Caylee Anthony Drowned In Family Pool Theory

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If Caylee drowned in the Anthony's pool would they have taken the pool down

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I had a swimming incident with my youngest son also. He was probably 4 or 5 and had only had maybe one swim class in at the time. I was older when I had him so I was probably around 41 or so. I was sitting with my sisters at a poolside table and my son and his two cousins were swimming near the ladder. It was one of those 5 feet deep pools. I saw my son go under, jumped out of my chair, bent down and as I held on to the ladder I put my other hand under and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up. Thankfully he was ok. He had little or no experience swimming underwater at that time. I just reacted.

BUT....I honestly can't say I would have reacted the same way if I'd have been in my early 20's. If I'd been in my early 20's I may not have even been watching him. I hate to admit that but it is true. The mother you are in your 20's is NOT the mother you are in your 40's.

So...IDK how KC would've reacted to an accident. I just don't see the accident theory though. To just doesn't jive with the rest of her behavior since Caylee was last seen. In my opinion....there was no accident. It was a willful killing.


So true. Now I really feel bad as I'm an older mom too! I know what you mean though and life goes wrong sometimes even for the most well meaning people.

Something I did do right, because there was early talk about Caylee and bagels. I was on the phone and my son was almost four. I was chatting away and he came in and grabbed something off the kitchen counter and took the fifteen steps back to were the TV was. A minute or two later I walked out there and he was standing still his face a purplie-red color. I immediately took my hooked index finger, inserted it into his mouth and did a finger sweep to the back of his throat. Out came the sodden bagel he had snuck from under my nose off the counter. He took a breath and was fine. I thought 'wow, I didn't even know I knew that.' That time some instinct thingy kicked in. My child kept me hopping when he was young and that's almost an understatement!
During jail video visitation with KC, Ca said something about an accident with the pool....that "people" were saying that is what happened. I think one of the best ways to clear up the topic is to find the "people" who said that to CA.

Now CA also stated somewhere......(please help me find the reference) that the neighbors heard splashing around during the day and that was woven in with the discussion about the gate, and ladder. Who are "those" people?

Do these "people" exist? I would think that if there were an interview that corroborated that story that we would have seen the interview by now. So can someone point me to these "people" to back up CA's jail video statements???

I remember something about this but it never made any sense to me. Who are the neighbors to the right (if you're facing) of the A's house? What have we heard from them?

The neighbor, BB shovel guy, to their left and closest to the pool coincidently arrived home from his vaca to Chicago on June 16, 2008. What time did he arrive home? I remember his interview was one where, at first, he couldn't recall the exact date he returned home. let alone what time. I thought 'don't any of these people use calendars.'
Cindy's brother said he's frustrated that she believes Casey. In early August reporters asked Cindy Anthony a lot of tough questions about Casey's lies and Eyewitness News has learned Cindy's own brother was asking those same questions.

However, his inquiries ended in a family feud. In an email exchanged in August, Cindy's brother Rick Plesea, who she rarely talked to, told her his theory: "Caylee drowned in the pool, and Casey put Caylee's body in the trunk of her car." and "That is why the dogs hit on the trunk." From there the exchange deteriorated to insults.
While not impossible, I believe KC has shown herself to be quite capable of nearly anything. I am of the opinion that had there actually been an accident, KC would have taken the opportunity to play the grieving mother for years. It would have been quite something to hold over C & G and won eons of sympathy. It was also a much better cover story than, "the nanny took her," but no one ever accused KC of being a genius.
I'll add one more possibility and then everyone can tell me how idiotic I am -

One more possibility - Caylee drowned while under somebody else's watch.
Well, ironically Cindy was the last known person to be in the pool with Caylee ~ but I don't think this is at all what happened. MOO
I'll add one more possibility and then everyone can tell me how idiotic I am -

One more possibility - Caylee drowned while under somebody else's watch.

Don't believe this is possible as CA & GA idolized Caylee, and I don't believe either so ignorant as to try and cover up an accident. Further, KC IMO, would likely have seized on the opportunity to make who ever was watching Caylee feel the guilt into perpetuity.
If the A's had not acted strange regarding their interviews with LE, the public denials and told outright lies, I'm sure I never would have questioned them one bit. The stranger their behavior got, the more I :waitasec: thought what in the world are they hiding? Then, I got wind of how controlling CA is (even if SHE thinks she's doing good) and I thought 'maybe this woman's pride is bigger than anything'.
Okay, what if it wasn't the pool and it was the car? How could KC ever tell CA and GA that she left Caylee in a hot car while she chatted on the phone and forgot about her daughter? I really think that KC would rather fake a kidnapping than face her mother and dad. JMO. I also think she is a psychopath and that is the reason she could just rent a movie with Tony afterwards. He said she was shaken IIRC that night about something. She may have killed her, IDK, but if it was an accident that made her look bad to her mom and dad, she would lie. LIke she did, and is still doing.
Okay, what if it wasn't the pool and it was the car? How could KC ever tell CA and GA that she left Caylee in a hot car while she chatted on the phone and forgot about her daughter? I really think that KC would rather fake a kidnapping than face her mother and dad. JMO. I also think she is a psychopath and that is the reason she could just rent a movie with Tony afterwards. He said she was shaken IIRC that night about something. She may have killed her, IDK, but if it was an accident that made her look bad to her mom and dad, she would lie. LIke she did, and is still doing.

Could be. Now I feel that they know the truth though or at least some version of it and they've know it for a long time imo.
Okay, what if it wasn't the pool and it was the car? How could KC ever tell CA and GA that she left Caylee in a hot car while she chatted on the phone and forgot about her daughter? I really think that KC would rather fake a kidnapping than face her mother and dad. JMO. I also think she is a psychopath and that is the reason she could just rent a movie with Tony afterwards. He said she was shaken IIRC that night about something. She may have killed her, IDK, but if it was an accident that made her look bad to her mom and dad, she would lie. LIke she did, and is still doing.

If it was an accident (and I don't know if I believe that) I think it would be high time, after sitting in jail for 2 years to just say so.
Death Penalty......truth....hmmmm.
IMO, MOTY did something on purpose.
As far as I am concerned, 3 strips of duct tape over Caylee's mouth and nose rules out any possibility of an accidental death. There is no logical reason to put tape over another human's mouth or nose except to stop that human from screaming or breathing (paraphrased from a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court--Huck v. Florida).

No parent has ever duct taped over their dead child's mouth and nose as a "rite of passage". Not ever. I challenge anyone to find a single case where this has happened.

As far as staging a kidnapping, 3 pieces of duct tape is taping for effectiveness, not staging. Television kidnappers just stick a strip over the mouth to get the point across.

In Casey's first bond hearing, Yuri said that when he first interviewed Casey she didn't use the word kidnapped. Lee and Cindy didn't say Casey said Caylee "had been kidnapped". They said Casey said she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days. Cindy is attributed to saying "Who took her?" and suggesting somebody "took" Caylee. In all of those 31 days Casey never once hinted to anyone that her imaginary nanny was acting strangely or a bit "off". Shoot...even while Casey was at Universal she tried to downplay Caylee's peril to LE by saying she'd talk Caylee the day before. And Caylee was happy and fine when Casey talked to her.

Casey's entire cover-up strategy was to hide out, make up stories about who she was with and win over her new obsession. I think in Casey's mind, once she landed her "perfect love" all else would fall into place and she and Tony would go off into the sunset and into beautiful lives. Mom and dad could be placated with more lies just until Tony was hooked enough to replace them and take care of her (the way the prince in Fairy tales always does).

Okay, what if it wasn't the pool and it was the car? How could KC ever tell CA and GA that she left Caylee in a hot car while she chatted on the phone and forgot about her daughter? I really think that KC would rather fake a kidnapping than face her mother and dad. JMO. I also think she is a psychopath and that is the reason she could just rent a movie with Tony afterwards. He said she was shaken IIRC that night about something. She may have killed her, IDK, but if it was an accident that made her look bad to her mom and dad, she would lie. LIke she did, and is still doing.

And face the death penalty? Not likely. IMO, the most likely cause of her actions after Caylee's death is, KC is responsible.
George and Cindy have made it very clear that their love is unconditional and that they will forgive Casey no matter what. They've said it. They opened the door and brought up the swimming pool. LE opened up the accident door. Before Caylee's body was found, the door was open with the state for a deal.

I believe Casey didn't go that route, despite the opportunities, because she'd have to tell where Caylee was and there was duct tape all over Caylee's face. Plus, Casey might not have known that if she only chloroformed Caylee once, just before Caylee's death, the chloroform wouldn't have had time to go through Caylee's system and into her hair and bones. (that is, if Casey mercifully put Caylee to sleep before she killed her). I don't think Casey went with an accident theory, first, because it didn't happen, and more importantly, because she thought she'd left behind too many tell-tale signs of how Caylee died.

We know she had plans to go to AL's that night, which did not include Caylee. She told GA she would be working late, and wouldn't be home that night. An accident, I don't think so! Sounds like pre-meditation to me.
Anyone willing to do the legwork on each of our sources of info about the ladder?

IIRC, we have:

1) Mark Fuhrman relayed in a Fox w/ GVS video piece, and perhaps in his statement, G&C's account to him 'bout the ladder being up. IIRC, his version asserts it was noted by G&9 on Tuesday, 6/17, along w/ the unlatched gate.

2) Tracy M's account as told to her by the G&C&C trio in the kitchen while out on bond. This tale has Casey fishing the ladder outta the pool with the shovel...silly :rolleyes: putting it on shovel day, 6/18, IIRC :waitasec: I have a post on Tracy's thread summarizing this one. I'll bring it over later tonight if someone else does't beat me to it.

3) George's account, which does the best job of giving us some objective events we can use to determine candidate dates against. (Psssst. I'm making this statement like I know what I'm talkin' 'bout, when really I'm just lifting the observation from JWG ;))

4) LP. Only bringing this one up 'cause IIRC, LP claimed @ one time to be 'round when G&C were giving Mark the story 'bout the fight (and perhaps the ladder @ the same time...I really don't recall). And LP seems to claim that he knows something 'bout I'm just expecting he's thrown in his :twocents: x 10 @ some point in time, and I don't wanna rob (pun intended) his fans of the cance to remind me how much we should all love him :)

5) Others? Surely someone is payin, closer attention than I am. :bang:

Alright then. Appreciate to the extent your all willing to entertain a request to focus on naiiling down the best candidate dates (and times if possible) that the ladder was discovered up. Then we can expand on what these dates might tell us 'bout the ladder being up :waitasec::
BJB.....I am working on it now.....GA's interview from 7-24-08 is very telling. At quick review (I am re-reading it) he states the info about the pool ladder was after the gas can incident. And that his wife told him about it....but when the interview goes in that direction GA TOTALLY shifts the 27 of the interview...

Page 35 of same interview...GA states "this is the day the trash cans...ummmm the cans had been taken".

Page 39 discusses that CA and GA were brainstorming and CA said to GA..."there's got to be more to this mess....George remember that day I found the ladder down and the gate?"
George's State Deposition:

pp. 303-304:

George was working the 3-11 shift at his old job (Security Forces) on Pool Ladder Day. He usually tried to call Cindy around 6:00 or 6:30 to make sure she was home OK. He called and Cindy said "Hey, thanks for leaving the gate open" [presumably using her best sarcastic voice]. She also said that the pool ladder was on the pool. He told her he didn't do it.
George's evening cell phone calls to Cindy or to the home phone 6/16/08-6/30/08 (I think 6/30 was George's last day at his old job):

6/25 at 7:42 pm, 2 minute call to the house.
6/29 at 5:34 pm, 3 minute call to the house.
6/30 at 6:05 pm, 1 minute call to the house.

6/23 George got 2 calls on his cell FROM Cindy at 5:23 pm and 5:24 pm.
6/26 George got a call on his cell FROM Cindy at 6:09 pm.

ETA: 3 evening calls to Cindy in 2 weeks? How is that a routine??

ETA 2: I believe George was working each of these days (including Sunday the 29th).

ETA 3: But George's statement makes it sound like Cindy was working too that day. So we can eliminate the 29th if we're inclined to believe him. Also the 30th, because Cindy was off that week. That leaves the 23rd, 25th, and 26th, with the 25th the only one that actually fits George's statement.
Cindy's calls on the 25th after getting home and (perhaps?) finding the pool ladder up and the gate open:

Brittany S. (6:04 pm, 2 min.)
JP C**** (6:13 pm, 1 min. or less)
Casey (6:29 pm left message, followed by 6:36 pm 16-min. conversation in which Casey presumably denies (a) being in Orlando, (b) leaving the pool ladder up).

So Cindy decides it was George and waits for him to call so she can b**** at him about it.

As I have detailed in the "Cindy's Attempts to Contact Zanny" thread, IMO Cindy had Brittany's number in her address book as the number for "Juliet L," and she had JP's number in her address book as the number for "Juliet's mom." This is important because, on June 25, Cindy thought that Juliet was watching Caylee in a Tampa hotel room while Casey was at the hospital with Zanny.

If this was Pool Ladder Day, IMO there was something VERY WRONG in the back yard or house BESIDES an open gate and the pool ladder being up, because Cindy's immediate reaction was not to call George or Casey but to try to call CAYLEE--or at least the person who was supposedly watching Caylee. Under what circumstances would you be desperate to get a 2-year-old girl on the phone? I don't think it was to get an explanation for the pool ladder being up...I think it was because Cindy saw/found something that made her think Caylee was DEAD and she wanted to hear her voice RIGHT THEN.

There are no pings for Casey near the Anthonys' that day, but there are some "gaps" in the pings, in which she might have stopped by the house. The only really "safe" time for her to go that day (half an hour "buffers" between George leaving and Cindy arriving) would have been 3:30-5:00 pm. From the ping gaps, she could possibly have been there around 3:30-4:00.
I also find suspect that in his interview on 7/24/08 GA references that on the first night that the police were at the house that he and CA were "brainstorming" and that CA reminds him..."remember that time with the pool ladder". If you are under the assumption that your grandchild has been kidnapped by a ficticious nanny or that "someone has taken her"....why are you theorizing about a pool ladder.

Also found a few very "juicy" quotes regarding JB being retained......but that's for the other thread.

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