Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #113

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How about if someone takes a damn baseball bat to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious: :furious: :furious:

They will have plenty of pizza, forget about the hose Cindy, throwing pizza is a much better deterent and far more messy!
Anybody wanna lay bets on how long it takes Casey to log into her myspace or facebook account...

Or even better, google her way here?

With all the mixed feelings and anger and disappointment for today's development let's think about this:

Since her defense line has been all along that she does not trust the police or the FBI let her be out. Let her destroy that defense linewhen she will do or say NOTHING to find Caylee. She cannot go on a trial and argue that the police's isolation prevented her from locating her child. She has her chance....

The child will never be located because of Cayse's efforts. The only people who are genuinely working to achieve that are the police. And if the physical evidence are not enough to secure a conviction then this will be a circumstantial trial. This is what I think is happening. The police interviewing EVERYBODY connected to this case, securing a strong circumstantial case and verdict. So let her out and destroy any ''excuses'' she might have used in the future.
This pizza thing seems kind of lame... it's wasting the time & resources of the pizza places. The delivery person shouldn't have to be subjected to any of this!!

I think its downright poetic!!!!!!!!
I wonder if the Anthony's gave the Pizza Guy a tip?
This pizza thing seems kind of lame... it's wasting the time & resources of the pizza places. The delivery person shouldn't have to be subjected to any of this!!

time and resources of pizza places? You are kidding right? It's a pizza place not ahospital. It was not LAME is was genious.
This pizza thing seems kind of lame... it's wasting the time & resources of the pizza places. The delivery person shouldn't have to be subjected to any of this!!

I agreee
I hope she parks her arse in front of the TV and watches what we've all been watching for the last month. :furious:
If she had taken care of her damm daughter she wouldn't be in this mess. And the grand parents too! I'm really angry.

You really shouldn't refer to Caylee as her damn daughter??????????
Okay, where is the release video. I had to run out just as Baez was going into the jail. I must see the release.
I think its downright poetic!!!!!!!!

It's really not fair to the person delivering the pizza. Yeah, ha ha ha ha, but that person wasted their time & gas, didn't get a tip, and has lost out of making other deliveries/getting other tips.
Casey probably devoured it, after eating jailhouse turkey bologna!
I actually wish hundreds of people would picket the house . . . I'd do it if I lived there. Can you imaginge 500-1000 people just walking the streets with signs "Where is Caylee Casey?"
I wonder if the Anthony's gave the Pizza Guy a tip?

Yeah...don't leave any of your pizza's in the trunk as it really could smell it up like a "dead body"
Cindy requested Lee take the garden hose to the reporters! Gosh she's not scoring any sypathy points with anyone now! My God is she insane or what?
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