the hair is from Caylee, it can also determine if the hair came from Caylee while she was alive, or if it came from a deceased Caylee. The stain, if it's body fluid, can be used for DNA analysis.

It was stated in one report that the FBI crime lab in Virginia would do the testing. I'm hoping they might come back with the results soon. I believe it's been a week now since the car was processed.

If the results indicate that Caylee is deceased, perhaps she will then talk.
I wouldn't count on Casey talking at all. She is beyond that. She doesn't care. However, I think that anything the family is covering or otherwise hiding about this situation will then come forward either by them or by LE.
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