Caylee Anthony 2 yr old #30 general discussion

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That's another thing that bothers me -- that she seems to be completely fine with the fact that she is in jail. What?

Not a word about getting her out, nothing about how terrible it is in there -- the calls are so devoid of any emotion that one would expect of someone in jail.


I agree with you. It is almost sounding like it is a badge of honor with her- maybe she feels like she can regale all her peeps and gangsta wannabe boys with her stories about her time in the "big house"when she gets out!

Has anyone else noticed that, besides her flat affect and non-chalant 'tude that she uses certain phrases, combinations of words that are trying to sound grown-up, and more sophisticated? I am not saying she isn't smart with a good vocab, but it sounds as if she is trying to sound superior, and really up on LE and legalese, the inner workings of her situation as if she is a participant (not a defendant!). I don't have any specifics of comments, but it stands out to me.

Also-just like a 'friend' I know who I've nicknamed Erik The Liar- I've noticed a pattern. Whenever Erik The Liar lies (which is most of the time), they are never simple sentances, simple lies. They are always very convoluted, given with too much information. For example (and I am parphrasing here), when Lee asks if Casey The Liar (hereto known as CTL)if she thinks Caylee is okay- she doesn't just simply say yes, she has to say "well, as I told mom this morning, and my lawyer, and the psychiatrist that the court appointed for me today, in my gut I feel like she is" and then she continues to say that she will let him know if that "obviously (huh?) if that changes she will alert someone and mom knows the bond...Blah Blah Blah Blechity Blah....

In other words she has to pad all her answers and sandwich them between other statements. I guess that is what I meant about her trying to spin her stories and sound as though she's really giving it a lot of thought, when the truth is that she can't give a one word or short statement LIE. I've noticed that when someone asks me to do something I don't want to do- I cant just say "no I don't want to", I've got to give a story about why I CAN'T.

Sorry for the longish post. Does anyone else think this way?
That late June - if you go by the phone call where supposedly Caylee is heard in the background and Casey tells her to get off the table - well that was June 24 - so I'm thinking that's where they are basing this.

I'm way behind and trying to catch up with this thread! I think by now that LE has got all the phone records and has put them in some sort of logical order........all the calls between Casey and Cindy, calls between Casey and Lee, calls between Casey and friends, etc. There may be only one call between Jesse and Casey after Father's Day - June 15th, the one on June 24th, so they may be including it as a baseline.
On Dan Abrams Casey's new atty Micheal Walsh was just asked about the call between Casey and Jesse on June 25th. He discounted it because Jesse was fired from LE for mental issues.


stopping myself from commenting
Has anyone posted the Sawgrass Apartment reviews yet ??? Doesn't sound like a nice place to leave your child . Some make your skin crawl

It sounds like the perfect place if you want to claim someone stole your kid. Ick.

It's sad... you can see Caylee had a very lovely home with Cindy & George.... who knows where this poor child was dragged around when her grandparents weren't around to monitor party girl.
I bet Jesse's dad is REAL happy to hear THAT crap. lol

Walsh sounds as nutty as Casey & Baez.
K, now that could be funny. If Jesse was reserve and wanted to go full time maybe he was required to take the battery of numerous tests physc tests. If you fail you can always appeal as its often BS reasons for failing. Not sure if this happened but it's very possible. Unless he got jammed but I lay odds it was those tests, same answers flipped a trillion different way.
Something happened that changed casey. Something bad. Her friend said she was an honor student in high school and a cheerleader. In most cases when someone snaps as bad as to change their life that radically there is a definite point where you can go back and say "Oh, I bet this or that is why" I would bet she had a something traumatic happen to her about the time she got pregnant with Caylee. If not then her friend is lying about the way she was in high school.

cc, I was thinking the same thing. Something muy tramatic happened to this girl.

Or maybe she has been a lying whack job her whole life.
Greta is on and it looks like they're going to cover a lot o ground today, including an interview with someone at the club, Fusion.
I agree with you. It is almost sounding like it is a badge of honor with her- maybe she feels like she can regale all her peeps and gangsta wannabe boys with her stories about her time in the "big house"when she gets out!

Has anyone else noticed that, besides her flat affect and non-chalant 'tude that she uses certain phrases, combinations of words that are trying to sound grown-up, and more sophisticated? I am not saying she isn't smart with a good vocab, but it sounds as if she is trying to sound superior, and really up on LE and legalese, the inner workings of her situation as if she is a participant (not a defendant!). I don't have any specifics of comments, but it stands out to me.

Also-just like a 'friend' I know who I've nicknamed Erik The Liar- I've noticed a pattern. Whenever Erik The Liar lies (which is most of the time), they are never simple sentances, simple lies. They are always very convoluted, given with too much information. For example (and I am parphrasing here), when Lee asks if Casey The Liar (hereto known as CTL)if she thinks Caylee is okay- she doesn't just simply say yes, she has to say "well, as I told mom this morning, and my lawyer, and the psychiatrist that the court appointed for me today, in my gut I feel like she is" and then she continues to say that she will let him know if that "obviously (huh?) if that changes she will alert someone and mom knows the bond...Blah Blah Blah Blechity Blah....

In other words she has to pad all her answers and sandwich them between other statements. I guess that is what I meant about her trying to spin her stories and sound as though she's really giving it a lot of thought, when the truth is that she can't give a one word or short statement LIE. I've noticed that when someone asks me to do something I don't want to do- I cant just say "no I don't want to", I've got to give a story about why I CAN'T.

Sorry for the longish post. Does anyone else think this way?

I think W.C Fields explains it well:

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with b.s."
Her defense is now saying they will only tell LE the date Caylee went missing since now the pics of Casey are out from June 20th. They will not confirm any date.

If defense knows where that baby is they better offer it up to LE. Now if its too late MUM!
cc, I was thinking the same thing. Something muy tramatic happened to this girl.

Or maybe she has been a lying whack job her whole life.

She dropped out of high school, what, 2 credits shy of graduation? After being a cheerleader and honor student?? I'd say some trauma happened around that time. IMO. And I'd go further to speculate rape based on her behavior since. just my opinion.
Ok - let's go the other way - that something happened Father's Day night or that Monday between Casey and Cindy. IMO Casey and Cindy got into it over money, shopping, clubbing, partying, whatever - verbal fight - gets nastier and nastier. Cindy grabs a vase, the land phone, something hard and is going to hit Casey with it - in a gut reaction Casey grabs Caylee and uses her as a shield and - bing, bang, pow, now Caylee is gone. This could go either way - Cindy tried to hit Casey or Casey tried to hit Caylee. Cindy freaks and Casey is still really po'd - so they make this plan - Casey will take a mini-vaca with Caylee and "clean it all up" - even gives her the CC to help. Somewhere along the line Casey decides she's just gonna party hardy and spend all mommie's money. Cindy gets more and more po'd that the money is just going - so she finds Casey and tells her she is going to pin this all on her. Casey is all smiles in jail because she knows momma is gonna take it all in the end - that is WHEN SHE TALKS !!!
Fusion D.J. says Casey didn't work there...........she was only a friend of Tony. Casey met Tony at a party on May 24th. This D.J. lived with Tony the last two weeks of June and Caylee was not there! This guy (not named) is Tony's best friend.
cc, I was thinking the same thing. Something muy tramatic happened to this girl.

Or maybe she has been a lying whack job her whole life.
Maybe she was just sick of her life. Her friend Amy was into theater, her ex Jesse was becoming a cop, her current BF Tony was a club promoter and wanna-be R&B producer, her friend Kristina was a happy mom.

Casey's the loser who got stuck getting pregnant from a one-night stand at 19, hasn't held a real job in years, lies like the rug on the floor - and her friends all know it, still lives at home with an overbearing mother and maybe sells drugs or her body for cash. What's to like?
Casey's new atty - Walsh is trying to dispute the former D.J. The D.J. only is getting involved at this point because he caught the attorney's lying last night on Greta.
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