Caylee Anthony 2 years old #4

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Right Suzi! I believe there's been so many dates and interviews, someone has to be off on this.
Hi, Raine and bless you for keeping your grandson safe. I know it must have been tough having to fight for him.

Ronettes, Thanks for your kindness, It was not tuff at all. My daughter found out DSS was looking for her, she sent him to me in Jan. 08, March 20 2008, the judge here gave me custody, she did not even show up for court. Her 1st child (my grand daughter who is 3 lives with her dad and nanna who has custody of her and I do see her). WhenI took my grandson away, the alledge father has no rights now and is well let just say is bad a very bad kid and I do not want my grandson to ever find out about him.
PS. He calls us Mama and dadda.

Mods sorry for being off topic u can delete this, I am still learning all the rules here.

Back on topic: jmo, based on my experiences with my daughters that I suggested that maybe Caylee's dad is alive and has her. If so I hope someone tells the LE soon
I still can't convince myself to believe Casey did something horrible to Caylee. I do believe she hid her out to keep her away from Cindy.

I think Cindy is under some tremendous stress, no doubting that, but there is something way off. Possibly whatever transpired between the two prior to Casey moving out.

One thing I see for sure is guilt with Cindy about something. That very well could have been guilt from pushing Casey away.

But for her to go on and on about who does and doesn't have a key to the shed, tells me that even they didn't trust Casey. Point blank.

I'm with you - I'm not ready to say that I think Casey killed her, or that even something bad happened to her. I know it's entirely possible, but just looking at those photos of Casey out and about a couple days after (and I think even the day of, right?) Caylee went missing, and seeing how happy she looked makes me think that she passed Caylee off to someone.

I think 1 of 2 things happened here. Either Casey accidently killed this child
She was angry with GM and couldn't cope with having the child around all the time and asked some unscrupulous person she met up with to watch the child for a while. Maybe she met that person in the neighborhood where that apt. bldg. was. I am going on the thought that part of what Casey says is true. Maybe this baby sitter lives nearby. Maybe Casey was happily having a good time and just left the child with this person but the person was a crook and took the child and sold it for money. Could have sold her to a sex ring (God forbid) or to some unscrupulous people that sell children. Or maybe it is just some nut that wanted a child and then took off with her.

I would think if this baby sitter took her in an innocent way, she would have produced her by now. So either Casey killed the child by accident or stupidly gave her to someone she met around the boyfriend's neighborhood and truely doesn't know where this person took the child. The problem is, she has done all this lying which is way worse than the scenario I present above. Maybe Casey didn't want to child but didn't want the mom to have her either so sold her. I just hope we found out but it is illegal to sell children so if this was done, no one is going to come forward with her and I doubt she will ever be taken out in public untl she gets older and is not recognized.
According the this morning's Fox vid, Caylee has been missing from Casey since June 14th? Really. Has she shared this with LE?

So...she's been "missing from Casey since June 14th," but Casey's boyfriend, Anthony, hasn't seen Caylee since June 2nd -

Casey was out at FUSIAN for the album release party (and photographed there) on June 13th - (she also invited Jesse to this, see the comment she left him on his MySpace) ...... something happen the night of the album release???
I work in TV. The fact that grandma is so off the handle with reporters is ratings gold. No way are they going to stop talking to her as long as she's willing to put herself out there.

It's already starting to become a media circus, courtesy of Geraldo bringing on Dog the Bounty Hunter to weigh in with color commentary.

From the network's standpoint, more eyeballs is always good (same theory applies to local stations and news media).

From the standpoint of Caylee's recovery, more media attention is better than less, and grandma's confrontational demeanor only serves to put more pressure on the family to cough up what they know but aren't saying.
I know you are right about this! It is good for ratings. I think the public is so shocked by Cindy that we are waiting to see what outrageous thing she will do next.
I'm with you - I'm not ready to say that I think Casey killed her, or that even something bad happened to her. I know it's entirely possible, but just looking at those photos of Casey out and about a couple days after (and I think even the day of, right?) Caylee went missing, and seeing how happy she looked makes me think that she passed Caylee off to someone.


Absolutely. This is how I've felt all along from the instant I saw the smirk/smile on Casey's face as she was being escorted into the court room in handcuffs.

She wasn't trying to look devastated or worried.
Salem, I've been leaning along these same lines as well. But I also think Amy had something to do with it. Casey steals money from her before Amy goes on a trip to PR. Amy still lets Casey use her car and her b/f while she's away, and live at her place, yet she only kicks her out AFTER she returns.

I don't think Amy thought it through, she reported Casey stealing money to Cindy when questioned about Casey's whereabouts. I'm guessing Amy never thought this would get LE involved.

All IMO, of course.
Did Amy ever kick Casey out, or did grandma simply show up to retrieve her after Amy gave out the address?

Anthony Lazzaro told law enforcement that the first he knew of the disappearance was when detectives showed up at his home. That would have been some time on/after July 15th.

He also told them he called Amy and instigated the phone call from her to the detective. This had to have been at the earliest, July 15th when she returned from Puerto Rico.

It was on July 15th that Amy spoke with grandma and she came to the apt to bring Casey home. Am I missing a statement from her about throwing Casey out?
This couple seems to walk on egg shells with there daughter,and that just bothers me. Why are they afraid of her. They seem to be hiding something about her.

Just a thought but MAYBE they realize how unstable she is too, and remember Melinda Duckett and little Trent, still officially " missing". I see MANY parallels between Melinda and Casey.
"A daughter she probably had no reason to doubt until now."

No disrespect, but I kind of doubt that. Casey didn't just become a liar overnight, not the kind of lies she was telling.

The gm has put herself in front of the media and the public asking for help finding her grand-daughter. How she comes off does have an impact on the public.

One thing I don't understand is why did Casey need this babysitter when she lived home and I would assume her grandparents would be watching Caylee, and Casey didn't work (another lie that she mother apparently didn't realize). So did Casey get ready to go to work every day, leave, take Caylee to a babysitter...and then what did she do all day?

The particular incident that bothers me is when the gm said Casey told her that Caylee was staying overnight with the babysitter and that was the last time she saw her. That just seemed very odd to me when she lived home, why would she find the need (or expense) to have Caylee stay overnight with anyone, when the grandparents were home and I assume watched her most of the time. And the way she said it made me think she knew exactly who this babysitter she didn't seemed surprised at this arrangement. The gm didn't seem like the type of person who would want her granddaughter staying with a sitter when she could be home sleeping in her own bed.

EXACTLY! And why would any of her friends believe that Caylee was with "the nanny," - if Casey wasn't working, surely her close friends would know this and find it off that Caylee was always with "the nanny????"
Caylee wouldn't have even had to get hurt for Casey to be jealous. She took that little girl from the only home she'd ever know with people who were caring for her. I am sure Caylee cried for her grandma and that really got on Casey's nerves. But was it enough for Casey to do something terrible about it?
This is a good point. WHY did she take the child out of that home. Cindy denies they had a fight, but I don't believe her.
Something is being covered up. If Casey likes partying wouldn't it have been better to leave Caylee at grandma's where she had a built in babysitter?:waitasec:
THAT i agree with!

Caylee is "out there somewhere". No one thinks she vaporised into thin air...:bang:

Question is alive or not? Living with someone who cares? Or not?

Everyone seems to be skirting the issue here, which is HASTE is urgent.

Meanwhile everyone plods along....

IMHO Casey won't talk to Cindy...

Forgive me if I am duping someone elses' post-i am having trouble getting caught up! I am not sure Baez is saying anywhere that she is alive-he keeps talking about bringing her home to the people who love her and that releasing his client will be the way to do that....
Seems to me Cindy is afraid of the questions that may be asked about what happened to her grandaughter....... and much more afraid of the answers she may hear.

Also why release Casey so she can help?
If she wants to help so much, why can't she do so from where she sits?
Seems to me Cindy is afraid of the questions that may be asked about what happened to her grandaughter....... and much more afraid of the answers she may hear.

Also why release Casey so she can help?
If she wants to help so much, why can't she do so from where she sits?
My thoughts exactly!
Well, I'm out of here. I've been following this since the start and even began the very first thread.

But I find myself increasingly unhappy and disappointed by most of my fellow websleuthers.

Legitimate questions have been asked such as when was the last time anyone saw Casey driving the car (for example) yet no one (or hardly anyone) even tries to answer.

For the most part it is villify Grandma and say someone should force Casey to talk.

Well, this is America and the unfortunate truth is we can't force anyone to talk.

Unless evidence ends up showing me otherwise, I will try ad remain understanding of the Grandmother. She's lost her beloved granddaugther (and I have seen no evidence to prove otherwise). The daughter she loves has been show to be a pathological liar in front of the whole world. A daughter she probably had no reason to doubt until now.

And that daughter is her her only link to Caylee.

If I were her, I would also be desperately hoping Caylee were alive. That my daughter didn't harm her. that Casey, despite everything, might still tell the truth. That if the grandmother defends her enough and believes in her enough, something good will happen. What else can she do?

This thread(s) remind of the Ramsey boards. Vilify the parents or grandparents. Ignore other lines of inquiry.

I will continue to hope and pray for Caylee as well as for those who love her.

Did we miss YOUR input??
With all of this 'double talk', 'hemming & hawing' and 'talking of codes'....I have to wonder if Caylee's parentage is the big family secret?
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