Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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i saw where a reporter was at fusion (sp?) saying the crowd had dropped from around 400 to about 80 people. what does everyone have to hide?

or are they afraid of something? just surprised that age group wouldn't enjoy the attention.

The underage drinking caught in pictures may have put a damper on their business.
i saw where a reporter was at fusion (sp?) saying the crowd had dropped from around 400 to about 80 people. what does everyone have to hide?

or are they afraid of something? just surprised that age group wouldn't enjoy the attention.

Not really, alot of the activity that goes on you don't want people watching. Especially LE and stalker grandparents. It's not worth the hassle. There's plenty of other clubs to hang out at.
I'm a newbie too. Hope is a wonderful thing. I think everyone on this board would be doing cartwheels if Caylee was found safe and sound.

But then there are statistics. And the few facts we do have: That Casey was out partying when her daughter's whereabouts were unknown. Whether it be for 5 minutes or all night, how do you put on makeup and a dress and smile pretty for the camera when your two-year-old is GONE? Research my butt.

She's been proven a liar. Maybe not to the extent that she's a murderess, but we know she lies. Her credibility ain't all that, KWIM?

And I find it extremely arrogant that she thinks, as a 22-year-old unemployed fabricator that she could do a better job at "investigating" than LE. That takes cahunas, IMO.

I've had a child harmed by another's hand. And yes, I was calm and rational when I had to talk to homicide detectives and medical personnel. And I did talk. I told them everything I could possibly think of to help them. And then I would go into the hospital waiting room or my child's hospital room and sob. Not for me, but for my child. I'd like to see Casey's cell video. Is she lying on her bed sobbing uncontrollably? Reports so far are about her reading law books and sleeping. Not grieving. And even if she knows Caylee is alive, she would still be grieving. What mother could stand to be separated from their child for 2 months and not have a broken heart?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are pretty good it's going to be a duck. Either that, or the Anthony family is having the worst string of co-inky-dinks and bad luck I have EVER seen.
Great post! I am sorry you have been through anything so horrific tho. :( My heart truly goes out to you and your family. Because you have been there, your words carry a lot of weight with me. This is how I would perceive a mother to react to the news her child was missing. I think I would be able to do nothing more than sit in my puddle of tears while I tried to make any sense of what was happening to my child. It is a parent's worst nightmare and Casey acts like it is all just another day.

For the poster who was saying we have a lynch mob mentality here...nothing could be further from the truth. After you have been here awhile and talked to sisters, mothers, aunts, brothers, fathers of the missing/ learn that they grieve in different ways...but they still grieve. You can read it in their posts. It can rip your heart out to hear their pain. :(

In Casey's case, there is no grief in going partying, laying up with your new boyfriend and his pals, and lying to everyone who could possibly help find your child. This isn't coming from an hour and a half of news bites. This is coming from the research our wonderful posters have done for weeks plus the collective experience we have in dealing with families of missing children. She is her child's worst enemy at the moment due to her actions or lack of actions, I should say. Are we supposed to not take notice?! :rolleyes:
Well --- Caseys comments about "I feel it in my gut" "shes still ok" "mom would understand the feeling"

My children arent with me? I dont know where they are? Who they're with? If they're being harmed? Or worse...dead? Im sorry but I definetly dont "feel in my gut that they're "Ok" " And any other MOM ---- I say mom because anyone can be a mother - it takes love to be MOM --- is not going to feel their child is "ok"
Sweetyhide..I love your box in the left hand corner. I have been going through some stuff recently and that i my motto, too! Get up, survive, go back to bed. Thanks for a laugh this morning!

My motto also!
Most days thats all I am capable of.

back to Casey: I don't think she was at the airport for amy from that news article. Seems like that was later on. But then again I cant remember squat.
Tamfish, casey took Amy to the airport the 8th? 9th? of July and Amy returned the 15th of July...pings were June 17th. (think that's how it goes)
for all of those people that believe that you have seen all you need to see of casey anthony..remember this...
you have only seen her actions for probably a total of 5 minutes running...arrest time phone call to family time...and bond hearing time...really 5 MIN. TOPS!!!...
and you have only heard her speak to her family for maybe 10 min. tops...MOM...LEE..whatever
I'm sick of everyone claiming that thay know what she is or how she is...we don't know S*@*T. All we know is what we're shown!! And we feed on it like cows in the meadow...

Honestly, I've spent some time clubbin it up..and the pics took while "partying" at fusion could have spanned a total of 30 min. a couple of songs...a contest or two...a drink or two...
no pictures have come out that shows that during that time she was getting too wasted...heck her hair wan't even wet..(as mine always was from drinking and dancing!!)

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!
WOW...I'm gald that so many people are experts in determining a persons mental well being/state of mind etc...based on less than 1 HOUR OF MEDIA FED INFORMATION!!
really...we don't really know who Casey is or what she has done...all we can do is speculate...every one of us...
I can see it now...the mob with torches and pitchforks!!
I, myself will wait for the evidence to appear before I make my decision...
until then I will pray that this sweet child comes home safe!!

Stole $1000 from friend Amy
Stole Credit Cards from parents (Cindy has the bank statements to prove it per 911 call)
Stole gas from parents shed (per police report filed by George)
Out partying while Caylee was missing
Didn’t report Caylee missing for 31 days
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter lived
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter’s mother lived
Lied to law enforcement about babysitter
Lied to law enforcement about her office was located
Lied to law enforcement about being employed at Universal Studios
Lied to law enforcement about Hopkins and Lewis introducing her to babysitter
Will not talk to law enforcement about locating Caylee

No I think she just is what she is... Actions speak louder than words.
If anything good is to come out of this it will be that people in a similar situation, being held hostage by their children with threats of taking the child away, will be strong enough to do what is right for the safety of the child even if it means alienating the mother of the child.
I base my impressions on 31 days, not one hour.
Her child was gone for 31 days and she carried on her life as normal.
AFAIC, that is pathetic.:furious:

Regarding the cell phone pings near the airport:

We know Amy went to Puerto Rico on vacation. Casey was using Amy's car while she was gone.

Any chance Casey was dropping Amy at the airport for her outbound flight?

I'm one of those holding out hope that Caylee is still alive and that no mother could be so cold, cruel and heartless as to be out partying while their child was missing, unless they knew she was safe and protected.
That being said, if her phone was pinged on the 17th near the airport, might she have been taking Caylee and the nanny to the airport so that they could fly out of the area?

I realize I'm reaching and just grasping at straws, but I'm trying to think of any explanation that doesn't leave Caylee dead.
Also - I know this was discussed yesterday (I was waiting for member approval) but the butterfly shirts --- with the "Fly Home" comment......

Angels fly -- little girls WALK!

that concerned me too. i'm sure they have an illogical explanation for it but it makes no sense to me. fly as in angel....or fly as in airplane....either way i don't need any help at this point in being confused and it's just more confusion. maybe that is their point :nuts:
Originally Posted by whiteangora
I base my impressions on 31 days, not one hour.
Her child was gone for 31 days and she carried on her life as normal.
AFAIC, that is pathetic.

Couldnt agree more -- and dont know how to do smileys.....:(
Watch out, the space key is a choker

Actually I am wondering if she will. I sure hope so.

yes, thats gonna hurt if im wrong :crazy::behindbar
SS... I love your posts. You are a voice of reason.

Dreamfeather... Welcome to WS! I also hate to see anyone experience such tragedies.

Stole $1000 from friend Amy
Stole Credit Cards from parents (Cindy has the bank statements to prove it per 911 call)
Stole gas from parents shed (per police report filed by George)
Out partying while Caylee was missing
Didn’t report Caylee missing for 31 days
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter lived
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter’s mother lived
Lied to law enforcement about babysitter
Lied to law enforcement about her office was located
Lied to law enforcement about being employed at Universal Studios
Lied to law enforcement about Hopkins and Lewis introducing her to babysitter
Will not talk to law enforcement about locating Caylee

No I think she just is what she is... Actions speak louder than words.

save this one and post it whenever needed

cause this says it all :crazy::behindbar
I have seen anywhere from 35,000 to 45,000. I have not caught a accurate figure from LE, maybe I missed it. Doubt it will make much of a difference if there is no complainant.

I guess George & Cindy will just have "eat" that loss or they/bank will have to prosecute her! Man, that sure is a chunk to eat?
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