Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #96

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Because it takes that long, at times, to get a judge to sign off on it. Also, in the meantime they searched the yard.

But not that long to ask the owner if they can take samples or investigate the smell. Things that were not done. Also in cases like this, there is reasonable suspicion of a persons life in great danger which overrides the need for a warrant. They could have said they detected the odor of death and due to the pressing urgency immediatle impounded the vehicle.
That is speculation from a source that has not had their credibilty verified. There is no actual PROOF that she did borrow a shovel. If she did, she had a viable explanation for it. Shovels aren't used exclusively to bury bodies. If she had borrowed a gun, then I would have to change my opinion.

I think what I am trying to convey is this, I want to believe in the babysitter/kidnapper story, but I have nothing but a lie to start from. At least when I strip away all the lies, I get a change in family dynamic on the 15th, 16th of June, an abandoned car, and no phonecalls to a person who has her kid.
How do you explain what the detective said on stand, under oath? How do you explain Cindy saying, prior to changing her tune, "It smells like a da** dead body was in the car?"
IF it wasn't for that, you might have an agreeable argument.

Isn't there a chance it isn't Caylee that was dead in the car? Maybe someone else? Caylee may well have been sent away for her protection, or being held as a means to keep Casey quiet about something much worse.

I never stated no body, no crime. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.

I simply stated until there is more evidence that Casey killed her daughter or covered up her daughters death, I will not join the majority and call her a babykiller. If Casey is guilty, I will be one of the first to say I WAS WRONG, If by the slim chance Caylee is alive, how many of you will do the same???
I was thinking she would change the image on the mobileboard to the ones she has seen on TV that she thinks she looks best in. Maybe install a beer tap.
sorry, not a fan.
LE were responding to a reported kidnapping. When they arrived at the house, did Cindy or George tell them to go "sniff" the car? At that point, why would LE think the car had anything to do with Caylee being kidnapped?

I doubt it but I would hpe that the dispatcher alerted them to what was said during the 911 call
That is speculation from a source that has not had their credibilty verified. There is no actual PROOF that she did borrow a shovel. If she did, she had a viable explanation for it. Shovels aren't used exclusively to bury bodies. If she had borrowed a gun, then I would have to change my opinion.

The shovel is in evidence, Id say that's proof
Just one point I would like to make, and everyone can toss it out of their minds if they choose to do so.
You cannot investigate, counsel, or psychoanalyze people using YOUR OWN life experience. It may seem a lot like your own situation, but believe me if you use that way of figuring things out you come out wrong. Each and everytime.
Take yourself and your experiences out of the equation. It may or may not be like your situation. When we fix things one way in our minds we may, just may, miss the answers. JMHO

THat is why I have studied this objectively without using my experience to form my opinions. Past experiences aside and focusing on the evidence, nothing says that Caylee is dead.
I was thinking she would change the image on the mobileboard to the ones she has seen on TV that she thinks she looks best in. Maybe install a beer tap.
sorry, not a fan.

If she has her way the billboards the fliers and t-shirts all go away, because they endanger the family, and Caylee.
The shovel is in evidence, Id say that's proof

A shovel is in evidence, are we sure it's the one. Has LE come out and said that that is the shovel in question? Are her prints on it? Does that shovel match the marks on the shed? Does the dirt on it match the dirt in the trunk or does it match the dirt in the Anthony's backyard?
Isn't there a chance it isn't Caylee that was dead in the car? Maybe someone else? Caylee may well have been sent away for her protection, or being held as a means to keep Casey quiet about something much worse.

I never stated no body, no crime. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.

I simply stated until there is more evidence that Casey killed her daughter or covered up her daughters death, I will not join the majority and call her a babykiller. If Casey is guilty, I will be one of the first to say I WAS WRONG, If by the slim chance Caylee is alive, how many of you will do the same???

I will!
If Casey really turns out to be innocent of harm to her little girl. I will apologize right her on this board.

If I was wrong, I will own up to it.
I doubt it but I would hpe that the dispatcher alerted them to what was said during the 911 call

If LE asked about that statement, Cindy would have told them she just said that to get them out to her house....quick! Which is what she has said since then.
THat is why I have studied this objectively without using my experience to form my opinions. Past experiences aside and focusing on the evidence, nothing says that Caylee is dead.
But, with all due respect, you have been backing up all your statements today with your own experience. You have quoted it as if you KNOW more about this with your first hand experience.
I had a tendency to do the same with abused women at first. I looked at my experiences and judged them all because of what I had been through. I begin to be shocked that though similar they aren't all the same and that some people DO LIE about their experiences.
Not criticizing you, or picking you out. Lots of folks have used their personal experiences here. I don't think it's a good idea for a lot of reasons. Their are people who lurk boards that don't need to know all of our personal experiences, ect.
Ten years from now you may be sitting in a job in which you wish you had never had these things in print. Just a thought. No harm meant to you personally.
RIGHT and if it smelled like a dead body in that car, didn't police who originally arrived at the Anthony home to take the report sniff the inside of the car?
I'm running out so I can't re-listen to the deputy's bond hearing testimony until later, but if I remember correctly Baez asked him several questions about when he arrived on the scene.

It was somewhere around 3AM on the 16th. Do we know when he checked the car and smelled decomp? Maybe it wasn't until later that day after they'd arrested Casey?
Some people are thinking too much! NOBODY, and I mean nobody, lets someone take her kid (keep her from them), go party and have fun for over a MONTH, and never reports it for over a month if they are innocent!!

It sounds simple because it is. Don't over think this.:doh:
Isn't there a chance it isn't Caylee that was dead in the car? Maybe someone else? Caylee may well have been sent away for her protection, or being held as a means to keep Casey quiet about something much worse.

I never stated no body, no crime. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.

I simply stated until there is more evidence that Casey killed her daughter or covered up her daughters death, I will not join the majority and call her a babykiller. If Casey is guilty, I will be one of the first to say I WAS WRONG, If by the slim chance Caylee is alive, how many of you will do the same???

I have been tempted to offer to take down my missing persons blog if Caylee is found alive. I haven't because in all of the offerings made to the Anthony's to make this like a missing persons case with a timeline, accurate dates, correct tip line numbers, correct fliers, there has been no response. If we are wrong I will write an apology and send a donation for Caylee's college fund and hope the state takes her well being into account before giving her custody to anyone in the Anthony family.
THat is why I have studied this objectively without using my experience to form my opinions. Past experiences aside and focusing on the evidence, nothing says that Caylee is dead.

Thank heaven I have no personal experience to use.
What about the two cadaver dogs both hitting on the same spots? It's not just this discrete piece of evidence, or that piece of evidence, but all of it cumulatively, to me, paints an overwhelming portrait of Casey's involvement and guilt.

Doesn't Casey make her own involvement obvious?
I see nothing that says that Caylee is dead. Well, nothing that isn't speculation or misinformation. I am not a conspiracy theory nut and if some one does find Caylee's body or copious amounts of blood that can be proven to be hers, then I will believe that she is dead. Right now, the actual evidence in no way points to that.

Well then I'd love to have you on my jury if I'm ever being tried for homicide. I guess I could walk into my victim's home, with 25 witnesses observing me enter the place and the same 25 people knowing that my victim is inside the place. I could kill my victim, chop him up into pieces and put him in my briefcase. Walk out of his home, again with 25 people seeing me leave the place. No one ever sees the victim after I leave his place. And I'm innocent so long as I didn't leave any forensics and I'm smart enough to dispose of the body parts.
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