Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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To take a page from Baez, two questions about the dogs:
1. Were the dogs used air sniffers or ground sniffers?
2. Were they trained specifically for cadaver or were they multi-purpose? Somw fogs are trained in a number of detection areas, such as cadavers, fire accelerants, narcotics, ora ny combonation of the above.
Just wondering as that may have affected the dogs alerts.

Even though there is still ground sniffers most cadaver dogs are air sniffers now a days. My guess would be they used air sniffers in this case. From my experience when we train a cadaver its just for the that field. Thats there job and only job.Thats there main purpose.A narcotic dog or any other trained dog other then cadaver dog will not hit on human remains.
Okay, asking again. Someone has to know the answer to this.

QUESTION: This is in regards to the flurry of phone calls she made to her parents around the time of Caylee's disappearance. Was it ever stated from cell phone records where she was when she was making these calls?

It wouldn't seem like it would take the cell phone co long to figure out where she was when she made these calls............... To me, this is a very important piece of information.
I would hope LE has snatched up ANY computer Casey had access to.

Many postings could place her in a certain place & time.

I also think she *might* have researched the name ZFG online.

Oh, they will get the IP address associated with each & every computer she used to log into various sites. From that they will get to each of the physical devices she used and will do forensics on those PCs.

Technology will be critical to constructing a time line in this case.
Of course the defense will suggest that anyone could have been using her login info...
Okay, asking again. Someone has to know the answer to this.

It wouldn't seem like it would take the cell phone co long to figure out where she was when she made these calls............... To me, this is a very important piece of information.

You're right, but for a trial LE has to prove everything that they say to be fact beyond question. So they may now "know" but won't release any of that info until it is beyond reproach, or unless it can help in their investigation.
Okay, asking again. Someone has to know the answer to this.

QUESTION: This is in regards to the flurry of phone calls she made to her parents around the time of Caylee's disappearance. Was it ever stated from cell phone records where she was when she was making these calls?

It wouldn't seem like it would take the cell phone co long to figure out where she was when she made these calls............... To me, this is a very important piece of information.

I assume LE has that information but it has not been made public as far as I know.
for all of those people that believe that you have seen all you need to see of casey anthony..remember this...
you have only seen her actions for probably a total of 5 minutes running...arrest time phone call to family time...and bond hearing time...really 5 MIN. TOPS!!!...
and you have only heard her speak to her family for maybe 10 min. tops...MOM...LEE..whatever
I'm sick of everyone claiming that thay know what she is or how she is...we don't know S*@*T. All we know is what we're shown!! And we feed on it like cows in the meadow...

Honestly, I've spent some time clubbin it up..and the pics took while "partying" at fusion could have spanned a total of 30 min. a couple of songs...a contest or two...a drink or two...
no pictures have come out that shows that during that time she was getting too wasted...heck her hair wan't even wet..(as mine always was from drinking and dancing!!)

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!
WOW...I'm gald that so many people are experts in determining a persons mental well being/state of mind etc...based on less than 1 HOUR OF MEDIA FED INFORMATION!!
really...we don't really know who Casey is or what she has done...all we can do is speculate...every one of us...
I can see it now...the mob with torches and pitchforks!!
I, myself will wait for the evidence to appear before I make my decision...
until then I will pray that this sweet child comes home safe!!

What part of her partying in the days after her daughter was either kidnapped or murdered have you missed? That's the point here. That is NOT mother of the year material. Or indicative of a nice person. Actually that's the actions of someone who is plain evil. She's a documented liar and a thief. Once you've personally dealt with a sociopath as I have, you can spot them a mile away.
(snipped)Honestly, I've spent some time clubbin it up..and the pics took while "partying" at fusion could have spanned a total of 30 min. a couple of songs...a contest or two...a drink or two...
no pictures have come out that shows that during that time she was getting too wasted...heck her hair wan't even wet..(as mine always was from drinking and dancing!!)

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!
WOW...I'm gald that so many people are experts in determining a persons mental well being/state of mind etc...based on less than 1 HOUR OF MEDIA FED INFORMATION!!
really...we don't really know who Casey is or what she has done...all we can do is speculate...every one of us...
I can see it now...the mob with torches and pitchforks!!
I, myself will wait for the evidence to appear before I make my decision...
until then I will pray that this sweet child comes home safe!!

I'm a newbie too. Hope is a wonderful thing. I think everyone on this board would be doing cartwheels if Caylee was found safe and sound.

But then there are statistics. And the few facts we do have: That Casey was out partying when her daughter's whereabouts were unknown. Whether it be for 5 minutes or all night, how do you put on makeup and a dress and smile pretty for the camera when your two-year-old is GONE? Research my butt.

She's been proven a liar. Maybe not to the extent that she's a murderess, but we know she lies. Her credibility ain't all that, KWIM?

And I find it extremely arrogant that she thinks, as a 22-year-old unemployed fabricator that she could do a better job at "investigating" than LE. That takes cahunas, IMO.

I've had a child harmed by another's hand. And yes, I was calm and rational when I had to talk to homicide detectives and medical personnel. And I did talk. I told them everything I could possibly think of to help them. And then I would go into the hospital waiting room or my child's hospital room and sob. Not for me, but for my child. I'd like to see Casey's cell video. Is she lying on her bed sobbing uncontrollably? Reports so far are about her reading law books and sleeping. Not grieving. And even if she knows Caylee is alive, she would still be grieving. What mother could stand to be separated from their child for 2 months and not have a broken heart?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are pretty good it's going to be a duck. Either that, or the Anthony family is having the worst string of co-inky-dinks and bad luck I have EVER seen.
Computers & cell phones, a way of life these days !! her friends are upset that THEIR phones & computers are being checked also.

Good morning!
I bet she doesn't have many friends now and if they're halfway decent people they'd be voluntarily turning over their phones or anything else to help find Caylee.

I had my first child when I was 19 - and raised him on my own with very little help from anyone else until I met my husband 3 years ago (single mom for 6 years)

NEVER EVER EVER EVER once did I put partying before my child....EVER! I worked TWO jobs - and attended school. Partying was never an option - I was/am a mother!

His fathers family took him once when he was almost 2 - and didnt return him at the scheduled time ---- I was on the phone with the police as soon as the "Half hour alloted by Friend of Court" was up......

He was NEVER "left at the steps" to a babysitter ---Nor did he have a babysitter who liked to "frequent clubs" at night -----

Just my opinion --- but theres a BIG difference between single mom - and young mom who had a child that grandparents "raise"

On the same topic - my parents were 15 and 19 when I was born -- my mom at 16 realized that she just wasnt ready and couldnt provide --- and left me with my father. Years later (18) I had the oppurtunity to meet her ---- and thank God EVERY day that she made the choice she did. Some people unfortunately NEVER grow up ---

Every child deserves a mother --- but not every mother deserves her child.....

You did a great job and proved age doesnt always make a good Mom.
I know someone who had their first (and only) child at 15, helped by her parents for 2 yrs but AWESOME Mother, the last time I saw her son, he was in Universaity and had turned out just brilliant.
She always put him ahead of herself. And worked....hard to support him.
This was a beautiful young woman, Im sure she couldve dated constantly but she didnt.
The dogs skills/training and background, will come into question and its to be expected by the defense being Baez. Both the dogs hits and the evidence in the trunk, etc., will be highly important, which will also include the (aka) officer's the partners of the dogs. All will be scrutinized by Baez. I'm sure the officer's will handle themselves well when it comes down to this. The dogs speak for themselves, pun intended but in a sense they do.

Baez and Walsh will work hard to discredit the dogs along with their partners. Their angle will be, to knock out as much evidence, as possible, which includes any and all testimony that could follow the evidence which LE has collected. A true legal battle of the wits and a plain Ole legal loop holes, thrown in for the extra topping.
the sheer fact: initial call to 911 that cindy states ''it smells like a dead body in the damn car'' plus the fact that shes a nurse will only back up where the dogs hit.
Okay, asking again. Someone has to know the answer to this.

QUESTION: This is in regards to the flurry of phone calls she made to her parents around the time of Caylee's disappearance. Was it ever stated from cell phone records where she was when she was making these calls?

It wouldn't seem like it would take the cell phone co long to figure out where she was when she made these calls............... To me, this is a very important piece of information.

You know LE has the info, but to them it's EVIDENCE, that they don't have to release.
Just briefly talked about on Fox News.. Now the Anthony's want the cadaver dog reports.

They have also been told by LE to shy away from the media interviews which is why they have been more quiet lately.

And LE searches the lakes/ponds near the Anthony home.

They are bracing for the worst now and it isn't going to be a pretty sight when the reality sinks in. This is the part I will hate seeing the Anthony's go through.
yes i will be sad for them. very heartfelt for them. they are good people caught up in a terrible tragedy.
My main question from the beginning --- and still...........

Why are there no "active" search parties besides the psychics???

Why arent the grandparents and the family forming they're own search parties?

Where is the rest of this family? Are there no aunts? uncles? cousins? Friends of the family????
What part of her partying in the days after her daughter was either kidnapped or murdered have you missed? That's the point here. That is NOT mother of the year material. Or indicative of a nice person. Actually that's the actions of someone who is plain evil. She's a documented liar and a thief. Once you've personally dealt with a sociopath as I have, you can spot them a mile away.

Thank you SuziQ!
I find myself shaking my head at some of the comments I see posted here complaining about how these people are picking on the Anthony family.
Just when I think I've seen it all with the Anthony family, someone posts about how inline they are with them and their actions. Makes me realize there are more potential Casey Anthonys, Scott Petersons, Vanderslutes out there in the making.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are pretty good it's going to be a duck. Either that, or the Anthony family is having the worst string of co-inky-dinks and bad luck I have EVER seen.

Exactly. And we are knee deep in duck chit.
Good morning!
I bet she doesn't have many friends now and if they're halfway decent people they'd be voluntarily turning over their phones or anything else to help find Caylee.

Voluntarily or not, who wants LE snooping thru your records ??

and yes I'm sure many of them did it voluntarily.
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